Title: Taylor Series and Taylor
1Taylor Series and Taylors Theorem
- When is a function given by its Taylor Series?
2So where were we?
- Facts
- f is continuous and has derivatives of all
orders at x 0. - f (n)(0)0 for all n.
This tells us that the Maclaurin Series for f is
zero everywhere!
The Maclaurin Series for f converges everywhere,
but is equal to f only at x 0!
3This tells us that.
Our ability write down a Taylor series for a
function is not in itself a guarantee that the
series will any anything to do with the function,
even on its interval of convergence!
4However, Ostebee and Zorn assures that.
Taylors theorem guarantees that this
unfortunate event seldom occurs. In other
words, the functions that are not given by their
Taylor series are pretty weird. Most of our
everyday functions ARE given by their Taylor
5Recall Taylors Theorem
Suppose that f is repeatedly differentiable on an
interval I containing x0 and that is the nth
order Taylor polynomial based at x0. Suppose
that Kn1 is a number such that for all z in
I, Then for x in I, (Page 504 in OZ)
6Pinning this down
- Recall that Pn is the nth partial sum of
theTaylor Series of f based at x0. - And thus
- Measures the error made by Pn(x) in approximating
f (x). - Taylors theorem gives us an upper bound on this
The Taylor series for f will converge to f if
and only if for all x f (x) - Pn(x) goes to
zero as n ?8. Taylors theorem can help us
establish this.
7Using Taylors Theorem
- Find the Taylor series for f that is based at x
p/4. - Show that this Taylor series converges to f for
all values of x.
81. Taylor Series for f (x) sin(x)
n f (n)(x) f (n)( ) an f (n)( )/n!
9Show that this converges to sin(x)
We start with the general set-up for Taylors
Theorem. What is Kn1? It follows that for all
What happens to this quantity As n?8?
10Show that this converges to sin(x)
Notice that I didnt have to know what Pn was in
order to gather this information. (In other
words, our second question is independent of our
We start with the general set-up for Taylors
Theorem. What is Kn1? It follows that for all
11Now its your turn
Repeat this exercise with the Maclaurin series
for f (x) cos(2x) .
- Find the Maclaurin series for f (x) cos(2x).
- Show that this series converges to f for all
values of x.
121. Taylor Series for f (x) cos(2x)
n f (n)(x) f (n)(0) an f (n)(0)/n!
13Show that this converges to cos(2x)
We start with the general set-up for Taylors
Theorem. What is Kn1? It follows that for
all x,
This quantity goes to 0 as n?8!
14Epilogue---Two points of view
Power series as functions
Taylor Series
First a series . . .
First a function . . .
. . . Then a function
. . . Then a series
Guarantees that f is equal to the power series
where the power series converges.
No a priori guarantee that f is equal to its
Taylor series.
15Why the Taylor series, then?
Power series as functions
Taylor Series
First a series . . .
First a function . . .
. . . Then a function
. . . Then a series
If f is equal to any power series at all, that
power series must be the Taylor series for f.
Thats why thats were we look!
Guarantees that the power series we started with
is, in fact, the TAYLOR SERIES FOR f .