Ethical Justice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ethical Justice


Ethical Justice Chapter Ten: Ethical Issues for Criminal Defense Attorneys Ethical Justice Chapter Ten: Ethical Issues for Criminal Defense Attorneys Ethical Issues ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ethical Justice

Ethical Justice
  • Chapter Ten Ethical Issues for Criminal Defense

Ethical Issues for Criminal Defense Attorneys
  • This chapter considers the major ethical issues
    and question peculiar to criminal defense
    attorneys as they represent their clients.
  • The following ethical issues are considered
  • The right to counsel
  • The presumption of innocence and
  • Ethical issues that occur prior to and during

The Right to Counsel
  • Criminal defendants have a constitutionally
    guaranteed right to legal representation.
  • This is guaranteed by the 6th Amendment to the
    United States Constitution.
  • When a criminal defendant cannot afford a legal
    representative, the state must provide one for
    them to ensure that they are receiving impartial
    legal advice.
  • Criminal defense attorneys must be capable of,
    and willing to, represent anyone accused of a

The Right to Counsel
  • There are four primary types of criminal defense
    attorneys in the United States
  • Legal aid attorneys
  • Those who volunteer to represent or assist
    indigent criminal defendants, usually part of a
    non-profit organization.
  • Public defenders
  • Attorneys funded by the county, state, or federal
    government to provide representation to indigent
    defendants, as required by the U.S. Constitution.

The Right to Counsel
  • Appointed counsel
  • Private defense attorneys appointed by the court
    to represent indigent defendants, often at a
    fixed or hourly rate.
  • Private attorneys
  • Represent those criminal defendants who can
    afford to pay for their own attorney, and dont
    qualify as indigent. This involves a contract for
    a flat fee or an hourly rate.

The Right to Counsel
  • Regardless of their employment situation, the
    criminal defense attorney serves as an advocate
    for the criminal defendant. They must
  • Shepherd the defendant through the legal process
  • Inform them of their rights and scrupulously
    protect them
  • And represent their will in the courtroom.

The Presumption of Innocence
  • A fundamental virtue of the criminal justice
    system in the United States is that all criminal
    defendants are presumed innocent. The presumption
    of innocence places the burden of proving
    criminal guilt entirely on the government.
  • The state must prove a defendants guilt beyond a
    reasonable doubt
  • The defense has a lower evidentiary threshold and
    must only provide the existence of a reasonable
    doubt to obtain an acquittal.

Ethical Issues with Clients
  • Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
  • A conflict of interest occurs when a person or an
    agency has competing or incongruent loyalties,
    because of their need to satisfy multiple roles,
    duties, or obligations. Examples include
  • Situations in which the defense attorney has
    important knowledge relating to the facts and
    evidence underlying the charges against their
    client, and is going to be called as a witness
  • When the defense attorney is implicated in
    criminal activity, either in relation to the
    charges against the client or by the same
    prosecutors office
  • Representation of one co-defendant against the
    interests of another

Ethical Issues with Clients
  • Confidentiality and the Attorney-Client Privilege
  • The principle of confidentiality is a fundamental
    principle in the client-lawyer relationship is
    that, in the absence of the client's informed
    consent, the lawyer must not reveal information
    relating to the representation.

Ethical Issues with Clients
  • The attorney-client privilege is a legal
    entitlement intended to facilitate truthful
    communication and fully informed advocacy by a
    defendants legal advisors.
  • The privilege extends to work-product notes,
    observations, thoughts or research produced by
    the attorney, and such material is protected from
    discovery processes.
  • If the client provides their attorney with
    physical evidence, or information regarding how
    to find or retrieve it, that communication is
    protected under the privilege.
  • If the client asks the attorney to put them on
    the stand and makes it clear that they intend to
    lie, the attorney has an obligation to prevent

Ethical Issues with Clients
  • Improper Sexual Relations and Couch Fees
  • Unless the attorney has a prior sexual
    relationship with an individual, it is generally
    considered unethical to initiate or otherwise
    engage in a sexual relationship with a client.
  • This prohibits a couch fee a lawyer cannot
    solicit or accept sexual relations as payment of
    fees or condition the representation of a client
    or prospective client or the quality of such
    representation on the client having sex with the

Pre-Trial Ethical Issues
  • Pre-trial ethical issues include the following
  • Reading the case file
  • Competence and qualifications
  • Resources and caseload and
  • Plea deals

Ethical Issues at Trial
  • In the courtroom, criminal defense attorneys have
    an obligation to conduct themselves in
    professional and honorable fashion. This includes
    avoiding misconduct.
  • The ethical defense attorney also has an
    obligation to avoid ineffective assistance of
    counsel referring to conduct that undermines
    the proper functioning of the adversarial process
    to the extent that the trial cannot be relied on
    as having produced a just result.
  • Ineffective assistance of counsel can result in
    reversible error an error that is so harmful to
    justice that it requires some or all of the
    elements of a conviction to be overturned these
    reversals are submitted for reconsideration by
    the court, if not retrial.
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