Title: Examples
1Align Organizational Systems Practices For
Diversity Cox Ch 6
- Examples
- Time
- Space
- People
2Aligning Time-based Practices Systems for
- E.g., Flextime?
- Allow work to be done in non-business hours
- Specify whether employees are able to take paid
or unpaid time from work for family reasons - Enforcing time-off policy similarly for all has a
diff impact on diff cultural groups
3Advantages Disadvantages of Flextime
- Adv Helps in attraction, retention motivation
of diverse workforce - Dual-career couples
- Women workers (see IBM Thomas 04)
- Men w/parental responsibilities (see IBM Thomas
04) - Workers w/eldercare responsibilities
- Workers who want to exchange income for leisure
time - Disadv Time off policies conflicts with business
strategy to stay productive with few workers
working longer hours
4Aligning Space-based practices for Diversity What
are Class Distinctions?
- Policies reinforcing status hierarchies based on
gender, class, work type - Symbolic
- Substantive
5Symbolic Class Distinctions
- Unequal access to washrooms for both sexes
- Fewer washrooms for women vs. men when having
equal number - Reserved parking areas by job-type
- Could serve as a reward for some?
- Restricted access to some office floors
- Different office furnishings based on job level
- Executive dining rooms/washrooms
6Substantive Class Distinctions
- Differential benefits (e.g., retirement, vacation
time) for hourly vs. salaried employees - Unjustified differences in access to information
- Differences in access to incentive compensation
(e.g., stock options) based on job-type
7Aligning Systems Practices For Diversity
- Examples
- Time
- Space
- People
8Aligning Recruiting Practices to Diversity
- Hire promote those less resistant to making
workplace more inclusive - Examples
- Selection Tools
- Recruiting Teams
- Recruiting Sources
- New Hire Orientation
9Recruiting Practices Selection Tools
- Selection tools assess diversity competency
- Include diversity related material in selection
tools (e.g., interview questions assess diversity
competency) to gauge applicant skill in resolving
issues pertaining to diversity - Assess previous training or educational
experience on diversity
10Recruiting Practices Recruiting Teams Sources
- Form recruiting teams of members of different
work specialization, gender, race, age - Serve as role models, have different perspectives
in hiring - Ensure a broad representation of disciplines
universities when recruiting - E.g., Native Americans, People with Disabilities,
Hispanics, Women (IBM Thomas 04)
11Recruiting Practices New Hire Orientation
- Clearly identify organizations diversity-related
commitment achievements - Assign buddies/mentors to aid in socialization
into organizational culture (e.g., IBM) - Attend to implications of diversity for mentoring
(i.e., minority group new hires have mentors
from majority minority groups see Dear White
boss article)
12Aligning Performance Appraisal Practices for
- Check for Group Identity Effects
- Use diversity as a criterion for assessing
13Does group identity affect Performance Appraisals
- Group identitygender, ethnicity, age etc.
- Examine performance evaluations by group identity
of evaluator and employee - Identify reasons for differences
- Avoid perpetuating stereotypes E.g., Teaching
evaluations study
14Causes for Group Identity Differences in
Performance Appraisal
- Pre-existing group differences in education,
experience, post-hire training - Existence of work-climate barriers (e.g,
stereotyping, prejudice, ethnocentrism) that
prevent members of some groups to perform at
their full potential
15Causes for Group Identity Differences In
Performance Appraisal
- Supervisors use of stereotypes or level of
prejudice results in lower evaluations of some
groups even though performance of all groups is
similar - Asking employees to evaluate themselves can
disadvantage some groups due to differences in
16Overcoming Group Differences in Performance
- Change performance appraisal instrument
- Use multiple sources to evaluate performance
- Enhance awareness of bias training on how to
avoid it in ratings - Enhance awareness of removal of work-climate
barriers that lead to differences in actual
17Aligning Performance Appraisal Practices for
- Check for Group Identity Effects
- Use diversity as a criterion for assessing
18Diversity as a Criterion in Performance Appraisal
- Examine performance appraisal process to
determine how to integrate diversity content into
it - Identify specific behaviors that enable a
diversity-tolerant climate - Include behaviors that represent bad
diversity-related performance
19Diversity as a Criterion in Performance Appraisal
- Incorporate diversity behaviors into planning
assessment stage of performance appraisal - Tab 6.2 6.3
- Ensure rewards, development staffing decisions
are made as a consequence of displaying good
diversity-related performance
20Aligning Career Development Practices for
- Example Career Development Practices
- Job Postings
- Annual Development Planning
- Succession Planning
- Global Career Paths
21Career Development Practices Job Postings
- Make all opportunities visible to qualified
members of all identity groups - Use a competitive fair screening process to
ensure consideration of all applicants - Provide specific feedback to non-selected
applicants to prevent misattributions
22Career Development Practices Annual Development
- Specify skills and competencies to be
strengthened in the coming year, provide action
plan to acquire them - Help increase pool of qualified underrepresented
groups for future vacancies - Incorporate diversity competency as part of
action plans for majority group members (e.g.,
Tab 6.4)
23Career Development Practices Succession Planning
- Identify those who can be potential replacements
for people occupying key jobs in the org ensure
that they get the developmental experience they
need for such key jobs - Ensure that the succession planning candidate
pool is diverse on gender, race, national origin,
work specialization etc. - Ensure candidates in succession planning
candidate pool are diversity-competent
24Career Development Planning Global Career Paths
- Provide multi-national career paths for
high-potential employees - Knowledge gained by those with multi national
experience should be passed to others to aid in
their development - Ensure equal opportunity for multinational jobs
- Ensure cultural training to people going to
from country where company has headquarters (not
just those going to other countries)
25Kinds of Systems Practices to Align for
- Time Flextime Policies
- Space Class Distinctions
- People
- Recruiting Practices
- Selection Tools
- Recruiting Teams
- Recruiting Sources
- New Hire Orientation
- Performance Appraisal Practices
- Check for Group Identity Effects
- Using diversity as a criterion for assessing
performance - Career Development Practices
- Job Postings
- Annual Development Planning
- Succession Planning
- Global Career Paths