Title: Binary Search Trees
1Binary Search Trees
Owner Jake
Manager Chef
Brad Carol Waitress
Waiter Cook
Helper Joyce
Max Len
Jakes Pizza Shop
Owner Jake
Manager Chef
Brad Carol Waitress
Waiter Cook
Helper Joyce
Max Len
Owner Jake
Manager Chef
Brad Carol Waitress
Waiter Cook
Helper Joyce
Max Len
Owner Jake
Manager Chef
Brad Carol Waitress
Waiter Cook
Helper Joyce
Max Len
Owner Jake
Manager Chef
Brad Carol Waitress
Waiter Cook
Helper Joyce
Max Len
Owner Jake
Manager Chef
Brad Carol Waitress
Waiter Cook
Helper Joyce
Max Len
Owner Jake
Manager Chef
Brad Carol Waitress
Waiter Cook
Helper Joyce
Max Len
Owner Jake
Manager Chef
Brad Carol Waitress
Waiter Cook
Helper Joyce
Max Len
10Binary Trees
A structure with i) a unique starting node (the
root), in which ii) each node has up to two child
nodes and iii) a unique path exists from the root
to every other node Root top node of a tree
structure a node with no parent Leaf Node
A tree node that has no children
11Trees level and height
- Level distance of a node from the root
- Height the maximum level
Why is this not a tree?
A tree is a structure with i) a unique starting
node (the root), in which ii) each node is
capable of having two child nodes and iii) a
unique path exists from the root to every other
Descendant of a node is a child of the node, and
any child of the children, etc.
How many descendants does Q have?
Ancestor of a node a parent of the node, the
parent of the parent, etc.
How many ancestors does S have?
15Many different shapes of Binary Trees
How many different shape binary trees can be
made from 2 nodes? 4 nodes? 6 nodes?
16Facts of Binary Tree
- Max. number of nodes at Nth level 2N.
- 0th level root node 1
- 1th level 2
- Double as level increases by 1
- Suppose f(n) denote the maximum number of nodes
at nth level - f(0)1
- f(n)2f(n-1) for ngt1
- A recursive formula!
- f(n)2n
17Facts of Binary Tree
- Max. total number of nodes in a tree of height N
- All levels are full, so add the max. number of
nodes at each level together - 2021222N 2N1-1
18Facts of Binary Tree
- Given a binary tree with N node, what is the min.
number of levels? - Try to fill in each level
- The answer is log2N 1
- Max. number of levels with N nodes ?
- One node at each level gt degenerate to a linked
list - The answer is N
19Binary Search Trees (BST)
- A BST is a binary tree with search property
- A binary tree in which, for each node
- key value in the node is greater than the key
value in its left child and any of the left
childs descendents (left sub-tree) - key value in the node is less than the key value
in its right child and any of the right childs
descendents (right sub-tree)
20Binary Search Trees
Each node is the root of a subtree rooted at the
21Binary Search Tree ADT
- Application level same as List
- Logic Level
- void MakeEmpty()
- bool IsEmpty()
- bool IsFull()
- int GetLength()
- RetrieveItem(ItemType item, bool found)
- InsertItem (ItemType item)
- DeleteItem (ItemType item)
- Print(ofstream outFile)
- ResetTree(OrderType order)
- GetNextItem (ItemType item, OrderType order,bool
22Tree node in BST
Can you define a structure to represent a binary
tree node ?
23Recursive Count
Lets start by counting the number of nodes in a
tree Size? Base cases(s)? General case(s)?
24Recursive Count version 1
if (Left(tree) is NULL) AND (Right(tree) is
NULL) return 1 else return Count (Left(tree))
Count(Right(tree)) 1
Apply to these trees
25Recursive Count version 2
if (left(tree) is NULL) AND (Right(tree) is
NULL) return 1 else if (Left(tree) is
NULL) return Count(Right(tree)) 1 else if
(Right(tree) is NULL) return Count(Left(tree))
1 else return Count(Left(tree))
Count(Right(tree)) 1
Apply to an empty tree
26Recursive Count version 3
if (tree is NULL) return 0 if
(left(tree) is NULL) AND (Right(tree) is
NULL) return 1 else if (Left(tree) is
NULL) return Count(Right(tree)) 1 else if
(Right(tree) is NULL) return Count(Left(tree))
1 else return Count(Left(tree))
Count(Right(tree)) 1
27Recursive Count version 4
if (tree is NULL) return 0 else return
Count(Left(tree)) Count(Right(tree)) 1
28Recursive Count implementation
int TreeTypeGetLength() const return
Count(root) ) int TreeTypeCount(TreeNode
tree) const if (tree NULL) return 0
else return Count(tree-gtleft)
Count(tree-gtright) 1
Why do we need two functions?
29Recursive Search
Are D, Q, and N in the tree?
30Recursive Search
Retrieve(tree, item, found) Size? Base
case(s)? General case(s)?
31Recursive Search
- void TreeTypeRetrieve(TreeNode tree,
- ItemType item, bool found) const
- if (tree NULL)
- found false //base case
- else if (item.ComparedTo(tree-gtinfo) LESS)
- Retrieve(tree-gtleft, item, found)
- else if (item.ComparedTo(tree-gtinfo) LARGER)
- Retrieve(tree-gtright, item, found)
- else //base case
- item tree-gtinfo
- found true
32Shape of BST
- Shape depends on the order of item insertion
- Insert the elements J E F T A
in that order - The first value inserted is always put in the
33Shape of BST
- Thereafter, each value to be inserted
- compares itself to the value in the root node
- moves left it is less or
- moves right if it is greater
- When does the process stop?
34Shape of BST
35Shape of BST
36Shape of BST
37Shape of BST
- Now build tree by inserting A E F
J T in that order
And the moral is?
38Recursive Insertion
Insert an item into a tree Where does each new
node get inserted?
Insert(tree, item) if (tree is NULL) Get a new
node Set right and left to NULL Set info to
item Else if item is larger than tree.info
Insert(tree-gtright, item) Else
Insert(tree-gtleft, item)
39Recursive Insertion
40Recursive Insertion
Insert item 12
41Recursive Insertion
How must the tree be passed?
42Recursive Insertion
- void TreeTypeInsert(TreeNode tree, ItemType
item) -
- if (tree NULL)
- // Insertion place found.
- tree new TreeNode
- tree-gtright NULL
- tree-gtleft NULL
- tree-gtinfo item
- else if (item.ComparedTo(tree-gtinfo) LESS)
- Insert(tree-gtleft, item)
- else
- Insert(tree-gtright, item)
43Recursive Deletion
Delete Z
44Recursive Deletion
Delete R
45Recursive Deletion
Delete Q
46Delete an existing item from BST
- Can you summarize the three deletion cases?
- Deleting a leaf node.
- Deleting a node with only one child.
- Deleting a node with two children.
- Predecessor the element whose key immediately
precedes (less than) the key of item - If the item node has left child, the largest
element in the left subtree (right-most child) - If the item has no left child,
- Successor the element whose key immediately
follows (greater than) the key of item - If the item node has two children, the smallest
element in the right subtree (left-most child) - If the item node has no child,
49Recursive Deletion
- DeleteItem(tree, item)
- if (Left(tree) is NULL) AND (Right(tree) is NULL)
// delete Z - Set tree to NULL
- else if Left(tree) is NULL AND (Right(tree)) is
not NULL, delete R - Set tree to Right(tree)
- else if Right(tree) is NULL AND (Left(tree)) is
not NULL - Set tree to Left(tree)
- else // delete Q, maintain a binary search
tree - Find predecessor
- Set Info(tree) to Info(predecessor)
- Delete predecessor
50Recursive Deletion
- TreeTypeDeleteItem (ItemType item)
- deletes item from the current object (a tree
object) - void Delete( TreeNode tree, ItemType item)
- deletes item from a tree rooted at tree
- void DeleteNode( TreeNode tree)
- deletes node pointed to by tree from a BST
- void GetPredecessor( TreeNode tree, ItemType
data) - finds datas predecessor the largest item in
datas left subtree and save the info into data.
51Recursive Deletion
- // first, find which node should be deleted.
- void TreeTypeDelete(TreeNode tree,
- ItemType item)
- if (item lt tree-gtinfo)
- Delete(tree-gtleft, item)
- else if (item gt tree-gtinfo)
- Delete(tree-gtright, item)
- else
- DeleteNode(tree) // Node found
52Recursive Deletion
- void TreeTypeDeleteNode(TreeNode tree)
- ItemType data
- TreeNode tempPtr
- tempPtr tree
- if ( tree-gtleft NULL)
- tree tree-gtright
- delete tempPtr
- else if (tree-gtright NULL)
- tree tree-gtleft
- delete tempPtr
- else
- GetPredecessor(tree-gtleft, data)
- tree-gtinfo data
- Delete(tree-gtleft, data)
Tracing this function using various examples
53Find Predecessor
- void TreeTypeGetPredecessor( TreeNode tree,
- ItemType data)
- //the largest item is located in its rightmost
node. - while (tree-gtright ! NULL)
- tree tree-gtright
- data tree-gtinfo
- This function should be named GetLargestItem() as
it returns the largest item stored in tree rooted
at tree - Why is the code not recursive?
- Can you write the recursive solution?
54Recursive Deletion
- Tree Traversal visiting all the nodes of a tree
- Depth-First Traversal, Breadth-First Traversal
- Depth-First Traversal
- Inorder Traversal
- Preorder Traversal
- Postorder Traversal
56Inorder Traversal
- Inorder traversal visits the root in between
visiting the left and right subtrees - Inorder traversal only makes sense for binary
trees. - Inorder(tree)
- if tree is not NULL
- Inorder(Left(tree))
- Visit Info(tree)
- Inorder(Right(tree))
57Preorder Traversal
- Preorder traversal visits the root first.
- PreOrder(tree)
- if tree is not NULL
- Visit Info(tree)
- Preorder(Left(tree))
- Preorder(Right(tree)) D B A C F E G
58Postorder Traversal
- Postorder traversal visits the root last.
- PostOrder(tree)
- if tree is not NULL
- Postorder(Left(tree))
- Postorder(Right(tree))
- Visit Info(tree)
60Printing the Tree
Traversal Algorithm Inorder traversal
What is the order of the output?
- Recall iterator functions for ADT List?
- ResetList()
- GetNextItem()
- Binary Search Tree ResetTree(), GetNextItem()
- Provide different traversal order
- In-order, pre-order, post-order
- Use a parameter to select which traversal order
62Iterator Implementation
- ResetTree generates a queue of node contents in
the indicated order - Add private data members three queues storing
ItemTypes (tree nodes content) - QueType inQue, preQue, postQue
- GetNextItem returns next node content from the
appropriate queue
- void TreeTypeResetTree(OrderType order)
- // Calls function to create a queue of the tree
- // elements in the desired order.
- switch (order)
- case PRE_ORDER preQue new QueueType
- PreOrder(root, preQue)
- break
- case IN_ORDER inQue new QueueType
- InOrder(root, inQue)
- break
- case POST_ORDER postQue new QueueType
- PostOrder(root, postQue)
- break
Insert the info field of nodes in tree (given by
root) into preQue in pre-order
What if the queue is not empty when ResetTree()
is called ?
64- void TreeTypeGetNextItem(ItemType item,
- OrderType order, bool finished)
- finished false
- switch (order)
- case PRE_ORDER preQue-gtDequeue(item)
- if (preQue-gtIsEmpty())
- finished true delete
preQue - preQue NULL
- break
- case IN_ORDER inQue-gtDequeue(item)
- if (inQue-gtIsEmpty())
- finished true delete
inQue - inQue NULL
- break
- case POST_ORDER postQue-gtDequeue(item)
- if (postQue-gtIsEmpty())
- finished true delete
65PreOrder() function
- void PreOrder(TreeNode treeRoot, QueType
preQue) -
- if (treeRoot!NULL)
- preQue-gtenqueue (treeRoot-gtinfo)
- PreOrder (treeRoot-gtleft, preQue)
- PreQrder (treeRoot-gtright, preQue)
Hint for recursive functions on a binary tree,
making an empty tree case your base case will
lead to a cleaner and simpler code.
66Printing the Tree
- PrintTree operation
- Size?
- Base case(s)?
- General case(s)?
67Printing the Tree
- void TreeTypePrintTree(TreeNode tree,
stdofstream outFile) -
- if (tree ! NULL)
- PrintTree(tree-gtleft, outFile)
- outFile ltlt tree-gtinfo
- PrintTree(tree-gtright, outFile)
Does this allow a reconstruction of the tree
(same shaped) based on the output?
68Lab6 breadth-first traversal of tree
- Visit the nodes in the order of their layers,
within same layer, visit nodes from left to
right - For the tree in figure
- D B F A C E G
- Printout in this order can be used to reconstruct
the tree, why? - Could make tree printout more readable
- D
- / \
- B F
- /\ /\
- A C E G
69BST Destructor
- Do we need a destructor?
- Yes as dynamic allocated memory is used
- delete all nodes (free memory space taken by
them). - In which order shall we delete the tree nodes?
- i.e., which Traversal order inorder, preorder,
postorder? - TreeTypeTreeType()
- DeleteTree(root)
- root NULL
- void TreeTypeDeleteTreeType(TreeNode root)
- if (root!NULL)
- DeleteTree(root-gtleft)
- DeleteTree(root-gtright)
- delete root
70Copy a Tree
- Copy constructor allow initialization of an
object by copying from an existing one - TreeType newTree(oldTree)
- Syntax of a copy constructor
- TreeTypeTreeType(const TreeType
originalTree) - Assignment operator overloaded
- TreeType newTree
- newTreeoldTree
- Syntax of assignment operator
- Void TreeTypeoperator(const TreeType
originalTree) - Both involves copying a tree
- Use which traversal order?
- Preorder Traversal
71Copying a Tree
- CopyTree(copy, originalTree)
- if (originalTree is NULL)
- Set copy to NULL
- else
- Set copy to new node
- Set Info(copy) to Info(originalTree)
- CopyTree(Left(copy), Left(originalTree))
- CopyTree(Right(copy), Right(originalTree))
How must copy be passed? How must originalTree be
72Copy a Tree
- void CopyTree (TreeNode copy, const TreeNode
originalTree) -
- if (originalTreeNULL)
- copyNULL
- else
- copy new TreeNode
- copy-gtinfo originalTree-gtinfo
- CopyTree (copy-gtleft, originalTree-gtleft)
- CopyTree (copy-gtright, originalTree-gtright)
73Recursive solutions so far.Now, lets try to
solve some of the problem iteratively.
74Iterative Search
- FindNode(tree, item, nodePtr, parentPtr)
- Searching an item
- If a node is found, get two pointers, one points
to the node and one points to its parent node. - If root is the node matching, the first pointers
points to the root and the second pointer points
to NULL. - If no node is found, the first pointers points to
NULL and the second pointers points to its
logical parent node.
75Iterative Versions
- FindNode(tree, item, nodePtr, parentPtr)
- Set nodePtr to tree
- Set parentPtr to NULL
- Set found to false
- while more elements to search AND NOT found
- if item lt Info(nodePtr) // search left subtree
- Set parentPtr to nodePtr
- Set nodePtr to Left(nodePtr)
- else if item gt Info(nodePtr) // search right
subtree - Set parentPtr to nodePtr
- Set nodePtr to Right(nodePtr)
- else //match
- Set found to true
76- void TreeTypeFindNode(TreeNode tree, ItemType
item, - TreeNode nodePtr, TreeNode
parentPtr) -
- nodePtr tree
- parentPtr NULL
- bool found false
- while( nodePtr ! NULL found false)
- if (item.ComparedTo(nodePtr-gtinfo) LESS)
- parentPtr nodePtr
- nodePtr nodePtr-gtleft
- else if (item.ComparedTo(nodePtr-gtinfo)
- parentPtr nodePtr
- nodePtr nodePtr-gtright
- else
- found true
77Iterative insertion
- InsertItem
- Create a node to contain the new item
- Find the insertion place
- Attach new node
- Find the insertion place
- FindNode(tree, item, nodePtr, parentPtr)
- If no node is found, the first pointers points to
NULL and the second pointers points to its
logical parent node.
78Iterative Versions
Insert 13
79Iterative Versions
80Iterative Versions
AttachNewNode if item lt Info(parentPtr) Set
Left(parentPtr) to newNode else Set
Right(parentPtr) to newNode
81Iterative Version
- AttachNewNode(revised)
- if parentPtr equals NULL
- Set tree to newNode
- else if item lt Info(parentPtr)
- Set Left(parentPtr) to newNode
- else
- Set Right(parentPtr) to newNode
82Iterative Version DeleteItem
- void TreeTypeDeleteItem(ItemType item)
- TreeNode nodePtr
- TreeNode parentPtr
- FindNode(root, item, nodePtr, parentPtr)
- if (nodePtr root)
- DeleteNode(root)
- else
- if (parentPtr-gtleft nodePtr)
- DeleteNode(parentPtr-gtleft)
- else DeleteNode(parentPtr-gtright)
Why not directly delete nodePtr?
83Recursive Deletion review
- void TreeTypeDeleteNode(TreeNode tree)
- ItemType data
- TreeNode tempPtr
- tempPtr tree
- if ( tree-gtleft NULL)
- tree tree-gtright
- delete tempPtr
- else if (tree-gtright NULL)
- tree tree-gtleft
- delete tempPtr
- else
- GetPredecessor(tree-gtleft, data)
- tree-gtinfo data
- Delete(tree-gtleft, data)
84Iterative Version
parentPtr and nodePtr are external
parentPtr-gtleft is internal (to the tree)
85Recursion vs. Iteration
Compare versions of Tree algorithms Is the depth
of recursion relatively shallow? Is the
recursive solution shorter or cleaner? Is the
recursive version much less efficient?
86Nonlinked Representation
What is the mapping into the index?
87Nonlinked Representation
- For any node tree.nodesindex
- its left child is in tree.nodesindex2 1
- right child is in tree.nodesindex2 2
- its parent is in tree.nodes(index - 1)/2
- Can you determine which nodes are leaf nodes?
88Nonlinked Representation
Full Binary Tree A binary tree in which all of
the leaves are on the same level and every
nonleaf node has two children
89Nonlinked Representation
Complete Binary Tree A binary tree that is either
full or full through the next-to-last level, with
the leaves on the last level as far to the left
as possible
90Nonlinked Representation
91Nonlinked Representation
A technique for storing a non-complete tree
92Binary Search Trees
The same set of keys may have different BSTs
- Average depth of a node is O(log2 N)
- Maximum depth of a node is O(N)
93Time Complexity
- Time complexity of Searching
- O(height of the tree)
- Time complexity of Inserting
- O(height of the tree)
- Time complexity of Deleting
- O(height of the tree)
- Assume that we have a Complete tree.
Binary Search Tree Array-based Linear List Linked List
Constructor O(1) O(1) O(1)
Destructor O(N) O(1) (non-pointers) O(N)
MakeEmpty O(N) O(1) O(N)
GetLength O(N) O(1) O(1)
IsFull O(1) O(1) O(1)
IsEmpty O(1) O(1) O(1)
RetrieveItem O(log2N) O(log2N) O(N)
InsertItem O(log2N) O(N) O(N)
DeleteItem O(log2N) O(N) O(N)
- Reproduced from C Plus Data Structures, 4th
edition by Nell Dale. - Reproduced by permission of Jones and Bartlett
Publishers International.