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Carolee Merrill 949 363 6767


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Carolee Merrill 949 363 6767

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
Carolee Merrill 949 363 6767 www.gatewaystohealtha
Discovering how unconscious physical, mental and
emotional habits create stress, aging, addiction
and disease.
Through awareness and simple lifestyle changes
reclaiming youthful vitality, joy and well
Stress Statistics
Stress, Excess Cortisol and Aging
Cortisol is released from the adrenal glands in
response to stress or low blood glucose.  A meal
that has insufficient glucagon (protein),
cortisol acts as a back up system to try and
increase glucose to the brain. Cortisols
primary mode of action in times of stress is to
shut down eicosanoid synthesis. Eicosanoids are
signaling molecules that control the most complex
networks in the body. Effecting cardiovascular
disease, triglycerides, blood pressure and
arthritis. The correct ratios of macronutrients
can actually decrease hormonal miscommunication,
thus slowing and reversing aging.
Scientific research has established that stress
is the core factor in physical, mental, and
emotional disease. The Federal Government, the
Centers for Disease Control, The Mayo Clinic,
Yale, Harvard, and Stanford University Medical
Schools state that up to 95 of all disease is
directly caused by stress. Dr. Bruce Liptons
research at the Stanford University Medical
School found that what makes us sick up to 95 of
the time is the stress that is caused by holding
a wrong belief about ourselves, others and our
lives. Research from the Office of National Drug
Policy, Harvard, Duke University, and the
American Psychological Association found that the
annual economic burden of brain-related disorders
has reached over 1 trillion. Nearly every
disorder is directly related to stress, with
addiction number one. A research study at the
University of California, San Francisco showed
that stress speeds the aging process by harming
Changing the Mind
  • To create change in ones life it is essential to
    understand that true, lasting change only occurs
    when there is a change to the inner workings of
    the mind.
  • Until there is an understanding of how the mind
    effects the emotions and state of happiness or
    unhappiness, there can be no lasting change.
  • The mind will perpetually insist that your
    eternal world is the cause of depression and
    unhappiness, and that one must change the
  • Its a curious dilemma of the fox guarding the
    hen house, that is for the most part not seen or

Beliefs and Disease
  • Dr. Bruce Lipton's research at Stanford University
  • 95 of all the diseases is created by stress.
  • Wrong beliefs like Im not good enough or
    "Something is wrong with me" cause 90 to 95 of
    all illness and disease.
  • The membrane of the cell is the brain of the
    cell, not the nucleus.
  • Our beliefs are stored in the membrane of our
  • Unless we are fully aware of what we are doing
    and why we are doing it at every moment, we
    are always acting on our unconscious programming
    stored as beliefs in our cells.

Revolutionary Understanding
  • This is revolutionary in understanding how
    thoughts control our lives, and physiology.
  • What Dr. Lipton is saying is that cellular
    function is not hard wired by DNA, but influenced
    by stimuli, or thought fields and beliefs.
  • The stimuli, or thought forms trigger one of two
    states growth or protection, and a cell cannot
    be in both states simultaneously. Its either
    growing, or its not.
  • Negative beliefs and thought patterns can
  • produce disease in our bodies and our minds.
  • The cell will go into protection response
    regardless of whether the thoughts have a basis
    in truth, or not.

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Quantum Psychology
  • Quantum Psychology is based on quantum physics,
    neuroscience, and self
  • inquiry practices.
  • Approximately 90 of our nervous system is not
    developed at birth.
  • Developed through the process of modeling and
    incorporating beliefs, and
  • perceptions of care takers.
  • Our nervous systems only select a tiny
    percentage of stimuli- roughly
  • .000054, of the billions of stimuli we are
    exposed to, as significant.
  • Our concept of reality and our experience of who
    we perceive ourselves to
  • be is based on this unconscious process of
    abstraction run by our nervous
  • system, and is beyond our awareness or
  • The intention of Quantum Psychology is to undo
    the false beliefs and false
  • identity of what and who we perceive ourselves
    to be that was created our
  • nervous system and our childhood imprinting.

Object Relations
  • Field of psychology refers to as Object
    Relations- an infant believes that he or she is
    one with the mother.  
  • Five to twelve months the infant realizes that
    they are separate, which produces a shock- the
    trauma of the realization of separation.
  • Quantum Psychology postulates that due to this
    trauma the nervous system- to understand and
    organize this shock- decides that the shock
    occurs for a reason.  
  • The conclusion becomes what is called a False
    Core- or the prime concept, belief, that you have
    about yourself around which you organize
    everything you experience in life.

The False Core and the False Self
  • This False-Core Conclusion then masks or hides
    your essential core and acts as a driver for your
  • Following the creation of a False-Core
    Conclusion, the nervous system produces a
    False-Self Compensator
  • This is an attempt to ensure that the trauma of
    the realization of separation shock never occurs
  • A way to hide, heal and protect itself from the
    pain of the initial trauma.  
  • In this way the False-Self Compensator is
    created as a solution to the problem of the
    False-Core Conclusion- which isnt true!
  • The following is a list of the most common
    False-Cores and compensatory False-Selves. 

False-Core Conclusions False-Self
  • There is something wrong with me.   I
    must be perfect.
  • I am worthless.                                  
            I must prove my worth.
  • I cannot do.                                     
               I must overdo.
  • I am inadequate.                                 
           I must prove I am adequate.
  • I do not exist.                                  
               I must prove my existence.
  • I am alone.                                      
                I must connect.
  • I am incomplete.                                 
            I must become complete.
  • I am powerless.                                  
            I must be overly powerful.
  • I am unlovable.                                  
              I must be overly loving.
  • I am out of control.                             
             I must control the chaos
  • I am crazy.                                      
                 I must be sane.
  • I am trapped.                                    
                I must get free.
  • I am not safe.                                   
                 I have to create safety

Unraveling the False Core and the False Self
The most useful piece of learning for the uses
of life is to unlearn what is not true.
-Antisthenes 444 - 365 BC.
Stress, Brain Chemistry, Mental Health and
  • Mental health relies on neurotransmitters and
    hormones being produced, utilized, and
    metabolized properly.
  • Hormones and neurotransmitters govern our moods,
    emotions, behavior, and sleep patterns, as well
    as every aspect of our physical health.
  • Stress causes imbalances of hormones and
  • The diminished availability of just one
    neurotransmitter or a disruption in its path can
    adversely affect every aspect of life and health.

Benefits of Coherence
Coherence Significantly Improves Brain Function
  • Increased ability to self-regulate
  • 40 improvement in long-term memory
  • 24 improvement in short-term memory
  • Increased ability to focus
  • Increased ability to process information
  • Increased reaction times
  • Higher test scores
  • Improved ability to learn

It is estimated that 86 of Americans have
suboptimal neurotransmitter levels!
Suboptimal Neurotransmitter Levels
  • Depression, low mood, mood swings.
  • Insomnia, sleep disturbances.
  • Addiction.
  • Difficulty concentrating, focusing or
  • Autism, anxiety, irritability, tension, panic
  • Fatigue, lack of energy.
  • Migraines, headaches, PMS or Menopausal
  • Weight issues, sugar, alcohol, food cravings.

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Balancing Brain Chemistry
  •  Our thoughts and attitudes alter our brain
  • chemistry.
  • When the body and mind can make its own
  • feel-good neurotransmitters again, the
  • for sugar and alcohol disappears.
  • True peace, joy, optimism and centeredness
  • replaces mental and physical fatigue, anxiety,
  • depression and nervousness.

Serotonin, Dopamine and Endorphins Created
Naturally Lowering Stress
MEDITATION, HEARTMATH produces optimum
levels. POSITIVE THINKINING raises levels. DEEP
BREATHING is one of the most important
ways. SUNLIGHT bright light increases. EXERCISE
one of the best natural ways. SPENDING QUALITY
TIME with loved ones. SEX is a powerful
producer. LAUGHTER and smiling have a positive
effect on. OMEGA 3 and VITIMIN C increase
levels. EAT SPICY FOODS like chilies', peppers
and jalapenos. EAT fruits, vegetables, lean
protein, nuts and seeds.
Recognizing Mental Stress and Well Being Where
are you in the columns below?
Mental Stress
Mental Well Being Saying No', 'I can't'
- Saying Yes, 'I can!'
Disapproval Self/Others -
Approval Self/Others Mental Confusion
- Mental Clarity
Thoughts of Fear, Anger, Grief -
Courage, Acceptance Mental Tension
- Relaxed, Creative
thinking Wanting Control, Approval, Safety
- Allowing, Being Mental Resistance
- Allowing, Welcoming
Judgment, Attacking, Blaming -
Allowing, Forgiveness Constant Thinking
- Spacious, Quiet Mind
Resentments, Grievances -
Forgiveness, Freedom Bored
- Curious Deadly
Serious -
Playful Humor Complaining
- Appreciation I am
Separate -
I am connected with the world
Mindfulness and Health and Well Being
  • Research studies correlate a direct relationship
    between mindfulness and health and well being.
  • Research at the University of Rochester, the
    University of Massachusetts Medical School, and
    the University of Wisconsin
  • Cultivating mindfulness, nonjudgmental present
    moment awareness helped to lower blood pressure,
    reduce the risk of heart disease, boosts the
    immune system and reduced chronic pain and
    emotional reactivity and to create greater health
    and well being.

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Becoming the Observer
  • A powerful way of disempowering negative
    thinking is
  • to become the observer of your thoughts.
  • Simple process of detaching from thoughts and
  • observing them without judgment.
  • Experience that there is the thinker part of you
  • then there is a "you" who is the observer.
  • Being the observer helps you to stop identifying
  • thoughts as who you experience yourself to be,
  • Negative thoughts and emotions begin to
  • With practice, this can result in the quieting
    of the
  • mind and emotions, and the experience of peace
  • expansiveness.

  • From this quiet mind you find
  • yourself fully present in the
  • moment.
  • Not regretting the past or
  • worrying about the future.
  • In this quiet, peaceful present
  • moment, there is a natural
  • flow of positive emotions of
  • love, joy, and enthusiasm.
  • From this place you have the
  • capacity to create and enjoy
  • your life.

Becoming the Observer - Present Moment Awareness
  • Take 6 long, slow deep breaths. Feel each
    breath anchoring you in the
  • present moment.
  • Feel a deepening of present moment awareness
    with each step.
  • Become the Observer of your thoughts.
  • Become aware of the living sensations flowing in
    your body.
  • Become aware of your surroundings.
  • Adopt an attitude of allowing and accepting flow
    of appreciation.
  • Feel a smile emanating from your heart and
    permeating your being.
  • Adopt an attitude of forgiveness of self and
    others. Practice forgiveness.

AttitudeEvery thought has a chemical reaction in
your body. Change your mind- change your life
The Brain on Happiness Alert, Energized
Norepinephrine Pleasant feelings
Dopamine Supports parasympathetic arousal A
happy mind Creates resilience Counteracts
depression and anxiety
You can change the way you think and feel by
changing what you say when you talk to the mind.
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Benefits of Humor
  •  Gets you out of your head and away from your
  • Helps you forget judgments, criticisms, and
  • Creates endorphins and helps to balance brain
  • Helps you solve problems, connect with others,
    and be more creative.
  • Helps to shift perspectives in a bad situation,
    finding the irony and
  • absurdity of life.
  • Eases anxiety, fear, and depression and adds joy
    and zest to life.
  • Relieves stress, improves mood and enhances
  • Creates a relaxed, positive, creative, joyful,
    and balanced perspective.

Physical Factors in Mental Well Being
  • Dehydration,
  • Shallow Breathing,
  • Acid ph Balance, 
  • Sugar consumption, and
  • Lack of exercise
  • all contribute to an 
  • unbalanced brain
  • chemistry and can
  • contribute to depression
  • and negative thinking

Emotional Factors in Mental Well Being
Our feelings are a wonderful barometer of our
well being. When we are not caught up
in negative thinking, our feelings remain
positive, and we feel joyful, loving and
peaceful.   When we are feeling fearful, angry,
or depressed it is a sure sign that our thoughts
have become negative and dysfunctional.
  Developing this awareness and making the
decision to eliminate negative thinking can be
dramatically life changing.
Appreciation and Wonder of
All Around US
Alter your own brain chemistry With thoughts of
appreciation, gratitude, joy and love.
Carolee Merrill 949 363 6767 www.gatewaystohealtha
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