Title: Enrolling Chicago
1Enrolling Chicagos Children Initiative Bidders
Conference September 19, 2013
Jaime Dircksen Deputy Commissioner
- Introductions
- Why now?
- Key Dates
- Funding Available
- CDPH/CPS Collaboration
- Program Overview
- RFP Requirements
- Implementation Timeline
- Questions/Answers
3Enroll Chicago! Childrens Initiative
4Enroll Chicago! Childrens Initiative
- Illinois All Kids program
- Children (18 years old, 300 poverty) qualify
for Medicaid and can receive comprehensive care.
5Enroll Chicago! Childrens Initiative
- CDPH to fund a Lead Organization to coordinate
outreach enrollment of at least 5,000 new
uninsured CPS students.
Communities with High Density of Uninsured CPS Students Communities with High Density of Uninsured CPS Students Communities with High Density of Uninsured CPS Students Communities with High Density of Uninsured CPS Students
Community Area Elementary High School Total
Albany Park 600 200 800
Archer Heights 500 --- 500
Ashburn 800 300 1,100
Austin 400 --- 400
Belmont Cragin 1,400 800 2,200
Chatham 200 --- 200
Gage Park 1,000 --- 1,000
South Lawndale 1,000 200 1,200
West Ridge 900 200 1,100
Chicago Lawn 500 --- 500
Logan Square 700 --- 700
Portage Park 600 200 800
6Key Dates
Release Date September 11, 2013
Intent to Apply (Appendix A) Friday September 20, 2013
Proposals Due Wednesday October 2, 2013
Funding Decisions Made/Lead Organization notified Monday October 7, 2013
Contract Start Date Tuesday October 15, 2013
Initial meeting with selected Lead Organization Thursday October 17th _at_ 9am
Target service implementation date Monday November 4, 2013
7Funding Available
- 350K from City of Chicago (Oct. 15-Dec. 31,
2013) - 700K from potential donor (Oct. 1, 2013-Sept.
30, 2015) - Potential additional funds in 2013 (Jan.
2014-December 2014)
8Mayors Investment in Children
- Early Childhood There will be 5,000 additional
early childhood education slots. - Afterschool Programs There will be 3,000
additional slots for afterschool programs.
- Summer Jobs There will be 1,000 additional
summer jobs slots. - Eye Exams There will be eye exams and glasses
for 23,000 more students, bringing the total to
30,000 students. - Enroll 5,000 new uninsured CPS Children into
9CDPH/CPS School Health Collaboration
- School Dental Program
- School-based Immunizations
- STI Project
- Teen Pregnancy Prevention
- Teen Dating Violence Prevention
- Chronic Disease Preventionpolicy systems and
environmental change efforts - Vision Services New in 2013
- New Enrollment Program
Started w/in the last 5 years due to CDPH/CPS
enhanced focus on student health
10CDPH/CPS Support
The CPS Children and Family Benefits Unit is
not part of this funded program and will be
focused on enrolling CPS children at CPS schools
11Program Overview
Goal Enroll a minimum of 5,000 new uninsured CPS
students into Medicaid during the 2 year
period Objective Lead Organization selects CBOs
for outreach and enrollment solely focused on
target communities
12Lead Agency Expectations
13Required Submission Materials (See page 10 of
- Title Page (Use Appendix B Template)
- Project Abstract (no more than 1 page)
- Organizational Experience and Target Population
RFP pg. 7(no more than 2 pages) - Cultural and Linguistic Capacity RFP pg.8 (no
more than 1 page) - Staffing and Recruitment RFP pg. 8(no more than
2 pages) - Program Implementation--see RFP pg. 8 (no more
than 5 pages) - Budget Narrative and Justification (Use Appendix
D Template p.20-22)
Please submit documents in this order
14Required Submission Materials
- Internal Revenue Service 501(c)3 tax exempt
determination letter, if applicable - Copy of Articles of Incorporation
- Copy of the most recent Financial Statement
- OBM Circular A-133 Audit if Respondent received
500,000 or more in federal funds during fiscal
year - Copy of the completed City of Chicago Economic
Disclosure Statement http//www.cityofchicago.org/
osurestatementseds.html - Proof of insurance -- Successful Respondents will
be required to name the City of Chicago and CPS
as additional insured. - Key Personnel listed, as applicable Key
Personnel Form (Appendix F for all known staff) - List of Board of Directors (must include place of
employment), if applicable
not specifically mentioned in checklist for RFP
but all respondents must include this form is
referenced on pages 11 and 12.
15Submission Format
- 1 original, 4 copies and 1 CD (or thumb drive)
- No Bound materials (or binders)
- Print double-sided
- Minimum 1.5 line spacing and 11 point font
- Include a table of contents sequentially number
all pages footer w/ your organization name
not in RFP but an acceptable form of submission
16Evaluation Criteria
- Respondents relevant experience in providing the
proposed service - Respondents ability to maintain records and
deliver data to CDPH in the required timeframe - Respondents cultural capability and linguistic
capacity - Respondents experience securing and protecting
data that are subject to privacy and
confidentiality laws - Soundness of proposed budget and delegate
agencys financial capacity and stability to
manage a program of the size and scopes
17Implementation Timeline
18Jaime DircksenDeputy Commissionerjaime.dircksen_at_
- Questions and Contact information
19(No Transcript)