Kein Folientitel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Kein Folientitel


Lecture 8: German Classicism - Schiller and Maria Stuart Schiller s Life Classicist Weimar The structure of the tragedy The conflict between the two queens – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Kein Folientitel

Lecture 8 German Classicism - Schiller and Maria
  • Schillers Life
  • Classicist Weimar
  • The structure of the tragedy
  • The conflict between the two queens
  • Schillers way of dealing with history
  • Das Erhabene and its impact on the
    interpretation of Maria Stuart
  • Preparing the seminar class

Schillers Life from early days at Stuttgart and
Mannheim to the Classicist period at Jena and
Classicist Weimar
A small town in Thüringen, duchy of Weimar
Weimar Theatre, where Goethe was director it
staged the major Classicists plays
From Goethe to Schiller in less than five
minutes by foot
Goethes house Am Frauenplan grandeur and luxury
of a Herzoglicher Rath
Schillers house at the Esplanade poverty of a
university teacher and playwright
The act structure of the play (Freytags
Act I (exposition) Fotheringhay, Maria
(depressed) Act II (rising action) Westminster,
Elisabeth (triumphant) Act III (climax, turning
point) Gegend in einem Park (III,1-6), im
Hause (III,7-8) Act IV (falling action,
delay) Westminster, Elisabeth (in despair) Act V
(tagic catastrophe) Fotheringhay, Maria (V,1-10)
(triumphant) Westminster, Elisabeth (V,11-15)
The conflict between the 2 queens
  • Scottish origin, legitimacy
  • Catholic
  • married several times, lovers
  • impulsive, driven by senses
  • not in power, kept as prisoner
  • ...
  • English origin, illegitimacy
  • Protestant
  • not married
  • logically thinking
  • in power, ruling Head of State
  • ...

Embodiment of the Stofftrieb naiv
Embodiment of the Formtrieb sentimentalisch
The question is how to transform this clash into
a matter for the Spieltrieb how to make a piece
of art out of these conflicting parts, how to
transcend the obvious antagonism for an
experience of freedom?
Schillers way of dealing with history is the key
for the transformation of the conflicting
elements of the sujet into the playful pleasure a
piece of art can provide
  • History can be both something that sets you free
    and something that holds you kept.
  • Therefore you can look at historical sujets as
    sublime (erhabene) objects.
  • Schiller defines erhaben in his theoretical
    piece Vom Erhabenen (first published in 1801)
  • Erhaben nennen wir ein Objekt, bey dessen
    Vorstellung unsre sinnliche Natur ihre Schranken,
    unsre vernünftige Natur aber ihre Ueberlegenheit,
    ihre Freyheit von Schranken fühlt gegen das wir
    also physisch den Kürzern ziehen, über welches
    wir uns aber moralisch d.i. durch Ideen
    (NA 20, p. 171.)

Das Erhabene in history and what this means for
Maria Stuart
  • Das Erhabene ist also die Wirkung dreyer auf
    einander folgender Vorstellungen 1)
    einer objektiven physischen Macht, 2)
    unsrer subjektiven physischen Ohnmacht,
    3) unsrer subjektiven moralischen
    (Schiller, Vom Erhabenen, NA 20, p. 186.)
  • A special, an arts reading of history thus
    allows you to interpret the historical accounts
    of Elizabethan England in a sublime way
  • ad 1) Elisabeth acts as a factual physical
  • ad 2) Maria can be regarded as in a state of
    (individual) physical helplessness
  • ad 3) Marias physical powerlessness can be
    transformed into an individual moral power, thus
    freeing herself and the reflecting
    reader/viewer from apparently factual
  • Therefore Schiller interprets history in his own
    way, turning the account and the judgement

Das Erhabene read into history
  • As a consequence of Schillers sublime
    reading of history the reflecting reader views
  • as prisoner of her own Formtrieb which turns
    into something which becomes irrational, and
    thereby close to the Stofftrieb
  • as a powerful and at the same time powerless
    individual, thus unveiling the dialectics of
  • where reason is restricted to be an instrument
    only (instrumentelle Vernunft)
  • ? the Formtrieb transforms itself into the
  • At the same time, Maria
  • gains moral freedom the moment she is facing
  • the guilty (in terms of high-treason) become
    inguilty (in terms of moral values)
  • ? the Stofftrieb transforms itself into the
  • The experience art can deliver transcends the
    dualism of both drives.

Summing up the mittlerer Zustand, in which the
play should leave you, Lesley Sharpe wrote
Maria is guilty in the sum total of her life, if
not particular of having actively plotted the
assassination of Elisabeth, and she is deeply
aware of it. All physical freedom is denied her
to the point that her very life is to be taken
away. In these extreme circumstances the human
spirit can still assert itself and rise above the
physical circumstances. Through the spectacle of
such moral freedom the audience is exhilarated
and this acts as a counterbalance to the dismay
provoked by the suffering which must accompany
the triumph. We still, however, have to see that
triumph in the light of the action of the whole
play. In a play that deals with the inadequacy
of simple moral principles in the world of
politics it seems something of an invalidation of
the complexity with which that world is portrayed
if Marias death is seen as a triumph over
politics. L. Sharpe, Friedrich Schiller. Drama,
Thought and Politics (Cambridge, 1991), p. 271.
This weeks seminar
1. HOMEWORK a) Scene III,4 displays the
encounter of Elisabeth and Mary, something which
did not take place in history. What is the
function of this scene within the tragedy? b) Why
does Schiller choose female heroes to set his
aesthetic theory into practice? c) In IV,10
Elisabeth is having a monologue. What does her
speech reveal about herself? d) Why do you think
the tragedy does not end with Marias
decapitation? Discuss the way this incident is
presented on the stage. e) Do the same
comparison that we did for Maria and Elisabeth
for Mortimer and Leicester.
The contrast of two male characters (II,8)
  • ...
  • ...

Embodiment of the Stofftrieb naiv
Embodiment of the Formtrieb sentimentalisch
If you compare this opposition with that of the
two heroines what is the difference? Is there
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