Title: How do we determine the structures of biological molecules?
1How do we determine the structures of biological
2Mineral Crystals
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4Two-Dimensional CrystalTranslational Symmetry
M.C. Escher
5Crystal Lattice
Alexander McPherson, Introduction to
Macromolecular Crystallography Wiley-Liss, 2002
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9Two-Dimensional Crystal With Mirror Symmetry
M.C. Escher
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11Crystal Systems
Jenny Pickworth Glusker, Kenneth N. Trueblood,
Crystal Structure Analysis A Primer, Oxford
University Press, 1985
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14Light Diffraction
Henry S. Lipson Crystals and X-rays Taylor
Francis 1970
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16X-ray Diffraction
Gale Rhodes, Crystallography Made Crystal Clear
A Guide for Users of Macromolecular Models,
Academic Press, 1993
17X-ray Crystallography
18X-ray DiffractionPhotograph
Rosalind Franklins diffraction photo of DNA
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20Electron Density Maps
Myoglobin Kendrew, Bodo, Dintzis, Parrish,
Wyckoff, Phillips, Nature 181 662-666,
1958.Hemoglobin Perutz, Proc. R. Soc. A265,
161-187,1962. Lysozyme Blake, Koenig, Mair,
North, Phillips, Sarma, Nature 206 757, 1965.
Ribonuclease Kartha, Bello, Harker, Nature 213,
862-865 1967. Wyckoff, Hardman, Allewell,
Inagami, Johnson, Richards. J. Biol. Chem. 242,
3753-3757, 1967.
22The Steps in the Process
- Isolation,
- Expression,
- Purification,
- Crystallization
Target Selection
Data Collection
Structure Solution
Structure Refinement
Functional Annotation
23Vapor diffusion
McPherson, A. Crystallization of Biological
Macromolecules. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Press, 1999, p. 179.
24Protein crystals
McPherson, A. Crystallization of Biological
Macromolecules. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Press, 1999, p. 185.
25Crystal mounting
Glusker, J. Trueblood, K. Crystal Structure
Analysis A Primer. Oxford University Press,
1985, p. 44.
26Sealed Tube Diffractometer
27Rotating Anode Diffractometer
28Synchrotron X-ray source
29Synchrotron Beamline Diffractometer
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