Taxonomy Development An Infrastructure Model - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Taxonomy Development An Infrastructure Model


Title: Taxonomy Development Workshop Author: Tom Reamy Last modified by: Tom Reamy Created Date: 5/31/2002 6:24:58 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Taxonomy Development An Infrastructure Model

Taxonomy DevelopmentAn Infrastructure Model
  • Tom ReamyChief Knowledge Architect
  • KAPS Group
  • Knowledge Architecture Professional Services
  • http//

  • Introduction
  • Type of Taxonomies
  • The Enterprise Context
  • Making the Business Case
  • Infrastructure Model of Taxonomy Development
  • Taxonomy in 4 Contexts
  • Content, People, Processes, Technology
  • Infrastructure Solutions the Elements
  • Applying the Model Practical Dimension
  • Starting and Resources
  • Conclusion

KAPS Group
  • Knowledge Architecture Professional Services
  • Consulting, strategy recommendations
  • Knowledge architecture audits
  • Partners Convera, Inxight, FAST, and others
  • Taxonomies Enterprise, Marketing, Insurance,
  • Taxonomy customization
  • Intellectual infrastructure for organizations
  • Knowledge organization, technology, people and
  • Search, content management, portals,
    collaboration, knowledge management, e-learning,

Two Types of Taxonomies Browse and
FormalBrowse Taxonomy Yahoo
Two Types of Taxonomies Formal
Browse Taxonomies Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Strengths Browse is better than search
  • Context and discovery
  • Browse by task, type, etc.
  • Weaknesses
  • Mix of organization
  • Catalogs, alphabetical listings, inventories
  • Subject matter, functional, publisher, document
  • Vocabulary and nomenclature Issues
  • Problems with maintenance, new material
  • Poor granularity and little relationship between
  • Web site unit of organization
  • No foundation for standards

Formal Taxonomies Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Strengths
  • Fixed Resource little or no maintenance
  • Communication Platform share ideas, standards
  • Infrastructure Resource
  • Controlled vocabulary and keywords
  • More depth, finer granularity
  • Weaknesses
  • Difficult to develop and customize
  • Dont reflect users perspectives
  • Users have to adapt to language

Facets and Dynamic Classification
  • Facets are not categories
  • Entities or concepts belong to a category
  • Entities have facets
  • Facets are metadata - properties or attributes
  • Entities or concepts fit into one category
  • All entities have all facets defined by set of
  • Facets are orthogonal mutually exclusive
  • An event is not a person is not a document is not
    a place.
  • Facets variety of units, of structure
  • Date or price numerical range
  • Location big to small (partonomy)
  • Winery alphabetical
  • Hierarchical - taxonomic

Faceted Navigation Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Strengths
  • More intuitive easy to guess what is behind
    each door
  • 20 questions we know and use
  • Dynamic selection of categories
  • Allow multiple perspectives
  • Trick Users into using Advanced Search
  • wine where color red, price x-y, etc..
  • Weaknesses
  • Difficulty of expressing complex relationships
  • Simplicity of internal organization
  • Loss of Browse Context
  • Difficult to grasp scope and relationships
  • Limited Domain Applicability type and size
  • Entities not concepts, documents, web sites

Dynamic Classification / Faceted navigation
  • Search and browse better than either alone
  • Categorized search context
  • Browse as an advanced search
  • Dynamic search and browse is best
  • Cant predict all the ways people think
  • Advanced cognitive differences
  • Panda, Monkey, Banana
  • Cant predict all the questions and activities
  • Intersections of what users are looking for and
    what documents are often about
  • China and Biotech
  • Economics and Regulatory

Business Case for TaxonomiesThe Right Context
  • Traditional Metrics
  • Time Savings 22 minutes per user per day
    1Mil a Year
  • Apply to your organization customer service,
    content creation, knowledge industry
  • Cost of not-finding re-creating content
  • Research
  • Advantages of Browsing Marti Hearst, Chen and
  • Nielsen Poor classification costs a 10,000
    user organization 10M each year about 1,000
    per employee.
  • Stories
  • Pain points, success and failure in your
    corporate language

Business Case for TaxonomiesIDC White Paper
  • Information Tasks
  • Email 14.5 hours a week
  • Create documents 13.3 hours a week
  • Search 9.5 hours a week
  • Gather information for documents 8.3 hours a
  • Find and organize documents 6.8 hours a week
  • Gartner Business spend an estimated 750
    Billion annually seeking information necessary to
    do their job. 30-40 of a knowledge workers
    time is spent managing documents.

Business Case for TaxonomiesIDC White Paper
  • Time Wasted
  • Reformat information - 5.7 million per 1,000 per
    year (400M)
  • Not finding information - 5.3 million per 1,000
  • Recreating content - 4.5 Million per 1,000
  • Small Percent Gain large savings
  • 1 - 10 million
  • 5 - 50 million
  • 10 - 100 million

Business Case for TaxonomiesThe Right Context
  • Justification
  • Search Engine - 500K-2Mil
  • Content Management - 500K-2Mil
  • Portal - 500-2Mil
  • Plus maintenance and employee costs
  • Taxonomy
  • Small comparative cost
  • Needed to get full value from all the above
  • ROI asking the wrong question
  • What is ROI for having an HR department?
  • What is ROI for organizing your company?

Infrastructure Model of Taxonomy
DevelopmentTaxonomy in Basic 4 Contexts
  • Ideas Content Structure
  • Language and Mind of your organization
  • Applications - exchange meaning, not data
  • People Company Structure
  • Communities, Users, Central Team
  • Activities Business processes and procedures
  • Central team - establish standards, facilitate
  • Technology / Things
  • CMS, Search, portals, taxonomy tools
  • Applications BI, CI, Text Mining

Taxonomy in ContextStructuring Content
  • All kinds of content and Content Structures
  • Structured and unstructured, Internet and desktop
  • Metadata standards Dublin core
  • Keywords - poor performance
  • Need controlled vocabulary, taxonomies, semantic
  • Other Metadata
  • Document Type
  • Form, policy, how-to, etc.
  • Audience
  • Role, function, expertise, information behaviors
  • Best bets metadata
  • Facets entities and ideas

Taxonomy in ContextStructuring People
  • Individual People
  • Tacit knowledge, information behaviors
  • Advanced personalization category priority
  • Sales forms ---- New Account Form
  • Accountant ---- New Accounts ---- Forms
  • Communities
  • Variety of types map of formal and informal
  • Variety of subject matter vaccines, research,
  • Variety of communication channels and information
  • Community-specific vocabularies, need for
    inter-community communication (Cortical
    organization model)

Taxonomy in ContextStructuring Processes and
  • Technology infrastructure and applications
  • Enterprise platforms from creation to retrieval
    to application
  • Taxonomy as the computer network
  • Applications integrated meaning, not just data
  • Creation content management, innovation,
    communities of practice (CoPs)
  • When, who, how, and how much structure to add
  • Workflow with meaning, distributed subject matter
    experts (SMEs) and centralized teams
  • Retrieval standalone and embedded in
    applications and business processes
  • Portals, collaboration, text mining, business
    intelligence, CRM

Taxonomy in Context The Integrating
  • Starting point knowledge architecture audit,
  • Social network analysis, information behaviors
  • People knowledge architecture team
  • Infrastructure activities taxonomies,
    analytics, best bets
  • Facilitation knowledge transfer, partner with
  • Taxonomies of content, people, and activities
  • Dynamic Dimension complexity not chaos
  • Analytics based on concepts, information
  • Taxonomy as part of a foundation, not a project
  • In an Infrastructure Context

Taxonomy in Context The Integrating
  • Integrated Enterprise requires both an
    infrastructure team and distributed expertise.
  • Software and SMEs is not the answer - keywords
  • Taxonomies not stand alone
  • Metadata, controlled vocabularies, synonyms, etc.
  • Variety of taxonomies, plus categorization,
    classification, etc.
  • Important to know the differences, when to use
  • Multiple Applications
  • Search, browse, content management, portals, BI
    CI, etc.
  • Infrastructure as Operating System
  • Word vs. Word Perfect
  • Instead of sharing clipboard, share information
    and knowledge.

Infrastructure Solutions The start and
foundationKnowledge Architecture Audit
  • Knowledge Map - Understand what you have, what
    you are, what you want
  • The foundation of the foundation
  • Contextual interviews, content analysis, surveys,
    focus groups, ethnographic studies
  • Category modeling Intertwingledness -learning
    new categories influenced by other, related
  • Natural level categories mapped to communities,
  • Novice prefer higher levels
  • Balance of informative and distinctiveness
  • Living, breathing, evolving foundation is the

Infrastructure Solutions ResourcesPeople and
Processes Roles and Functions
  • Knowledge Architect and learning object designers
  • Knowledge engineers and cognitive anthropologists
  • Knowledge facilitators and trainers and
  • Part Time
  • Librarians and information architects
  • Corporate communication editors and writers
  • Partners
  • IT, web developers, applications programmers
  • Business analysts and project managers

Infrastructure Solutions Resources People and
Processes Central Team
  • Central Team supported by software and offering
  • Creating, acquiring, evaluating taxonomies,
    metadata standards, vocabularies
  • Input into technology decisions and design
    content management, portals, search
  • Socializing the benefits of metadata, creating a
    content culture
  • Evaluating metadata quality, facilitating author
  • Analyzing the results of using metadata, how
    communities are using
  • Research metadata theory, user centric metadata
  • Design content value structure more nuanced
    than good / poor content.

Infrastructure Solutions ResourcesPeople and
Processes Facilitating Knowledge Transfer
  • Need for Facilitators
  • Amazon hiring humans to refine recommendations
  • Google humans answering queries
  • Facilitate projects, KM project teams
  • Facilitate knowledge capture in meetings, best
  • Answering online questions, facilitating online
    discussions, networking within a community
  • Design and run KM forums, education and
    innovation fairs
  • Work with content experts to develop training,
    incorporate intelligence into applications
  • Support innovation, knowledge creation in

Infrastructure Solutions ResourcesPeople and
Processes Location of Team
  • KM/KA Dept. Cross Organizational,
  • Balance of dedicated and virtual, partners
  • Library, Training, IT, HR, Corporate
  • Balance of central and distributed
  • Industry variation
  • Pharmaceutical dedicated department, major
    place in the organization
  • Insurance Small central group with partners
  • Beans a librarian and part time functions
  • Which design knowledge architecture audit

Infrastructure Solutions ResourcesTechnology
  • Taxonomy Management
  • Text and Visualization
  • Entity and Fact Extraction
  • Text Mining
  • Search for professionals
  • Different needs, different interfaces
  • Integration Platform technology
  • Enterprise Content Management

Taxonomy Development Tips and TechniquesStage
One How to Begin
  • Step One Strategic Questions why, what value
    from the taxonomy, how are you going to use it
  • Variety of taxonomies important to know the
    differences, when to use what.
  • Step Two Get a good taxonomist! (or learn)
  • Library Science Cognitive Science Cognitive
  • Step Three Software Shopping
  • Automatic Software Fun Diversion for a rainy
  • Uneven hierarchy, strange node names, weird
  • Taxonomy Management, Entity Extraction,
  • Step Four Get a good taxonomy!
  • Glossary, Index, Pull from multiple sources
  • Get a good document collection

Infrastructure Solutions Taxonomy
DevelopmentStage Two Taxonomy Model
  • Enterprise Taxonomy
  • No single subject matter taxonomy
  • Need an ontology of facets or domains
  • Standards and Customization
  • Balance of corporate communication and
    departmental specifics
  • At what level are differences represented?
  • Customize pre-defined taxonomy additional
    structure, add synonyms and acronyms and
  • Enterprise Facet Model
  • Actors, Events, Functions, Locations, Objects,
    Information Resources
  • Combine and map to subject domains

Taxonomy Development Tips and TechniquesStage
Three Development and/or Customization
  • Combination of top down and bottom up (and
  • Top Design an ontology, facet selection
  • Bottom Vocabulary extraction documents, search
    logs, interview authors and users
  • Develop essential examples (Prototypes)
  • Most Intuitive Level genus (oak, maple, rabbit)
  • Quintessential Chair all the essential
    characteristics, no more
  • Work toward the prototype and out and up and down
  • Repeat until dizzy or done
  • Map the taxonomy to communities and activities
  • Category differences
  • Vocabulary differences

Taxonomy Development Tips and TechniquesStage
Four Evaluate and Refine
  • Formal Evaluation
  • Quality of corpus size, homogeneity,
  • Breadth of coverage main ideas, outlier ideas
    (see next)
  • Structure balance of depth and width
  • Kill the verbs
  • Evaluate speciation steps understandable and
  • Person Unwelcome person Unpleasant person -
    Selfish person
  • Avoid binary levels, duplication of contrasts
  • Primary and secondary education, public and

Taxonomy Development Tips and TechniquesStage
Four Evaluate and Refine
  • Practical Evaluation
  • Test in real life application
  • Select representative users and documents
  • Test node labels with Subject Matter Experts
  • Balance of making sense and jargon
  • Test with representative key concepts
  • Test for un-representative strange little
    concepts that only mean something to a few people
    but the people and ideas are key and are normally
    impossible to find

  • Books
  • Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
  • What Categories Reveal about the Mind
  • George Lakoff
  • The Geography of Thought
  • Richard E. Nisbett
  • Software
  • Convera Retrievalware
  • Inxight Smart Discovery entity and fact
  • Courses
  • Convera Taxonomy Certification

  • Taxonomy development is not just a project
  • It has no beginning and no end
  • Taxonomy development is not an end in itself
  • It enables the accomplishment of many ends
  • Taxonomy development is not just about search or
  • It is about language, cognition, and applied
  • Strategic Vision (articulated by K Map) is
  • Even for your under the radar vocabulary project
  • Paying attention to theory is practical
  • So is adapting your language to business speak

  • Taxonomies are part of your intellectual
  • Roads, transportation systems not cars or types
    of cars
  • Taxonomies are part of creating smart
  • Self aware, capable of learning and evolving
  • Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast
  • If we really are in a knowledge economy
  • We need to pay attention to
  • Knowledge!

  • Tom
  • KAPS Group
  • Knowledge Architecture Professional Services
  • http//
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