Title: Management of the young permanent teeth ?????????
1Management of the young permanent teeth
- ??????????
- ?????,????
- ????
- ??????
- ?????????
?? Indirect pulp capping Direct pulp capping
3Characteristic of pulp and periapical disease in
immature permanent teeth?????????????????
- ????????????????????
- ???????? pulp polyp
- ?????????????
- ???????????
4- ??????????????
- ??
- Pulp capping
- CaOH Pulpotomy
- Apexification ???????
- ????,???????
- ??????????????????
- ?????????
- ????,????
- ?????????
6- Management of traumatic injuries
- to young permanent teeth
- ?????????
Crown fracture Displacement Lateral
displacement Intrusion Total extrusion
7Enamel fracture Restoration with composite resin
Dentine fracture with pulp exposure Direct pulp
capping CaOH pulpotomy Pulpectomy with
Dentine fracture without pulp exposure Indirect
pulp capping
8Lateral displacement
Replacement 23? ???? apexification
Reeruption ???????? apexification
10Total extrusion
- ?????
- ?????????
- ???
- ?????????,?????
- ???????????????,??????????
- ???????
- ????
- ???
- ??8 9?
- ?????????,????,??????
- X-ray?????????????????????
- ??????????
13Occlusive guidance????
- ??
- ???????,????????????
- ??????????
- ??
- ??
- ??
- ??space maintenance
14Brief summry
- Periapical disease including clinical
characteristic and the treatment - Dental disease in immature permanent teeth
including characteristic and management of deep
caries,pulpitis, periapical disease and trauma - Extraction of the first permanent molar
- Definition of occlusive guidance
15class is over