Title: Changes to the Georgia DHR Immunization Rules
1Changes to the Georgia DHR Immunization Rules
Regulations for Childcare and School
- March 1, 2007
- Video Interactive Conference System (VICS)
- Georgia CTAE Resource Network
- Instructional Resources Office
2Disclosure Statements
- Neither the planners of this session nor I have
any financial relationship with pharmaceutical
companies, biomedical device manufacturers, or
corporations whose products and services are
related to the vaccines we discuss. - There is no commercial support being received for
this event. - The mention of specific brands of vaccines in
this presentation is for the purpose of providing
education and does not constitute endorsement. - The GA Immunization Program utilizes ACIP
recommendations as the basis for this
presentation and for our guidelines, policies,
and recommendations -
3Discussion Topics
- Background and processes
- Basis for changing the rules and regulations
- Changes to the rules and regulations
- Documentation on the revised Certificate of
Immunization (Form 3231) - Resources
4Background Process
- Summer and Fall 2006
- Drafted new rules, gained stakeholder input,
briefed Division of Public Health - November 2006
- Submitted proposed changes and justification to
DHR Public Health Sub-committee for review - December 2006
- PH Committee proposed rules changes to DHR Board
- January 2007
- Period of public comment opened for 1 month
- Notices sent to stakeholders
5Process continued.
- February 2007
- February 2---Public hearing
- February 5---Close of public comment period
- February 9---Summary of Public Comments sent to
PH Committee and DHR Board for review - February 21---DHR Board approved Immunization
Rules Changes - February 22---began notification to stakeholders
6Stakeholder Input
- Before presentation to PH Committee
- Had discussions with stakeholders before proposed
changes - Received 17 letters of support before Nov. from
organizations including GA AAP, DHR Family
Nurse Association and private practice physicians
- During the Public Comment period
- Received letter of support from Every Child by
Two, GA AFP, National HMHB Coalition - At the Public Hearing, Georgia Academy of Family
Physicians read letter of support and Dr.
Keyserling, Emory University (AAP ID Committee)
presented supporting evidence for changes
7Getting the word out !!!
- News Release
- Blast faxes
- Providers
- Letters and/or Emails
- Over 600 public health and private providers
- Approximately 200 school superintendents and 2500
principals of public and private schools - Home School Association
- Approximately 10,,00 directors of licensed and
family child care facilities, including 4 year
old Pre K and Head start programs - School Nurse Association
- Articles in professional and parent newsletters
- Georgia Immunization Program Web site
8Basis for Change ACIP Recommendations
- What is the ACIP?
- ACIP Recommendations documents
- Published statements http//www.cdc.gov/nip/public
ations/ACIP-list.htm - Provisional statements http//www.cdc.gov/nip/recs
/provisional_recs/default.htm - Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization
92007 Recommended Childhood and Adolescent
Immunization Schedules
Ages 0-6 years
Ages 7-18 years
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
1220th Century Annual and Current Morbidity of
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Percent Decrease
20th Century Annual Morbidity
Diphtheria Measles Mumps Pertussis Polio
(paralytic) Rubella Congenital Rubella
Syndrome Tetanus H. influenzae, type b and
unknown (lt5 yrs)
175,885 503,282 152,209 147,271 16,316 47,745 823
1,314 20,000
0 66 314 25,616 1 11 1 27 226
100 gt99 gt99 83 gt99 gt99 gt99 98 99
Sources CDC. MMWR 1999 48242-264 and MMWR
200655883-893. Data are estimated. Values
in YELLOW at or near record lows in 2005.
Includes serotype b (9) and unknown serotype
13Low Rates of Childhood Vaccine Preventable
14Georgia Law
- All children attending a facility or school
- must be immunized according to the
- rules and regulations established by the
- Georgia Department of Human
- Resources (DHR).
15DHR Rules and Regulations
- Provide definition of terms
- Determine the specific requirements for
immunization based on an immunization regimen
equivalent to the current immunization schedule
developed by the ACIP and adopted by DHR. - Stipulate which immunizations are required
- Provide acceptable means for documentation of
immunity and for medical and religious
exemptions - Provide directions for issuing, maintaining, and
inspecting certificates
16Changes to DHR Rules Regulations
- New Definition Added
- New entrant means any child entering any school
or facility in GA for the 1st time or entering
after having been absent from a GA school or
facility for gt12 months or 1 school year.
17Changes to DHR Rules Regulations
- Immunization against 2 additional
- diseases
- Pneumococcal Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
(PCV) - Hepatitis A Hepatitis A Vaccine
- Additional dose requirements to 2
- existing required vaccines
- Mumps 2nd dose
- Varicella 2nd dose
18Vaccine Requirements
- Consistent with the Recommended Childhood and
Adolescent Immunization Schedule - Children are required to be age appropriately
immunized against each of these diseases - Hepatitis B Polio
- Diphtheria Measles
- Tetanus Mumps
- Pertussis Rubella
- Haemophilus Influenzae type b Hepatitis A
- Varicella (chicken pox)
Pneumococcal disease - 2 doses required
19Changes to DHR Rules Regulations
New Certificate
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22Pneumococcal Disease
- Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) is
recommended for all children lt24 mos. of age and
those 24-59 mos. with certain risk factors. - PCV is now required for all children under 5
years of age who attend child care facilities. - The number of doses needed depends on the
childs age at the time the series was started
and on their current age.
23Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis A Vaccine is recommended for all
children 12-23 mos. of age with catch-up
vaccination of older children as indicated. - Immunity will be required for children
attending school and child care and who were born
on or after 1-1-06. - 2 doses of vaccine administered on or after the
first birthday and at least 6 months apart - Date of positive serology
- 2 doses of mumps vaccine are recommended for
school aged children and adults at high risk - 2 doses of vaccine or serologic proof of immunity
is now required for - Entry to Kindergarten
- Entry to 6th grade
- A New Entrant at any grade
- Vaccine doses must be administered on or after
the first birthday and at least 28 days apart
- Vaccine is recommended for all persons over one
year of age who have not had the disease - 2 doses of vaccine or proof of immunity is now
required for - Entry to Kindergarten
- Entry to 6th grade
- A New Entrant at any grade
26Evidence of Varicella Immunity
- Documentation of age-appropriate vaccination
- Preschool-aged children gt 12 months 1 dose
- School-aged children, adolescents and adults 2
doses - If under 13 years of age, a minimum of 3 months
apart - If 13 years of age or older, a minimum of 1 month
apart - Laboratory evidence of immunity or laboratory
confirmation of disease - History of herpes zoster or shingles
- A healthcare provider diagnosis of varicella or
healthcare provider verification of history of
varicella disease. For mild or atypical case - Assessment by physician is recommended to
determine - Epidemiological link to typical case
- Laboratory evidence of immunity if titer done at
time of disease
27New School/ Child Care Requirements Effective
- For children attending child care facilities
- Hepatitis A vaccination if born 1-1-2006 or later
or proof of immunity - Pneumococcal vaccination (If under 5 years of
age) - For children entering kindergarten, sixth
- grade and new entrants into Georgia schools
- Vaccination with 2nd dose of mumps and varicella
vaccines or proof of immunity
28Form 3231 as of 7-1-07
Revised 03/07
29 Age of Child Marks the Spot
- If child is under four years of age, a
certificate - Must be marked with a Date of Expiration
- Must have vaccine administration dates, year of
diagnosis, positive serology, disease
history, or medical
exemption - If child is over four years of age, a certificate
must be completed with - Vaccine administration dates, and /or year of
disease diagnosis, positive serology,disease
history, or medical exemption and - A Date of Expiration or
- A mark in the Complete for School Attendance box
30Vaccine Requirements
- A new entrant enrolling in a Georgia school at
any grade or level, must be age appropriately
immunized with all the required vaccines. - The number of doses for each vaccine depends on
the childs age at the time of school attendance - Each vaccine dose or immunity status must be
documented on the certificate.
31Documentation of Additional Requirements
- Additional Required Vaccines
- Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)
- (If under age 5 years)
- Hepatitis A
- (Born on or after 1/1/06)
- Additional Dose Requirements
- Mumps 2nd dose
- Varicella 2nd dose
32Immunity and Medical Exemptions
Medical Exemption
33 34 Immunization InventoriesChildcare Facilities
- Prior to 07/01/2007
- Base on current rules and regulations
- Educate operators and parents of new requirements
- On or After 07-01-2007
- Base on the revised rules and regulations and
documentation should be on Form 3231 (Revised
3/2007) with following exceptions - Children who have certificates that will expire
after 7/1/07 are considered to be current until
the Date of Expiration. - Children who are enrolled in both school and
child care or after school programs and and
have Complete for School certificates on file
at both facilities, do not need to obtain a
revised certificate.
35 Immunization InventoriesSchools
- On or after 7-1-07
- For children entering kindergarten, 6th grade and
all new entrants, base on the revised rules and
regulations. - Documentation should be on Form 3231 (Revised
3/2007) with following exception - If student has a Form 3231 (revised 10/2003) that
is marked as Complete for School Attendance and
the new requirements for 2 doses of varicella
and mumps vaccines or proof of immunity are
appropriately documented.
36 Immunization InventoriesSchools
- Children currently enrolled in schools, who have
a valid certificate on file, - will not be required to meet the new rules and
regulations and - will not be required to obtain the revised
Certificate of Immunization dated 3/2007. - Exceptions are
- Students entering 6th grade
- Students who do not have a certificate on file
- Students who leave and return as New Entrants.
37Top Ten
2006 Top Ten Certificate Bloopers
1 Completing both boxes Should be one or the
8 Missing information
2 No dose DTaP after 4th birthday
3 Doses Hep B given too early
5 No 2nd dose MMR documented
4 1st dose MMR given before age 1 yr.
7 Immunity not documented by vaccine or
hx/dx/serology date
6 1st dose varicella given before age 1 yr.
9 Not completed
10 No signature
38Availability of Vaccines from VFC Program for VFC
Eligible Children
- All children 6 weeks through 23 months of age
- Children 24-59 months of age with moderate and
high risk conditions (This includes children who
attend child care) - Hepatitis A
- All children 12 months through 18 years of age
- Mumps vaccine
- All children 12 months through 18 years of age
39Availability of Vaccines from VFC Program for VFC
Eligible Children
- Varicella Vaccine
- Two doses for all children 12 months through 18
years of age, including - 2nd dose for children age 4-6 receiving boosters
for - kindergarten
- 2nd dose for children entering 6th grade
- 2nd dose for new entrants
- Two doses for adolescents 18 years of age
entering college if not already received
40Possible Vaccine Supply Issues
- Anticipate short supply in 3rd and 4th quarter of
2007 - Varicella
- Do not anticipate supply issues with single
antigen varicella vaccine
41Revised Certificates of Immunization (Form 3231)
- Are available from the GA Immunization Program
Office - Can be printed from the GA Registry of
Immunization Transactions and Services (GRITS) - Can be printed from office software systems
- If a provider requests permission and receives
approval for the certificate from the Georgia
Immunization Program - If provider is active participant in GRITS
- Certificate must include exact information and
have same appearance as DHR Certificate to be
- Local health department
- District Immunization Coordinator
- GA Immunization Program Office
- On call Help line 404-657-3158
- GRITS Help Line1-888-223-8644
- VFC Help Line1-800-848-3868
- Website www.health.state.ga.us/programs/immunizati
on - Your local Immunization Program Consultant (IPC)
- GA Chapter of the AAP
- GA Academy of Family Physicians