Title: Equal Employment Opportunity
1Equal Employment Opportunity
- Kenneth M. York
- School of Business Administration
- Oakland University
2EEO Laws and Guidelines
- Selection and Performance Appraisal
- Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection
Procedures - Principles for the Validation and Use of
Personnel Selection Procedures - Standards for Educational and Psychological Tests
3EEO Laws and Guidelines
- Fair Employment Practices
- Guidelines on Sexual Harassment
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Worker Health and Safety
- Occupational Safety and Health Act
4Uniform Guidelines (1978)
- Civil Rights Act 1964
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Civil Service Commission
- Department of Labor
- Department of Justice
- Employers may use tests to select qualified
employees consistent with - improving the quality of the workforce
- reasonable expectations of proficiency in the
5Uniform Guidelines (1978)
- Selection procedure that selects less than 80 of
the minority applicants compared to the majority
applicants has adverse impact - If selection procedure has adverse impact, each
component must be shown to be valid - Equal employment opportunity posture of the
company will be considered - Employer may modify the procedure or validate
6Uniform Guidelines (1978)
- Record keeping
- Applicant flow data not connected with names/ID
- Females/Males Blacks, AmerIndians, Asians,
Hispanics, Whites - Records safeguarded against misuse and criterion
contamination - No records of adverse impact is presumption of
adverse impact
7Uniform Guidelines (1978)
- Test Validation methods
- Selection procedure is correlated with job
performance (Criterion-Related Validity) OR - Content of selection procedure is representative
of the job (Content Validity) OR - Traits/constructs are correlated to job
performance (Construct Validity) - Dont select for easily learned KSAs
8Uniform Guidelines (1978)
- Can select for higher level job if regular
progression - If lack of validity study, must have
- Substantial evidence of validity AND
- Validity study in progress
- Can use a non-validated procedure
- If part of an affirmative action plan
- If validation study cannot be done because of
small sample size
9Uniform Guidelines (1978)
- Use of other validity studies is OK when
- There is clear evidence of validity
- Study followed the Uniform Guidelines
- Same job and similar workforce
- No adverse impact
- Description of important job behaviors and
criterion of job success
10Uniform Guidelines (1978)
- Employment Agencies
- Must follow Guidelines
- Employer using agency must follow the Guidelines
- Disparate Treatment
- Procedure imposed unequally by race, sex,
national origin - Adverse impact focuses on outcome disparate
treatment focuses on procedure
11Uniform Guidelines (1978)
- Adverse Impact
- 4/5ths or 80 Rule
- strongest test, based on outcome of selection
procedure - Labormarket (or Hazelwood or Utilization)
Analysis - weaker test, based on workforce
- Population Analysis
- weakest test, not job-specific
12Principles for Validation (1987)
- Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology
(SIOP) - How to do validation studies
- Criterion-Related Strategies
- Content-Related Strategies
- Construct-Related Strategies
- Validity Generalization
13Standards for Tests (1974)
- American Psychological Association
- How to write a test
- Manual
- Norms/Percentiles
- Reliability and Validity
- Standards for use of tests
14Guidelines on Sexual Harassment (1980)
- A kind of sex discrimination under Title VII
- Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a
sexual nature - Term or condition of employment
- Hostile work environment
15Guidelines on Sexual Harassment (1980)
- Employer liability
- Supervisor is harasser strict liability
- Coworker or nonemployee is harasser limited
liability - Affirmative action obligation to prevent sexual
harassment - Third party sexual harassment
16Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967)
- Prohibits discrimination against people 40-69,
unless employer can demonstrate that age is a
BFOQ - Michigan Elliott-Larsen Act has no age limits
- Older workers can waive their rights to sue under
ADEA in exchange for early retirement incentives - No mandatory retirement before age 70
17Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967)
- Reasonable factors other than age can be used to
justify termination of a protected worker - Reduction in force
- Voluntary early retirement plans
18Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
- Most significant anti-discrimination law since
Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Goal is to integrate the disabled into the
workforce and change focus of pre-employment
inquiries to ability to do the job - Covers employment, transportation, public
19Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
- 43 million American have some type of disability
- Job descriptions must be rewritten to identify
essential job duties and other job duties - Can be actual disability or perceived to be a
disability by others - Disability is a physical or mental impairment
that substantially limits one or more major life
20Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
- What is a qualified disability?
- Includes cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy,
epilepsy, AIDS, successfully rehabilitated drug
abuser - Not transvestites, homosexuals, emotional or
sexual disorders, illegal drug abuser - Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship
- Costs and benefits
21Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970)
- OSHA Acts created
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health - Some occupational hazards
- Violence in the workplace
- Sick buildings
- Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (RSI)
22Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970)
- OSHA paperwork (keep 5 years)
- OSHA-300 (formerly OSHA-200)
- OSGA-301 (formerly OSHA-101)
- OSHA-102
- OSHA consultation
- OSHA penalties
- Accident Injury Prevention Approaches
- Engineering approach
- Personnel approach
- Industrial-social approach
- Pseudoscientific approach