Title: AIA IAS Research Review
1AIA IAS Research Review ProposalsJuly 14,
2006Turgay KorkmazDepartment of Computer
2Overview of Previous Research
Power-efficient mechanisms for detecting
replay-based intruders in wireless ad hoc
- Research Objective
- Investigate how to combat against replay-based
attacks that cannot be just dealt with using
cryptographic techniques - Develop a protocol to verify physical presence of
neighboring wireless nodes - Progress
- We first consider RTT-based and power-based
approaches. We then couple them to design an
effective neighbor verification protocol (NVP). - With the extension of this grant, we start
investigating topology control, MAC and QoS
issues in wireless ad hoc networks. - Outcome
- Turgay Korkmaz, Wei Zhou, "On Finding Optimal
Paths in Multi-radio, Multi-hop Mesh Networks
using WCETT Metric", International Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing Conference
IWCMC 2006, ACM. July 3 - 6, 2006. Vancouver,
Canada - Turgay Korkmaz, Verifying Physical Presence of
Neighbors against Replay-based Attacks in
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, International Journal
of Information Technology (IJIT), Volume 11
Number 2, 2005 pages 5--17. - Turgay Korkmaz and Mustafa N.Kaynak, Impacts of
Channel Reliability on Topology Control in
Multi-hop Wireless Networks,'' IEEE VTC
2005-Fall, Sept. 25-28, 2005, Dallas. - Turgay Korkmaz, "Verifying Physical Presence of
Neighbors against Replay-based Attacks in
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE ITCC 2005,
Wireless Ad Hoc/Sensor Networks and Network
Security track, pages 704-709, April 4-6, 2005
Las Vegas, NV, USA.
3Proposed Research
Integrated QoS and security mechanisms to support
mission critical applications in MANETs
- Objective
- Despite their potential benefits, MANETs are
currently not able to meet the stringent security
and quality-of-service (QoS) requirements in
military settings. In this project, we
investigate these two key issues and integrate
them so that various attacks can be
detected/avoided during the QoS-aware operations
of the network. - Approach
- Develop basic mechanisms such as traffic
prioritization and packet authentication at MAC
layer. (We have some preliminary work here and
continue to improve it) - Consider soft QoS techniques across transport,
network and data link layers - Consider behavior monitoring to combat both
outsider and internal attacks - Budget
- Two Graduate students 50,000 (12-month
stipend and tuition) - Faculty summer support 24,000 (two-month
salary and fringe benefits) - Travel 5,000 (3000 for faculty and 2000
for students) - Supplies/Materials 1,000
4TitleIntegrated QoS and security mechanisms to
support mission critical applications in MANETs
Project Description
Investigate QoS and security issues in MANTEs and
develop integrated solutions to detect/avoid
various attacks while providing the required QoS
support to mission critical applications
- Implementation of proposed QoS and security
mechanisms using ns2 and/or glomosim - Publications and reports describing the details
of proposed mechanisms and their effectiveness
Qtrly. Milestones
Budget Spending Plan
Testing and reporting proposed/developed
Integrating QoS and security mechanisms, and
conducting performance evaluations using
Soft QoS-based networking
Basic QoS and security mechanisms
3 mos. 6 mos. 9 mos. 12 mos.
3 mos. 6 mos. 9 mos. 12 mos
Budget 80k