Chapter 21: Nuclear Chemistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 21: Nuclear Chemistry


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 21: Nuclear Chemistry

Chapter 21 Nuclear Chemistry
  • Chemistry The Molecular Nature of Matter, 6E
  • Jespersen/Brady/Hyslop

How are atoms formed?
  • Big BangIntense heat 109 K
  • Cooled quickly to 106 KT of stars
  • e, p, n formed and joined into nucleiatoms
  • Mostly H and He (as in our sun)
  • Rest of elements formed by nuclear reactions
  • Fusiontwo nuclei come together to form another
    heavier nucleus
  • Fissionone heavier nucleus splits into lighter
  • Various other types of reactions

Nuclear Shorthand
  • Nucleons
  • Subatomic particles found in the nucleus
  • Protons (p)
  • Neutrons (n)
  • Nuclide
  • Specific nucleus with given atomic number (Z )
  • Atomic Number (Z )
  • Number of protons in nucleus
  • Determines chemical properties of nuclide
  • Z p
  • Mass Number (A)mass of nuclide
  • A n p

Shorthand for Writing Nuclides
  • Where X atomic symbol
  • e.g.
  • In the neutral atom e p Z
  • Isotopes
  • Nuclides with same Z (same number of p), but
    different A (different n)

Hydrogen Deuterium Tritium
1 p 1 p 1 n 1 p 2 n
  • Radioactive isotopes
  • Isotopes with unstable atomic nuclei
  • Emit high energy streams of particles or
    electromagnetic radiation
  • Radionuclides
  • Another name for radioactive isotopes
  • Undergo nuclear reactions
  • Uses
  • Dating of rocks and ancient artifacts
  • Diagnosis and treatment of disease
  • Source of energy

Mass Not Always Constant
  • Mass of particle not constant under all
  • It depends on velocity of particle relative to
  • As approaches speed of light, mass increases
  • When v goes to zero
  • Particle has no velocity relative to observer
  • v/c ? 0
  • Denominator ? 1
  • and m mo

m mass of particle v velocity of particle m?
rest mass c speed of light
Why dont we observe mass change?
  • In lab and ordinary life, velocity of particle is
  • Only see mass vary with speed as velocity
    approaches speed of light, c
  • As v ? c, (v/c) ? 0 and m ? 8
  • In lab, m mo within experimental error
  • Difference in mass too small to measure directly
  • Scientists began to see relationship between mass
    and total energy
  • Analogous to potential and kinetic energies

Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy
  • Mass and energy can neither be created nor
    destroyed, but can be converted from one to the
  • Sum of all energy in universe and all mass
    (expressed in energy equivalents) in universe is
  • Einstein Equation
  • ?E (?mo)c 2
  • Where c 2.9979 108 m/s

Mass Defect
  • Rest mass of nuclide is always less than sum of
    masses of all individual nucleons (neutrons and
    protons) in that same nuclide
  • Mass is lost upon binding of neutrons and protons
    into nucleus
  • When nucleons come together, loss of mass
    translates into release of enormous amount of
    energy by Einstein's relation
  • Energy released Nuclear Binding Energy
  • Nuclear Binding Energy
  • Amount of energy must put in to break apart

What is Mass Loss?
For given isotope of given Z and A
Ex. 1 Binding Energy Calculation
  • What is the binding energy of 7Li3 nucleus?
  • Step 1. Determine mass loss or mass defect
  • A. Determine mass of nucleus
  • mass of 7Li3 m (7Li isotope) 3me
  • 7.016003 u 3(0.0005485 u)
  • 7.0143573 u
  • B. Determine mass of nucleons
  • mass of nucleons 3 mp 4 mn
  • 3(1.007276470 u) 4(1.008664904 u)
  • 7.056489026 u

Ex. 1 Binding Energy Calculation (cont.)
  • C. ?m mnucleus mnucleons
  • 7.0143573 u 7.056489026 u
  • 0.0421317 u
  • mass lost by nucleons when they form nucleus
  • Step 2. Determine energy liberated by this change
    in mass
  • ?E (?mo)c2
  • ?E 6.287817 1012 J/atom

Ex. 1 Binding Energy Calculation (cont.)
  • ?E 6.287817 10?12 J/atom 6.0221367 x
    1023 atoms/mole
  • ?E 3.78655 1012 J/mole
  • 3.78655 109 kJ/mole
  • Compare this to
  • 104 105 J/mol (102 103 kJ/mol) for chemical
  • Nuclear 1 10 million times larger than
    chemical reactions!!

MeV (Energy Unit)
  • Nuclear scientists find it convenient to use a
    different Energy unit MeV (per atom)
  • Electron volt (eV)
  • Energy required to move e? across energy
    potential of 1 V
  • 1 eV 1.602 1019 J
  • M(mega) 1 106
  • So 1 MeV 1 106 eV
  • 1 MeV 1.602 1013 J

Ex. 1 Binding Energy Calculation in MeV
  • For Ex. 1. Converting E to MeV gives
  • Often wish to express binding energy per nucleon
    so we can compare to other nuclei
  • For Li3 with 3 1p and 4 n this would be

Ex. 2 Calculate E Released
  • The overall reaction in the sun responsible for
    the energy it radiates is
  • How much energy is released by this reaction in
    kJ/mole of He?
  • m (1H) 1.00782 u
  • m (4He) 4.00260 u
  • m (0?) 0.00054858 u

Ex. 2 Calculate E Released (cont.)
  • ?m mproducts mreactants
  • ?m m (4He) 2m (e ) 4m (1H)
  • ?m 4.00260 u 2(0.00054858 u) 4(1.00782 u)
  • ?m 0.02758 u
  • We will convert u to kg, kg m2/s2 to J, and
    atoms to moles in the following calculation

?E 2.479 1012 J/mol 8.268 109 kJ/mol
Your Turn!
  • Determine the binding energy, in kJ/mol and
  • MeV/atom, for an isotope that has a mass defect
  • 0.025861 u.
  • A. 2.3243 109 kJ/mol 24.092 MeV/atom
  • B. 3.8595 1012 kJ/mol 24.092 MeV/atom
  • C. 7.7529 kJ/mol 8.03620 108
  • D. 2.3243 109 kJ/mol 4.1508 102 MeV/atom

Your Turn! - Solution
Binding Energies per Nucleon
  • Divide binding energy EB by mass number, EB/A
  • Get binding energy per nucleon

Implications of Curve
  • Most EB /A in range of 6 9 MeV (per nucleon)
  • Large binding energy EB /A means stable nucleus
  • Maximum at A 56
  • 56Fe largest known EB /A
  • Most thermodynamically stable
  • Nuclear mass number (A) and overall charge are
    conserved in nuclear reactions
  • Lighter elements undergo fusion to form more
    stable nuclei

Implications of Curve
  • Fusion
  • Researchers are currently working to get fusion
    to occur in lab
  • Heavier elements undergo fission to form more
    stable elements
  • Fission
  • Reactions currently used in bombs and power
    plants (238U and 239Pu)
  • As stars burn out, they form elements in center
    of periodic table around 56Fe

  • Spontaneous emission of high energy particles
    from unstable nuclei
  • Spontaneous emission of fundamental particle or
  • Nuclei falls apart without any external stimuli
  • Discovered by Becquerel (1896)
  • Extensively studied by Marie Curie and her
    husband Pierre (1898 ? early 1920's)
  • Initially worked with Becquerel

Fun Facts
  • Marie and Pierre Curie discovered polonium and
  • Nobel Prize in Physics 1903
  • For discovery of Radioactivity
  • Becquerel, Marie and Pierre Curieall three
  • Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1911
  • For discovery of Radium and its properties
  • Marie Curie only
  • Marie Curie - first person to receive two Nobel
    Prizes and in different fields

Discovery of Radioactivity
  • Initially able to observe three types of decay
  • Labeled them ?, ?, ? rays (after first three
    letters of Greek alphabet)
  • If they pass through an electric field, very
    different behavior

Discovery of Radioactivity
  • ? rays attracted to negative pole so its
    positively charged
  • ? rays attracted to positive pole so its
    negatively charged
  • ? rays not attracted to either so its not charged

Nuclear Equations
  • Used to symbolize decay of nucleus
  • e.g. 238U ?? 234Th
  • parent daughter
  • Produce new nuclei so need separate rules to
  • Balancing Nuclear Equations
  • Sum of mass numbers (A, top) must be same on each
    side of arrow
  • Sum of atomic numbers (Z, bottom) must be same on
    each side of arrow

Types of Spontaneous Emission
  • Alpha (?) Emission
  • He nucleus
  • 2 n 2 p
  • A 4 and Z 2
  • Daughter nuclei has
  • A decreases by 4 ?A 4
  • Z decreases by 2 ?Z 2
  • Very common mode of decay if Z gt 83 (large
    radioactive nuclides)
  • Most massive particle
  • e.g.

Balancing Nuclear Equations
  • The sum of the mass numbers (A the superscripts)
    on each side of the arrow must be the same
  • The sum of the atomic numbers (Z the subscripts
    nuclear charge) on each side of the arrow must be
    the same
  • e.g.
  • A 234 230 4
  • Z 92 90 2

2. Beta (? or e) Emission
  • Emission of electrons
  • Mass number A 0 and charge Z 1
  • But How? No electrons in nucleus!
  • If nucleus neutron rich nuclide is too heavy

2. Beta (? or e) Emission
  • Charge conserved, but not mass ?m ? E
  • Ejected e has very high KE emits
  • Antineutrino variable energy particle
  • Accounts for extra E generated
  • e.g.

3. Gamma (?) Emission
  • Emission of high energy photons
  • Often accompanies ? or ? emission
  • Occurs when daughter nucleus of some process is
    left in excited state
  • Use to denote excited state
  • Nuclei have energy levels analogous to those of
    e in atoms
  • Spacing of nuclear E levels much larger
  • ? light emitted as ?-rays
  • e.g.

4. Positron (? or e) Emission
  • Emission of e
  • Positive electron
  • Where does ? come from?
  • If nucleus is neutron poor)
  • Nuclide too light
  • Balanced for charge, but NOT for mass

4. Positron (? or e) Emission
  • Product side has much greater mass!
  • Reaction costs energy
  • Emission of neutrino ?
  • Variable energy particle
  • Equivalent of antineutrino but in realm of
  • e emission only occurs if daughter nucleus is
    MUCH more stable than parent

4. Positron (?or e) Emission
  • What happens to e?
  • Collides with electron to give matter
    anti-matter annihilation and two high energy
    ?-ray photons ?m ? E
  • Annihilation radiation photons
  • Each with E? 511 keV
  • What is antimatter?
  • Particle that has counterpart amongordinary
    matter, but of opposite charge
  • High energy light, massless
  • Detect by characteristic peak in ?-ray spectrum

5. Electron Capture (EC)
  • e in 1s orbital
  • Lowest Energy e
  • Small probability that e is near nucleus
  • e actually passes through nucleus occasionally
  • If it does
  • Net effect same as e emission

Types of Spontaneous Emission
  • 6. Neutron Emission ( )
  • Fairly rare
  • Occurs in neutron rich nuclides
  • Does not lead to isotope of different element
  • 7. Proton Emission ( )
  • Very rare

Types of Spontaneous Emission
  • 8. Spontaneous Fission
  • No stable nuclei with Z gt 83
  • Several of largest nuclei simply fall apart into
    smaller fragments
  • Not just one outcome, usually several
    differentsee distribution

SummaryCommon Processes
  • 1. Alpha (?) Emission
  • Very common if Z gt 83
  • 2. Beta (??) Emission e
  • Common for neutron-rich nuclidesbelow belt of
  • 3. Positron (?) Emission e
  • Common for neutron-poor nuclidesabove belt of
  • 4. Electron Capture (EC)
  • Occurs in neutron-poor nuclides, especially if Z
    gt 40
  • 5. Gamma (?) Emission
  • Occurs in metastable nuclei (in nuclear excited

Learning Check
  • Complete the following table which refers to
    possible nuclear reactions of a nuclide

Emission ?Z ?p ?n ?e ?A New Element?
Learning Check
  • Balance each of the following equations

Your Turn!
  • What is the missing species, , in the
    following nuclear reaction?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.

What Holds Nucleus Together?
  • Consider nucleus
  • Neutrons and protons in close proximity
  • Strong proton-proton repulsions
  • Neutrons spread protons apart
  • Neutron to proton ratio increases as Z increases
  • Strong Forces
  • Force of attraction between nucleons
  • Holds nuclei together
  • Overcomes electrostatic repulsions between
  • Binds protons and neutrons into nucleus

Table of Nuclides
  • Chart where Rows different atomic number
  • Columns different number of neutrons
  • Symbol entered if element is known
  • Stable nuclei
  • Natural abundance entered below symbol
  • Shaded area
  • Trend of stable nuclei Belt of Stability
  • Z number of neutrons (for elements 1 to 20)
  • Unstable nuclei
  • Give type(s) of radioactive decay (spontaneous)
  • Outer edges, most of atoms

Table of Nuclides
Number of neutrons
Atomic number (Z number of protons)
Table of Nuclides
  • Shaded area stable nuclei
  • Trend of stable nuclei diagonal line Belt of
  • Z number of neutrons (for elements 1 to 20)
  • Note only a small corner of table is shown. (The
    complete is in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics)

Belt of Stability
  • Each isotope is a dot
  • Up to Z 20
  • Ratio n /Z 1
  • As Z increases, n gt Z and
  • By Z 82, n/Z 1.5
  • n number of neutrons
  • Z number of protons

? Stable nuclide, natural ? Unstable nuclide,
natural ? Unstable nuclide, synthetic
Band of Stability
e emitters
e emitters
Z p
How To Predict if Nuclei are Stable
  • 1) Atomic Mass weighted average of masses of
    naturally occurring isotopes, i.e. most stable
  • 2) Compare atomic mass of element to A (atomic
    mass number) of given isotope and see if it is
    more or less
  • Atomic Mass gt A too light to be stable
  • Atomic Mass lt A too heavy to be stable

Ex. Atomic Mass Conclusion
Too light, neutron poor
Too heavy, neutron rich
  • Final note
  • All nuclei with Z gt 83 are radioactive

More Patterns of Stability
  • If we look at stable and unstable nuclei, other
    patterns emerge
  • 283 stable nuclides (out of several thousand
    known nuclides)
  • If we look at which have even and odd numbers of
    protons (Z) and neutrons (n) patterns emerge

Z n stable nuclides
even even 165
even odd 56
odd even 53
odd odd 5
2H, 6Li, 10B, 14N, 138La
More Patterns of Stability
  • Clearly NOT random even must imply greater
  • Not too surprising
  • Same is true of electrons in molecules
  • Most molecules have an even number of electrons,
    as electrons pair up in orbitals
  • Odd electron molecules, radicals, are very
    unstable, i.e. very reactive!!

Magic Numbers
  • Look at binding energies, see certain numbers of
    protons and neutrons result in special stability
  • Called Magic Numbers
  • 1n and 1p in separate shells
  • Magic numbers (for both 1n and 1p) are 2, 8, 20,
    28, 50, 82, 126
  • For e pattern of stability is 2, 10, 18, 36,
    54, 86(Noble gases)

Magic Numbers
  • Special stability of noble gases due to closed
    shells of occupied orbitals
  • Structure of nucleus can also be understood in
    terms of shell structure
  • With filled shells of neutrons and protons
    having added stability
  • At some point adding more neutrons to higher
    energy neutron shells decreases stability of
    nuclei with too high a neutron to proton ratio

Your Turn!
  • Isotopes above the band of stability are more
  • likely to
  • A. emit alpha particles
  • B. emit gamma rays
  • C. capture electrons
  • D. emit beta particles

Radioactive Nuclei Found in Nature
  • Non-naturally occurring elements (man-made
    unstable) are denoted by having atomic mass in
  • All nuclei with Z gt 83 are radioactive
  • Yet some elements with Z between 83 and 92 occur
  • Atomic weight is NOT in parentheses
  • How can this be?
  • There are three heavy nuclei, which have very
    long half-lives
  • Long enough to have survived for billions of
  • Each parent of natural decay chain

Decay Chains
  • 238U half-life (?½) 4.5 billion years
  • ? emitter
  • Daughter 234Th is also radioactive
  • ? emitter
  • Half-life much shorter
  • Long sequence of emissions, ? and ?
  • Recall that ? emission changes A by 4, while ?
    emission ?A 0
  • Result every member of chain has A (4n 2)
    where n some simple integer

238Uranium Decay Chain
(No Transcript)
Decay Chains
  • Final stable member of sequence is 206Pb
  • Some intermediate nuclides have reasonably short
  • Still found in nature because they are constantly
    being replenished by decay of nuclei further up
  • Uranium-containing minerals (pitchblende is most
    famous) contain many radioactive elements

Your Turn!
  • When the reaction, ,
  • the particle emitted is
  • A. an alpha particle
  • B. a beta particle
  • C. an electron
  • D. a gamma ray

  • Change of one isotope for another
  • Caused by
  • Radioactive decay
  • Bombardment of nuclei with high energy particles
  • ? particles from natural emitters
  • Neutrons from atomic reactors
  • Protons made by stripping electrons for hydrogen
  • Protons and ? particles can be accelerated in
    electrical field to give higher E
  • Mass and energy of bombarding particle enter
    target nucleus to form compound nucleus

Non-Spontaneous Nuclear Processes
  • Fusion
  • Occurs in starsright now
  • How elements formed
  • Induced Fission
  • Bombard heavy nuclei with neutron

Compound Nucleus
  • Designated with
  • High energy due to velocity of incoming particle
  • Energy quickly redistributed among nucleons, but
    usually unstable
  • To get rid of excess energy, nucleus ejects
  • Neutron ? Proton
  • Electron ? Gamma radiation
  • Decay leaves new nucleus different from original

Example Transmutation
Compound nucleus
New nucleus
Target nucleus
Bombard-ing particle
High energy particle
  • Can synthesize given nucleus in many ways
  • Once formed, compound nucleus has no memory of
    how it was made
  • Only knows how much energy it has

  • Decay pathway depends on how much energy

  • Used to synthesize new isotopes
  • gt 900 total
  • Most not on band of stability
  • All elements above 93 (neptunium) are man- made
  • Includes actinides above 93 104 112 114
  • Heavier elements made by colliding two larger
  • Also known as fusion

Your Turn!
  • What would be the element produced from the
  • fusion of with ? The species
  • be in a high energy state and in time would
  • undergo decay to other species.
  • A. No
  • B. Lr
  • C. U
  • D. Hs

Measuring Radioactive Decay
  • Atomic radiation ionizing radiation
  • Creates ions by knocking off electrons
  • Geiger Counter
  • Consists of a tube with a mica window, low
    pressure argon fill gas and two high voltage
  • Detects ? and ? radiation with enough E to
    penetrate mica window
  • Inside tube, gas at low pressure is ionized when
    radiation enters
  • Ions allow current to flow between electrodes
  • Amount of current relates to amount of radiation

Measuring Radioactive Decay
  • Scintillation Counter
  • Surface covered with chemical
  • Emits tiny flash of light when hit by radiation
  • Emission magnified electronically and counted
  • Film Dosimeters
  • Piece of photographic film
  • Darkens when exposed to radiation
  • How dark depends on how much radiation exposure
    over time
  • Too much exposure, person using must be
    reassigned to other work

  • Number of disintegrations per second
  • Used to characterize radioactive material
  • A kN
  • k first order decay constant in terms of number
    of nuclei rate than concentration
  • N number of radioactive nuclides
  • Law of radioactive decay
  • Radioactive decay is first order kinetics process

Units of Activity
  • SI unit
  • Bequerel (Bq)
  • 1 disintegration per second (dps)
  • 1 liter of air has 0.04 Bq due to 14C in CO2
  • Older unit
  • Curie (Ci)
  • 3.7 1010 dps 3.7 1010 Bq
  • Activity in 1.0 g 226Ra 1 Ci

  • Time it takes for number of nuclides, Nt ,
    present at time, t, to fall to half of its value.
  • Half-lives are used to characterize nuclides
  • If you know half-life
  • Can use to compute k
  • Can also calculate A of known mass of radioisotope

Ex. 3 Activity of Sr-90
  • What is the activity of 1.0 g of strontium-90?
    The half-life 28.1 years
  • Step 1. Convert t½ to seconds
  • Step 2. Convert t½ to k

Ex. 3 Activity of Sr-90 (cont.)
  • Step 3. Convert mass of 90Sr to number of atoms
  • Step 4. Calculate Activity kN

A 5.23 ? 1012 atoms Sr/s ? 1 disintegration/atom
A 5.23 ? 1012 dps or 5.23 ? 1012 Bq
Ex. 4 Mass of 3H in Sample
  • 3H, tritium, is a ?? emitter with a half-lifet½
    12.26 yrs. MW 3.016 g/mol. How many grams
    of 3H are in a 0.5 mCi sample?
  • Step 1. Convert half-life to seconds as Ci is in
    disintegrations per second (dps)
  • Step 2. Convert t½ to k

Ex. 4 Mass of 3H in Sample (cont.)
  • Step 3. Convert Ci to dps
  • Step 4. Calculate g 3H to get this activity
  • Step 5. Convert atoms to g

5.2 108 g
Exposure Units
  • Not all materials equally absorb radiation, thus
    activity doesnt describe effect of exposure
  • 1 gray (Gy) 1 J absorbed energy/kg material
  • SI unit of absorbed radiation
  • 1 rad absorption of 10-2 J/ kilogram of tissue
  • Older unit
  • 1 Gy 100 rad
  • These units dont take into account type of

Exposure Units
  • Sieverts (Sv)
  • SI unit of dose equivalent, H
  • Depends on amount and type of radiation as well
    as type of tissue absorbing it
  • HDQN
  • H dose in Sv
  • D dose in Gy
  • Q radiation properties
  • N other factors
  • Rem older unit
  • 1 Rem 102 Sv
  • Still used in medicine

Exposure to Radiation
  • Typically X ray 0.007 rem or 7 mrem
  • 0.3 rem/week is maximum safe exposure set by US
  • 25 rem (0.25 Sv) Causes noticeable changes in
    human blood
  • 100 rem (1 Sv)
  • Radiation sickness starts to develop
  • 200 rem (2 Sv)
  • Severe radiation sickness
  • 400 rem (4 Sv)
  • 50 die in 60 days
  • Level of exposure or workers at Chernobyl when
    steam explosion tore apart reactor
  • 600 rem (6 Sv) lethal dose to any human

Your Turn!
  • Workers cleaning up the Fukushima reactors were
  • exposed to as much as 400 mSv units of radiation
  • hour. How many rems of exposure does this
  • correspond to?
  • A. 4000 rem
  • B. 400 rem
  • C. 40 rem
  • D. 4 rem

Why is Radiation Harmful?
  • Not heat energy
  • Ability of ionizing radiation to form unstable
    ions or neutral species with odd (unpaired)
  • Free radicals
  • Chemically very reactive
  • Can set off other reactions
  • Do great damage in cell

Which Types are Most Harmful?
  • High energy gamma (?) radiation and X rays
  • Massless
  • High velocity
  • Penetrate everything but very dense materials,
    such as lead
  • Which type is least harmful?
  • Alpha (?) particles
  • Most massive
  • Quickly slow after leaving nucleus
  • Dont penetrate skin

Background Radiation
  • Presence of natural radionuclides means we cant
    escape exposure to some background radiation
  • Cosmic rays (from sun) hit earth
  • Turn 14N ? 13C
  • 13C emits ? particles
  • Incorporated into food chain from CO2 via
  • Radiation from soil and building stone
  • From radionuclides native to Earths crust
  • Top 40 cm of soil hold 1 g radium (? emmiter) /sq
  • 40K emit ? particles
  • Total average exposure 360 mrem/year
  • 82 natural radiation 18 man made

Radiation Intensity
  • Intensity of radiation varies with distance from
    the source
  • Farther from emitter, lower intensity of exposure
  • Relationship is governed by Inverse Square Law,
  • I is intensity and
  • d is distance from source

Ex. 5 Inverse Square Law
  • If the activity of a sample is 10 units at 5
    meters from the source, what is it at 10 m?
  • What distance is needed to reduce 1 unit at 1 yd
    to the 0.05 units?

Your Turn!
  • How far away from a radioactive source producing
  • rem/hr at a distance of 10 m would you need to be
  • reduce your exposure to 0.4 rem/hr?
  • A. 32 m
  • B. 100 m
  • C. 200 m
  • D. 1000 m

Radioactive DecayKinetics
  • Spontaneous decay of any nuclide follows first
    order kinetics
  • May be complicated by decay of daughter nuclide
  • For now consider single step decay processes
  • Rate of reaction for first order process
  • A ?? products
  • In nuclear reaction, consider rate based on
    number of nuclei N present

Radioactive DecayKinetics
  • The integrated form is
  • ln N ln No kt
  • N number of nuclei present at time t
  • No number of nuclei present at t 0
  • Plot ln N (y axis) versus t (x axis)
  • Yields straight lineindicative of first order
  • Plot of N vs. time gives an exponential decay.

Ex. 6 Activity Calculations
  • 131I is used as a metabolic tracer in hospitals.
    It has a half-life, t½ 8.07 days. How long
    before the activity falls to 1 of the initial

t 53.6 days
Your Turn!
  • How many hours will it take a radioisotope with
  • a half-life of 10.0 hours to drop to 12.5 of its
  • original activity?
  • A. 30.0 hrs
  • B. 20.0 hrs
  • C. 40.0 hrs
  • D. 63.2 hrs
  • 12.5 of original activity is 3 half-lives or
    30.0 hrs.

Radioisotope Dating
  • How old is an object?
  • Fields Geology, Archeology, and Anthropology
  • Nature provides us with natural clocks or
  • A) Radiocarbon Dating (Willard LibbyNobel Prize
    in 1960)
  • Cosmic rays (from space) enter atmosphere
  • Some react with N in atmosphere forming
    radioisotope 14C
  • ? emitter with t½ 5730 yr

14C Dating
  • 14C becomes incorporated into atmospheric CO2 in
    very small quantities
  • 14C/12C ratio in air is slightly greater than
    Earths crust because of ongoing enrichment
  • Living organisms breath, eat, etc
  • 14C/12C equilibrate with atmosphere
  • Radioactive 14C is uniformly distributed around
  • Tested experimentally
  • Checked vs. counting tree rings, etc.
  • For precise work, use correction based on
    alternate methods

14C Dating
  • HOW? Freshly cut wood samples have 15.3 cpm per
    gram of total carbon
  • cpm counts per minute
  • ? Ao 15.3 cpm/g total C
  • Assumption Ao was always 15.3 cpm, i.e. cosmic
    radiation is constant
  • When organism dies
  • it stops eating, breathing, etc
  • 14C starts to decrease

14C Dating
  • Wooden implement in Egyptian tomb (3000 BC)
  • Have about half activity of fresh sample
  • 5000 years have elapsed
  • Method is applicable for objects
  • Few hundred to 20,000 years
  • Beyond this
  • Activity of sample is very low
  • Experimental uncertainties too big
  • This method used for dating
  • Charcoal in cave paintings
  • Linen wraps on Dead Sea scrolls

Ex. 7 C-14 Dating
  • Geologists examine shells found in cliffs.
    Shells are CaCO3 and are made by living
    organisms. The activity of the shells is found
    to be 6.24 cpm/g total C. How old is the cliff
  • Can use N/No and A/Ao interchangeably as A kN
  • Since ratio, k cancels

A 6.24 cpm/g total C Ao 15.3 cpm/g total C t½
5730 yr
Ex. 7 C-14 Dating (cont.)
  • Rearranging and solving for t

t 7414 yr
B) Other Isotopes Provide Natural Clocks
  • Minerals (moon rocks) dated using isotopes with
    much longer half-lives
  • t½ 1.27 109 yr
  • Compare ratios in rock
  • t½ 4.5 109 yr
  • Rock with no other source of Pb can be dated
    using ratios

Ex. 8 Dating with U
  • A sample of lava is found to contain 0.232 g of
    206Pb and 1.605 g 238U. Since lead is volatile
    at the temperature of molten lava, all the 206Pb
    now present came from the decay of 238U,
    calculate the time since the solidification of
    this rock.
  • Step 1. Mass of 238U that decayed
  • 0.268 g 238U decayed

Ex. 8 Dating with U (cont.)
  • Step 2. Mass of 238U in lava initially (t 0)
    No 1.605 g 0.268 g 1.873 g

t 1.0 109 yr
Your Turn!
  • A wooden bowl fragment found at an old camp site
  • thought to be approximately 11,000 years old was
  • submitted for carbon-14 analysis. The sample was
  • found to have 4.67 cpm/g total C. What is the
  • age of the sample?
  • A. 4260 yrs
  • B. 3347 yrs
  • C. 9810 yrs
  • D. 2523 yrs
  • t (5730 yrs ln(4.67/15.3))/(ln 2) 9810 yrs

  • Induce by bombarding unstable nucleus with a slow
  • Nuclear chain reaction
  • Neutrons generated keep going
  • With small mass of 235U reaction continues, but
    easily controlled
  • Some neutrons are lost to environment

  • Critical mass
  • Too much 235U in one place
  • Too many neutrons absorbed
  • Too few lost
  • Uncontrollable fission
  • Leads to explosion
  • Use control rods to absorb excess neutrons and
    keep reaction from going critical

Nuclear Reactor
  • No chance of nuclear explosion
  • Critical mass requires pure 235U
  • Reactor rods 2 4 235U rest non-fissionable
  • Core meltdown possible
  • If heat of fission not carried away by cooling
  • Or
  • Explosion possible
  • High heat of fission splits H2O into H and O,
    which recombine very exothermically and cause a
    chemical explosion
  • What happened at Chernobyl

Nuclear Reactors
  • Could it happen at U.S. reactors?
  • Extremely unlikely
  • Chernobyl only single containment system
  • U.S. has all double containment systems
  • U.S. extra backup systems - both computer and
    mechanical that would prevent

Nuclear Reactor
  • Use heat from nuclear reaction to heat steam
  • Use to generate electricity

Your Turn!
  • Which of the following fission reactions is
  • Balanced?
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.

Nuclear Fusion
  • Occurs when light nuclei join to form heavier
  • On a mass basis, fusion yields more than five
    times as much energy as fission
  • Source of the energy released in the explosion of
    a H-bomb
  • The energy needed to trigger the fusion is
    provided by the explosion of a fission bomb
  • Source of energy in stars

Thermonuclear Fusion
  • Uses high temperatures to overcome electrostatic
    repulsions between nuclei
  • T required are gt100 million C
  • Atoms want to fuse stripped of electrons
  • High initial energy cost
  • Plasma
  • Electrically neutral, gaseous mixture of nuclei
    and electrons
  • Make plasma very dense (gt200 g/cm3)
  • Brings nuclei within 2 fm 2 1015 m
  • Pressures several billion atm
  • Not there yet, major problem
  • Containment of high temperature and pressures
  • Magnetic field current approach
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