Preventing Accidents and Injuries - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Preventing Accidents and Injuries


Title: Chapter 3 Author: Kristin Klint Last modified by: Kristin Doucette Created Date: 10/1/2005 1:51:41 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Preventing Accidents and Injuries

Chapter 3
  • Preventing Accidents and Injuries

Section 3.1
  • Introduction to Workplace Safety
  • Pages 132-137

Safety and the Law
  • The safety of all customers and employees is the
    responsibility of every foodservice
    establishment. (legal right safe environment
    for employees)
  • Managers are expected to know about hazard and
    what to do to correct them.
  • Premises encompass all the property around the
  • Restaurants that fail to provide safety for their
    customers or employees can be sued, and can lose
    their good reputation, as well as money. BENEFITS
    repeat customers, employee job satisfaction,
    lower operating costs, increased profitability.
  • Liability legal responsibility that one person
    has to another

Workers Compensation
  • Workers compensation state-administered
    program designed to help employees who are
    injured in accidents that occurred at work, or
    who become sick because of job-related reasons.
  • Provide payments for lost work time, payments for
    medical treatment, and payments for
    rehabilitation and retaining for the injured

Government Regulations
  • Government rules are strictly enforced to ensure
    that all employees in a foodservice establishment
    are working in a place that emphasizes safety.
  • OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health
    Administration) federal agency that creates and
    enforces safety related standards and regulations
    in the workplace. (Specific forms for
    investigating and reporting accidents, injuries
    and illnesses.

Gov. Regulations Continued
  • Most common OSHA violations found in restaurants
    is the lack of hazard communication programs
    also called right-to-know and HAZCOM. (requires
    that all employers notify their employees about
    chemical hazards present on the job, and train
    employees about MSD sheets look pg. 135)
  • Every foodservice operation must display an
    up-to-date version of the OSHA poster No. 2202
    Job Safety and Health Protection, where
    employees can easily see
  • Physical Hazards
  • Health Hazards ( carcinogenic, toxic or corrosive)

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Common Foodservice Chemicals
Ammonia (Quarts) Brass/Silver Propane Carbon dioxide gas cylinders
Chlorine bleach Coffee pot cleaners Butane Nitrogen dioxide gas cylinders
Disinfectants Drain Cleaners Fire extinguishers
Floor Cleaners Dishwashing detergents Herbicides, fungicides and Pesticides
Degreasing agents Floor Treatments
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Example of a MSDS Sheet
  • http//
  • Must have an up-to-date, written inventory of
    every hazardous chemical product.
  • MSDS sheet for every chemical on the chemical
    inventory list
  • Easy-to-read labels
  • Written copy of the establishments training
    program and establishments Hazard Communication

  • What is liability?
  • What does the Hazard Communications Standard
    require of employers?
  • What is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)?

Section 3.2
  • Preventing Fires and Burns
  • Pg. 138-146

Fire Hazards
  • 1/3 of all accidental fires in restaurants are
    due to either faulty electrical wiring and
    equipment, or to improper use of equipment.
  • Grease fires can be prevented by following a
    regular cleaning schedule for walls and work
    surfaces ranges, fryers, broilers, microwave and
    convection ovens
  • All flammable items must be stored away from the
    stove. (Pam, chemicals, linens etc.)
  • Arson the deliberate and malicious burning of

Before Using and Electrical Appliance, Check for
  • Plug with same size prongs
  • Frayed cord
  • Too many plugs in an outlet or extension cord
  • Cracked switch plate
  • Cracked receptacle plate
  • Lack of grounded plug
  • Lack of grounded outlet

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Common fire detection devices
Smoke Detectors Heat Detectors
Ionization detectors Use a small electrical current to attract combustion particles from smoke, heat or flames Thermostats Contain a metal strip or disk that closes against an electrical contact and starts the alarm when a present temp. is reached.
Photoelectric detectors Use a beam of light located inside the device to react to smoke or flame. Rate of rise detectors - Trigger an alarm when the temp. rises faster than a present number of degrees per minute
Smoke detector require a flow of air in order to work well (not used for food prep. Areas) Heat detectors able to detect fires where there is no smoke and are activated by a significant increase of temp. associated with fire Flame detectors Use infrared and ultraviolet sensors that respond to the movement of flame, or to its radiant energy.
Classes of Fires
  • A Ordinary Combustibles
  • Trash, wood, paper, cloth, cardboard
  • Most often occur in food storage rooms, dining
    areas and restrooms
  • B Flammable liquids
  • Grease, oil, flammable liquids
  • May occur in kitchens (deep-fat fryers) and
    maintenance areas
  • C Electrical Equipment
  • Electrical equipment, cords, motors, switches,
  • Fires in a toaster, cord igniting, in a motor of
    a grinder

Types of Fire Extinguishers
  • Water-based
  • Rechargeable from a clean water source
  • Use on Class A fires only
  • Aqueous film-forming foam
  • Red. temp. and supply of oxygen to fire
  • Use on Class A or B fires
  • Do not use on deep-fat fryer fires
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Gas-based mixture leaving no residue, limited
  • Use on Class B or C fires
  • Dry chemicals
  • Interrupt chemical action that sustains fire
  • Available in A/B/C and B/C
  • Only B/C type should be used on deep-fat fires

PASS SYSTEM - Pull - Aim - Squeeze - Sweep
  • To protect employees and customers if there is a
    fire, a well-designed and practiced emergency
    plan should be ready-in advanced.
  • Evacuation routes are usually planned to give
    everyone at least 2 ways out of the building
  • Keep routes and exits clear and unlocked
  • Mark each route w/ signs and lights
  • Provide emergency lighting
  • Exit steps and ramps should be marked, kept
    clear, and repaired as needed.

Should You Fight a Fire?
  • The most important rule for fighting a fire is to
    ask yourself if you are in danger.
  • The only fire you may be able to handle are
    small, such as a fire in a single pan, or a trash
  • How would I put out a fire in the ?????
  • Stove
  • Microwave
  • Stove top

Preventing Burns
  • Correct uniforms and protective equipment can
    protect employees against spattering, escaping
    steam and hot equipment.
  • Can wet material transfer heat faster or slower
    than dry material?
  • What could happen if I grabbed a hot pan w/rubber
  • Flow of food is very important why?
  • Oil vs. water? (frying w/frozen food)
  • Steam burns and steam tables
  • Removing dishes from hot water or dishwasher?

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  • What is the PASS system and what does it stand
  • What are the three classes of fires? What
    materials burn in each fire
  • Name some basic traffic principles that can help
    prevent burns?

  • Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls

Preventing Slips, Trips, Falls
  • Most slips, trips, and falls occur on 3 surfaces
  • Steps
  • Floors
  • Pavement (outside of building)
  • Best way to safeguard customers/coworkers is by
    anticipating what might happen.
  • For the safety of everyone, all aisles in serving
    and dining areas should be at least four feet
    wide (putting chairs in the aisle is sometimes a
    fire hazard)
  • Outside areas need to be checked
    (snow/ice/water/tree branches etc)

Preventing Slips, Trips, Falls
  • Grease and oil on floors is a major cause of
  • Floors thoroughly cleaned at least once a day
  • Floor coverings cleaned
  • Non-skid floor mats
  • Spills cleaned up immediately
  • Verbally warn nearby customers/employees
  • Post signs Caution-Wet Floor
  • Direct people around spill
  • Stairs, ramps and raised dining areas
  • Well light
  • Clearly mark stairs and ramps
  • Handrails sturdy and secure
  • Keep stairs clear of obstacles (never use them
    for storage areas)

Using Ladders Safely
  • Three common ladders used in storage areas
  • Straight ladders (reach 3 ft)
  • Step ladders (long enough so you do not have to
    stand on top step)
  • Step stools (long enough so you do not have to
    stand on top step)
  • Lifting Loads Safely
  • Check your footing and condition of the floor
  • Face toward the load
  • Bend at the knees
  • Keep back straight
  • Lift w/leg muscles
  • The safest way to use a ladder is for 2 employees
    to work together 1 person should hold the bottom
    of the ladder, and the other person should pass
    and receive items.

Ladder Safety Continued
  • Set the ladder away from overhead obstacles
  • Fest the ladder feet on a firm, flat and clean
  • Lock the folding bar of a step ladder
  • Never put a metal ladder on, or near electrical
  • Lock doors near the ladder
  • What else are some safety tips?

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  • Name three things you should do when there is a
    spill being cleaned up?
  • What can you do to prevent slips and falls on
    stairs and ramps?
  • What information should be on the label of a
  • Is it safe to stand on the top step of a ladder
    is someone is holding it steady for you?

  • Lifting and Carrying Safely

Lifting and Carrying Safely
  • Safe Lifting Practices
  • Wear sturdy-non-skid shoes
  • Check the weight of the load
  • Dont wear loose clothes that might catch on the
    load or on a nearby object and throw off your
  • Look for hand holds
  • Balance load
  • Ask for help
  • Use hand trucks, dollies, or carts for moving
    heavy loads
  • Use proper lifting techniques

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  • Why is it important to lift and carry items
  • Always lift with you _______ and not your
  • What can happen if you transport items
  • What precautions should be taken before lifting

  • Preventing Cuts

Preventing Cuts
  • Cuts happen most frequently to kitchen employees,
    but other employees/customers can get hurt too,
    these are some sharp hazards
  • Cans, can lids, and can openers
  • Cutting strips on boxes or aluminum foil and
    plastic wrap
  • Wooden crates
  • Box openers and utility knifes
  • Steak and chef knifes
  • Broken bottles, glasses and dishes
  • Machinery with blades

  • To avoid cuts, follow simple kitchen safety tips
  • Use gloves or a towel to protect hands while
    removing lids from glass bottles or jars
  • Use proper openers
  • Use plastic or metal scoops and ladles to handle
    food and ice (how do you scoop out ice)
  • Cover food w/plastic wraps or lids instead of
  • Throw out nearby food or ice when glass is broken
  • What would happen if glass is broken near an ice
  • How would you handle, clean a slicer?
  • What are some proper techniques for cleaning and
    how old do you need to be?

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Clean up Discard glass cans
  • Rinse empty glass/metal cans and store properly
  • Broken glass needs to be cleaned up immediately
  • How would you clean up broken glass?
  • Name 3 sharp hazards you are likely to find in a
  • Name 4 kitchen safety tips?
  • What is the proper way to pass a knife to another

  • Safe Driving and First Aid

Safe Driving
  • Safe driving is not only important for making
    deliveries, but also for running work-related
    errands or catering.
  • Managers should check driving record and offer
  • Wear a seatbelt at all times
  • Lock all doors
  • Obey traffic laws, signs
  • Do not smoke while driving

First Aid
  • First aid refers to medical treatment given to
    an injured person either for light injuries or
    until more complete treatment can be provided by
    emergency service or other health care providers
  • Effective first aid meets the injured persons
    emotional as well as medical needs.
  • To ensure employee and customer safety, always
  • Accidents can be prevented
  • Accidents have serious results
  • You need to help keep yourself safe
  • You have a large responsibility to keep you
    customers and other employees safe.

First Aid Continued
  • First aid kits should be located within easy
    reach of possible accident sites.
  • Most foodservice injuries are minor, but it is
    important to know CRP and Heimlich maneuver
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation restores
    breathing and heartbeat to injured persons who
    show no signs of breathing or pulse
  • Heimlich maneuver removes food or other
    obstacles from a persons airway if someone is
  • Training and certification must be renewed
  • All employees need to be trained on how to handle
    emergencies including
  • Foodborne outbreaks, employee w/contagious
    illnesses, customer/employee injured, accidents
    involving restaurant vehicles, loss of power,
    fires, floods, and armed robberies

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  • Name three emergencies that are likely to occur
    in a restaurant?
  • What is first aid?
  • When is the Heimlich maneuver performed?
  • When is CPR performed and what does it stand for?

  • Safety as an Ongoing Process

The Safety Audit
  • Any safety program must meet the operations
    specific needs
  • Include any other items, depending upon the
    geographic location
  • The purpose of a general safety audit is to give
    you an overview of the level of safety in the
  • The safety audit is in the form of a checklist, a
    no response to any item requires follow up
  • Regular safety self-inspections can help make
    sure safety practices are used throughout the
  • Facilities (exterior and interior)
  • Equipment (all, cooking, cutting equipment,
    refrigerators, tools, vehicles, fire
    extinguishers and alarms)
  • Employee practices (must be trained in safe
  • Management practices (evaluate the level of
    commitment to protecting employees and customers)

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Accident Investigation
  • Accident unplanned, undesirable event that you
    can cause property damage, injuries or
    fatalities, lost time from work, and disruptions
    of work.
  • Near miss an event in which property damage or
    injury is narrowly avoided.
  • A foodservice establishment is required to report
    to OSHA within 8 hours any accident resulting in
    death, or the hospitalization of 3 ore more
    employees. Other employee injuries and illnesses
    must be recorded within 6 working days. Also
    employers must keep a one-year period of
    accidents and illnesses.

Six Procedures for Accident Investigation
  • Record information as soon as possible after the
    event occurs
  • Collect physical evident or take pictures at the
  • Interview all people involved and any witnesses
  • Determine as clearly as possible the sequence of
  • Submit reports to OSHA, insurance carrier, lawyer
  • Keep all employees informed of procedures and

Protective Clothing and Equipment
  • Supply good-quality equipment
  • Employees should not wear loose or baggy shirts
    and could get caught
  • Jewelry should not be worn
  • Cooks should wear long sleeves
  • Dishwashers should wear water-resistant aprons
  • Shoes should have skid-resistant soles and low
  • Different types of gloves (knife, hot mitts,
    rubber, disposable
  • Goggles/Protective clothing for cleaning

  • What is a general safety audit?
  • What are the four general areas to check during a
    safety audit?
  • Why are loose or baggy shirts unsafe?
  • What is the best way for managers to get
    employees to comply with safety standards?
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