Title: Configuring Connections and Connecting to Data
1Chapter 5
- Configuring Connections and Connecting to Data
2Overview of ADO.NETwith the .NET Framework
Introdution to ADO.NET
3Universal Data Access (UDA)
- Microsofts strategy for accessing data for
multiple providers - Goal is to access any type of data from any
application on any type of computer
Introdution to ADO.NET
- Technology designed to implement the UDA concept
- Provides an standardized object-oriented
interface - Allows access data from any source
- Library functions
- Hard to use
Introdution to ADO.NET
ActiveX Data Objects ? ADO
- Important Core of the .NET Framework
- Microsofts latest database object model
- Data access solution in .NET
- Allows VB programmers to use a standard set of
objects to refer to data from any source SQL
Server, Oracle, OLE DB ODBC (UDA)
6.NET Data Provider Objects
7Generic classes
- Connection
- Command.
- DataReader
- DataAdapter
- DataSet
- Core ADO.NET Namespaces
- System.Data
- System.Data.OleDb
- System.Data.SqlClient
8Importing the ADO.NET Namespaces
- Needed to build a data access application
- For OLE DB (MS Access)
- Imports System.Data
- Imports System.Data.OleDB
- For SQL Server
- Imports System.Data
- Imports System.Data.SQLClient
9Lesson 1 Creating and Configuring Connection
- What Is a Connection Object?
10(No Transcript)
11What Is a Connection Object?
- Representation of an open connection to a data
source. - Does not fetch, update data, , execute queries
- the pipeline that commands and queries use to
12How to create connection?
- Creating Connections in Server Explorer
- P206
- Creating Connections Using Data Wizards
- P207
- Creating Connection Objects Programmatically
- SQL Server
- SQL / Integrated Security
- MS Access
13Creating Connection Objects Programmatically
14Connection Objects
15Connection properties
16Connection methods
17Chapter 6
- Working with Data in a Connected Environment
18Lesson 0 Connected Disconnectd Environment in
- 2 ways using with ADO.NET
Web Form
Data Source
Windows Form
19Disconnected Data Access
- Single database server can support many users
- reduced server's resources
- Data using more flexible
- Data not 'tied' to a connection
- easy to pass between tiers or persist to file
- Highly suited to Web and n-tier Apps
- Expensive when open, close connections
- Retrieving large result sets can be very slow
- Places demand on client memory and CPU
20System.Data Architecture
21Details System.Data Architecture
22Main DifferenceDataSet-DataReader
- DataSet
- Data structure to store schema and data in a
disconnected fashion - Useful for editing data offline and later update
to data source - DataReader
- Like Phone connection.
- Doesnt need to store data in memory
- Object to access data in a connected,
forward-only, read-only fashion - When performance is your chief concern,
especially with large amounts of data, use a
DataReader class
23Differences DataSet and DataReader
24Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 1.What Are Command Objects?
- 2.Creating and Configuring Command Objects
- 3.Creating SQL Commands (SQL Statements) with the
Query Designer
25Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 1.What Are Command Objects?
26Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 1.What Are Command Objects?
- To execute SQL statements,stored procedures
- Contain the necessary information to execute SQL
27Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 1.What Are Command Objects?
- Depend on Data Providers
28Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 1.What Are Command Objects?
- Common properties (p.254)
- CommandText (SQL statement or the name of any
valid stored procedure) - CommandType (Text, TableDirect, StoredProceduce)
- CommandTimeout(The time in seconds before
terminating the attempt to execute a command. 30s
) - Connection
29Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
30Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 1.What Are Command Objects?
- Common Command Object Methods (p.255)
- ExecuteNonQuery (Executes SQL statements or
stored procedures that return excuted number) - ExecuteReader (Executes commands that return
tabular (or rows) of data. ) - ExecuteScalar (return object, often use to get
value of a column or total of record ) - ExecuteXmlReader (Returns XML formatted data)
31Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 2.Creating and Configuring Command Objects
- Creating a Command Object That Executes a SQL
Statement - Creating a Command Object That Executes a Stored
Procedure - Creating a Command Object That Performs Catalog
Operations - Creating a Command Object That Returns a Single
32Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 2.Creating and Configuring Command Objects
- Creating a Command Object That Executes a SQL
Statement (p.256)
33Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 2.Creating and Configuring Command Objects
- Creating a Command Object That Executes a Stored
Procedure (p.257)
34Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 2.Creating and Configuring Command Objects
- Creating a Command Object That Performs Catalog
Operations (p.257)
35Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 2.Creating and Configuring Command Objects
- Creating a Command Object That Returns a Single
Value (p.258)
36Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 2.Creating and Configuring Command Objects
- Creating a Command Object That Returns a Single
Value (p.258)
37Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 3.Creating SQL Commands (SQL Statements) with the
Query Designer - Creating SQL Commands (SQL Statements) with the
Query Designer - Performing Database Operations Using Command
38Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 3.Creating SQL Commands (SQL Statements) with the
Query Designer - Creating SQL Commands (SQL Statements) with the
Query Designer - We can use the Query Designer to assist in
creating SQL for Command objects - Select database in Server Explorer-gt select New
Query from the Data menu.
39Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 3.Creating SQL Commands (SQL Statements) with the
Query Designer - Performing Database Operations Using Command
Objects (p 260)
40How to receive DataReader
Which data?
41DataReader Class
- Store the information obtained by the command
- In stateless stream type object
- Very efficient
- Forward-only cursor
- Read-only cursor
- You cant access anything until you call
Read()the first time
43Core DataReader method/property
- Read Reads, and set pointer to the next record.
- Close
- IsClosed
- HasRowsReturns true if DataReader contains rows
- FiledCount Number of columns
- GetName(i) returns the label of the ith column
in the current row - GetString(i) returns the value of the ith column
as the specified type
44Note DataReader
- ADO.NET does not provide all the server-side
cursor - Dont keep DataReaders open longer than necessary
- For flexible updates client-side manipulation
- Use DataSets and DataAdapters
- Only one DataReader use at a time
- Tie to Connectiongt cannot used other DataReader.
- To reuse connectiongtcall DataReader.Close.
- Dont depend on the garbage collector-gt
explicitly close. - Tie the connection life to DataReader
- CommandBehavior.CloseConnection in
45Note about DataReader
- The first row of data is not available until you
call the Read method. - Using with stored procedure uses a return or
output parameter, must close DataReader before
get parameter - DataReader cannot be used for data binding
- System.DBNull.value
46Lesson 1 Creating and Executing Command Objects
- 3.Creating SQL Commands (SQL Statements) with the
Query Designer - Lab P265
47(No Transcript)
49Ex _Module8_2
50Load Data from Access
52Lesson 2 Working with Parameters in SQL Commands
- 1.What Is a Parameter and Why Should I Use Them?
- 2.Types of Parameters
- 3.Creating Parameters
- 4.Adding Parameters to Command Objects
53Lesson 2 Working with Parameters in SQL Commands
- 1.What Is a Parameter and Why Should I Use Them?
- parameter can be thought of as a type of variable
- use to pass and return values between your
application and a database. - Parameter data types are assigned using the types
defined in the System.Data.SqlDbType enumeration.
- pass parameter values to SQL statements when we
want to change the criteria of your queries
54Lesson 2 Working with Parameters in SQL Commands
- 2.Types of Parameters (p 274)
- Input parameter. (default)
- Output parameter.
- InputOutput parameter.
- InputOutput parameters are used to both send and
receive data when executing a command. - The type of parameter is designated in the
Direction property of the parameter - With a parameter, we ou can set its Direction
property to Input, Output, InputOutput, or
55Lesson 2 Working with Parameters in SQL Commands
56Lesson 2 Working with Parameters in SQL Commands
- 3.Creating Parameters (p 274)
- Create parametersinstance of the Parameter class
- setting its name and data type
- Choose ParameterDirection
57Creates an Input parameter (p 274)
58creates an Output parameter (p 275)
59Lesson 2 Working with Parameters in SQL Commands
- 4.Adding Parameters to Command Objects
- Command objects have a Parameters property that
represents a collection of parameters - After you create a parameter, you must add it to
the Parameters collection of the Command object
60Lesson 2 Working with Parameters in SQL Commands
- Lab Lab Working with Parameters page 275
61Module8_2 Select in ListView
Không t?o d?i tu?ng Parameters
62Lesson 2 Summary
- Update Database with connect mode
- Client
- Type 1 Using client dynamic Sql
- Type 2 Using client SQL with parameters
- Server
- Using server Query Parameters
- Using server Stored Procedured
- Example find student
63Your Questions?
64(No Transcript)
65Using Dynamic SQL
- cmd.CommandText "select from sinhvien where
ten like tuan' - cmd.CommandText "select from sinhvien where
ten like txt.Text ' - cmd.CommandText "select from sinhvien where
ten txt.Text '
- Datareader New?????
- Open Connection before ExecuteReader
- Execute only one for one command
67Exer 1
- 1. Create MA access database
- Table Student(ID,FirstName,Lastname,Phone)
- Using Client dynamic SQL to put data in Listview
- Using Client dynamic SQL to detail data to
68Ex. Insert new record
- Insert into sv(ma,lname,fname,phone) Values
(?,?,?,?) - Cmd.parameters.add(p1)
- Cmd.parameters.add(p2)
- Cmd.parameters.add(p3)
- Cmd.parameters.add(p4)
- Insert into sv(ma,lname,fname,phone) Values
(_at_ma,_at_lname,_at_fname,_at_phone) - insert into sv(ma,last name,first name,phone)
values (?,?,?,?)
70Exer 2
- Copy Exer 1 to new folder
- Change the way to get data
- Client Dynamic SQL -gt Client Parameters SQL
71Exer 3
- Copy Exer 2 to new folder
- Change the way to get data
- Client Parameters SQL -gtserver Parameters SQL in
72Exer 4
- Using Student data file
- Display in treeview
- Display detail
- LOP(MaLop,TenLop)
75- LOP(MaLop,TenLop)
76(No Transcript)