Development of a Rating Scale to Assess Geropsychology Practice Competencies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Development of a Rating Scale to Assess Geropsychology Practice Competencies


Development of a Rating Scale to Assess Geropsychology Practice Competencies Michele J. Karel, PhD VA Boston Healthcare System Harvard Medical School – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Development of a Rating Scale to Assess Geropsychology Practice Competencies

Development of a Rating Scale to Assess
Geropsychology Practice Competencies
  • Michele J. Karel, PhD
  • VA Boston Healthcare System
  • Harvard Medical School
  • For the CoPGTP Task Force on Geropsychology
    Competency Assessment
  • Michele Karel, Jeannette Berman, Jeremy Doughan,
    Erin E. Emery, Victor Molinari, Sarah Stoner,
    Yvette N. Tazeau, Susan K. Whitbourne, Janet
    Yang, Richard Zweig
  • APPIC Conference, April 18, 2009

  • Increase awareness of efforts to define and
    evaluate competencies for geropsychology practice
  • Consider challenges for designing and
    implementing a competency rating scale
  • Utility in internship and postdoc settings
  • Address ongoing challenges and directions for
    work in this area

Importance of Professional Geropsychology
Training and Evaluation
  • Aging population
  • Workforce shortages for geriatric health care,
    across disciplines
  • Relatively few psychologists have formal training
    in geropsychology
  • Increasing numbers will be working with older
  • How to evaluate competence, and define training
    needs, for psychological practice with older
  • How to help training programs, and post-licensure
    psychologists, expand opportunities for
    geropsychology training

Growth of Professional Geropsychology
  • Growing number of grad, intern, and fellowship
    programs offering geropsychology training
  • Growth of research, journals, professional
  • Several recent milestones
  • APA Office on Aging, established 1998
  • APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with
    Older Adults (2004)
  • CRSPPP recognition of gero as proficiency area,
    1998 and 2005
  • Pikes Peak Model for Geropsychology Training,
    2006 National Training Conference
  • Pikes Peak Training Model defined Attitude,
    Knowledge, Skill competencies for geropsychology
  • How to evaluate professional geropsychology
  • Knight, B.G., Karel, M.J, Hinrichsen, G.A.,
    Qualls, S.H., Duffy, M. (in press). Pikes Peak
    model for training in professional
    geropsychology. American Psychologist.

Project Initiation
  • Council of Professional Geropsychology Training
    Programs (CoPGTP)
  • Formed after 2006 Pikes Peak conference
  • For training programs at all levels
  • CoPGTP undertook to explore methods to evaluate
    Pikes Peak competencies
  • CoPGTP established a Task Force
  • Agreed to start with goal of developing a
    competency rating scale

Project Goals
  • Develop an evaluation tool that would
  • Address the Pikes Peak geropsychology attitude,
    knowledge and skill competencies
  • Be useful for supervisor evaluation of trainees
  • Formative and summative evaluation
  • Be useful for self-evaluation by learners
  • Be useful across levels of training
  • Graduate practicum, internship, fellowship,
  • Be useful to help define ongoing training goals

Pikes Peak Geropsychology Practice Competencies
  • Competency definitions informed by
  • APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with
    Older Adults (2004)
  • Cube Model for Competency Development (Rodolfa et
    al., 2005)
  • Psychology foundational and functional
    competencies develop over course of training
  • 2006 Pikes Peak Conference process
  • Working groups address 6 competency domains
  • (separate working groups address 4 levels of
  • Iterations of competencies lists during
    conference, and afterwards via listserv discussion

Pikes Peak Competencies
  • Are aspirational
  • Aim to facilitate as many psychologists as
    possible to work effectively with older adults,
    not to pose barriers to joining the field
  • Competencies are aimed at level of practice of a
    newly licensed psychologist who has finished one
    year of geropsychology postdoctoral training
  • Competencies not geared to level of an expert,
    but to someone who practices with wide range of
    older adults, families, systems

Pikes Peak Competencies Attitudes
  • Work within ones scope of competence
  • Recognize how ones beliefs about aging and older
    adults may affect practice
  • Appreciate diversity among older adults, and
    interactions between age/cohort and other aspects
    of individual diversity
  • Seek continuing education, supervision,

Pikes Peak Competencies Knowledge Base
  • General knowledge about adult development, aging,
    and the older adult population
  • Foundations of professional geropsychology
  • Assessment
  • Intervention
  • Consultation

Pikes Peak Competencies Skills
  • Professional Geropsychology Functioning
  • i.e., foundational skills applied to
    geropsychology practice
  • Assessment
  • Intervention
  • Consultation
  • Note Skills for functional domains of research,
    supervision, and management are important for
    growth of geropsychology, but were not included
    in Pikes Peak core competencies for practice with
    older adults

Pikes Peak CompetenciesSettings of Care
  • Geropsychologists should be able to deliver
    services effectively in range of (at least 2)
    settings, such as
  • Outpatient mental health services
  • Outpatient primary care/medical settings
  • Inpatient medical service
  • Inpatient psychiatric service
  • Long-term care settings including nursing homes,
    assisted living facilities, home care, day
  • Rehabilitation settings
  • Hospice
  • Others

CoPGTP Competency Evaluation Task Force
  • Monthly conference calls, 9/07 to 7/08
  • Reviews of relevant, informing materials
  • Small working groups define behavioral anchors
    for each competency domain
  • Iterative reviews of all scale items by larger
  • Group discussion, selection, editing of
  • Rating scale/anchors and vignette
  • Introduction to the evaluation tool
  • Task Force and other CoPGTP members try out the
    scale to evaluate a student, oneself, or both

Informing Materials Psychology Competencies
  • Guiding principles and recommendations for the
    assessment of competence
  • (Kaslow et al., 2007 and other publications of
    APA Task Force on Assessment of Competence)
  • Assessment of Competency Benchmarks Work Group
  • A developmental model for defining and measuring
    competence in professional psychology
  • Joint effort of APA BEA and CCTC
  • The Practicum Competencies Outline
  • Hatcher Lassiter (2007), workgroups of ADPTC
    and CCTC

Informing MaterialsGeropsych Competency
  • Example of evaluation tools used in various
    geropsychology practicum, internship, and
    postdoctoral programs
  • Also, examples of competencies and evaluation
    methods from
  • Medicine ACGME Outcome Project, 2000
  • Geriatrics, Palliative Care, Geriatric Social
    Work, Geriatric Psychiatry

Delineation of Geropsychology Knowledge and Skill
  • Each Pikes Peak competency domain (e.g.,
    foundational geropsychology skills) is defined by
    3-8 specific competencies (e.g., ethical
    practice, appreciation of diversity,
  • We aimed to further specify each of these
    competencies with behavioral anchors
  • How would you know it if you saw it (in oneself
    or another)?
  • e.g., what does it really mean to Relate
    effectively and empathically with older adults
    clients, families, and other stakeholders in a
    range of professional roles and settings?
  • This approach leads to a very long evaluation

Example Delineating one of the foundational
skill competencies
Example Delineating one of the assessment skill
Evaluation of Attitudes
  • Pikes Peak attitudes for competent geropsychology
    practice are embedded in the foundational skills
  • E.g., self-reflection re biases/discomforts,
    awareness of limits of ones competence, seeking
    consultation, seeking continued education
  • Attitudes are specified in tools introduction
  • For now, attitudes not evaluated separately
  • Perhaps they should be? How?

Rating Scale
  • Developmental rating scale
  • Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Proficient,
  • Scale anchors conceptually complex
  • Adapted definitions from Hatcher and Lassiter
  • Included in anchor definitions how much
    supervision/consultation likely needed
  • Provided vignette and approach to that case to
    illustrate each level of competence
  • Instructions to rate each Pikes Peak competency,
    not each behavioral specifier (but can if

Rating Scale
  • Abbreviated scale anchors, printed on each page
  • N Novice Possesses entry-level skills needs
    intensive supervision
  • I Intermediate Has a background of some
    exposure and experience ongoing supervision is
  • A Advanced Has solid experience, handles
    typical situations well requires supervision for
    unusual or complex situations
  • P Proficient Functions autonomously, knows
    limits of ability seeks supervision or
    consultation as needed
  • E Expert Serves as resource consultant to
    others, is recognized as having expertise

Rating Scale
  • Expected ratings vary considerably through levels
    of training
  • Practicum Novice through Advanced
  • Internship Novice through Proficient
  • Fellowship and post-licensure Intermediate
    through Expert
  • Ideally, usable to evaluate a trainee, AND to
    evaluate oneself

Introduction to the Evaluation Tool
  • Reviews
  • Purpose of tool
  • Pikes Peak competencies as aspirational
  • Application across range of geropsychology
    practice and training settings
  • Instructions for use
  • Including that evaluation should include the
    learner's perspective (self-assessment),
    observation of the learner's work, and regular
    supervision involving case discussion
  • Psychologists and trainees conducting
    self-assessments can evaluate their training and
    supervision needs in each area
  • Definition of rating scale anchors, and
    illustration of its use through a case vignette

Piloting the Evaluation Tool
  • Asked CoPGTP members, and ourselves, to complete
    the tool to evaluate a student or oneself
  • 13 responses
  • 6 CoPGTP members (other than us)
  • 4 Task Force members
  • 3 from Task Force members students/staff
  • Used tool to
  • 4 to evaluate a student
  • 5 to evaluate oneself
  • 2 evaluated oneself and a student
  • 2 provided general feedback without specifying

Asked for Feedback
  • Asked folks to answer these questions
  • How did you use the tool (to evaluate a student,
    or yourself?)
  • What was your general impression of using the
  • Was the introduction to the tool clear?
  • Was the rating scale (Novice, Intermediate,
    Advanced, Proficient, Expert) understandable?
  • Was the length of the tool a problem? Did it
    adequately address breadth/depth of
    geropsychology competencies?
  • What do you think the best use of this tool will
  • Do you expect to use this tool? In what way?
  • Any other feedback?

  • Most felt tool is very long, but worth it given
    attention to breadth and depth
  • A few felt it was too long for practical purposes
  • (Challenge how to cut?)
  • Most felt introduction was clear, but needed
    clarification not to rate each specifier
  • Most liked the NIAPE rating scale

  • Concerns raised about the scale included
  • Does it apply as well to knowledge as skills?
  • Does it work as well for practicum level training
    where students may be novices in most areas?
  • Is Expert rating too loaded (people not
    comfortable using that term?)
  • Can scale capture development over time?
  • If/how best to evaluate attitudes
  • Suggestion to have summary page
  • Strengths
  • Areas for growth
  • Ongoing training goals

Use of the Scale to Date
  • Disseminated to CoPGTP training programs and APA
    12-2 and 20, PLTC listservs
  • Programs (grad, intern, and postdoc) are starting
    to use the tool for
  • Initial training needs assessment with students
  • Mid-year/final supervisory evaluations
  • Student self-evaluation (encouraging

Use of the Scale to Date
  • Tool being used by some for program self-study
    and development
  • Defining training program objectives
  • Evaluating, in discussion with students and
    supervisors, how well program is addressing each
    competency domain
  • Helping to evaluate competence of new
    geropsychology supervisors and define their
    training goals
  • Being used in community/CE education programs on

Uses for Intern/Postdoc Training
  • Along with APA standards, can help define
    rotation/track training objectives
  • Gero evaluation scale is rotation/track specific,
    and adjunctive to training programs more general
    evaluation tools
  • Extremely helpful for initial training needs
    assessment because students come in with widely
    varying previous gero experience
  • Clinical, academic, research
  • Can tailor initial training plan and review over
    course of the training year/rotation
  • It is additional work at evaluation time for
    supervisor and student not clear how strong a
    barrier this may pose

  • Aims Examine utility and validity of the rating
    scale, initially for self-evaluation purposes
  • Which competencies rated as most vs least
  • Do self-rated competencies relate to years of
    training or practice?
  • To settings and major activities of practice?
  • What feedback is provided after completing the
  • Planning on-line survey
  • Of psychologists who work with older adults and
    geropsychology graduate, intern, posdoc students
  • Eventually, plan longitudinal study of
    supervisory evaluations of developing

  • Will clinicians see such a tool as helpful or
    somehow restrictive to practice?
  • Will supervisors/learners use such a long
    evaluation tool (even if can pick and choose
    domains of relevance)?
  • Can competencies be reduced/streamlined?
  • Can we boil down further core competencies? Are
    some more essential than others? (??)
  • May vary across settings/populations of older
  • Will tool be useful as self-evaluation,
    self-study aid?
  • Can competency ratings be linked to training

Opportunities/Future Directions
  • Helpful for initial training needs assessment
    with a student, to guide training plan
  • May help to develop on-line version, then select
    only domains that are relevant to training
    program, rotation
  • Useful as guide to developers of CE programs?
  • Develop organized, sequential CE offerings?
  • Ultimately, plan to link competencies to training
    resources and opportunities
  • Working to keep such list updated at CoPGTP
  • Expand toolbox of gero competence evaluation
  • Largest challenge - how to expand interest in,
    and opportunities for, training in professional
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