Title: UK Coastal and Marine Resource Atlas
1UK Coastal and Marine Resource Atlas
- Coastal Atlases Workshop
- Cork Ireland July 25 26, 2006
- Old paper atlas BP, NCC, MPCU
- Was primary ref tool for CP and response in UK
- Out of date misinformation
- Potential ve impact when used for
- CP e.g. OPRC plans
- Response - operational
3Background - context
- MCA project leaders why?
- Responsible for the co-ordination of response to
maritime pollution incidents
4Purpose of the Atlas
- To provide a more flexible resource for national
oil spill planning - Not a substitute for live consultation with
statutory bodies - To provide generic information on sensitive
resources of the UK coastline and its seas to
all stakeholders - To assist in id of protection and clean-up
priorities - To facilitate seamless multi agency response
- Consistency with the UK - NCP
5Purpose of the Atlas to facilitate?
- Audit and planning consistent effective CPs
- Operational response urgent needs
- Clean-up management
- Damage assessment, compensation, responsibilities
- Wider sharing of data
6Target Audience
- Government agencies env planning, esp oil spill
planning and response - Oil industry
- CP specialist consultants in coastal and marine
env management public / private
7Atlas Partners
- Maritime and Coastguard Agency
- Scottish Executive
- Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs - Department of Trade and Industry
- English Nature
- Scottish Natural Heritage
- Joint Nature Conservation Committee
- Kent County Council
- Hampshire County Council
- Essex County Council
- Environment Agency, Anglian Region
- Energy Institute
Complex project management
8MAGIC - platform
- Defra led
- Ideal host for the coastal and marine digital
atlas - Standard GIS tools to view and query data
9What is MAGIC?
- Multi-Agency
- Partnership Project
- Geographic Information
- All data has spatial element
- for the Countryside
- All partners concerned with rural policy and
10Addition of the new datasets
- Originally England only
- Extending scope to include marine and Great
Britain datasets - First phase will be Coastal Marine Resource
Atlas data - NOT a Scottish or Welsh system
11How is MAGIC delivered?
- Via the website
- www.magic.gov.uk
- Access information through
- Interactive map
- Data download facility
- Static Maps
- Accessible to all over the Internet
12Technical Architecture
- Dedicated Internet server
- ESRI ArcIMS software
- Customised in-house to meet user requirements
- Data stored in SQL Server
- ESRI ArcSDE used to access data via ArcIMS
13(No Transcript)
14- Marine data available in ED50 Mercator and GB
National Grid - Metadata available
- Data Download
- Static Maps
15The challenges?
- Data issues
- Marine environment completely new to MAGIC
- Aligning to current MAGIC procedures
- Continuing with MAGIC service during development
- Around 100 datasets
- Coastal Habitats
- GB Conservation Designations
- Infrastructure
- Species Data
17Data layers
Data set Sub-data categories Data source
Terrestrial base mapping 150,000 raster mapping 125,000 raster mapping Ordnance Survey
Bathymetry 5m, 10m, 20m ( 1mile buffer), 40m UKHO (DEFRA)
Offshore jurisdictions 12 mile limit Marine Pollution Control Zone CEFAS MCA
Standing Orders for dispersant use DEFRA SEERAD
Infrastructure Windfarms Oil gas Shipping Lanes Crown Estate DEAL TBC
18Data layers
Data set Sub-data categories Data source
Intertidal geology BGS, CCW
Coastal habitats Sandunes ( machair) EN, CCW, SNH
Cetaceans JNCC, SMRU, Seawatch Foundation
Seals Haul out pupping sites SMRU
Wildfowl waders WWT
Seabirds Seabird colonies Offshore concentrations JNCC
Sensitive fish areas Spawning grounds Nursery Areas CEFAS CEFAS
Fishfarms Crown Estate (Scotland)
Shellfish beds CEFAS, SEPA
Conservation designations EN, CCW, SNH
Bathing waters EA, SEPA
19Example layer CCW Intertidal substrate
- Licensing issues OS, UKHO
- Poorly managed, inaccessible data
- Inconsistent records in single dataset
- Incomparable regional datasets
- Incomplete data coverage national
- Multiple datasets for same kind of data
- Inconsistent data collection and classification
- High spatial resolution for broadscale mapping
purposes - Doubts over dataset origins, quality, scale etc
22Data management and QAMetadata
- MAGIC standards consistent approach
- Providers used standard MAGIC form
- Issues with varying standards of form completion
- Origin and quality sometimes lacking over
reliance on personal knowledge
23Data management and QAData Management Plan
- Clear procedural guide for maintaining datasets
- Flow charts/guides for
- Data request
- Data receipt
- QA procedures
- Data input and processing
- Final QA
24Data update
- Monthly update procedure
- Will include entirely new datasets
25Lessons learned
- Data provider organisations should ensure better
consistency in data collection and managed - Joined-up approach between devolved govt
agencies - Employ data management teams to avoid hoarding
26Lessons learnt
- Data audits to identify
- gaps in information and quality
- Priorities for meeting operational and policy
requirements - Develop links between partner organisations esp
to assist smaller organisations
- Project final report and data management plan
available - Thank you for listening