Title: Structure, Function and Evolution of Metabolic Networks (I)
1Structure, Function andEvolution of
MetabolicNetworks (I)
- Jing Zhao
- College of Pharmacy, Second Military Medical
University - Shanghai Center for Bioinformation and Technology
- 2009.5.25
Spring school on multiscale methods and modeling
in biophysics and system biology, Shanghai, China
2- Outline
- Reconstruction of metabolic networks
- Network metrics and topological features
- Modularity and network decomposition
- Topological diversity of networks with a given
degree sequence
3I. Reconstruction of metabolic networks
Zhao J, Yu H, Luo J, Cao Z, Li Y Complex
networks theory for analyzing metabolic networks.
Chinese Science Bulletin 2006, 51(13)1529-1537.
4What is network?
5Examples Internet
6Examples Scientific collaborations
7Examples protein-protein interaction network
9Examples metabolic network
10(No Transcript)
11How to get genome-specific metabolic reactions?
- Identifying ORFs from the genomic sequence
- (ii) Predicting all the enzyme genes of this
organism by sequence similarity alignment - (iii) Comparing the predicted enzymes within this
organism against the collection of known - reference pathways to determine all the reactions
of this organism.
12- Two refined metabolism database for human being
manually reconstructed - BiGG database
- Duarte, N. C. Becker, S. A. Jamshidi, N.
Thiele, I. Mo, M. L. Vo, T. D. Srivas, R.
Palsson, B. O., Global reconstruction of the
human metabolic network based on genomic and
bibliomic data. PNAS 2007, 104, (6), 1777-1782. - The Edinburgh human metabolic network
- Ma, H. Sorokin, A. Mazein, A. Selkov, A.
Selkov, E. Demin, O. Goryanin, I., The
Edinburgh human metabolic network reconstruction
and its functional analysis. Molecular Systems
Biology 2007, 3, 135.
13Statistics for BiGG database
14Process for reconstructing the Edinburgh human
metabolic network
15Different graph representations of a simple
metabolic network
16Currency metabolites
Ma H, Zeng A-P Reconstruction of metabolic
networks from genome data and analysis of their
global structure for various organisms.
Bioinformatics 2003, 19(2)270-277.
17Currency metabolites
18Currency metabolites
- Definition
- currency metabolites have high degree
- they make not meaningful shortcuts
- i.e. tie together distant parts of the
network - i.e. tie different modules together
Algorithm Remove vertices in order of
(currently) highest degree. The set of removed
vertices that gives the network the highest
modularity is the set of currency metabolites.
Huss M, Holme P Currency and commodity
metabolites Their identification and relation to
the modularity of metabolic networks. IET Systems
Biology 2007, 1280-285.
19Human currency metabolites
Huss M, Holme P Currency and commodity
metabolites Their identification and relation to
the modularity of metabolic networks. IET Systems
Biology 2007, 1280-285.
20- Steps for reconstructing a metabolic network
- Get reaction list
- Generate substrate - product pair list
- Delete currency metabolites
- Generate metabolic network
- Useful tool
- Text2pajek.exe
21II. Network metrics and topological features
Zhao J, Yu H, Luo J, Cao Z, Li Y Complex
networks theory for analyzing metabolic networks.
Chinese Science Bulletin 2006, 51(13)1529-1537.
22network science Measures of network structure.
How does a network that is too large to draw
.look. like? Real-world networks have both
randomness and structure. How can we quantify
network structure? Models of evolving networks.
How do networks get their structure? What
.microscopic. properties are responsible for the
macro-structure of the network. Models of
network changing events. Malicious attacks
overload breakdowns. Classication and functional
prediction. How can we classify vertices and
predict their function in the network? How does
the network structure affect dynamic systems of
the network? Running dynamic simulations on top
of the network and see how dynamic properties
correlates with the network structure.
23- As for biochemical networks, what questions can
we ask? - how can the large-scale organization be
characterized? - are there any universal features over different
species? - do the differences tell us something about
evolution? - can we identify functional modules?
- . . the functions of molecules?
24Degree distribution vs. scale-free networks
Degree distribution p(k) the occurrence
frequency of nodes with degree k, (k1,2,).
Random network
Scale-free network
Barabasi, A.L., Albert, R., Emergence of scaling
in random networks, Science, 1999, 286509-512
25- BA model for network evolution
- (1) Growth the continuous addition of new nodes.
- (2) Preferential attachment the rich get
richer principle. - The high-degree nodes should appear in the
earlier stage of network formation. - Thirteen hub metabolites in E.coli
metabolic network
Wagner, A., Fell, D.A., The small world inside
large metabolic networks, Proc R Soc Lond B,
2001, 2681803-1810.
26- Performance of scale-free networks
- error tolerance high resistance to random
perturbations - attack vulnerability the removal of a few hub
nodes will destroy the whole network.
Albert, R., Jeong, H., Barabasi, A.-L., Error and
attack tolerance of complex networks, Nature,
2000, 406378-382.
27Jeong, H., Mason, S.P., Barabasi, A.L., Oltvai,
Z.N., Lethality and centrality in protein
networks, Nature, 2001, 41141-42.
28- Notice Computation of the exponent
- cumulative distribution
Log-log plot of the degree distribution (A) and
cumulative degree distribution (B) for a network
of 20000 nodes constructed by Barabasi-Albert
preferential attachment model.
29- Clustering coefficient vs. Hierarchical modular
How many triangles are there in the network?
N(v) the number of links between neighbours of
node v d(v) the degree of node v
30Ravasz E, Somera A L, Mongru D A, Oltvai Z N,
Barabasi A L, Hierarchical organization of
modularity in metabolic networks,
Science,2002,297 1551-1556
31(No Transcript)
32Complex systems usually have a hierarchical
structure, the entities of one level being
compounded into new entities at the next higher
lever, as cells into tissues, tissues into
organs, and organs into functional systems. The
whole is greater than the sum of its parts! At
each new level of complexity in biology new and
unexpected qualities appear, qualities which
apparently cannot be reduced to the properties of
the component parts.
Lifes complex Pyramid from the particular to
the universal
Oltvai, Z.N., Barabási, A.-L., Lifes Complexity
Pyramid, SCIENCE, 2002, 298763-764.
33- Mean path length vs. small-world networks
Small-world network small mean path length
high clustering coefficient
Small-world cell networksgtthe cell may react
quickly to changes of the surroundings
Watts, D.J., Strogatz, S.H., Collective dynamics
of small-world' networks, Nature, 1998,
34- Assortativity coefficient vs. degree-degree
correlation -
- Are high-degree vertices connected to other
high-degree vertices? Or are these vertices
primarily connected to low-degree vertices? - ji , ki the degrees of the nodes at the ends of
the ith edge - M number of edges in the network
- rgt0 assortative network
- rlt0 disassortative network
Newman , M.E.J., Assortative mixing in networks,
Phys Rev Lett, 2002, 89208701.
35Newman , M.E.J., Assortative mixing in networks,
Phys Rev Lett, 2002, 89208701.
36The average connectivity ltknngt of the nearest
neighbors of a node depending on its connectivity
k for the 1998 snapshot of the Internet, the
generalized BA model and the fitness model.
Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Alexei Vázquez, and
Alessandro Vespignani, Dynamical and Correlation
Properties of the Internet, PHYSI CAL REV IEW
37Correlation profiles of protein interaction
network in yeast. Z-scores for connectivity
correlations Z(K0,K1) (P(K0,K1) -
Pr(K0,K1))/r(K0,K1) where r(K0,K1) is the
standard deviation of Pr(K0,K1) in 1000
realizations of a randomized network.
Maslov, S., Sneppen, K., Specificity and
Stability in Topology of Protein Networks,
Science, 2002, 296910-913.
38Rich-club coefficient and rich-club
phenomenon rich-club coefficient
Notice Rich-club
Assortative mixing
Colizza V, Flammini A, Serrano MA, Vespignani A
Detecting rich-club ordering in complex networks.
Nat Phys 2006, 2(2)110-115.
39Centrality Which nodes are important for
communication on the network? Assumption
Information transmission or material
transportation on the network are along shortest
40Betweenness centrality
- Node betweenness measures the degree to which
a vertex is participating in the communication
between pairs of other vertices
the number of shortest paths from s
to t the number of shortest paths
from s to t with v as an inner vertex
Holme P, Kim BJ, Yoon CN, Han SK Attack
vulnerability of complex networks. Phys Rev E
2002, 65056109.
41 Edge betweenness measures the degree to which
an edge is participating in the communication
between pairs of other vertices
the number of shortest paths from s
to t the number of shortest paths
from s to t with v as an inner vertex
Holme P, Kim BJ, Yoon CN, Han SK Attack
vulnerability of complex networks. Phys Rev E
2002, 65056109.
42- Nodes and edges of high betweenness centrality
could be bottlenecks of the network, thus could
be important enzymes or metabolites. - Edges of high betweenness centrality could be
bridges of modules.
Rahman, S.A., Schomburg, D., Observing local and
global properties of metabolic pathways 'load
points' and 'choke points' in the metabolic
networks, Bioinformatics, 2006,
221767-1774. Girvan M, Newman MEJ Community
structure in social and biological networks. Proc
Natl Acad Sci 2002, 99(12)7821-7826.
43Closeness centrality
Closeness centrality measures the degree to which
a vertex is close to other vertices on average.
Service facility locating problem Find the
location of a shopping mall that the average
driving distance to the mall is minimal.
Solution the nodes which have the biggest
closeness centrality
44Center Emergency facility locating problem
find the optimal location of a firehouse such
that the worst-case response distance of a fire
engine is minimal.
451, 2 and 3-core. Two basic properties of cores
first, cores may be disconnected subgraphs
second, cores are nested for igtj, an i-core is a
subgraph of a j-core of the same graph.
gt The probability of nodes both being essential
and evolutionary conserved successively increases
toward the innermost cores.
Wuchty, S., Almaas, E., Peeling the yeast protein
network, Proteomics, 2005, 5444-449.
46Reciprocity metric
aij 1 if there is an arc from nodes i to
j, aij 0 otherwise L the number of
total arcs in the network N the number of total
nodes in the network
? -1 for purely unidirectional networks ?
1 for purely bidirectional networks
47Network null models
- Network structures are always relative
- Network structures how the network differs from
a random network, or a null model - One has to be clear about what to compare with a
null model - Null model 1 random graphs (Poisson random
graphs, - Erdos-Renyi graphs)
- Null model 2 random graphs constrained to
the set of - degrees of the original graph
48Null Models random rewiring
Maslov, S., Sneppen, K., Specificity and
Stability in Topology of Protein Networks,
Science, 2002, 296910-913.
Maslov S, Sneppen K, Zaliznyak A Detection of
topological patterns in complex networks
correlation profile of the internet. Physica A
Statistical and Theoretical Physics 2004,
50Graph analysis and visualization software
Pajek http//vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/
networks/pajek/ txt2pajek.exe
pajek.exe UCINET http//www.analytictec
h.com/downloaduc6.htm NetMiner
51- III. Modularity and network decomposition
Zhao J, Yu H, Luo J, Cao Z, Li Y Complex
networks theory for analyzing metabolic networks.
Chinese Science Bulletin 2006, 51(13)1529-1537.
522.1 Modularity From functional
view Modularity the system can be decomposed
in parts (modules), such that each part has its
own relatively independent function, while
different parts have some communications with
each other. From topological view Assumption
A densely connected subnetwork ? "part with
complex function." Modularity network could be
divided into groups of vertices that have a high
density of edges within them, with a lower
density of edges between groups.
Hartwell LH, Hopfield JJ, Leibler S, Murray AW
From molecular to modular cell biology. Nature
1999, 402C47-C52. Papin JA, Reed JL, Palsson BO
Hierarchical thinking in network biology the
unbiased modularization of biochemical networks
,Trends in Biochemical Sciences 2004, 29641-647.
53For a given decomposition of a network, the
modularity metric is defined as
the sum is over the a partition into clusters and
eij is the fraction of edges that leads between
vertices of cluster i and j
The modularity metric of a network is
defined as the largest modularity metric of all
possible partitions of the network. The
modularity of networks must always be compared to
the null case of a random graph.
Newman M Detecting community structure in
networks EurPhysJB 2004, 38321-330. Guimera R,
Sales-Pardo M, Amaral LAN Modularity from
fluctuations in random graphs and complex
networks. Physical Review E 2004, 70025101.
542.2 Simulated annealing method
Guimera R, Nunes Amaral LA Functional
cartography of complex metabolic networks. Nature
2005, 433(7028)895-900.
552.3 Hierarchical clustering method Similarity
index(or dissimilarity index) to signify the
extent to which two nodes would like in the same
cluster. Agglomerative method to start off with
each node being its own cluster. At each step, it
combines the two most similar clusters to form a
new larger cluster until all nodes have been
combined into one cluster. Divisive method to
begin with one cluster including all the nodes,
and attempts to find the splitting point at which
two clusters are as dissimilar as possible.
56 Topological overlap algorithm Substrate graph
Jn(i,j) denotes the number of nodes to which
both i and j are linked ( plus 1 if there is a
direct link between i and j ) ki, kj is the
degree of i and j, respectively. Agglomerative
Ravasz E, Somera AL, Mongru DA, Oltvai ZN,
Barabasi AL Hierarchical Organization of
Modularity in Metabolic Networks. Science 2002,
57Shortest path algorithm enzyme graph
d(i, j) is the number of arcs in the shortest
directed path from i to j . Agglomerative
Ma H-W, Zhao X-M, Yuan Y-J, Zeng A-P
Decomposition of metabolic network into
functional modules based on the global
connectivity structure of reaction graph.
Bioinformatics 2004, 20(12)1870-1876.
58Betweenness method substrate-reaction bipartite
is the number of shortest
paths between s and t that passes through r,
is the total number of shortest paths
between s and t, is the in-degree of
node r. Divisive method.
Holme P, Huss M, Jeong H Subnetwork hierarchies
of biochemical pathways. Bioinformatics 2003,
59Corrected Euclidean-like dissimilarity algorithm
substrate graph
d(i, j) is the number of arcs in the shortest
directed path from i to j . Agglomerative
Zhao J, Yu H, Luo J, Cao Z, Li Y Hierarchical
modularity of nested bow-ties in metabolic
networks. BMC Bioinformatics 20067386.
60- IV. Topological diversity of networks with a
given degree sequence
Zhao J, Tao L, Yu H, Luo J-H, Cao Z-W, Li Y-X
The effects of degree correlations on network
topologies and robustness. Chinese Physics 2007,
61- Seed networks
- Seed network A the hierarchically modular
network constructed by Ravasz et al. (RB model)
in the 3rd iteration. - Seed network B a model network constructed by
the BA preferential attachment model . - Seed network C the biggest connected cluster of
the E.coli metabolic - Seed network D the biggest connected cluster of
the protein interaction network CCSB-HI1
62Extreme networks of degree correlation
The Smax graph (A) and Smin graph (B) for a small
seed network. Nodes with different degrees are
shown in different colours.
Graphs with the same degree sequence have
significantly topological diversity.
63Constructing network ensemble from the extreme
Assortative coefficient (r) as function of the
randomization fraction (p).
64Relationship between mean path length (L) and
assortative coefficient (r). The data shown in
the figures are averaged over 10 random
realizations of the rewiring process.
65Relationship between clustering coefficient(C)
and assortative coefficient (r). The data shown
in the figure are averaged over 10 random
realizations of the rewiring process.
66Relationship between modularity(M) and
assortative coefficient (r). The data shown in
the figures are averaged over 10 random
realizations of the rewiring process.
67The effect of degree correlation on network
robustness. Figures in the first and second row
depict the robustness under attacks and failures
as a function of assortativity, respectively. The
data shown in the figures are averaged over 10
random realizations of the rewiring process.
68Holme P, Zhao J Exploring the assortativity-clust
ering space of a network's degree sequence. Phys
Rev E 2007, 75 046111.