Title: DOF-ENERGY software
1DOF-ENERGY software
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358-(0)208-363 001
2Structure of DOF-ENERGY software
External ASCII databases for national
Temperature databases
Solar radiation databases
Ventilation databases
Online help quidance (requirements, table values)
Structural databases
Electrical equipment databases
Language databases
Wizard templates
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3External and internal temperatures
Monthly temperatures can be manually inserted or
imported from database. Each calculation model
can include unlimited amount of temperature
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4Solar radiation
Solar radiation can be manually inserted or
imported from database. Each calculation model
can include unlimited amount of radiation groups.
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5Heated and unheated space(s)
Each calculation model can include unlimited
amount of heated and unheated spaces. Most of the
space parameters are nationally defined table
values (like ventilation system values and heat
capacity values). These values can be found in
nationally defined online help files.
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6Envelope items
Each space can include unlimited amount of
envelope items (walls, roofs and so on). User can
define envelope items properties manually or pick
the values from structural databases. User can
also use the DOF-THERM software to calculate
actual U-value for the item.
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7Ventilation, heated water and electrical
Each space can include unlimited amount of
ventilation items, heated water items and
electrical equipment items. Electrical equipments
enables the comparisation of real energy
consumption and calculated energy consumption
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8Fast modelling Wizard templates
With wizard templates the calculation model can
be generated rapidly. Even the user can create
new templates to the database, this saves time
when same base model is used again
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9RESULTS Heat loss coefficient
This report is usefull if the national design
criteria is the averaged heat loss
coefficient. All results are updated after any
changement done in calculation model.
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10RESULTS Energy use
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11RESULTS Other results
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