Title: I Got The Nursery Rhyming Blues
1I Got The Nursery Rhyming Blues
Presented by Lizbeth Valdez
K.1.C participate in rhymes, songs,
conversations, and discussions (K-3) K.1.F
identify the musical elements of literary
language such as its rhymes or repeated sounds
(K-1) K.3.D present dramatic interpretations of
experiences, stories, poems, or plays
(K-3) K.4.C clarify and support spoken messages
using appropriate props such as objects,
pictures, or charts (K-3) K.5.C understand that
written words are separated by spaces (K-1) K.6.C
produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming
words from non-rhyming words (K-1)
3Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had a
great fall
4// all the Kings horses and all the Kings man
couldnt put Humpty together again //
5Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of
6and jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill
came tumbling after
7Up Jack got and home did trot as fast as he could
8//Went to bed to mend his head with vinegar and
brown paper//
9Georgie Porgie puddin and pie, kissed those
girls and made them cry
10and when the boys came out to play Georgie Porgie
ran away
11Georgie Porgie puddin and pie, he kissed those
girls and made them cry
12(No Transcript)
13Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating her
curds away
14long came a spider and sat down beside her
15and frighten Miss Muffet away
16then long came a spider a big hairy spider
frighten Miss Muffet away
17I got the nursery rhyming blues
Song was used with authorization from Mr. Mullen
CD Kindergarten class 2015, It wont be
long now (this is a project in where the
students learn to write and create songs and
through the whole school year they practice
singing them. In the month of May, the students
get to chose at least ten of the song they
learned to record. Then a group of us worked
together to complete the project and this becomes
their end of the year gift.)
Pictures were used from Clip Art