Title: Kitty Chan
Kitty Chan School of Nursing,The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University Email hskittyc_at_inet.polyu.
edu.hk Date 2005
- Upon completion of the module, the students
should be - Familiar with the principles of airway management
- Able to understand the fundamental approach used
for the algorithms in Cardiac-pulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR) - develop a basic understanding of the clinical
application of drugs for the heart relating to
advanced cardiac life support (ACLS)
3Indicative Readings
Wiegand, L-M. D. J. Carlson, K. K. (Eds.).
(2005). AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care.
(5th ed.). Philadelphia Lippincott Section 1
4Core Concepts
In response to cardiovascular emergency,
American Heart Association (AHA) established the
chain of survival which is a consistent process
supported by evidence based principles skills
to save life.
5Core Concepts
Basic Life Support (BLS) differs from Advanced
Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). More sophisticated
interventions are used in ABCD
6International Guidelines 2000 for CPR
ECC(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Emergency
Cardiovascular Care)
- 1. Basic Life Support (BLS)
- 2. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
- 3. Stroke
- 4. The Acute Coronary Syndromes
- 5. Rapid Sequence Intubation, Tracheal Intubation
and Preintubation - 6. Pediatric Advanced Life Support
- 7. Resuscitation of Newborns
- This module focuses on the basic elements in
adult advance cardiac life support. It
sub-divides into 3 main topics - Airway Management Infection Control
- Resuscitation Algorithms
- Electric Therapy
- Defibrillation
- Cardioversion
- Cardiac Pacing
- Hazinski M F, Cummins R O Field J M (ed) 2000
2000 Handbook of Emergency Cardiovascular Care
for Healthcare Providers. American Heart
Association - Hudak C M, Gallo B M Morton P G (ed) 2002
Critical Care Nursing A Holistic Approach. 7th
ed Philadelphia Lippincott - Jackson K (ed) 2002 Mastering ACLS. Springhouse
Springhouse - Opie L H Gersh B J 2005 Drugs for the Heart.
5th ed Philadelphia W B Saunders. - Swearingen P L Keen J H 2002 Manual of Critical
Care Nursing Nursing interventions and
Collaborative Management. 4th ed St Louis Mosby - Urden L D, Stacy K M Lough M E 2002 Thelans
Critical Care Nursing Diagnosis and Management.
4th ed St Louis Mosby. - Wiegand L-M D J Carlson K K (eds) 2005 AACN
Procedure Manual for Critical Care. 5th ed
Philadelphia Saunders.
- Lo C B WONG T W 2003 AE Clinical Guidelines
No.14 Guidelines on Rapid Sequence Intubation
(RSI). Hospital Authority in Hong Kong,
Electronic Knowledge Gateway. - Lau C C, Tong H K, Liu H W, Hung C T, Tsang D,
Yam L Yung R 2003 AE Clinical Guidelines
No.16 Guideline for in-hospital resuscitation of
patients at risk of SARS . Hospital Authority in
Hong Kong, Electronic Knowledge Gateway.
- American Heart Association. Guidelines 2000 for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care International Consensus on
Science 2000 Part 3 Adult Basic Life Support
Section 1 - 8. Circulation, Vol 102 (8)
Supplement August ppI-22-59 - American Heart Association. Guidelines 2000 for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care International Consensus on
Science 2000 Part 6 Advanced Cardiovascular Life
Support Section 1 - 8. Circulation, Vol 102 (8)
Supplement August ppI-86-171 - Burns S M 2001 Safely caring for patients with a
laryngeal mask airway. Critical Care Nurse, Vol
21 (4) pp72-76