Title: Evaluation and Quality Libraries Performance
1Evaluation and Quality Libraries Performance A
view from Portugal and Brazil Luiza Baptista
Melo Maria Imaculada Sampaio Faculdade de
Ciências Universidade do Porto Universidade de
São Paulo Departamento de Matemática
Aplicada Instituto de Psicologia Biblioteca B
iblioteca Rua do Campo Alegre, 687 Av. Prof.
Mello Moraes, 1721-Bl. C 4169-007 Porto,
Portugal 02128-020 São Paulo, Brasil E-mail
E-mail isampaio_at_usp.br
ABSTRACT Library services quality is a
concept that libraries all over the world have
adopted, which concerns the way for assessing
user needs, satisfaction and performance at
libraries. During the last ten years some
Portuguese and Brazilian librarians have
researched methodologies to assess a
documentation centers progress towards
No.166/99, 13th May) Defines quality in public
services as a management philosophy that
improves effectiveness and efficiency of
the services and simplifies the
procedures and the proceedings and
satisfies the citizens explicit and
implicit needs. BRAZILIAN LEGISLATION (Law no
10.294, 20th April, 1999) Defines quality in
public services in São Paulo State as a right of
the citizen. The public agents must provide
respect, cordiality and efficiency on
services offers. The focus is the development of
quality management in public services must
reduce the complexity of rules and
procedures, produce more comprehensive and
clean information, provide more flexibility
operating hours and more responsive, sympathetic
service provision. MonitorDoc
Quality monitoring in
Documentation Centers,1999 A
Portuguese version of a process of
Self-Assessment based in EFQM
Excellence Model to improve performance in a
library. ISO90012000
Quality Management Systems
Information and documentation -
Library performance indicators
ISO116201998/Amd. 12003(E)
Additional performance
indicators for libraries SERVQUAL Model for
SAMPLE SIZE Where N total
population size Z? - desired confidence level
95 1,960 p - success rate 80 , i.e.
0,80 n - number of units in a sample h
moderately high accuracy - 0,03
- Our mission is to adjust the libraries to the
measure of the man (ECO, 1983), and to offer
learning services, books and resources that
enable all members of the school community to
become critical thinkers and effective users of
information in all formats and media as suggest
the guide lines of UNESCO School Library
Manifesto. - User perceptions measurements are judgments
about service performance and one of the most
important issues to reach service quality. As
users perspective is integrated into planning and
making-decision, performance indicators are
meant to assess quality of libraries services.
- CADERNO de Projecto Completo (2002). PAQ
programa de avaliação da qualidade implantação
de um processo de avaliação contínua da qualidade
dos produtos e serviços oferecidos pelas
Bibliotecas do SIBi/USP. São Paulo SIBi/USP
http//www.sibi.usp.br/gestao/Proj10/paq.pdf - MELO, Luiza Baptista MONTEIRO, Maria Isabel
(2001). Projecto de avaliação dos serviços da
Biblioteca da Universidade Lusíada do Porto.
Páginas ab. 7 69-84. - MELO, Luiza Baptista SAMPAIO, Maria Imaculada
(2003). Avaliação da qualidade em serviços de
informação uma visão luso brasileira . Páginas
ab. 11 37-60-84. - OCHÔA, Paula PINTO, Leonor Gaspar FONSECA,
Cristina Corregedor de (1999) . MonitorDoc
monitorização da qualidade nos centros de
documentação. Lisboa Ministério da
Educação-Secretária Geral.