vivere sine proprio - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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vivere sine proprio


vivere sine proprio Living without Grasping Sine proprio and contemplation Contemplative view of person, world. Exhortation to Praise of God Praises to be said at All ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: vivere sine proprio

vivere sine proprio
  • Living without Grasping

Giotto, Allegory of Poverty, Basilica of St.
Sine proprio and contemplation
  • Contemplative view of person, world.
  • Exhortation to Praise of God
  • Praises to be said at All Hours
  • ability to look at creation, world as good
    without having to use it
  • it is good as itself, even without usefulness to
  • the person is good, without having to use people
    for my ends
  • the self is good, without having any use for
    other purposes

Contemplation Market
  • Act of contemplation is a critique of
    consumption, market
  • need experience of seeing ourselves as God sees
    us, as good
  • regardless of our usefulness
  • world of gratuity, gift

Our history in regard to poverty
  • MP 33, 38
  • Rule VI
  • nemo dat quod non habet
  • need to claim gifts before able to give to
  • grace not claimed is grace lost
  • acknowledge gifts we have, so we can give them
    to others
  • hermeneutic of depreciation in capitalism (I
    have what you need)
  • you are never measuring up

Franciscan Tradition
  • Distinctive Franciscan tradition
  • different from monastic tradition
  • (Acts 2, Olivi interpretation)
  • In private and in common
  • difference from monastic tradition
  • continuity with renunciation (Cassian)

Alms Christological perspective
  • (ER IX) (Lk 1230 little ones,)
  • Mt 24 Happy is the servant
  • example of Jesus disciples reading of Gospel
  • right and inheritance of kingdom in alms for
  • source of dispute with John XXII
  • rooted in Incarnation
  • expressed in Passion
  • confirmed in Glorification
  • (Phil 2) (2Cor 68)
  • Ltr to Entire Order give yourselves
    completely to Him who gives Himself completely to
    you) Mt 819

Gospel Dynamic
  • Go!
  • Sell!
  • Give!
  • Come Follow!
  • you will have riches in heaven
  • heaven is not just future
  • kingdom of heaven is present

Mission witness (Rule chap. VI)
  • in common sine proprio
  • solidarity with poor
  • solidarity with each other
  • distinction
  • voluntary poverty and involuntary poverty
  • critique of market commercial economy
  • economy of communion

vivere sine proprio a journey
  • sine proprio as itinerarium
  • constantly undertaken anew
  • Exemplars
  • who have been examples for us of living sine
  • approach their lives with faith
  • different experience at different times of life
    (old age, sickness)
  • Changing Social reality in Society
  • typewriters? radios? credit cards?
  • continual acts of discernment, new technology,
    human will
  • way to get into our own life, reflect on it.
  • work, service, mission

Admonitions of Francis
  • Frequent mention of vivere sine proprio
  • living without anything of ones own
  • living without possessing, holding onto
  • And its opposite appropriare, thesaurizare
  • holding onto
  • storing up a treasure
  • possessing
  • Texts in Robert J. Karris, O.F.M., The
    Admonitions of St. Francis Sources and Meaning
    (The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure
    University, St. Bonaventure New York 1999)

Adm. II makes his will his own
  • The Lord said to Adam Eat of every tree, but of
    the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you
    may not eat (Gn 216-17). From every tree of
    paradise he could eat, because, as long as he
    does not go against obedience, he did not sin.
    For the person who eats of the tree of the
    knowledge of good is the one who appropriates to
    himself his own will and exalts himself
    concerning the good things which the Lord says
    and works in him. And thus through the
    suggestions of the devil and the transgression of
    the command came about (the eating of) the fruit
    of the knowledge of evil. Whence it was
    necessary that he incur punishment.

Adm.III leaves all he possesses
  • The Lord says in the Gospel Whoever does not
    renounce all that he possesses cannot be my
    disciple and Whoever wishes to save his life
    must lose it. That person who offers himself
    totally to obedience in the hands of his prelate
    leaves all that he possesses and loses his body.

Adm. III, obedience
  • And whatever he does and says which he knows is
    not contrary to his will is true obedience,
    provided that what he does is good. And should a
    subject see that some things might be better and
    more useful for his soul than what a prelate
    commands, let him willingly offer such things to
    God as a sacrifice and, instead, let him
    earnestly strive to fulfill the prelates wishes.
    For this is loving obedience because it pleases
    God and neighbor. If the prelate, however,
    commands something contrary to his conscience,
    even though he may not obey him, let him not,
    however, abandon him. And if he then suffers
    persecution from others, let him love them all
    the more for the sake of God. For whoever
    chooses to suffer persecution rather than wish to
    be separated from his brothers truly remains in
    perfect obedience because he lays down his life
    for his brothers.

Adm.IV store up a money bag
  • I have come not to be served, but to serve (Mt
    2028). Those who have been constituted in a
    position over others should only glory in that
    superiorship in the same way as they would glory
    if they were deputed to assume the office of
    washing the feet of the brothers (Jn 131-20).
    And the more they are perturbed about their
    superiorship being taken away from them than they
    would be over the loss of the office of washing
    feet, so much the more do they collect for
    themselves a money bag (Jn 126 1339) to the
    peril of their souls.

Adm V nothing belongs to you
  • Pay attention, O human being, to the great
    excellence in which the Lord God established you,
    for he created and formed you in the image of his
    beloved Son according to the body and in the
    likeness according to the spirit. And all
    creatures that are under heaven, according to
    their constitutions serve, acknowledge, and obey
    their creator better than you. And even the
    demons did not crucify him, but you with them
    crucified him and still are crucifying (him) as
    you delight in vices and sins.

Adm V (cont.)
  • Therefore, whence can you glory? For even if you
    were so clever and were so wise that you had all
    knowledge and knew how to interpret every kind of
    tongue and subtly investigate heavenly matters,
    in all these things you should not glory.
    Because one demon knew about heavenly matters and
    now knows about earthly matters more than all
    people, although there might be someone who has
    received a special knowledge of the highest
    wisdom from the Lord.

these do not belong to you
  • Similarly even if you were more handsome and
    richer than all people and even if you performed
    miracles, so that you made demons flee, all these
    things are against you and do not belong to you
    and in these you can have no glory. But in this
    we may glory in our infirmities and to shoulder
    daily the holy cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Adm VII acquire great riches
  • The Apostle says, The letter kills, but the
    Spirit gives life (2Cor 36). Those are dead by
    the letter, who only desire to know mere words,
    so that they may be considered among others as
    wiser and might accumulate great riches to give
    to their relatives and friends. And those
    religious are dead by the letter, who dont want
    to follow the spirit of the divine letter, but
    only want to know the words and to interpret
    (them) to others. And those are given life by
    the spirit of the divine letter, who do not
    attribute to the body every letter which they
    know or desire to know, but in word and example
    render them to the highest Lord God, to whom all
    good pertains.

Adm XI stores up blame
  • Nothing but sin must displease the servant of
    God. And in whatever way any person may sin, and
    on account of this the servant of God
    uncharitably is disturbed and angered, he stores
    up blame for himself (Rom 25). That servant of
    God, who is not angered nor troubles himself
    about anything, lives in right relationship with
    others and does so without calling anything his
    own. And blessed is he, who does not keep
    anything for himself, rendering those things
    which are Caesars to Caesar and those things
    that are Gods to God.

Adm XIV truly poor in spirit
  • Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is
    the kingdom of the heavens (Mt 53). There are
    many who are caught up in private prayers and
    devotions and afflict their bodies with many
    abstinences and punishments. But at one mere
    word that seems injurious to their persons or
    concerning some thing that is taken away from
    them they take offense and are disturbed. These
    are not poor in spirit. Because the person who
    is truly poor in spirit is the one who hates
    himself and loves those who strike him on the

Adm XVIII holds onto something for himself
  • Blessed is the person who supports his neighbor
    in his weakness in the manner that he would wish
    to be supported by him if he were in a similar
    situation (Lk 631). Blessed is the servant who
    renders all good to the Lord God, because whoever
    retains anything for himself hides in himself the
    money of his Lord God (Mt 2518) and what he
    thought to have will be taken away from him (Lk

Adm XXI guise of a reward
  • Blessed is the servant, who when he speaks does
    not reveal his entire person for the sake of a
    reward and is not quick to speak, but wisely
    considers what he must say and how he must
    respond. Woe to that religious, who does not
    retain in his heart the good things that the Lord
    shows him and does not show them to others by his
    actions, but for the sake of a reward would
    rather show them to people by his words. That
    person receives his reward and those hearing him
    reap little fruit.

Adm XXVIII stores up in heaven the good things
  • Blessed is the servant, who stores up in heaven
    as treasure (Mt 620) the good things that the
    Lord shows him and does not want to manifest them
    to people for the sake of a reward, because the
    Most High himself will manifest his works to
    whomsoever he pleases. Blessed is the servant
    who keeps the secrets of the Lord in his heart
    (Lk 815).
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