Title: Essential reading:
1Tomislav Skracic, MAUndergraduate English Course
- Essential reading
- SPINCIC, A., An English Textbook For Marine
Engineers I., Pomorski fakultet, Rijeka 2008. - LUZER, J., SPINCIC, A., Gramaticka vježbenica
engleskog jezika za pomorce, Pomorski fakultet,
Rijeka 2003.
The crew on the majority of vessels is divided
into three departments
- Engine Room
- Deck
- Catering
- Each department is headed by an officer in
charge, who is responsible to the Master.
3Lesson 6 MANNING OF VESSELS The Engine Room
KEY WORDS engine room department - služba
stroja staff (n.) - osoblje Chief Engineer -
zapovjednik stroja, kapo Engineer Officer -
casnik stroja petty officer - docasnik,
podoficir Donkeyman - voda stroja, noštromo od
makine Fitter - mehanicar, strojobravar Greaser
/ Oiler - mazac Wiper (n.) - cistac duty
engineer - dežurni strojar rating - mornar,
clan posade koji nije casnik compulsory -
obavezan comprising - ukljucujuci, koji
4Lesson 6 MANNING OF VESSELS The Engine Room
KEY WORDS electrical plant - brodska
elektrana refrigerating plant - rashladno
postrojenje / uredaj be certified - biti
ovlašten Department of Trade (GB) - ministarstvo
trgovine under British law - po britanskom
zakonu examination - ispit, pregled First
Class Engineer's Certificate - svjedodžba
strojara prve klase Second Class Engineer's
Certificate - svjedodžba strojara druge
klase statutary stipulations - zakonski
propisi require (v.) - zahtijevati,
tražiti endorsement (n.) - bilješka na poledini
5Lesson 6 MANNING OF VESSELS The Engine Room
KEY WORDS nucleus (n.) - jezgra the
remainder - ostatak watch (n.) - straža,
gvardija be manned - opsluživati brod /
stroj - voditi / upravljati brodom,
strojem roster (n.) - raspored
straže consecutive - uzastopan off duty / on
duty - izvan službe / u službi (dežuran) rank
(n.) - cin, položaj rank (v.) - svrstati,
ubrajati unattended - bez osoblja /
nadzora supervision - nadzor rota (n.) - rad
dežurstva / službe
- The Engine Room is the charge of the Chief
Engineer, who is responsible to the Master both
for the main propulsion machinery and
auxiliaries. - The Chief Engineer is also responsible for
- bunkering and consumption of fuel,
- machinery maitenance and repairs.
- ordering, receiving, and maintaining a proper
inventory of spare parts and supplies - setting the watches and supervising the work of
the engine room crew. - reports, correspondence and other paperwork.
- The Chief Engineer is assisted by a number of
Engineer Officers, according to the size of the
vessel. - The Engineer Officer or Chief Electrician has to
be a jack of all trades. He has to know all
about the mechanical and electrical engineering
on board. He has to be able to service the
engines and keep them running in good condition
when the ship is at sea, any breakdown has to be
repaired in the best possible way, often without
any help from outside. A total blackout or
propulsion problems can be extremely dangerous
for the vessel and its crew.
8- The Engineer Officers, with the exception of the
Chief Engineer, are watch-keepers and the
following is an example of a roster of a
three-watch system.
Engineers rank Watch-keeping time
Second Engineer (GB) First Assistant Engineer (US) 04.00 08.00 and 16.00 - 20.00
Third Engineer (GB) Second Assistant Engineer (US) 12.00 16.00 and 24.00 14.00
Fourth Engineer (GB) Third Assistant Engineer (US) 08.00 12.00 and 20.00 24.00
9- Where the machinery space is unattended, a Duty
Engineer is responsible for supervision. This is
called a UMS operation. - (UMS stands for Unattended Machinery Space)
- The Engine Room Department also includes some
petty officers as the Donkeyman, Pumpman,
Storekeeper and Fitter. - There are also a number of ratings in the Engine
Room Greaser, Wiper...
- Answer the following questions
- What is the Chief Engineer responsible for?
- Who assists the Chief Engineer?
- Does the Chief Engineer keep watch?
- What is the purpose of the main engine(s)?
- What does the auxiliary machinery include?
- Who are the crew members called ratings?