Introducing SLA of phonology research: a historical perspective - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introducing SLA of phonology research: a historical perspective


Title: Introducing SLA of phonology research: a historical perspective Created Date: 10/8/2003 12:54:18 PM Document presentation format: Pokaz na ekranie – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introducing SLA of phonology research: a historical perspective

Introducing SLA of phonology research a
historical perspective
  • SLA and contrastive linguistics

  • The 20th century contrastive studies, known under
    the name of Contrastive Analysis, originated out
    of the need to improve the methods of language
    teaching and learning.

Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis
  • strong version (Lado 1957) possibility to
    predict all errors as a result of transfer from
    L1(NL) to L2(TL)
  • similar elements were assumed to be easy
  • different elements - to be difficult
  • weak version (Wardhaugh 1970) comparison of L1
    and L2 not enough to predict all errors they can
    be explained after the fact

moderate views
  • Gradually, more moderate views replaced the
    strong language acquisition hypothesis.
  • Transfer lost its all-solving status and came to
    coexist with the dominant notion interlanguage
    (Selinker 1969, 1972), independent of NL and TL.

Interlanguage Hypothesis
  • extreme
  • Creative Construction Hypothesis (Dulay and Burt
  • the monitor model by Krashen (e.g. 1981) a
    distinction between acquisition and learning
  • moderate
  • Markedness Differential Hypothesis (Eckman 1977,
    1981) difficult areas are those that are
  • different from L1 and
  • relatively more marked than L1

transfer acc. to Gass (1988387)
  • The notion of language transfer involves the use
    of native language (or other language)
    information in the acquisition of a second (or
    additional) language. A broader definition of
    this sort allows for observed phenomena such as
  • delayed rule restructuring
  • transfer of typological organization
  • different paths of acquisition
  • avoidance
  • overproduction of certain elements
  • additional attention paid to the target language
    resulting in more rapid learning
  • differential effects of socially prestigious

Weinreich (1953) Languages in Contact
  • interference those instances of deviation
    from the norms of either language which occur in
    the speech of bilinguals as a result of their
    familiarity with more than one language
  • bilingualism the practice of alternately
    using two languages
  • later only native-like use of both languages
    (e.g. Bloomfield) vs. any use of an L2 (e.g.

Lado (1957) Linguistics Across Cultures
  • CA - Contrastive Analysis
  • transfer individuals tend to transfer the
    forms and the meanings, and the distribution of
    the forms and meanings of their native language
    and culture to the foreign language and culture
  • differences between the two languages more
    important - they cause 'negative transfer
    similarities - 'positive transfer'

behaviourist view of language learning
  • Bloomfield (1933), Skinner (1957)
  • grammatical structure as system of habits (Lado
  • habits acquired through exposure and practice
  • stimulus-response

mentalist view of language learning (Chomsky et
  • Chomsky (1959) review of Skinners (1957)
    Verbal Behaviour
  • the independent grammars assumption - children
    have a system of their own, they are not
    defective speakers
  • LAD Language Acquisition Device children
    construct linguistic competence by evaluation
    measure (hypothesis-testing in acquisition

independent grammars in L2
  • approximative system (Nemser 1971)
  • interlanguage (Selinker 1972)
  • phonology of interlanguage (Tarone 1978)
  • the methodology of Error Analysis (Corder 1971)
  • error (of competence) vs. mistake (of
  • paradox in Selinker Corder the object of
    description is learners knowledge of language
    (competence) whereas the research method is the
    analysis of his/her performance

  • multi-competence should be treated as a norm
    its normal for the majority of people to use
    another language

SLA of speech
  • Abramson Lisker 1970 cross-lg differences in
    the discrimination ability of VOT (responsible
    for voicing aspiration contrasts in initial
    stops), which agreed with Motor Theory (Liberman
    et al 1967) perception accomplished via
  • the categorical perception (CP) paradigm (tests
    of discrimination identification of consonants
    to discover those lg-specific patterns)
  • so, the opinion in the 1970s discrimination of
    voicing place contrasts in Cs in L2 determined
    by the phonemic significance of the stimuli in L1

SLA of speech cont.
  • BUT 2 to 6-month-old infants COULD discriminate
    such contrasts independent of their exposure to
    the language in which they occurred
  • THUS loss in discrimination ability (age
    progress in L1)
  • adults Japanese learners of English could produce
    /r/ /l/, but not perceive the contrast
    production preceded exceeded perception in L2
  • training to improve perception was unsuccessful -
    support for the strong Critical Period Hypothesis
    (Lenneberg 1967) from 2 years to puberty
  • the above conclusions were premature ? detailed
    studies demonstrated that

perceptual difficulty in L2 is relative
  • as to voicing, place, context, experience with
    L2, but also different acoustic cues used by L2
    learners than by natives for the same contrasts
    (e.g. for /r-l/ contrast native speakers use F3,
    while Japanese learners use temporal differences
    and F2)
  • native lg patterns of phonetic perception are
    formed in the first year of life (works by Werker
    et al., Polka)
  • no consistent answer as to children b-n 2 13
    whether they have any advantage over adolescents
    adults in the perception of non-native
    contrasts (Flege et al. vs. Werker others)

perception vs. production
  • perception causal for production e.g. Portuguese
    speakers assimilated Fr. /y/ to their /i/
    category while English speakers - to their /u/
  • however, prod perc may proceed independently
    (in Japanese learners of English perc lagged
    behind prod)
  • "earlier is better" to learn production no
    convincing evidence for perc (comment adults
    have heard incomparably more signals than

perceptual training of L2 contrasts
  • in the 1980-90s it was demonstrated that
    short-term intensive training improves perc
    voicing easier than place but longer training
    even more
  • importance of context, e.g. vd/vless ltthgt
    contrast trained in CV context improved Fr.
    speakers' perc of natural CV stimuli, but there
    was NO TRANSFER to VCV or VC contexts "subjects
    learn to differentiate position-specific
    allophones of phonetic categories, rather than
    context-free phoneme categories"

  • both children adults have some perc
    difficulties they are not due to a loss of
    sensory capabilities, but reflect perceptual
  • sensitive period gt critical period
  • since non-native contrasts are not equally
    difficult, contrastive analysis of phoneme
    inventories cannot accurately predict perceptual
    problems of L2 learners

  • selective perceptual patterns are modified in
    adults ( children) through immersion or
    conversational instruction some perc
    difficulties may persist even after production
    mastered, so perc prod may be uncorrelated in
    more experienced learners
  • short-term training emphasizing equivalence
    classification transfers to novel talkers and
    stimuli, but whether it generalizes to all
    phonotactic contexts - has not been demonstrated

Extended References
  • Cook, V. 1993. Linguistics and Second Language
    Acquisition. London Macmillan.
  • Dziubalska-Kolaczyk, Katarzyna. 2002. Conscious
    competence of performance as a key to teaching
    English. In Waniek-Klimczak, E. and Melia, P.J.
    (eds.) Accents and Speech in English. Frankfurt
    Peter Lang. 97-106.
  • Dziubalska-Kolaczyk, Katarzyna. 2003. How
    learners repair second language phonology and
    whether they may become native speakers. In
    Waniek-Klimczak, Ewa and Wlodzimierz Sobkowiak
    (eds.). Dydaktyka fonetyki jezyka obcego.
    Neofilologia, tom V. Plock Zeszyty Naukowe PWSZ
    w Plocku.
  • Dziubalska-Kolaczyk, Katarzyna. 2003. Speech is
    in the ear of the listener Some remarks on the
    acquisition of second language sounds. In Hales,
    Kimberli and Angela Terveen (main editors),
    Aurélie Capron, Marion Correnoz and Théo Garneau,
    under the direction of Marie-Christine Garneau
    (eds.). Selected Papers from the Sixth
    College-wide Conference for Students in
    Languages, Linguistics and Literature 2002.
    Honolulu College of Languages, Linguistics, and
    Literature. University of Hawaii at Manoa. 81-92.

Extended References cont.
  • Eckman, Fred R. 1977. Markedness and the
    contrstive analysis hypothesis. Language Learning
    27. 315-330.
  • Eckman, Fred R. 1981. On predicting phonological
    difficulty in second language acquisition. SSLA
    4. 18-30.
  • Eckman, Fred R. 1991. The structural conformity
    hypothesis and the acquisition of consonant
    clusters in the interlanguage of ESL learners. .
    SSLA 13. 23-41.
  • Eckman, Fred R. and Gregory K. Iverson. 1993.
    Sonority and markedness among onset clusters in
    the interlanguage of ESL learners. Second
    Language Research 9,3. 234-252.
  • Fisiak, J. (1993) Contrastive linguistics and
    foreign/second language acquisition. In Seeber,
    H.U. and W. Göbel (eds.) Anglistentag 1992
    Stuttgart. Proceedings. vol.XIV. Max Niemeyer
    Verlag. 315-326.
  • Flege, James Emil. 1995. Second language speech
    learning Theory, findings, and problems. In
    Strange, W. (ed.). Speech Perception and
    Linguistic Experience Theoretical and
    Methodological Issues. Timonium, MD York Press.
  • Flege, James Emil. 1999. The relation between L2
    production and perception. ICPhS99, San
    Francisco. 1273- 1276.
  • Jassem, Wiktor. 2003. Polish. JIPA 33, 1.
  • Leather, J. and A.R. James. 1991. The acquisition
    of second language speech. SSLA 13. 305-341.

Extended References cont.
  • Major, Roy C. 2001. Foreign Accent The Ontogeny
    and Philogeny of Second Language Acquisition.
    Mahwah, New Jersey Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Proceedings of the 14th 1999 and 15th 2003 ICPhS
    (on CDRoms).
  • Shockey, Linda. 2002. Sound Patterns of Spoken
    English. Oxford Blackwell.
  • Sobkowiak, W. 1996. English Phonetics for Poles.
    Poznan Bene Nati.
  • Strange, Winifred. 1996. Phonetics of
    Second-Language Acquisition Past, Present,
    Future. 13th ICPhS, 4 76-83.
  • Strange, Winifred. 1999. Levels of abstraction in
    characterizing cross-language phonetic
    similarity. ICPhS99, San Francisco. 2513-2519.
  • Tarone, Elaine E. 1978. The phonology of
    interlanguage. In Richards, J. (ed.).
    Understanding second and foreigh language
    learning. Rowley, MA Newbury House. 15-33.
  • Wardhaugh, Ronald. 1970. The contrastive analysis
    hypothesis. TESOL Quaterly 4. 123-130.
  • Weinreich, Uriel. 1953. Languages in contact. The
    Hague Mouton.
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