Title: Pierre Descouvemont Universit
1 Pierre DescouvemontUniversité Libre de
Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
The R-matrix theory in nuclear physics
- Introduction
- General collision theory elastic scattering
- Phase-shift method
- Calculable R-matrix (? theory)
- Phenomenological R-matrix (? experiment)
- Conclusions
- General context two-body systems
- Low energies (E ? Coulomb barrier), few open
channels (one) - Low masses (A ? 15-20)
- Low level densities (? a few levels/MeV)
- Reactions with neutrons AND charged particles
- Characteristics must be considered
- Energy with respect to the Coulomb barrier
- Level density
- Number of open channels
Conditions (A1, Z1) (A2, Z2) Energy E
Far above the barrier(Too) many l values? no
partial wave expansionex Eikonal, semi-classic
theories, etc.
Nucleus-nucleus potential
Near the barrierLimited l values? partial wave
expansionex CDCC, DWBA, etc.
Below the barrierVery few l valuesR matrix, GCM
Barrier energyRB A11/3A21/3VB Z1Z2e2/RB
4Level density Spectrum of (A1A2) nucleus
Nucleus-nucleus potential
High L.D.
Low L.D.
? different models according to the level density
5- Stable nuclei
- high level density
- many open channels
- Exotic nuclei
- low level density
- few open channels
6- Low-energy reactions
- Transmission (tunnelling) decreases with l ?
few partial waves ? semi-classic theories
not valid - astrophysics
- thermal neutrons
- Wavelength ??c/E ?(fm)197/E(MeV) example
1 MeV ? 200 fm radius2-4 fm ?
quantum effects important
- Some references
- C. Joachain Quantum Collision Theory, North
Holland 1987 - L. Rodberg, R. Thaler Introduction to the
quantum theory of scattering, Academic Press 1967 - J. Taylor Scattering Theory the quantum theory
on nonrelativistic collisions, John Wiley 1972
7- Assumptions elastic scattering no internal
structure no Coulomb spins zero
Before collision
After collision
Center-of-mass system
8Scattering wave functions
Schrödinger equation V(r)interaction
potential Assumption the potential decreases
faster than 1/r
A large distances V(r)? 0 2 independent
Incoming plane wave
Outgoing spherical wave
where kwave number k22mE/?2 Aamplitude
(scattering wave function is not
normalized) f(q) scattering amplitude (length)
solid angle dW
Cross section
- Cross section obtained from the asymptotic part
of the wave function - Direct problem determine s from the potential
- Inverse problem determine the potential V
from s - Angular distribution E fixed, q variable
- Excitation function q fixed, E variable
10- How to solve the Schrödinger equation for Egt0?
- With (z along the beam axis)
- Several methods
- Formal theory Lippman-Schwinger equation ? Born
approximation - Eikonal approximation high energies
- Phase shift method
- partial-wave expansion of the wave function
- well adapted to low energies
- common to several theories R-matrix, optical
model, CDCC, etc. - Etc
11Lippman-Schwinger equation
is solution of the Schrödinger equation
With Green function
r is supposed to be large (r gtgt r')
- Y(r) must be known
- Y(r) only needed where V(r)?0 ? approximations
are possible - Born approximation
- Eikonal approximation
Valid at high energiesV(r) E
12- Definitions, cross sections Simple conditions
neutral systems spins 0 single-channel - Extension to charged systems
- Extension to multichannel problems
- Low energy properties
- General calculation
- Optical model
133.a Definition, cross section
- The wave function is expanded as
When inserted in the Schrödinger equation
To be solved for any potential (real or
complex) For r?8 V(r) 0
Bessel equation ? ul(r) jl(kr), nl(kr)
14For small x
For large x
At large distances ul(r) is a linear combination
of jl(kr) and nl(kr)
With dl phase shift (information about the
potential)If V0 ? d0
Cross section
Provide the cross section
15- ? factorization of the dependences in E and q
- General properties of the phase shifts
- Expansion useful at low energies small number of
l values - The phase shift (and all derivatives) are
continuous functions of E - The phase shift is known within np
exp(2id)exp(2i(dnp)) - Levinson theorem
- d(E0) is arbitrary
- d(E0) - d(E?) Np , where N is the number of
bound states - Example pn, l 0 d(E0) - d(E?) p (bound
16Interpretation of the phase shift from the wave
V0? u(r)?sin(kr-lp/2) dl0
V?0? u(r)?sin(kr-lp/2dl)
dllt0 ? V repulsive
dlgt0 ? V attractive
17Resonances Breit-Wigner approximation ERreso
nance energyGresonance width
- Narrow resonance G small
- Broad resonance G large
Example 12Cp With resonance ER0.42 MeV, G32
keV ? lifetime t/G2x10-20 s Without
resonance interaction range d10 fm ?interaction
time td/v 1.1x10-21 s
183.b Generalization to the Coulomb potential
The asymtotic behaviour Y(r)? exp(ikz)
f(q)exp(ikr)/r Becomes Y(r)? exp(ikzh
log(kr)) f(q)exp(ikr-h log(2kr))/r With
hZ1Z2e2/?v Sommerfeld parameter, vvelocity
Bessel equation
Coulomb equation
Solutions Fl(h,kr) regular, Gl(h,kr)
irregular Ingoing, outgoing functions Il
Gl-iFl, OlGliFl
V(r) 8 for rlta Z1Z2e2/r for rgta
Hard-Sphere phase shift
20Special case Neutrons, with l0 F0(x)sin(x),
G0(x)cos(x) ? d-ka
example an phase shift l0
? hard sphere is a good approximation
21- Elastic cross section with Coulomb
Still valid, but converges very slowly.
Coulomb exact
Coulomb cross section diverges for
q0 increases at low energies
22- fC(q) Coulomb part exact
- fN(q) nuclear part converges rapidly
- The total Coulomb cross section is not defined
(diverges) - Coulomb is dominant at small angles ? used to
normalize data - Increases at low energies
- Minimum at q180o ? nuclear effect maximum
233.c Extension to multichannel problems
- One channel phase shift d ? Uexp(2id)
- Multichannel collision matrix Uij, (symmetric ,
unitary) with i,jchannels - Good quantum numbers Jtotal spin ptotal
parity - Channel i characterized by II1? I2 channel
spin JI ? l l angular momentum - Selection rules I1- I2 I I1 I2 l - I
J l I pp1p2 (-1) l
Example of quantum numbers
a3He a0, 3He1/2
p7Be 7Be3/2-, p1/2
J I l size
0 12 12 1
0- 12 12 1
1 12 0, 1, 21, 2, 3 3
1- 12 0, 1, 21, 2, 3 3
J I l size
1/2 1/2 0, 1 1
1/2- 1/2 0, 1 1
3/2 1/2 1, 2 1
3/2- 1/2 1, 2 1
24Cross sections
One channel
Multichannel With K1,K2spin orientations
in the entrance channel K1,K2spin
orientations in the exit channel
- Collision matrix
- generalization of d Uijhijexp(2idij)
- determines the cross section
253.e General calculation
For some potentials analytic solution of the
Schrödinger equation In general no analytic
solution ? numerical approach
- Numerical solution discretization N points,
with mesh size h - ul(0)0
- ul(h)1 (or any constant)
- ul(2h) is determined numerically from ul(0) and
ul(h) (Numerov algorithm) - ul(3h), ul(Nh)
- for large r matching to the asymptotic
behaviour ? phase shift - Bound states (Elt0) same idea
26Example aa
Experimental phase shifts
Experimental spectrum of 8Be
4E11 MeVG3.5 MeV
Potential (Buck) et al. VN(r)-122.3exp(-(r/2.13
2E3 MeVG1.5 MeV
0E0.09 MeVG6 eV
273.f Optical model
Goal to simulate absorption channels
- High energies
- many open channels
- strong absorption
- potential model extended to complex potentials
( optical )
Phase shift is complex ddRidI with
dIgt0collision matrix Uexp(2id)hexp(2idR)
where hexp(-2dI)lt1 Elastic cross
section Reaction cross section
28- Goals
- To solve the Schrödinger equation (Egt0 or Elt0)
calculable R-matrix - Potential model
- 3-body scattering
- Microscopic models
- Many applications in nuclear and atomic physics
- To fit cross sections phenomenological
R-matrix - Elastic, inelastic ? spectroscopic information on
resonances - Capture, transfer ? astrophysics
29Principles of the R-matrix theory
- Standard variational calculations
- Hamiltonian
- Set of N basis functions ui(r) with
- ?Calculation of HijltuiHujgt over the full
space Nijltuiujgt - (example gaussians ui(r)exp(-(r/ai)2))
- Eigenvalue problem ? upper bound on the
energy - But Functions ui(r) tend to zero ? not directly
adapted to scattering states - ? 2 regions
30Principles of the R-matrix theory
- R-matrix divide the space into 2 regions
(radius a) - Internal r a Nuclear coulomb
interactions - External r gt a Coulomb only
Matching at ra provides collision matrix
U coefficients ci
31- Use of the R matrix method
Cross sections
Phase shifts
calculable R-matrix
Phenomenological R-matrix
3 body continuum
32Formalism of the R-matrix (potential model)
- N basis functions ui(r) are valid in a limited
range (r a)? in the internal region
- At large distances the wave function is Coulomb
? in the external region
- Idea to solve
- with defined in the internal region
- But T is not hermitian over a finite domain,
33Formalism of the R-matrix
- Bloch-Schrödinger equation
- With L(L0)Bloch operator (surface operator)
constant L0 arbitrary
- Now we have TL(L0) hermitian
- Since the Bloch operator acts at ra only
- Here L00 (boundary-condition parameter)
34Formalism of the R-matrix
- Using (2) in (1) and the continuity equation
Provides ci(inversion of D)
Continuity at ra
35With the R-matrix defined as
If the potential is real R real, U1, d
- Procedure (for a given l)
- Compute matrix elements
- Invert matrix D
- Compute R matrix
- Compute the collision matrix U
36S(E)shift factorP(E)penetration factor
Charged system
Neutral system
a 3He
a n
E (MeV)
37- Input data
- Potential
- Set of n basis functions (here gaussians with
different widths) - Channel radius a
- Requirements
- a large enough VN(a)0
- n large enough (to reproduce the internal wave
functions) - n as small as possible (computer time)?
compromise - Tests
- Stability of the phase shift with the channel
radius a - Continuity of the derivative of the wave function
38Example aa scattering 1. potential
V(r)-126exp(-(r/2.13)2) (Buck potential)
VN(a)0 ? a gt 6 fm
392. Basis functions
Gaussians with different widths aix0a0(i-1)
(geometric progression)typically x00.6 fm,
Can be done exactly(incomplete g function)
Matrix elements of H can be calculated
analytically for gaussian potentials Other
potentials numerical integration
40Elastic phase shifts
- a10 fm too large (needs too many basis
functions) - a4 fm too small (nuclear not negligible)
- a7 fm is a good compromise
41Wave functions at 5 MeV, a 7 fm
42- Other example sine functions
- Matrix elements very simple
- Derivative ui(a)0
? Not a good basis (no flexibility)
43Example of resonant reaction 12Cp
Resonance l0E0.42 MeVG32 keV
- potential V-70.5exp(-(r/2.70)2)
- Basis functions ui(r)rlexp(-(r/ai)2)
44Wave functions
Phase shifts a7 fm
45Resonance energies
Hard-sphere phase shift
R-matrix phase shift
- Resonance energy Er defined by ?dR90o
- In general must be solved numerically
- Resonance width G defined by
46Application of the R-matrix to bound states
Positive energies Coulomb functions Fl, Gl
Negative energies Whittaker functions
Asymptotic behaviour
47With CANC (Asymptotic Normalization Constant)
important in external processes
- Using (2) in (1) and the continuity equation
- But L depends on the energy, which is not known
? iterative procedure
48Application to the ground state of 13N12Cp
Resonance l0 Egt0
Negative energy -1.94 MeV
Bound state l1 Elt0
- Potential V-55.3exp(-(r/2.70)2)
- Basis functions ui(r)rlexp(-(r/ai)2) (as
49- Calculation with a7 fm
- ng6 (poor results)
- ng10 (good results)
Iteration ng6 ng10
1 -1.500 -2.190
2 -1.498 -1.937
3 -1.498 -1.942
Final -1.498 -1.942
Exact -1.942 -1.942
Left derivative -1.644 -0.405
Right derivative -0.379 -0.406
50Wave functions (a7 fm)
51Application to microscopic models
- A-body treatment
- wave function completely antisymmetric (bound
and scattering states) - not solvable when Agt3
- Generator Coordinate Method (GCM) basis
functions with f1, f2internal wave
functions Gl(r,R)gaussian function Rgenerato
r coordinate (variational parameter) rnucleus-n
ucleus relative coordinate - At ra, antisymmetrization is negligible? the
same R-matrix method is applicable
52- Goal fit of experimental data
- Basis functions
- R matrix equations
The choice of the basis functions is
arbitrary BUT must be consistent in R(E) and D(E)
53Change of basis
- Eigenstates of over the internal region
- expanded over the same basis
- ? standard diagonalization problem
Instead of using ui(r), one uses Yl(r)
54Completely equivalent
With reduced width
?2 steps computation of eigen-energies El
(poles) and eigenfunctions computation of
reduced widths from eigenfunctions
- Remarks
- Elpole energy different from the resonance
energy depend on the channel radius - gl proportional to the wave function at a?
measurement of clustering (depend on a!) large
gl ? strong clustering - dimensionless reduced width Wigner
55Example 12Cp
- potential V-70.5exp(-(r/2.70)2)
- Basis functions ui(r)rlexp(-(r/ai)2) with
10 basis functions, a8 fm
El gl2
-27.9454 2.38E-05
0.112339 0.392282
7.873401 1.094913
26.50339 0.730852
40.54732 0.010541
65.62125 1.121593
107.7871 4.157215
153.8294 1.143461
295.231 0.097637
629.6709 0.019883
10 eigenvalues
56- Link between calculable and phenomenological
R-matrix - Calculable R-matrix parameters are calculated
from basis functions - Phenomenological R-matrix parameters are fitted
to data
57Calculation 10 poles
Fit to data
pole El gl2
1 -27.95 2.38E-05
2 0.11 3.92E-01
3 7.87 1.09E00
4 26.50 7.31E-01
5 40.55 1.05E-02
6 65.62 1.12E00
7 107.79 4.16E00
8 153.83 1.14E00
9 295.23 9.76E-02
10 629.67 1.99E-02
Isolated pole (2 parameters)
Background (high energy)gathered in 1 term E
ltlt El ? R0(E)R0
? In phenomenological approaches (one resonance)
Approximations R0(E)R0constant
(background) R0(E)0 Breit-Wigner
approximation one term in the R matrix Remark
the R matrix method is NOT limited to resonances
Solving the Schrödinger equation in a basis with
N functions provides where El, gl are
calculated from matrix elements between the basis
Each pole corresponds to a state (bound state or
resonance)Properties energy, reduced width !!
depend on a !! (not physical)
Other approach consider El, gl as free
parameters (no basis) ? Phenomenological R
Question how to relate R-matrix parameters with
experimental information?
60Resonance energies !!! Different from pole
61Resonance energy Er defined by ?dR90o In
general must be solved numerically
Plot of R(E), 1/S(E)
62The Breit-Wigner approximation
Single pole in the R matrix expansion Phase
shift Resonance energy Er, defined by
Not solvable analytically
Thomas approximation
Near the resonance energy Er
- Remarks
- g0, E0 R-matrix, calculated, formal
parameters, needed in the R matrix - depend on the channel radius a
- Defined for resonances and bound states (Erlt0)
- gobs, Er observed parameters
- model independent, to be compared with
experiment - should not depend on a
- The total width G depends on energy through the
penetration factor P ?fast variation with E ?
low energy narrow resonances (but the reduced
width can be large)
High-energy states with the same Jp Simulated by
a single pole background
Energies of interest
Isolated resonances Treated individually
Non-resonant calculations are possible only a
background pole
65Link between calculated and observed
One pole (N1)
R-matrix parameters(calculated) Observed
Several poles (Ngt1)
Must be solved numerically
Generalization of the Breit-Wigner formalism
link between observed and formal parameters when
Ngt1 C. Angulo, P.D., Phys. Rev. C 61, 064611
(2000) single channel C. Brune, Phys. Rev. C
66, 044611 (2002) multi channel
66Examples 12Cp and 12Ca Narrow resonance 12Cp
Hard sphere
67Broad resonance 12Ca
68- 18Nep elastic scattering C. Angulo et al, Phys.
Rev. C67 (2003) 014308 - Experiment at Louvain-la-Neuve 18Nep elastic
- ? search for the mirror state of 19O(1/2)
- Phase shifts dl defined in the R-matrix (in
principle from l0 to 8) - l0 one pole with 2 parameters energy
E0 reduced width g0 - l1, no resonance expected?hard-sphere phase
shift - l2 (J3/2,5/2) very narrow resonances
expected ?weak influence - lgt2 hard sphere
- ? The cross section is fitted with 2 parameters
Experimental region Simple case one isolated
6918Nep elastic scattering
Final result ER 1.066 0.003 MeVGp 101 3
differential cross section mb/sr
? Very large Coulomb shift From G101 keV,
g2605 keV, q223 Very large reduced width
c.m. energy MeV
70Other case 10Cp ?11N analog of 11Be 11Be
neutron rich 11N proton rich
Markenroth et al (Ganil)Phys.Rev. C62, 034308
Expected 11N (unbound) Energies?Widths?Spins?
71Other example 14Op ?15F analog of 15C
14Op elastic ground state of 15F
unboundGoldberg et al. Phys. Rev. C 69 (2004)
72Data analysis general procedure for elastic
- Only unknown quantity
- To be obtained from models
Problem how to determine the collision matrix
U? Consider each partial wave Jp
Simple case 18Nep spins I10 and
I21/2 collision matrix 1x1
J l
1/2 0 R matrix one pole (2 parameters)but could be 3 (background)
1/2- 1 No resonance ?Hard sphere
3/2 2 Very narrow resonance ? Hard sphere
3/2- 1 No resonance ? Hard sphere
5/2 2 Neglected
73More complicated 7Bep spins I13/2- and
I21/2 collision matrix size larger that one
(depends on J)
J I, l
0 1,1 No resonance?hard sphere
0- 2,2 No resonance ? hard sphere
1 1,12,12,3 Res. at 0.63 MeV ? Rmatrix I1 OR I2 Channel mixing neglected (Uij0 for i?j)
1- 1,01,22,2 Channel mixing neglected l0 scattering length formalism l2 hard sphere
2 1,11,32,12,3 Channel mixing neglected Hard sphere
2- 1,22,02,22,4 Channel mixing neglected l0 scattering length formalism l2,4 hard sphere
Finally, 4 parameters ER and G for the 1
resonance, 2 scattering lengths
74Other processes capture, transfer, inelastic
scattering, etc.
Elastic scattering
Inelastic scattering, transfer
Threshold 2
Poles Elgt0 or Ellt0
Threshold 1
Pole properties energy reduced width in
different channels (? more parameters) gamma
width ? capture reactions
75Example of transfer reaction 6Li(p,a)3He (Nucl.
Phys. A639 (1998) 733)
Non-resonant reaction R matrixconstant Collisio
n matrix Cross section sUpa2
76Radiative capture
Capture reaction transition between an initial
state at energy E to bound states Cross section
ltYfHgYi(E)gt2 Additional pole parameter gamma
width ltYfHgYi(E)gtltYfHgYi(E)gtint
ltYfHgYi(E)gtext with ltYfHgYi(E)gtint depends
on the poles ltYfHgYi(E)gtext integral
involving the external w.f.
More complicated than elastic scattering! But
many applications in nuclear astrophysics
77- One R-matrix for each partial wave (limited to
low energies) - Consistent description of resonant and
non-resonant contributions (not limited to
resonances!) - The R-matrix method can be applied in two ways
- To solve the Schrödinger equation
- To fit experimental data (low energies, low level
densities) - Applications a)
- Tool to get phase shifts and wave functions of
scattering states - Application in many fields of nuclear and atomic
physics - Stability with respect to the radius is an
important test - Applications b)
- Same idea, but the pole properties are used as
free parameters - Many applications elastic scattering, transfer,
capture, beta decay, etc.