The Navajo Preference in Employment Act - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Navajo Preference in Employment Act


Title: The Unique Employment Laws of the Navajo Nation Last modified by: Howard Brown Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: ian burrell – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Navajo Preference in Employment Act

The Navajo Preference in Employment Act
Howard L. Brown, Esq. Honorable Raymond D.
Austin Shorall McGoldrick Brinkmann Distinguish
ed Jurist in Residence, 702 North Beaver Street
Indigenous Peoples Law and Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Policy Program 928.779.1050 James E.
Rogers College of Law fax 928.779.6252
University of Arizona Tucson,
  • What is the role of attracting employers to the
  • What is the role of the employer who has chosen
    to locate on the N.N.?
  • Self-government includes regulation of employment
  • Is there a pragmatic balance between Ee Rights
    and a Favorable Biz. Environment?
  • How to deal with the Permanent Issues of
    Unemployment and Poverty?
  • In 1997, 56 of Navajo people lived below the
    poverty level (Website of 21st N.N. Council)

History of the NPEA
  • 1/1972 NTC established ONLR and ONLRs Plan of
  • Concerns regarding organized labor and large,
    industrial employers
  • 8/1985 NTC adopted NPEA to provide employment
    opportunities for the Navajo Workforce.
  • 10/1990 Amended the NPEA
  • This is, for the most part, the NPEA we know

Overview of the NPEA
  • Regulates employment on the Navajo Nation
  • Preferential Treatment for Navajos
  • No At-Will Employment
  • Monitored and Enforced by the ONLR and NNLC

Purpose of the NPEA
  1. Provide employment opportunities for the Navajo
    work force
  2. Provide training for the Navajo people
  3. Promote economic development of the Navajo Nation
  4. Lessen dependence on off-Reservation employment
  5. Foster economic self-sufficiency
  6. Protect the health, safety welfare of Navajo
  7. Foster cooperative efforts with employers to
    assure expanded employment opportunities for the
    Navajo work force

Employers Subject to the NPEA
  • Applies to persons, firms, associations,
    corporations, and the Navajo Nation and all of
    its agencies and instrumentalities, who engage
    the services of any person, whether as employee,
    agent, or servant.
  • Regardless of number of individuals employed
  • Applies to all employers doing business within
    the territorial jurisdiction (or near the
    boundaries of) the Navajo Nation, or engaged in
    any contract with the Navajo Nation.

Who is an Employer?Largo v. El Paso Natural
Gas Co. (1995)
  • Co. did not actually hire, supervise or pay the
    subject employees
  • Contracted with other entities in hiring
  • Ruling El Paso had ultimate oversight
    control over hiring via testing
  • Employer is defined broadly based on the
    actual relations of the parties

Cabinets Southwest, Inc. v Navajo Nation Labor
Commission (2004)
  • Entered into a lease with NN on a parcel of land
    owned in fee by the NN
  • Operated outside NN
  • Lease stated that the employer would abide by all
    NN laws and consent to NN jurisdiction
  • Ruling CSI was a Navajo Corp. and consented to
    application of the NPEA
  • the Navajo Nation has the authority to regulate
    Navajo Corporations outside its territory
    regardless of the status of the land where the
    contract is to be performed

Jackson v. BHP World Minerals (2004)
  • Employer engaging in operations inside and
    outside NN
  • Employee applied for mining position within NN
    received training and drug-testing within NN
    records maintained within NN
  • Assigned to a mine outside the NN and later
  • Ruling There was a sufficient nexus of activity
    on NN land (hiring training) to fall under NN

Employees covered by NPEA
  • An individual employed by an employer. Does
    not include ind. contractors.
  • On Its Face
  • Act gives certain protections only to enrolled
    members of NN
  • Only Navajos can file charges claiming violation
    of their rights
  • Secondary preference for certain non-Navajo

Staff Relief, Inc. v. Polacca (2000) Expanded
the Act to provide that any person alleging a
violation can file a charge Manygoats v.
Atkinson Trading Post (2003) Non-Navajos are
entitled to the NPEAs written notice and just
cause protections Safe and Clean Env? Free of
Specific Requirements of the Act
  1. Give preference in employment to Navajos and
    sometimes spouses of Navajos
  2. File a written Navajo affirmative action plan
    with ONLR
  3. Navajo employment preference policy statement in
    job announcements, ads employer policies
  4. Post in a conspicuous place on its premises for
    its employees and applicants a preference policy
    notice prepared by ONLR
  5. Modify seniority systems to comply with Act

  1. Utilize NN employment sources job services for
    employee recruitment and referrals (with some
  2. Advertise announce all job vacancies in at
    least one NN newspaper and radio station (with
    some exceptions)
  3. Use non-discriminatory job qualifications
    selection criteria in employment
  4. Not take any adverse action against employee
    without just cause written notice
  5. Maintain safe, clean working environment free of
    prejudice, intimidation harassment

  • Training as part of affirmative action plan
  • Cross-cultural programs educating non-Navajos
    on Navajo culture
  • Ensure fringe benefits do not discriminate
    against Navajo religious traditions or cultural
  • Establish written qualifications for each
    employment position provide a copy of these
    qualifications to each applicant when they
    express interest in a position

Preference for Navajos Spouses of Navajos
  • Must hire Navajo applicant who meets the
    qualifications of the employment position
  • Irrespective of qualifications of non-Navajo
  • RIFs
  • A Navajo who meets necessary qualifications must
    be retained until all non-Navajos are laid-off
  • Any Navajo who is laid off has the right to
    displace a non-Navajo in a position for which the
    Navajo is qualified

Non-Navajo Spouses
  • Entitled to secondary employment preference
  • Must provide proof of marriage to a Navajo
  • Must reside within territorial jurisdiction of NN
    for a continuous 1-year period immediately
    preceding employment consideration
  • Secondary Preference
  • Does not have preference over Navajo applicants

Necessary Qualifications
  • Employers must establish written necessary
    qualifications provide a copy for all
  • Definition
  • Includes speaking/understanding Navajo language
    familiarity with Navajo culture
  • Must be non-discriminatory

Necessary Qualifications, contd
  • Employers are not required to hold positions open
    until unqualified Navajos become qualified (Largo
    v. Gregory Cook, Inc. (1995))
  • What the NPEA requires
  • When there are a number of qualified candidates,
    hire the qualified Navajo
  • When there is a pool of qualified Navajo
    candidates, hire the most qualified Navajo

ONLR NNLC may over-rule an employers
determination as to whether a certain applicant
meets the necessary qualification and whether
one Navajo applicant is more qualified than
another Navajo applicant
  • Stago v. Wide Ruins
  • Community School (2002)

Silentman v. Pittsburgh and Midway Coal Mining
Company (2003)
The employee has the burden of showing that
he/she is qualified for the position in question
Practice Tips
  1. Be sure to make the written qualifications
    stringent enough so that anyone who meets the
    bare minimum can perform the job well
  2. Make sure the written qualifications are not
    unnecessarily demanding or unrelated to the job
    such that they could be considered discriminatory
  3. Include the qualifications in Position
    Descriptions, give a copy to everyone who
    expresses an interest require each person to
    sign a form acknowledging receipt of the PD

  • Re-opening a position or canceling a job posting
    may be suspect
  • ONLR interprets this to mean that if a qualified
    Navajo applies, he/she must be hired
  • If an employer receives a qualified Navajo
    applicant, he/she is prohibited from re-opening
    the position or canceling the job posting
  • Recommendations
  • Open until filled
  • Demanding written qualifications
  • Do not post a position unless youre sure you
    need it can afford it

Any Navajo who demonstrates the necessary
qualifications for an employment position shall
be selected by the employer
Affirmative Action Plans
  • Act requires all employers to develop Affirmative
    Action Plans and Timetables
  • Must file with ONLR within 90 days of starting
    business within the NN
  • Failure to file an Plan Violation of Act
  • ONLR is required to assist employers with
    development and implementation of plan
  • Will review an employers plan either approve
    or disapprove it

Contents of Plan
  • Training
  • Employer-sponsored cross-cultural program
  • Teaching Navajo culture to non-Navajos
  • 2002 Human Services Committee of the NN Counsel
    adopted regulations that elaborate on the
    contents and implementation of these plans
  • Policy Statement
  • Indicates employers position on Navajo
  • Assigns responsibility for implementing
  • Sets forth a procedure for reporting monitoring

  1. Policy Statement must discuss employment and
    training for Navajos
  2. Policy Statement must state that employment
    actions will be handled based on the NPEA
  3. Management-level employee must be appointed to
    implement monitor Affirmative Action Plan
  4. Employer must establish goals timelines
  5. Affirmative Action Plan should contain a
    workforce analysis

  • In depth analysis
  • Composition of Navajo/Non-Navajo employees
  • Composition of applicant flow of
  • Employee retention, promotion, transfer, etc.
  • Apprentice programs company training
  • The following require corrective action
  • Under-utilization of Navajo employees
  • Vertical movement of Navajo employees is less
    than non-Navajo employees
  • Selection process eliminates significantly more
  • Job descriptions are inaccurate in relation to
    actual duties of the job
  • Testing has a higher adverse impact rate on
  • Non-support of Companys Affirmative Action Plan
    by staff
  • No formal criteria for evaluating Affirmative
    Action Plan

Termination Adverse Action
  • NPEA prohibits adverse action without just cause
    written notice. No At-Will Employment.
  • Adverse action is not defined in the Act
  • Statutory context (Penalizing, disciplining,
    discharging or taking any adverse action)
  • Inferred to include employment termination,
    demotion, pay reduction, etc.
  • Sells v. Rough Rock Community School (2005)
  • if it results in some tangible, negative effect
    on the Plaintiffs employment
  • Must be an affirmative act by the employer that
    terminates ongoing employment

  • Goldtooth v. Naa Tsis
  • Aan Community School
  • (2005)
  • Non-renewal of term contract is not adverse
  • But, cannot use term contracts to avoid just
  • Ex when an employer uses unnecessarily short
    terms for the same employees in a series of
  • Milligan v. Navajo Tribal Utility Authority
  • Layoffs are considered adverse action

Just Cause
  • Employer cannot take adverse action against an
    employee without just cause
  • Smith v. Navajo Nation Department of Head Start
  • Acknowledged a case-by-case analysis
  • Just cause is a broad concept that involves
    unique factual circumstances
  • Substantial misconduct not minor neglect of duty

Examples of Just Cause
  • Etsitty v. Sessa Corp. (1995)
  • Employee failed to show up for work for several
    days did not notify employer
  • Bitsuie v. Agent Orange Family Assistance Program
  • Employees acts included hanging up on his boss,
    failure to turn in his keys remarks stating
    that he did not have to talk to his boss
  • Rock V. Redhair (1997)
  • Employee used employers credit card for gas for
    non-work related travel in her vehicle
    deliberately altered a credit card receipt

  • Blie v. Peabody Western Coal Company (1997)
  • Employee had 2 occasions of sexually harassing
  • Despite being fully aware of Companys sexual
    harassment policy being warned that a second
    infraction would lead to termination
  • Yazzie v. Navajo Tribal Utility Authority (1997)
  • Employee violated Companys alcohol policy
  • Violated the policy several previous times.
    Employer suspended the employee and warned that
    future violations could result in termination
  • Grey v. Barlow (1998)
  • Security guard Failed to wear company uniform on
    the job, wear required number of pepper sprays,
    comply with patrol procedures, cooperate with
    co-workers, etc.
  • Employer took corrective actions warned that
    continued misconduct could lead to termination

  • Cly v. Kayenta Trading Post (1998)
  • 12 days of unauthorized sick leave in a 4 month
    period, refused assigned tasks
  • Arrived late and left early without
  • Employer gave written and verbal warnings
  • Smith v. Navajo Nation Department of Head Start
  • Employee failed to call or report to a supervisor
    for 3 days
  • Violated clear rule in employers personnel
  • Kesoli v. Anderson Security Agency (2005)
  • Employee engaged in a pattern of shouting at his

Just Cause for layoffs
  • Milligan v. Navajo Tribal Utility Authority
  • just cause for layoffs does not require
    substantial misconduct of employees layoff may
    be made when necessary to promote financial
    viability or operational efficiency
  • Davis v. Lukachukai Community School (2008)
  • To have just cause, must follow layoff
  • Also, must justify layoffs as necessary to
    promote financial viability or operational

An Aside on Training
  • Toledo v. Bashas Dine Market (2006)
  • Employee touched anther employees breast Just
    Cause for the touching employee to be terminated
  • A terminated employee may rebut the employers
    just cause by arguing the employee was not
    properly trained
  • Smith v. Navajo Nation Department of Head Start
  • an ambiguous policy, in the absence of training
    to inform employees of what that policy means,
    cannot justify termination
  • Employers must insure proper training on their

Written Notice of Just Cause
  • Employer cannot take adverse action against an
    employee without just cause and a written notice
  • Contents of Written Notice
  • Explanation of Just Cause
  • Smith v. Red Mesa Unified School District (1995)
    reasons for terminating an employees employment
    so employee may pursue legal remedies
  • Dilcon Navajo Westerner/True Value Store v.
    Jensen (2000) written notification must be
    reasonably clear, with facts that support the
    adverse action
  • Notice must be provided contemporaneously with
    adverse action to avoid ad hoc justifications
  • Jackson v. BHP World Minerals (2004)
    Meaningfulness depends on whole context of
    employment relationship, not just the bare
    language in a vacuum.

Practice Tips
  • Precautionary measures
  • Document details of each incident when they occur
  • Use progressive discipline when appropriate
  • Smith v. Red Mesa Unified School District No 27
    (1995) Court refused petitioners claim that the
    employer must offer an improvement plan or
    progressive discipline. Nonetheless, employers
    are advised to use such methods when appropriate.
  • Set forth standards for employee conduct
    procedures for disciplining employees
  • Document that employees have read understand
    policies received training on policies
  • Apply policies with uniformity

Prohibition Against Harassment
  • all employers shall provide employment
    conditions free of prejudice, intimidation and
  • Toledo v. Bashas Dine Market (2006)
  • Harassment, including sexual, can be just cause
    for termination (see also Kesoli v. Anderson
    Security Agency (2005))
  • Yazzie v. Navajo Sanitation (2007)
  • Act does not authorize employee to file a claim
    with NNLC against the employer for sexual
  • Davis v. Lukachukai Community School (2008)
    (unpublished decision)
  • An employer cannot be held strictly liable if it
    responds to allegations of harassment with swift

Union Activities
  • Navajo workers have the right to organize,
    bargain collectively, strike peacefully picket
  • Right to strike picket does not apply to
    employees of NN, its agencies or enterprises
  • July 25, 1994
  • Regulations adopted authorizing the ONLR to
    certify unions through a petition and voting

Prevailing Wage
  • Act directs ONLR to establish a prevailing wage
    rate for each employee classification with
    respect to construction projects occurring within
    the NN
  • Exempt construction projects
  • Certain types, including those under 20,000.00
    those subject to the Davis-Bacon Act

Health and Safety of Navajo Workers
  • All employers must maintain a safe and clean
    working environment
  • adopt and implement work practices which conform
    to occupational safety and health standards
    imposed by law
  • Issue Does OSHA apply in Indian County?

Contract Compliance
  • All transaction documents must contain provisions
    by which the employer and other contracting
    parties agree to abide by requirements of the Act
  • Also applies to
  • Bid Solicitations
  • Requests for Proposals
  • Notice advertisement pertaining to contracts to
    be performed within NN

Polygraph Testing
  • Employers are prohibited from issuing polygraphs
    to employees or applicants
  • Employers are prohibited from terminating/discipli
    ning an employee for failing or refusing a test
  • Does not apply to federal or state employees on

Breast Feeding in the Workplace
  • Navajo Nation Healthy Start Act of 2008.
  • Not codified as part of the NPEA, but creates new
    rights for certain employees on the Navajo
    Nation, it incorporates certain definitions from
    the NPEA and it is enforced by the ONLR and the

Breast Feeding, contd
  • Employers doing business within Navajo Nation, or
    engaged in any contract with Navajo Nation, shall
    provide to each working mother opportunities to
    engage in breast-feeding of their infant child,
    or use of a breast pump at the workplace

Breast Feeding, contd
  • Employer must provide (1) a clean and private
    area or other enclosure near the employees
    workspace, and not a bathroom, to engage in
    breast-feeding or use of a breast pump and (2)
    a sufficient number of unpaid and flexible
    breaks within the course of the workday to allow
    a working mother to engage in breast-feeding or
    use of a breast-pump.
  • Employers are required to file with the ONLR a
    written plan to provide working mothers with such

Breast Feeding, contd
  • No exceptions/defenses for undue burden
  • Failure to comply
  • adverse action,
  • failure to provide a safe and clean working
    environment, and a
  • failure to provide employment free of prejudice,
    intimidation and harassment
  • ONLR monitors/enforces NNLC conducts hearings

Monitoring Enforcement of the Act The ONLR
  • Office of Navajo Labor Relations
  • Monitors and enforces the Act
  • Person may file charges with the ONLR or ONLR may
    file charges on its own initiative
  • All charges must be filed with the ONLR within 1
    year after the accrual of the claim
  • Accrual the date of the alleged violation, or
    when the employee reasonably should have known of
    the violation
  • Employees participation in employers internal
    grievance process does not change the time.
    Moore v. BHP Billiton (2007).

ONLR, contd
  • 20 days after the charge is filed ONLR must
    notify employer
  • ONLR is required to investigate as to whether
    there is probable cause
  • Subpoenas, Interviews, Interrogatories
  • Generally, ONLR will issue a letter describing
    the charge will request responses to inquiries
    copies of documents
  • 180 days after charge is filed
  • Dismiss for lack of probable cause issue right
    to sue letter to employee
  • Issue a probable cause determination
  • Certify it will be unable to complete the steps
    in 180 days and issue right to sue letter

Navajo Nation Labor Commission
  • After receiving right to sue or expiration of
    180 days after charge was filed
  • Employee may file written complaint with NNLC
  • Complaint must be filed within 360 after charge
    was filed with ONLR signed by ONLR employee
  • NNLC is required to schedule a hearing within 60
    days of the filing of complaint

  • Rules of Procedures for Proceedings Before the
    Navajo Nation Labor Commission
  • Require employer to file a written answer to the
    complaint within 20 days after receipt of the
    notice of hearing
  • NNLC has subpoena power
  • Not bound by formal rules of evidence
  • Parties have the right to
  • Legal Counsel
  • Present witnesses
  • Cross-examine witnesses
  • Employer has the burden of proof to show by a
    preponderance of the evidence that it complied
    with the Act. Manygoats v. Cameron Trading Post

Exhaustion of Employers Internal Remedies
  • Taylor v. Dilcon Community School (2005)
  • Exhaustion is not required.
  • The only prerequisite to filing an NNLC Complaint
    is the statutory ONLR Charge process.

Res Judicata
  • Peabody Western Coal Company v. NNLC Edward
    Silverhatband (2003) Employee barred by res
    judicata from bringing claim to NNLC
  • Claim had already been adjudicated by an
  • 4 elements for res judicata
  • Parties in 2nd action must be same as parties in
    1st action
  • Cause of action must be the same or arise from
    same transaction/event
  • Must have been a final decision in 1st action
  • 1st decision must have been on the merits
  • No jurisdiction over claims outside the Act
  • NNLC must dismiss entire complaint, including
    NPEA claims

Remedies Relief
  • May be awarded against an employer who violated
    the Act
  • directed hiring, reinstatement, back-pay,
    front-pay, etc.
  • If NNLC finds the violation intentional, it may
    impose civil fines
  • Liability for compensatory damages shall not
    accrue from a date that is more than 2 years
    prior to the date of filing of the ONLR charge

  • Yazzie v. Navajo Sanitation (2007)
  • Certain remedies are not reasonably tied to
    making a person whole - (firing an employee based
    on the complaint by another employee)
  • Does not compensate claimant punishes other
  • ONLR v. West World (1994)
  • Damages are calculated differently depending on
    whether the employee was hired on a definite or
    indefinite basis
  • Definite basis
  • Measure of the damages is the unpaid balance of
    salary less the sums earned or could have been
    earned during the remainder of the contract period
  • Indefinite basis
  • Measure of damages runs from the date of
    discharge to the time of judgment

Attorneys Fees and Costs
  • If NNLC find that the ERs position was not
    substantially justified, it can award costs and
    attorneys fees
  • Goldtooth II (2009)
  • Position The overall conduct of the Er,
    including pre-litigation conduct, to be reviewed
    under a reasonable person standard
  • Substantially Justified 1) the employees
    pleading or document was not submitted in good
    faith, or that it contains material misstatement
    of fact or law, or that it is not made upon
    adequate investigation or research or 2) that the
    employee failed to participate in the

Enforcement Appeals of NNLC Decisions
  • Commissions decisions may be enforced in the
    District Courts of the Navajo Nation
  • Appeals
  • Any party can appeal a NNLC decisions directly to
    the Supreme Court of the NN
  • Must file a written appeal within 10 days after
    receipt of NNLCs decision

Navajo common Law (NCL)
  • NCL - Values, customs traditions found in
    Navajo culture, spirituality, language sense of
    place (includes Fundamental Laws)
  • Duty to Use NCL - 7 NNC sec. 204(A) (B)
  • Use NCL to interpret Navajo statutory laws and
  • Apply NCL whenever Navajo statutes or regulations
    are silent on matters in dispute
  • Knowledgeable Navajos can advise Court labor
    commission too on NCL.

  • Rule on adoption of bilagaana law Non-Navajo law
    must be compatible with fundamental Navajo
    values. Goldtooth, 8 Nav. R. 682, 691 (2005).
  • Fundamental Navajo postulates
  • Navajo dispute resolution model hozho ? anahooti
    ? hozho (harmony ? problem ? harmony). Goals
    restore parties, clan, community etc. to hozho
    mend/heal relationships
  • Hozho Gloss as a state/condition where
    everything is in its proper place and functioning
    in harmonious relationship to everything else.
    Witherspoon, Navajo Kinship Marriage (1975).
    Hozho is not blackletter law that applies to a
    legal issue.

  • Fundamental Navajo postulates cont. ...
  • Ke Gloss as unity through positive values such
    as respect, kindness, cooperation, friendliness,
    reciprocal relations love. Ke is not
    blackletter law it guides relationships
    interactions in Navajo society so people can live
    in hozho.
  • Kei Navajo clan system
  • Nalyeeh Traditional remedy (uses apology,
    forgiveness restitution/compensation) to heal
    restore relationships to make injured party

NCL in NPEA cases
  • Words are Sacred (WAS) Principle
  • Navajo belief Words are powerful so they can
    be used to heal, destroy, persuade, etc.
  • WAS principle is tool naataanii uses to lead. In
    Kesoli v. Anderson Sec. Agcy, 8 Nav. R. 724
    (2005), a supervisor (cast as naataanii)
    violated WAS principle when he shouted at
    subordinates (harassment). Harassment is just
    cause for his termination. A naataanii is held
    to high standards in traditional Navajo society
    which fits with hazhoogo (responsible use of
    freedoms) principle.

  • WAS principle cont....
  • WAS used to construe contract (lease). ONLR, ex
    rel Bailon, 8 Nav. R. 501 (2004) New Mex
    explicitly agreed to give Navajos job preference
    in 1st provision of lease. Using 2nd general
    provision, NM argues it would violate state fed
    laws prohibiting racial/national origin
    discrimination if it gave Navajos job preference.
    Court uses WAS principle to hold that 1st
    provision, as the explicit provision, controls
    the second (general provision). According to WAS
    principle, a party cannot give their word in one
    section of lease and take it back in the next.
    Id. at 506.
  • WAS used to enforce employment contract. In
    Smith v. NN Dept. of Head Start, 8 Nav. R. 709
    (2005), worker was fired for violating personnel
    manual. Supreme Court uses WAS principle to find
    just cause to fire worker Manual is contract
    between worker and employer w/expectations that
    both will follow it to have hozho in workplace.
    Words in contract are sacred and never frivolous
    promises made must be fulfilled. Id. at 714-15.

  • WAS cont. ...
  • WAS principle used to find binding contract. In
    Goldtooth v. NTA Comty Sch, 8 Nav. R. 628 (2005),
    schools exec director, w/o school board
    approval, offered employment contract to worker
    who accepted. School board later invalidated
    contract. Court found valid contract because
    exec director had apparent authority to bind
    school board. Court used WAS and naataanii
    principles as rationale Exec director was a
    naataanii w/authority to offer employment
    contracts and, as such, his words carried great
    weight within the community.

  • Nalyeeh in NPEA cases
  • Tso v. NHA, No. SC-CV-20-06 (Dec. 6, 2007)
    Judgment entered v. employer who claims it cannot
    be forced to use federal to pay judgment.
    Court holds that NHA must pay judgment using
    non-federal funds because there are central
    principles of the Navajo Life Way that
    affirmatively require the NHA to satisfy the
    judgment. The important thing is that the NHA
    have respect for others and for decisions made by
    the Labor Commission, the lower court and this
    Court. Dine bio oo iil recognizes our
    relationships to each other and the
    responsibilities that those relationships
  • Although Court has not expressly said so,
    attorneys fees and costs are likely recoverable
    under nalyeeh principle See e.g. Goldtooth v.
    NTA Comty Sch., No. SC-CV-12-06 (April 16, 2001).

NPEA Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
  • NPEA provides for tribal preference (as opposed
    to Indian preference)
  • Title VII
  • Does not apply to Indian Nations (therefore can
    apply tribal preference without issue)
  • Prohibits discrimination on basis of race, color,
    religion, sex, or national origin
  • Contains an exception for employers located on
    or near Indian Reservations, who may give
    Indian preference pursuant to publicly
    announced employment practice

Under Title VII, is an Employer Permitted to
Grant Tribal Preference?
  • Dawavendewa I (9th Cir., 1998)
  • Ruling Navajo preference required by the NPEA
    constitutes illegal national origin
    discrimination under Title VII
  • Employers on or near the NN have to choose
    between complying with NPEA and Title VII
  • Dawavendewa II (9th Cir., 2002)
  • Dawa I was denied cert. by Supreme Court
    remanded to Federal District Court
  • On remand, case was dismissed for failure to
    join NN as a necessary indispensable party
    (procedural issue). Dismissal was appealed to
    9th Cir.
  • On appeal, the 9th Cir. affirmed the dismissal

How to Reconcile Dawa I and Dawa II
  • Does the 9th Circuits decision on the procedural
    issue in Dawa II do away with the 9th Circuits
    decision on the substantive issue in Dawa I?
  • Or, does the Dawa I holding disallowing tribal
    preference stand?

  • EEOC v. Peabody Western Coal Co. (2004)
  • District Court Employer cannot be prosecuted
    for violating Title VII when that employer is in
    compliance with NPEA
  • Appeal to the 9th Circuit Reversed on
    procedural grounds (joinder of the NN)
  • Peabody Western appealed to Supreme Court but
    cert was denied
  • NN then filed a Motion to Dismiss, which was
  • EEOC has appealed the dismissal to the 9th
    Circuit, where it is pending.

  • EEOC has filed yet another case, this one
    involving Bashas.
  • Stayed, pending Peabody
  • Current status or tribal preference under Title

The Navajo Preference in Employment Act
Howard L. Brown, Esq. Honorable Raymond D.
Austin Shorall McGoldrick Brinkmann Distinguish
ed Jurist in Residence, 702 North Beaver Street
Indigenous Peoples Law and Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Policy Program 928.779.1050 James E.
Rogers College of Law fax 928.779.6252
University of Arizona Tucson,
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