Alternative Exit and Restructuring Strategies: Reorganization and Liquidation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Alternative Exit and Restructuring Strategies: Reorganization and Liquidation


Alternative Exit and Restructuring Strategies: Reorganization and Liquidation Learning Objectives Primary Learning Objective: To provide students with an ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Alternative Exit and Restructuring Strategies: Reorganization and Liquidation

Alternative Exit and Restructuring
StrategiesReorganization and Liquidation
What is important is not adding more years to
life but more life to your years.

Doug Fields
Cross-Border Transactions
Learning Objectives
  • Primary Learning Objective To provide students
    with an understanding of alternative strategies
    for failing businesses
  • Secondary Learning Objectives To provide
    students with an understanding of
  • Criteria for choosing strategy for failing firms
  • Process for filing for bankruptcy, voluntary and
    involuntary settlements inside and outside of
    court, and voluntary and involuntary liquidation

Rule of Law and Corporate Asset Allocation
  • The smooth functioning of capital markets
    requires rapid and fair resolution of disputes
    involving the legal rights of borrowers and
  • Studies show that borrowing costs are lower and
    access to credit easier in countries which
    enforce credit rights.
  • Total cost of financial distress (i.e., inability
    to meet financial obligations) includes the
  • --Employee layoffs
  • --Firm under-investment
  • --Eroding community tax base and blight
  • --Customer dissatisfaction with declining product
    quality and increasing delivery times
  • --Delayed payments to suppliers (including
  • --Higher borrowing costs
  • --Declining shareholder value
  • Bankruptcy plays key role in minimizing these
    costs by providing a process for resolving these
    issues in a timely manner.

  • Applicable to failing firms
  • A firm is technically insolvent if it is unable
    to pay its liabilities as they come due
  • A firm is legally insolvent if a firms
    liabilities exceed the fair market value of its
  • Designed to
  • --Protect failing firms from lawsuits by its
    creditors until decision made to shut-down or to
    continue operating the firm
  • --Provide creditors with an efficient means of
    recovering what they are owed
  • A firm not considered bankrupt until it or its
    creditors petition the federal bankruptcy court

Voluntary Reorganization Outside of Bankruptcy
  • Generally offers best chance for owners to
    recover a portion of their investment
  • Usually initiated by debtor firm by requesting
    relief from creditors
  • Such relief often consists of the following
  • An extension Creditors agree to lengthen period
    during which debtor firm can repay its debt. May
    also include a temporary suspension of both
    interest and principal repayments
  • A composition Creditors agree to settle for less
    than the full amount they are owed
  • Debt for equity swap Creditors surrender a
    portion of their claims in exchange for an
    ownership position in the firm

Voluntary Liquidation Outside of Bankruptcy
  • If creditors conclude insolvent firms situation
    cannot be reorganized, liquidation may be only
    course of action
  • If insolvent firm is willing to accept
    liquidation and all creditors agree, legal
    proceedings not necessary
  • Creditors normally prefer liquidations to avoid
    lengthy and costly litigation

Reorganization and Liquidation in Bankruptcy
  • In absence of out-of-court voluntary settlement,
    debtor firm may
  • seek protection from creditors by petitioning the
    bankruptcy court or
  • be forced into bankruptcy by its creditors
  • Bankruptcy allows creditor firm to stop all
    principal and interest payments and prevents
    secured creditors from taking possession of their
  • U.S. Bankruptcy Code
  • Chapter 11 deals with reorganization and provides
    for the debtor to remain in possession, unless
    court rules otherwise
  • Chapter 7 deals with liquidation and defines
    priority in which creditors will be paid
  • Chapter 15 addresses insolvency issues involving
    assets, lenders, and other parties in various

Procedures for Reorganizing in Bankruptcy
Filing with the Bankruptcy Court Appointment of Debtor in Possession or Court Trustee Develop and Present Reorganization Plan Acceptance of Reorganization Plan by All Parties Payment of Court Approved Expenses
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer
Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA)
  • Pre-BAPCPA
  • Debtor in possession (DIP) had exclusive right
    for first 120 days to file a reorganization plan
    before creditors could submit their own plan
  • Court could at its discretion provide extensions
    beyond 120 days
  • Leases could be extended indefinitely as long as
    payments made
  • Post-BAPCPA
  • Caps DIP exclusivity period at 18 months with an
    additional 2 months to win creditors acceptance
    of reorganization plan, effectively giving DIP a
    maximum of 20 months before creditors can submit
    their plan
  • Good cause lease extensions limited to 90 days
  • Payments to management employees cannot be more
    than 10 times amount paid to non-management

Pre-Packaged Bankruptcies
  • Debtor negotiates reorganization plan with major
    creditors well in advance of filing for Chapter
  • Actual votes for a reorganization plan may
    already have taken place prior to the filing
  • Subsequent Chapter 11 reorganization averages a
    few months as court only has to approve the plan
  • Minority creditors may be required to accept the
    plan by the court
  • Debtor may lose NOLs if out of court settlement
    reached in which creditors exchange their debt
    for equity and original shareholders own less
    than 50 percent of firm. In bankruptcy, debtor
    may claim NOLs.
  • So-called pre-negotiated bankruptcies differ in
    that actual votes or agreements to vote have not
    yet been reached with the majority of creditors,
    although agreement has been reached with those
    creditors deemed critical to the process.

Buying Assets from a Firm in Chapter 11
  • Provides opportunity to acquire valuable assets
    free and clear of liabilities.
  • Many Chapter 11 proceedings undertaken to
    facilitate the sale of a debtors assets or
    ongoing business.
  • 3 ways to buy assets from a firm in bankruptcy
  • As part of a court approved plan of
  • From a post-confirmation liquidating trust1 or
  • Under Section 363 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code
  • So-called 363 sales have become increasingly
    popular ways of selling assets when time is
  • 1Once approval of the Chapter 11 plan of
    reorganization has been confirmed by the court,
    such trusts are established to dispose of any
    assets not included in the plan.

Section 363 Bankruptcy
  • Section of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code allowing a
    firm to enter a court-supervised sale of assets
    (usually at auction) as the best means to protect
    value. Unlike typical bankruptcies, firms may
    emerge in 30-60 days.
  • Initial prospective buyer sets the initial
    purchase price and terms and negotiates a
    break-up or topping fee to be paid if it is
    not the successful bidder. Often referred to as a
    stalking horse, initial bidder may conceal the
    actual buyer.
  • Credit bids occur when secured creditors
    propose to buy the assets. Such bidders can bid
    up to the amount of the debt owed before offering
    any cash.
  • Opponents of sale have 10-20 days to file written
    objections although the period may be shortened
    to a few days by the bankruptcy judge.
  • Requirements Bankruptcy judge must decide if
  • Negotiations concerning sale must be conducted at
    an arms length
  • Sale in best interests of all stakeholders
  • Purchaser acting in good faith
  • Bankruptcy judge decides how sale proceeds
    distributed among secured creditors

Examples of 363 Sales from Chapter 11
  • General Motors sale of selected assets in 2009
  • GM split into two companies, one containing the
    good assets and the other consisting of the
    remaining assets. The new GM consists of 4
    brands Chevrolet, GMC, Buick, and Cadillac.
  • Ownership distribution in the new company is as
    follows U.S. government (60)1, UAW (17.5)2,
    Ontario and Canadian governments (12.5)3, and
    bondholders (10).4
  • Chryslers sale of most of its assets in 2009
  • Chrysler LLC sold to a new company managed by
    Fiat that will operate as Chrysler Group LLC,
    consisting of the Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge and Mopar
  • Ownership distribution of the new company is as
    follows UAW's VEBA (55), Fiat (20 growing to
    35 once certain milestones achieved) theĀ US
    Government (8), and the Canadian government
  • Absolute priority rule5 may have been violated in
    that the UAW received for its pension obligations
    (an unsecured claim) a much higher ownership
    stake than the value of the cash received by
    secured creditors (i.e., .29 on the dollar).
  • 1U.S. government agreed to forgive all but 9
    billion of its 49.5 billion in loans to GM
  • 2United Auto Workers (UAW) agreed to forgive 20
    billion GM had pledged to start the Voluntary
    Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) and
    received 2.5 billion in cash and 6.5 billion in
    preferred stock paying 585 million in annual
  • 3Ontario and Canadian governments agreed to
    forgive all but 1.7 billon of their 9.5 billion
    in loans to GM.
  • 4Bondholders agreed to forgive 27.2 billion in
    GM debt.
  • 5Absolute priority rule in the federal bankruptcy
    code states that no unsecured creditor can
    receive an interest in a reorganized firm before
    secured creditors are paid in full or are paid a
    fair distribution.
  • .

General Motors (GM) Bankruptcy
  • Pre-Bankruptcy
    Bankruptcy Post-Bankruptcy

U.S. Canadian Operations1
Attractive Assets
New GM U.S. Canadian Operations3
Consolidated GM
Consolidated GM
All Other International Operations
Old GM Unattractive Assets2
All Other International Operations
1Only the U.S. and Canadian operations were
included in the GM bankruptcy filing. 2Old GM
contains the unattractive assets of the U.S. and
Canadian operations in a trust set up under the
protection of the bankruptcy court. These assets
are to be liquidated by a court-appointed
trustee, with the proceeds going to
creditors. 3New GM represents a new corporation
containing only the attractive assets held by the
U.S. and Canadian operations and primarily owned
by the U.S. and Canadian governments, a UAW
healthcare trust, and the creditors of Old GM
Liquidation in Bankruptcy
  • If the bankruptcy court determines reorganization
    not feasible, failing firm may be forced to
  • Priority in which claims are paid (per Chapter 7
    of U.S. Bankruptcy Code)
  • Past due property taxes
  • Secured creditors up to proceeds of the sale of
    pledged assets
  • Legal fees
  • Expenses incurred after involuntary case begun
    but before trustee appointed
  • Wages not to exceed 2000 per worker
  • Unpaid employee benefit plan contributions up to
  • Unsecured customer deposits of 900 or less
  • Income taxes owed federal, state, or local
  • Under-funded pension liabilities up to 30 of the
    firms book value
  • Unsecured creditors
  • Preferred shareholders, up to par value of their
  • Common shareholders, paid out of remaining funds

Choosing Appropriate Restructuring Strategy
Failing Firms
  • Choice heavily influenced by the following
  • Going concern value of debtor firm
  • Sale value of debtor firm
  • Liquidation value of debtor firm
  • Implications
  • If sale value gt going concern or liquidation
    value, sell firm
  • If going concern value gt sale or liquidation
    value, reach out of court settlement with
    creditors or seek bankruptcy protection under
    Chapter 11
  • If liquidation value gt sale or going concern
    value, reach out of court settlement with
    creditors and liquidate or liquidate under
    Chapter 7

Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 Orderly Liquidation
Authority (OLA)
  • OLA Enables FDIC to seize and liquidate
    systemically significant firms
  • Objectives To Ensure
  • A speedy liquidation of systemically significant
  • Losses are borne primarily by shareholders and
  • Losses to taxpayers are minimized and
  • Firms management removed and may be subject to
  • When used Request by Treasury secretary that
    FDIC be appointed receiver of a failing firm,
    subject to 2/3rds approval of boards of Fed and
  • How used With FDIC as receiver,
  • Debtor-in-possession (i.e., current management
    and board) is removed
  • All contracts (including derivatives) may be
  • Claims must be resolved within 180 days
  • Firm may be merged with or assets/liabilities
    transferred to another firm without shareholder
    or creditor approval
  • Cost of liquidation funded by FDIC

Discussion Questions
  1. Why should corporate bankruptcy be considered a
    potential business strategy?
  2. Under what circumstances is the bankruptcy court
    likely to decide that a failing firm should be
  3. What are the primary options available to a
    failing firm? What criteria should be used to
    select the best option? Be specific.
  4. When is a prepackaged bankruptcy an appropriate

Things to Remember
  • Bankruptcy process supports smooth functioning of
    capital markets by protecting creditor and debtor
  • Generally offers best chance for owners to
    recover a portion of their investment
  • Bankruptcy allows creditor firm to stop all
    principal and interest payments and prevents
    secured creditors from taking possession of their
  • A failing firms options are to merge with
    another firm, reach an out-of-court voluntary
    settlement with creditors, or file for Chapter 11
    bankruptcy protection
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