Title: Investing in Civilization
1Investing in Civilization
- Alan Freeman
- radicaldemon.org
2What is economic recovery?
- 1929, 1893
- Crash after 20 years slow growth
- Long (10 years) period of high unemployment
- Political, social upheaval and suffering (war,
etc) - Long (20 year) period of growth
- Working definition of recovery
3Recovery starts with war
- Unemployment high
- Investment low
- Government replaces investor
- Fordism
- Welfare state
- New growth
- New use values
- New era
4What made the profit rate rise?
Source US Bureau of Economic Analysis
www.bea.gov. NIPA tablesCFixed Assets table
1.01 (Current-cost net capital stock of private
enterprises)LOutput, table 1.9.5, line 2
(output of private enterprises)Accumulation
Ratio L/C
- State restored the profit rate
- It used up accumulated private capital
- It substituted for the normal function of slump
- The numerator in the profit rate was slashed
- When the economy was handed back to private
capital, they obtained a high return - It secured the productivity of the economy
- USA entered postwar with unit costs 1/3 nearest
rival - Without increasing capital stock
- Profit rate was highest ever because capital
stock was lowest ever (relative to output)
6The Dark Side
- War needed for recovery
- War leaders were social reformers
- Universal rights confined to victors
- Small advance, enormous suffering
- Is there an alternative?
Universalist-civilisational -
Reactionary-Parasitic Coexist in same
historical processes
7The Heart of Darkness
- England needs new lands from which we can
easily obtain raw materials and at the same time
exploit the cheap slave labour that is available
from the natives of the colonies in order to save
the 40 million inhabitants of the United Kingdom
from a bloody civil war
- Cecil Rhodes, founder of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
and de Beers
1870 Radical Programme (Liberal
Unionists) Universal education Social
Housing three acres and a cow -to be financed
by colonial revenue
Sources Bigelow, B.and B. Peterson, Rethinking
globalization. P44The Radical Programme Joseph
8The Bright Side
- Also new social consumption
Health, education, jobs, minimum wage, pension
9What the state actually invested in
10Services a silent transition
Share of services in employment
Advanced Countries
11The Cost Illusion
- Human Rights are productive
- State invested in the labour force
- Raised productivity (skills, health, reduced
costs, etc) of the workforce - Reduced the value of labour power the cost of
the wage bill - Neoclassical economics resents as a cost
actually, it was an asset - Typical Canadian auto wage 1500 lower than US
employer does not pay health insurance - This is investing in civilization
12The Physicalist Illusion
- Assumes productivity only by machinery
- Decisive advances in history raised human
capacity - Hindu-Arabic numbers
- The Book
- Mass Education, numeracy, literacy
- Germany recovered twice within 5 years after
enormous physical destruction
13Implications of the service economy
- Enough material resources to feed the world
- 6,000 average 2008 Western average 1950
- Most production not material
- 86 per cent work in services
- Access to advanced services confined to few
- Art
- Care (children, education, elderly care,
disability) - Green investment is a middle-class indulgence
- We have to make these things universal
- This requires a new declaration of rights
14Investing in Civilization
- What is needed?
- Investing in primal productive force of society
humans - New universal rights right to care, create, and
sustain - Reduced material basis, expanded spiritual basis
- Achieve on a world basis
- Who? How?
- All previous solutions the nation
- Universalism for the rich nations
- at the cost of destitution for most of the world
poor - Marx world working class oppressed and poor
- Socialism versus barbarism
15Economic Ideology Today
- Equilibriummarket is perfect
16Inequality an unsustainable truth
Inequality between Global North and South
17Leading or crushing?
Sources World Bank WDI indicators, IMF World
Economic Outlook, United Nations TED database