Title: Two Works in Progress:
1- Two Works in Progress
- Aligning 4-8 Degree Program With State Standards
Filling the Gaps - Impact of Teacher Knowledge on Student
Performance Revealing Patterns
Mourat Tchoshanov Departments of Mathematical
Sciences and Teacher Education University of
Texas at El Paso
2- Work in Progress - 1
- Aligning 4-8 Pre-service Mathematics Teachers
Education Program - With State Standards
- Filling the Gaps
- __________________________________________________
____________ - The study was conducted by Matthew Winsor
through TNE mini-grant
- Motivation for the Study
- Research Plan
- Content on TExES Exam
- Coursework Deficiencies
- Findings Recommendations
4Some Definitions
- Grades 4-8 Generalist A future teacher who will
be certified to teach every subject in grades
4-8. - Grade 4-8 Mathematics Specialist A future
teacher who is certified to teach mathematics in
grades 4-8, i.e. has specialized in mathematics. - TExES state certification exam.
5Motivation for Study
- Teachers for a New Era (TNE) Mathematics Working
Group focused on the mathematical education of
future middle school (grades 4-8) mathematics
teachers. - Is a capstone course for future middle school
teachers feasible?
6Research Plan
- Determine the mathematics future middle school
teachers are required to know (TExES). - Determine if the mathematics is being taught in
required UTEP mathematics courses (Survey). - Material not being covered could be included in a
capstone course for middle school teachers.
7Content on TExES Exam
- Standard I. Number Concepts The mathematics
teacher understands and uses numbers, number
systems and their structure, operations and
algorithms, quantitative reasoning, and
technology - Standard II. Patterns and Algebra The
mathematics teacher understands and uses
patterns, relations, functions, algebraic
reasoning, analysis, and technology - Standard III. Geometry and Measurement The
mathematics teacher understands and uses
geometry, spatial reasoning, measurement concepts
and principles, and technology - Standard IV. Probability and Statistics The
mathematics teacher understands and uses
probability and statistics, their applications,
and technology - Standard V. Mathematical Processes The
mathematics teacher understands and uses
mathematical processes to reason mathematically,
to solve mathematical problems, to make
mathematical connections within and outside of
mathematics, and to communicate mathematically. - Standard VI. Mathematical Perspectives The
mathematics teacher understands the historical
development of mathematical ideas, the
interrelationship between society and
mathematics, the structure of mathematics, and
the evolving nature of mathematics and
mathematical knowledge.
8Courses Where Content is Covered
9Mathematics Course of Study for Middle School
Degree Programs
Grades 4-8 generalist Grades 4-8 mathematics specialist
Math 1320 Mathematics for Social Scientist Math 2303 Properties of the real numbers I Math 3308 Conceptual Algebra Math 3309 Conceptual mathematics II Stat 1380 Basics of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Math 1508 Pre-Calculus Math 2303 Properties of the Real Numbers I Math 3308 Conceptual Algebra Math 3309 Conceptual Mathematics II Stat 1380 Basics of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Math 1411 Calculus I Math 2300 Discrete Mathematics Math 2325 Introduction to Higher math Math 3300 History of Mathematics Math 3303 Properties of Real Numbers II Math 3304 Fundamentals of Geometry from an Advanced Standpoint Math 3323 Matrix Algebra
10Areas of Deficiency (fragment)
Mathematics Topics Areas of Deficiency in 4-8 Generalist coursework Areas of deficiency in 4-8 Mathematics Specialist coursework
Algebra Mapping representation of functions Parent functions Effect of changing coefficients of parent functions on graph Finding intersections of functions Trigonometric functions Solving systems of inequalities Parent functions Effect of changing coefficients of parent functions on graph Finding intersections of functions Solving systems of inequalities
11Findings Recommendations
- Mathematics 4-8 specialist degree plan
- Had some minor gaps in their mathematical
preparation. Most notably missing from the
specialist degree plan is the opportunity for
students to closely examine families of functions
and their properties. - Another deficiency in the mathematics 4-8
specialist degree plan is examining complex
numbers. - Both deficiencies found in the mathematics 4-8
specialist degree plan could be addressed in a
capstone course.
12Findings Recommendations (continued)
- Generalist 4-8 degree plan
- On the other hand, the Generalist 4-8 degree plan
had several glaring deficiencies in the area of
mathematics. Notably absent from the generalist
4-8 degree plan is an entire calculus course and
an entire geometry course. The generalists are
still responsible for calculus and geometry
questions on their TExES exam. - As with the mathematics 4-8 Specialist degree
plan, the Generalist 4-8 degree plan lacks the
opportunity to examine families of functions and
complex numbers. Moreover, the generalist 4-8
degree plan lacks the opportunity to study graph
theory, a topic that is become more prevalent in
the grades 4-8 mathematics curriculum. - Furthermore, the Generalist 4-8 degree plan does
not give students the opportunity to become
fluent in proof. Although pupils in grades 4-8
do not formally prove mathematics theorems, they
are required to reason about mathematics and
defend their reasoning to their peers. If the
teacher has not had the opportunity to prove
theorems, they may be weak at mathematical
reasoning. - It does not seem reasonable to believe that the
implementation of a capstone course could address
all of the deficiencies found in the generalist
4-8 degree plan. Other measures have to be taken
in order to prepare our students more effectively.
13Work in Progress 2 (TNE Pilot Study) Impact of
Teacher Knowledge on Student Performance Reveali
ng Patterns ____________________________________
This study was supported by TEA grant on
Improving Student Achievement through
Professional Development Partnership (Co-PIs
Mourat Tchoshanov and Larry Lesser)
14(No Transcript)
- What does TAKS Data Tell Us?
- Research Question
- Sample and Methodology
- Teacher Knowledge and Student Achievement
- Cognitive Demand and Mathematical Tasks
- Results and Interpretation
16Students TAKS Performance(All Students, Percent
Met Standard)
- 2003 2004 2005 2006
- Elementary Grades
- 3rd grade - 74 83 83 82
- 4th grade - 70 78 81 83
- 5th grade - 65 73 79 81
- Middle Grades
- 6th grade - 60 67 72 79
- 7th grade - 51 60 64 70
- 8th grade - 51 57 61 67
- High School Grades
- 9th grade - 44 50 56 56
- 10th grade - 48 52 58 60
- 11th grade - 44 67 72 77
176th Grade Students Passing Scores by TAKS
Objectives (4 local MS campuses)
18Research Questions What kind of teacher
knowledge is essential for student
achievement? Does a cognitive demand level of
teacher knowledge affect student achievement?
19- Research Sample
- Study sample consisted of 22 in-service teachers
from - low-SES schools (based on percentage of students
participating in free or reduced-price lunch
programs) - student population is 80-90 Latino/ Hispanic.
20- Methodology
- In order to assess the impact of teacher
knowledge on student achievement, we used the
following measures -
- Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)
scores for two consecutive years of the test
administration (2005 and 2006). TAKS scores were
collected to assess teacher impact on student
achievement. - Teacher Observation Protocol. The protocol was
used for documenting observations of teacher
practice with focus on the TAKS objectives and
strategies (protocol analysis is in-progress). - Teacher Knowledge Survey. The survey was used to
assess teacher knowledge and consisted of 33
multiple choice problems addressing corresponding
TAKS objectives. Survey items were designed using
different levels of cognitive demand.
21- Teacher Knowledge and Student Performance
- A body of existing research claims that U.S.
teachers lack essential knowledge for teaching
mathematics and that teachers intellectual
resources affect student achievement (Coleman et
al., 1966, Ball, 1991 Stigler Hiebert, 1999,
Ma, 1999, Hill et al., 2005). - The pilot study supports this claim and shows
that teacher knowledge and student achievement
parallel each other.
226th Grade Student TAKS Passing Scores (by Campus,
District, and State) vs. Teacher Knowledge (N22)
23- Why tasks are important?
- Students learn from the kind of work they do
during class, and the tasks they are asked to
complete determines the kind of work they do
(Doyle, 1988). - Mathematical tasks are critical to students
learning and understanding because tasks convey
messages about what mathematics is and what doing
mathematics entails (NCTM, 1991, p. 24). - The tasks make all the difference (Hiebert et
al., 1997, p. 17). - Tasks provide the context in which students
think about mathematics and different tasks place
different cognitive demands on students learning
(Doyle, 1983 Henningsen Stein, 1997 Porter,
24- Cognitive Demand Mathematical Tasks
- Cognitive demand can be defined as the kind and
level of thinking required of students in order
to successfully engage with and solve the task
(Stein et al., 2000, p. 11). - Such thinking processes range from memorization
to the use of procedures and algorithms (with or
without attention to concepts, understanding, or
meaning), to complex thinking and reasoning
strategies that would be typical of doing
mathematics (e.g., conjecturing, justifying, or
interpreting) (Henningsen Stein, 1997, p. 529).
- Given the importance of tasks, the next issue
is What do teachers need to know to select or
make up appropriate individual tasks and coherent
sequences of tasks? The simple answer is that
they need to have a good grasp of the important
mathematical ideas and they need to be familiar
with their students thinking (Hiebert et al.,
1997, p. 34). - Similarly, Grossman, Schoenfeld, Lee (2005)
posed a critical question What do teachers need
to know about the subject they teach? (p. 201),
and provided a fairly straightforward answer
Teachers should possess deep knowledge of the
subject they teach (ibid, p.201).
25Levels of Cognitive Demand
- Level 1 Facts and Procedures
- Memorize Facts, Definitions, Formulas,
Properties, and Rules - Perform Computations
- Make Observations
- Measure
- Solve Routine Problems
- Level 2 Concepts and Connections
- Justify and explain solutions to problems
- Use and select multiple representations to model
mathematical ideas - Transfer knowledge
- Connect two or more concepts to solve
non-routine problems - Communicate Big Ideas
- Explain findings and results from analysis of
data - Level 3 Models and Generalizations
- Generalize
- Make and test conjectures
26Example of Increasing Cognitive Demand
Level 1. What is a rule for fraction division?
Level 2. Solve the same problem in more than one
way, for example, draw a model or illustrate
the problem with manipulatives
Make up a story for the fraction division
27Teacher Knowledge Survey Results by Cognitive
Demand Levels
High Cognitive Level
Low Cognitive Level
28Question-in-Progress How strong is the
connection between Teacher Knowledge and Student
29Assumption-in-Progress Level of Teacher
Knowledge has a Potential to Impact Student Gain
Knowledge Survey Score
N22 r .486 plt.01
- There is a connection between teacher knowledge
and student achievement - in general, and there
are revealing patterns in the connection with
regard to specific mathematical domains,
processes and levels of cognitive demand - in
particular. - The Teacher Knowledge Survey showed the lowest
performance on the patterns, relationships, and
algebraic reasoning and measurement
objectives, which are precisely the lowest
performing two out of the six TAKS objectives for
students! - Within each objective, items on the 33-problem
Teacher Knowledge Survey were also sorted by
levels of cognitive demand. Not surprisingly,
teachers did the best on problems involving the
lowest level of cognitive demand.
31Conclusion (cont.)
- Surprisingly, teachers did slightly better on
problems at the highest level of cognitive demand
than on problems at the middle level. The same
pattern was observed in student performance on
the state standardized test (TAKS). - Considering the limitations of the study (small
sample of teachers and short intervention
period), we intended only to present what appears
to be a promising model for identifying
performance patterns and potentially impacting
some of the teacher variables on student
32Current Stage of the Instrument Development
- Test bank was developed by the TNE Math Working
Group team (faculty of UT-El Paso Colleges of
Science and Education and EPCC mathematics
faculty) - The test-bank consists of 300 problems aligned
with TExES standards - Test items were designed at different levels of
cognitive demand - Currently, test bank is being revised and
converted into computer system - Based on the pilot study results, the Math
Working Group anticipates that the instrument
might play a role of a predictor of pre-service
teacher readiness to challenge the state exam - The Group also plans to use the instrument (with
in-service teachers) as an indicator of a
potential student success.
33Can you imagine!?