Title: Is the Bible Scientifically Correct
1Is the Bible
Scientifically Correct ?
23 Views of Bible
1. Human Document 2. Not entirely the Word of
God 3. All scripture is inspired of God - 2
Tim. 316-17
Is the Bible Accurate from a Scientific
standpoint ?
3Bible is not a book of Science
- That is true
- When it does touch on a scientific theme it must
be true - Not a book of Math
- Dan. 925-27 - 70 weeks
- 62 7 1
4Bibles Scientific Precision
- Completed 20 centuries ago
- Consistent with discoveries of science
- Science books must be updated every few years
Biography of the Earth
Dr. George Gamow
51. The Universe is Eternal
- In the beginning God created the heavens and the
Earth Gen. 11 - Bertrand Russell No reason why the world should
not have always existed - Robert Jastrow Modern science denies eternal
existence to the universe
62. Made of one
- Acts 1726 ASV and He made of one every nation
of men to dwell on all the face of the earth - Human family from one Adam
- Asserts the unity of humanity
72. Made of one
- Charles Darwin argued that the Caucasian Races
are superior - WWII Red Cross segregated blood according to
race - Physical unity shared by all ethnic families of
the earth
82. Made of one
Dr. Ashley Montague All the ethnic groups of man
must have originated from a single ancestral
The Bible is True !
9Alleged Inaccuracies
1. Gen. 16 firmament
- A firm vault holds back the water
- Traced back to Septuagint
- Hebrew expanse not solid
10Alleged Inaccuracies
2. Num. 2322 Unicorn
- Inaccurate translation
- Hebrew refers to a species of extinct wild ox
11Alleged Inaccuracies
3. Rev. 71 Four Corners
- Figurative expression
- Marines serving the flag at the four corners of
the earth - circle of the earth Isa. 4022
12False Science not in Bible
- Human writings reflect the science of their day
- Science books are revised often
- The Bible does not have any false science of the
ancient world
13False Science not in Bible
1. Aristotle Brain is a compound of earth and
- Brain in men larger than women but it is not
- Region of heart in man is hotter not true
14False Science not in Bible
2. Papyrus Ebers Egypt 16th
- Prescription to prevent losing ones hair
- Written about same time that Moses wrote the
Pentateuch - Sanitation regulations
15Is the Bible
Scientifically Correct ?