Title: Multi-Model Fusion for Robust Time-Series Forecasting
1Multi-Model Fusion for Robust Time-Series
Weizhong Yan
Industrial Artificial Intelligence Lab GE Global
Research Center Niskayuna, NY 12309
- Problem Description
- Datasets
- Challenges and modeling strategies
- Our Approach
- The Results
- Final Remarks
3Dataset characteristics
Time series with seasonality, trend, and outlier
4Challenges and modeling strategies
A large number of time series with different
features. Manual, ad-hoc modeling strategies are
not working
A model-building strategy that can automatically
identify features (i.e., trend, seasonality, etc)
of time series and arrives in a forecast model
with robust accurate performance for a large
number of time series
5Our Approach(1)
- Preprocessing
Feature identification Feature treatment
6Our Approach(2)
- Modeling
Generalized Regression NN
7Our Approach(3)
- Why GRNN?
Its a variation of nearest neighbor
approach Forecast for an input is a weighted
average of the outputs in the training examples.
The closer an input to the training example, the
larger the weight of its corresponding output.
- Advantages
- Its a universal approximator
- Its fast in training (one-pass learning)
- Its good for sparse data
- Disadvantages
- It requires large amount of online computation
- It almost does not have any extrapolation
capability (forecast is bounded by min max of
the observations)
14Final remarks
- Developing a robust time series forecasting model
is a challenging task. - Developing an automatic model building process
that can be reliably applied to a large number
of time series with varying features is even more
challenging. - When the number of historical data points is
small, fusion of multiple simple models seems to
work better than a single complex model does
Future work
- Using more GRNNs
- Optimally determining the tunable parameter,
spread, for GRNNs
15Thank you