Title: Soja : Fertilizacion Fosfatada
1VII World Soybean Research Conference Foz do
Iguazu, 1-5 March 2004
Soil Fertility Management for Soybean in Argentina
Fernando O. García INPOFOS Cono Sur
- Soybean production and nutrient availability in
different regions - Nitrogen management
- Phosphorus management
- Sulfur The most recently deficient nutrient
- Balanced fertilization Nutrient interactions
- Fertilization of double cropped soybean
3Argentina Soybean planted area
RR varieties
Soybean area increased at a rate of 577 thousand
ha in the last 12 years
4Argentina Soybean average yield
Soybean yield increased at a rate of 49 kg/ha in
the last 12 years
5Northcentral No current nutrient limitations
Northwestern Several areas with low P
Northeastern P and K deficiencies Low pH
Northern Pampas S deficiency P deficiency
Western Pampas Low OM, S deficiency Areas with
low P
Eastern Pampas P deficiency
Southern Pampas P deficiency
Soybean production regions and nutrient
6Nutrient Removal and Application in Wheat, Corn,
Soybean and Sunflower Argentina - Average
Nutrient application was 29, 45, less than 1,
and 9 of the N, P, K, and S extracted per year,
7P availability in the Pampas region
Darwich, 1980, 1993 and 1999
Area I Low (lt 10 ppm)
Area II Medium (10-20 ppm)
Area III Adequate (gt 20 ppm)
8N management
- Seed inoculation is a generalized practice for
most soybean farmers - Biological N fixation supplies 30-70 of the
total N need (González, 1996) - Direct N fertilization at planting has not shown
grain yield responses - Applications at reproductive stages (R1-R3) have
shown variable results
9Inoculation in Soybean in Fields with Soybean
HistoryA. Perticari (2003), INTA Castelar
Means of 5 sites of the soybean production areas
of Argentina 2001/02 growing season
10P management
- Soybean response to P fertilization is widespread
in deficient soils of the Pampas and the
northeastern and northwestern regions - A network of 31 field experiments determined a
Bray 1 P critical level of 12 mg/kg for soils of
the Pampas (Díaz Zorita et al., 2002)
P fertilized
11Yield response to P fertilization as a function
of soil Bray 1 P 31 field experiments in the
provinces of Santa Fe and Buenos Aires2000/01
and 2001/02Network Proyecto INTA Fertilizar
Soybean yield response (kg/ha)
Soil Bray P (mg/kg)
12Recommendations of P fertilization for soybean
according to soil Bray P content and yield goal
(Echeverría and Garcia, 1998)
Yield goal Bray P content (mg/kg) Bray P content (mg/kg) Bray P content (mg/kg) Bray P content (mg/kg) Bray P content (mg/kg)
lt 4 4-6 6-8 8-11 11-16
ton/ha ------------------------------ kg P/ha ------------------------------ ------------------------------ kg P/ha ------------------------------ ------------------------------ kg P/ha ------------------------------ ------------------------------ kg P/ha ------------------------------ ------------------------------ kg P/ha ------------------------------
2 19 14 12 10 -
2.5 21 17 15 13 -
3 24 20 17 16 11
3.5 27 22 20 18 14
4 29 25 23 21 16
4.5 32 28 25 24 19
13- Full season soybeans
- Averages of 6 sites
- Rate of 12 kg/ha of S
14(No Transcript)
15Soybean Interaction PS Network Project INTA
Fertilizar (Pampean Region , 53 sites)
16Soybean fertilization at Videla (Santa Fe) -
2002/03H. Vivas y H. Fontanetto EEA INTA
17Network AAPRESID-INPOFOS - 2001/02 Averages of
10 sites in the Pampean Region
18Network Project INTA Fertilizar INTA Cañada de
Gomez - G. Gerster et al. - 2001/02 Residual
effects in Double-cropped Soybeans
Check 2331 kg/ha
N in Wheat 2482 kg/ha
NP in Wheat 2544 kg/ha
NPS in Wheat 3098 kg/ha
19Residual effects of NPS fertilization in the
wheat for double cropped soybeans
11 sites/years SW Santa Fe-SE Córdoba Thomas et
al., 2003
6 sites/years Central Santa Fe Vivas
Fontanetto, 2003
20Future research
- The role of soil organic P fractions in P supply
for soybean - P management for the crop rotation
- The development of fertilization recommendations
for S - The evaluation of S sources
- Potential responses to secondary nutrients and
micronutrients (Ca, Mg, B, Mo) - Sustainability of current soybean production