Noise sensitivity of risk measures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Noise sensitivity of risk measures


Noise sensitivity of risk measures Imre Kondor Collegium Budapest and E tv s University, Budapest, Hungary Institute for Theoretical Sciences, a Notre Dame ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Noise sensitivity of risk measures

Noise sensitivity of risk measures
  • Imre Kondor
  • Collegium Budapest and Eötvös
  • University, Budapest, Hungary
  • Institute for Theoretical Sciences, a Notre Dame
    University and Argonne National Laboratory
    collaboration, August 17, 2005

  • I. Preliminaries
  • the problem of noise, risk measures, noisy
    covariance matrices
  • II. Noise sensitivity of Gaussian portfolios
  • III. Alternative risk measures (mean absolute
    deviation, expected shortfall, worst loss),
    their sensitivity to noise,
    the feasibility problem

  • Szilárd Pafka and Gábor Nagy (CIB Bank, Budapest)
  • Richárd Karádi (Institute of Physics, Budapest
    University of Technology, now at ProcterGamble)
  • Balázs Janecskó, András Szepessy, Tünde Ujvárosi
    (Raiffeisen Bank, Budapest)
  • István Varga-Haszonits (Eötvös University,

Preliminary considerations 1
  • Portfolio selection a tradoff between risk and

Reward vs. risk
Efficient frontier
Set of all possible portfolios in the economy
Preliminary considerations 2
  • There is a more or less general agreement on
    what we mean by reward in a finance context
  • relative price change
  • log return
  • but the status of risk measures is controversial

  • For optimal portfolio selection we have to know
    what we want to optimize
  • The chosen risk measure should respect some
    obvious mathematical requirements, must be
    stable, and easy to implement in practice

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The problem of noise
  • Even if returns formed a clean, stationary
    stochastic process, we could only observe finite
    time segments, therefore we never have sufficient
    information to completely reconstruct the
    underlying process. Our estimates will always be
  • Mean returns (on short time horizons) are
    particularly hard to measure on the market with
    any precision
  • Even if we disregard returns and go for the
    minimal risk portfolio, lack of sufficient
    information will introduce noise, i. e. error,
    into our decision.
  • The problem of noise is more severe for large
    portfolios (size N) and relatively short time
    series (length T) of observations, and different
    risk measures are sensitive to noise to a
    different degree.
  • We have to know how the decision error depends on
    N and T for a given risk measure

Some elementary criteria on risk measures
  • A risk measure is a quantitative characterization
    of our intuitive concept of risk (fear of
    uncertainty and loss).
  • Risk is related to the stochastic nature of
    returns. It is (or should be) a functional of the
    pdf of returns.
  • Any reasonable risk measure must satisfy
  • - convexity
  • - invariance under addition of risk free asset
  • - monotonicity and assigning zero risk to a zero
  • The appropriate choice may depend on the nature
    of data (e.g. on their asymptotics) and on the
    context (investment, risk management,
    benchmarking, tracking, regulation, capital

A more elaborate set of risk measure axioms
  • Coherent risk measures (P. Artzner, F. Delbaen,
    J.-M. Eber, D. Heath, Risk, 10, 33-49 (1997)
    Mathematical Finance,9, 203-228 (1999)) Required
    properties monotonicity, subadditivity, positive
    homogeneity, and translational invariance.
    Subadditivity and homogeneity imply convexity.
    (Homogeneity is questionable for very large
    positions. Multiperiod risk measures?)
  • Spectral measures (C. Acerbi, in Risk Measures
    for the 21st Century, ed. G. Szegö, Wiley, 2004)
    a special subset of coherent measures, with an
    explicit representation. They are parametrized by
    a spectral function that reflects the risk
    aversion of the investor.

  • Convexity is extremely important.
  • A non-convex risk measure
  • - penalizes diversification (without convexity
  • can be reduced by splitting the portfolio in
  • or more parts)
  • - does not allow risk to be correctly aggregated
  • - cannot provide a basis for rational pricing of
  • (the efficient set may not be not convex)
  • - cannot serve as a basis for a consistent limit
  • system
  • In short, a non-convex risk measure is really not
    a risk measure at all.

A classical risk measure the variance
  • When we use variance as a risk measure we assume
    that the underlying process is essentially
    multivariate normal or close to it.

  • Consider a linear combination of returns
  • with weights . The
    weights add up to unity . The
    portfolios expectation value is
    with variance
  • where is the covariance matrix,
    the standard deviation of return , and
  • the correlation matrix.

Level surfaces of risk measured in variance
  • The covariance matrix is positive definite. It
    follows that the level surfaces (iso-risk
    surfaces) of variance are (hyper)ellipsoids in
    the space of weights. The convex iso-risk
    surfaces reflect the fact that the variance is a
    convex measure.
  • The principal axes are inversely proportional to
    the square root of the eigenvalues of the
    covariance matrix.
  • Small eigenvalues thus correspond to long
  • The risk free asset would correspond to an
    infinite axis, and the correspondig ellipsoid
    would be deformed into an elliptical cylinder.

The Markowitz problem
  • According to Markowitz classical theory the
    tradeoff between risk and reward can be realized
    by minimizing the variance
  • over the weights, for a given expected return
  • and budget

  • Geometrically, this means that we have to blow up
    the risk ellipsoid until it touches the
    intersection of the two planes corresponding to
    the return and budget constraints, respectively.
    The point of tangency is the solution to the
  • As the solution is the point of tangency of a
    convex surface with a linear one, the solution is
  • There is a certain continuity or stability in the
    solution A small miss-specification of the risk
    ellipsoid leads to a small shift in the solution.

  • Covariance matrices corresponding to real markets
    tend to have mostly positive elements.
  • A large matrix with nonzero average elements will
    have a large (Frobenius-Perron) eigenvalue, with
    the corresponding eigenvector having all positive
    components. This will be the direction of the
    shortest principal axis of the risk ellipsoid.
  • Then the solution also will have all positive
    components. Fluctuations in the small eigenvalue
    sectors may have a relatively mild effect on the

The minimal risk portfolio
  • Expected returns are hardly possible (on
    efficient markets, impossible) to determine with
    any precision.
  • In order to get rid of the uncertainties in the
    returns, we confine ourselves to considering the
    minimal risk portfolio only, that is, for the
    sake of simplicity, we drop the return
  • Minimizing the variance of a portfolio without
    considering return does not, in general, make
    much sense. In some cases (index tracking,
    benchmarking), however, this is precisely what
    one has to do.

The weights of the minimal risk portfolio
  • Analytically, the minimal variance portfolio
    corresponds to the weights for which
  • is minimal, given .
  • The solution is .
  • Geometrically, the minimal risk portfolio is the
    point of tangency between the risk ellipsoid and
    the plane of the budget constraint.

Empirical covariance matrices
  • The covariance matrix has to be determined from
    measurements on the market. From the returns
    observed at time t we get the estimator
  • For a portfolio of N assets the covariance matrix
    has O(N²) elements. The time series of length T
    for N assets contain NT data. In order for the
    measurement be precise, we need N ltltT. Bank
    portfolios may contain hundreds of assets, and it
    is hardly meaningful to use time series longer
    than 4 years (T1000). Therefore, N/T ltlt 1 rarely
    holds in practice. As a result, there will be a
    lot of noise in the estimate, and the error will
    scale in N/T.

Fighting the curse of dimensions
  • Economists have been struggling with this problem
    for ages. Since the root of the problem is lack
    of sufficient information, the remedy is to
    inject external info into the estimate. This
    means imposing some structure on s. This
    introduces bias, but beneficial effect of noise
    reduction may compensate for this.
  • Examples
  • single-index models (ßs) All these help
  • multi-index models various degrees.
  • grouping by sectors Most studies are
  • principal component analysis on
    empirical data
  • Bayesian shrinkage estimators, etc.

An intriguing observation
  • L.Laloux, P. Cizeau, J.-P. Bouchaud, M. Potters,
    PRL 83 1467 (1999) and Risk 12 No.3, 69 (1999)
  • and
  • V. Plerou, P. Gopikrishnan, B. Rosenow, L.A.N.
    Amaral, H.E. Stanley, PRL 83 1471 (1999)
  • noted that there is such a huge amount of noise
    in empirical covariance matrices that it may
    render them useless.
  • A paradox Covariance matrices are in widespread
    use and banks still survive ?!

Laloux et al. 1999
The spectrum of the covariance matrix obtained
from the time series of SP 500 with N406,
T1308, i.e. N/T 0.31, compared with that of a
completely random matrix (solid curve). Only
about 6 of the eigenvalues lie beyond the random
Remarks on the paradox
  • The number of junk eigenvalues may not
    necessarily be a proper measure of the effect of
    noise The small eigenvalues and their
    eigenvectors fluctuate a lot, but perhaps they
    have a relatively minor effect on the optimal
    portfolio, whereas the large eigenvalues and
    their eigenvectors are fairly stable.
  • The investigated portfolio was too large compared
    to the length of the time series.
  • Working with real, empirical data, it is hard to
    distinguish the effect of insufficient
    information from other parasitic effects, like

A filtering procedure suggested by RMT
  • The appearence of random matrices in the context
    of portfolio selection triggered a lot of
    activity, mainly among physicists. Laloux et al.
    and Plerou et al. proposed a filtering method
    based on random matrix theory (RMT). This has
    been further developed and refined by many
  • The proposed filtering consists basically in
    discarding as pure noise that part of the
    spectrum that falls below the upper edge of the
    random spectrum. Information is carried only by
    the eigenvalues and their eigenvectors above this
    edge. Optimization should be carried out by
    projecting onto the subspace of large
    eigenvalues, and replacing the small ones by a
    constant chosen so as to preserve the trace. This
    would then drastically reduce the effective
    dimensionality of the problem.

  • Interpretation of the large eigenvalues The
    largest one is the market, the other big
    eigenvalues correspond to the main industrial
  • The method can be regarded as a systematic
    version of principal component analysis, with an
    objective criterion on the number of principal
  • According to our comparative studies, the method
    works consistently well

A measure of the effect of noise
  • Assume we know the true covariance matrix and
  • the noisy one . Then a natural, though not
  • measure of the impact of noise is
  • where w are the optimal weights corresponding
  • to and , respectively.

To test the noise sensitivity of various risk
measures we use simulated data
  • The rationale behind this is that in order to be
    able to compare the sensitivity of risk measures
    to noise, we better get rid of other sources of
    uncertainty, like non-stationarity. This can be
    achieved by using artificial data where we have
    total control over the underlying stochastic

The model-simulation approach
  • Our strategy is to choose various model
    covariance matrices and generate long
    simulated time series by them. Then we cut out
    segments of length T from these time series, as
    if observing them on the market, and try to
    reconstruct the covariance matrices from them. We
    optimize a portfolio both with the true and
    with the observed covariance matrix and
    determine the measure .

Model 1 the unit matrix
  • Spectrum
  • ? 1, N-fold degenerate
  • Noise will split this
  • into band

The empirical covariance matrix corresponding
to Model 1 is the Wishart matrix
  • If N and T go to infinity such that their ratio
    N/T is finite, lt 1, then the spectrum of this
    empirical covariance matrix is given by the
    Wishart or Marchenko-Pastur spectrum (eigenvalue

  • where

Model 2 single-index
  • Singlet ?11?(N-1) O(N)
  • eigenvector (1,1,1,)
  • ?2 1- ? O(1)
  • (N-1) fold degenerate

  • The spectrum of the empirical covariance matrix
    corresponding to Model 2 is still the Marchenko
    Pastur spectrum, plus an isolated, large,
    Frobenius Perron eigenvalue (the market).

Model 3 market sectors

- fold degenerate
This structure has also been studied by economists
- fold degenerate
  • The spectrum of the empirical covariance matrix
    corresponding to Model 3 consists of the
    Marchenko Pastur spectrum, the large market
    eigenvalue, and a number of eigenvalues in
    between. If the sectors are not equivalent, we
    can, by an appropriate choice of the parameters,
    tune the model so as to mimic the empirical
    covariance matrices observed on the market (Noh

Model 4 Semi-empirical
  • Suppose we have very long time series (T) for
    many assets (N).
  • Choose N lt N time series randomly and derive Cº
    from these data. Generate time series of length
    T ltlt T from Cº.
  • The error due to T is much larger than that due
    to T.

  • We look for the minimal risk portfolio for both
    the true and the empirical covariances and
    determine the measure

Numerically we get the following scaling result
for Model 1
This confirms the expected scaling in N/T. The
corresponding analytic result
  • can easily be derived for Model 1. It is valid
    within O(1/N) corrections also for more general
    models. This simple result does not seem to have
    been noticed earlier

The derivation

Risk measures in practice VaR
  • VaR (Value at Risk) is a high (95, or 99)
    quantile, a threshold beyond which a given
    fraction (5 or 1) of the statistical weight
  • Its merits (relative to the Greeks, e.g.)
  • - universal can be applied to any portfolio
  • - probabilistic content associated to the
  • - expressed in money
  • Widespread across the whole industry and
    regulation. Has been promoted from a diagnostic
    tool to a decision tool.
  • Its lack of convexity promted search for coherence

Mean absolute deviation (MAD)
Some methodologies (e.g. Algorithmics) use the
mean absolute deviation rather than the standard
deviation to characterize the fluctuation of
portfolios. The objective function to minimize is
instead of
The iso-risk surfaces of MAD are polyhedra. This
is a feature MAD shares with some regulatory risk
Effect of noise on absolute deviation-optimized
We generate artificial time series (say iid
normal), determine the true abs. deviation and
compare it to the measured one
We get
Noise sensitivity of MAD
  • The result scales in T/N (same as with the
    variance). The optimal portfolio other things
    being equal - is more risky than in the
    variance-based optimization.
  • Geometrical interpretation The level surfaces of
    the variance are ellipsoids.The optimal portfolio
    is found as the point where this risk-ellipsoid
    first touches the plane corresponding to the
    budget constraint. In the absolute deviation case
    the ellipsoid is replaced by a polyhedron, and
    the solution occurs at one of its corners. A
    small error in the specification of the
    polyhedron makes the solution jump to another
    corner, thereby increasing the fluctuation in the

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Expected shortfall (ES) optimization
  • ES is the mean loss beyond a high threshold
    defined in probability (not in money). For
    continuous pdfs it is the same as the
    conditional expectation beyond the VaR quantile.
    ES is coherent (in the sense of Artzner et al.)
    and as such it is strongly promoted by a group of
    academics. In addition, Uryasev and Rockefellar
    have shown that its optimizaton can be reduced to
    linear programming for which extremely fast
    algorithms exist.
  • ES-optimized portfolios tend to be much noisier
    than either of the previous ones. One reason is
    the instability related to the (piecewise) linear
    risk measure, the other is that a high quantile
    sacrifices most of the data. The noise
    sensitivity of ES appears to be non-monotonous as
    function of the threshold.
  • In addition, ES optimization is not always

Before turning to the discussion of the
feasibility problem, let us compare the noise
sensitivity of the following risk measures
standard deviation, absolute deviation and
expected shortfall (the latter at 95). For the
sake of comparison we use the same (Gaussian)
input data of length T for each, determine the
minimal risk portfolio under these risk measures
and compare the error due to noise.
The next slides show
  • plots of wi (porfolio weights) as a function of i
  • display of q0 (ratio of risk of optimal portfolio
    determined from time series information vs full
  • results show that the effect of estimation noise
    can be significant and more advanced risk
    measures pose a higher demand for input
    information (in a portfolio optimization context)

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  • the suboptimality (q0) scales in T/N (for large N
    and T)

The feasibility problem
  • For T lt N, there is no solution to the portfolio
    optimization problem under any of the risk
    measures considered here.
  • For T gt N, there always is a solution under
    the variance and MAD, even if it is bad for T not
    large enough. In contrast, under ES (and WL to be
    considered later), there may or may not be a
    solution for T gt N, depending on the sample. The
    probability of the existence of a solution goes
    to 1 only for T/N going to infinity.
  • The problem does not appear if short selling is

Feasibility of optimization under ES
Probability of the existence of an optimum under
CVaR. F is the standard normal distribution. Note
the scaling in N/vT.
A pessimistic risk measure worst loss
  • In order to better understand the feasibility
    problem, select the worst return in time and
    minimize this over the weights
  • subject to
  • This risk measure is coherent, one of Acerbis
    spectral measures.
  • For T lt N there is no solution
  • The existence of a solution for T gt N is a
    probabilistic issue again, depending on the time
    series sample

Why is the existence of an optimum a random event?
  • To get a feeling, consider NT2.
  • The two planes
  • intersect the plane of the budget constraint in
    two straight lines. If one of these is
    decreasing, the other is increasing with ,
    then there is a solution, if both increase or
    decrease, there is not. It is easy to see that
    for elliptical distributions the probability of
    there being a solution is ½.

Probability of the feasibility of the minimax
  • For TgtN the probability of a solution (for an
    elliptical underlying pdf) is
  • (The problem is isomorphic to some problems in
    operations research and random geometry Todd,
    M.J. (1991), Probabilistic models for linear
    programming, Math. Oper. Res. 16, 671-693. )
  • For N and T large, p goes over into the error
    function and scales in N/vT. For T? infinity, p

Probability of the existence of a solution under
maximum loss. F is the standard normal
distribution. Scaling is in N/vT again.
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Concluding remarks
  • Due to the large number of assets in typical bank
    portfolios and the limited amount of data, noise
    is an all pervasive problem in portfolio theory.
  • It can be efficiently filtered by a variety of
    techniques from portfolios optimized under
  • Unfortunately, variance is not an adequate risk
    measure for fat-tailed pdfs.
  • Piecewise linear risk measures show instability
    (jumps) in a noisy environment.
  • Risk measures focusing on the far tails show
    additional sensitivity to noise, due to loss of
  • The two coherent measures we have studied display
    large sample-to-sample fluctuations and
    feasibility problems under noise. This may cast a
    shade of doubt on their applications.

Some references
  • Physica A 299, 305-310 (2001)
  • European Physical Journal B 27, 277-280 (2002)
  • Physica A 319, 487-494 (2003)
  • Physica A 343, 623-634 (2004)
  • submitted to Quantitative Finance, e-print

Benchmark tracking
  • The goal can be (e.g. in benchmark tracking or
    index replication) to minimize the risk (e.g.
    standard deviation) relative to a benchmark
  • Portfolio
  • Benchmark
  • Relative portfolio

  • Therefore the relevant problems are of similar
    structure but with returns relative to the
  • For example, to minimize risk relative to the
    benchmark means minimizing the standard deviation
  • with the usual budget contraint (no condition on
    expected returns!)

The economic content of the single-index model
  • return market return with
  • standard deviation s
  • The covariance matrix implied by the above
  • The assumed structure reduces of parameters to
  • If nothing depends on i then this is just the
    caricature Model 2.

Risk measures implied by regulation
  • Banks are required to set aside capital as a
    cushion against risk
  • Minimal capital requirements are fixed by
    international regulation (Basel I and II, Capital
    Adequacy Directive of the EEC) the magic 8
  • Standard model vs. internal models
  • Capital charges assigned to various positions in
    the standard model purport to cover the risk in
    those positions, therefore, they must be regarded
    as some kind of implied risk measures
  • These measures are trying to mimic variance by
    piecewise linear approximants. They are quite
    arbitrary, sometimes concave and unstable

An example Specific risk of bonds
CAD, Annex I, 14 The capital requirement of
the specific risk (due to issuer) of bonds is
Iso-risk surface of the specific risk of bonds
Another example Foreign exchange
According to Annex III, 1, (CAD 1993, Official
Journal of the European Communities, L14, 1-26)
the capital requirement is given as
in terms of the gross
and the net position
The iso-risk surface of the foreign exchange
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