Title: Effects of DNA structure on its micromechanical properties
1Effects of DNA structure on its micromechanical
- Yuri Popov
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Alexei Tkachenko
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- June 2007
2Mechanical properties of a single DNA molecule
- Single DNA stretching experiments Smith et al
(1992) - Marko and Siggia (1995)
- Elastic properties of a single DNA molecule are
best described by the wormlike chain model, with
bending energy
where persistence length lp 53 nm
3Effects of sequence disorder on DNA looping and
- Phys. Rev. E, in press
- arXivcond-mat/0510302
4DNA looping
- Protein-mediated looping in regulation of gene
expression (transcription control e.g. by lac
repressor) - DNA packaging into nucleosomes (wrapping around
histones) - Understanding spontaneous looping is a
prerequisite to understanding protein-mediated one
5Cyclization probability (J-factor)
6Classical theory
- Theory (Shimada and Yamakawa, 1984)
7Classical theory vs. experiment
- Theory (Shimada and Yamakawa, 1984)
- Experiment (Cloutier and Widom, 2004)
For L 94 bp
81. Effect of intrinsic curvature
- Effective energy of a chain with a random
sequence - Here k(s) is the intrinsic curvature for a
random sequence it is Guassian with zero average
91. Effect of intrinsic curvature
- Exact result for the ensemble-averaged J-factor
- with renormalized persistence length in the
original result - For consensus-scale data of Gabrielian,
Vlahovicek, and Pongor (1998) k0lp 0.13
101. Effect of intrinsic curvature
112. Effect of random bending rigidity
- Effective energy of a chain with a random
sequence - J-factor for a particular sequence
instead of
122. Effect of random bending rigidity
- Effective energy of a chain with a random
sequence - J-factor for a particular sequence
instead of
13Probability distribution of J
142. Effect of random bending rigidity
15Overall effect of sequence disorder
- Effect of sequence disorder is strong and always
present. Sequence disorder gives rise to
orders-of-magnitude variation in cyclization
probability for completely random sequences - Most importantly, there is no self-averaging in
DNA looping or cyclization. The J-factor is not
a well-defined function of the chain length L,
not even to the first approximation. No
typical DNA. - Effects of random bending rigidity and intrinsic
curvature provide comparable contribution - Boundary conditions may be the key to explaining
the experimental results
17Effects of kinks on DNA elasticity
- Phys. Rev. E 71, 051905 (2005)
- arXivcond-mat/0410591
- Theoretical study of the effects of localized
structural singularities on the elastic behavior
of double- and single-stranded DNA - Model wormlike chain with reversible kinks
- Want to know the elastic response (extension vs.
19What systems are described by this model?
- Protein-induced bending and looping in dsDNA
- Elastic description of ssDNA/RNA (trans-gauche
rotations) - Need a hybrid model where the finite bond
elasticity is combined with structural defects
(i.e. WLC with discrete features)
20Theoretical approach
- Chain is stretched by force F in the z direction
- Effective energy of a chain segment between two
kinks - Here t ?r/?s is tangent vector, si is location
of kink i, L S(si1-si) is total
length of the chain - Constraint at each kink
- Here K is opening angle of each kink, ? is
average line density of kinks without force
21Analogy with Quantum Rotator
- Schrodinger-like (diffusion) equation for
evolution along the chain - Here ?(t) is the chain propagator (distribution
function of chain ends orientations) and H is the
effective Hamiltonian - The lowest eigenvalue determines the free energy
- Analytical solve the eigenvalue problem by
variational method with trial function - where ? is variational parameter
- Numerical solve the original evolution problem
23Results K135
24Results K90
25Results K45
26Small stretching forces
- Elastic response is characterized by the
renormalized persistence length - Upon proper geometrical identification, exactly
reproduces the Flory model for trans-gauche
rotational isomers in the limit of high bending
rigidity and rare kinks
27Large stretching forces
- Main order pure wormlike chain result
- Exponential corrections due to the ideal gas of
28Results K45
29Why the difference between numerical and
analytical results?
- Inadequate variational trial function ?(t) for
smaller angles - Secondary peak kink pairs
- Favorable little bending and short
non-aligned portion
- Hybrid model, with both the discrete defects and
bending worm-like rigidity - Small forces renormalized persistence length.
Crossover between WLC and rotational isomer model - Large forces WLC with the ideal gas of kinks
- High rigidity, small kink angle kink pairing
- J. F. Marko and E. D. Siggia, Macromolecules, 28,
8759 (1995) - J. Shimada and H. Yamakawa, Macromolecules, 17,
689 (1984) - T. E. Cloutier and J. Widom, Molecular Cell, 14,
355 (2004) - A. Gabrielian, K. Vlahovicek, and S. Pongor, DNA
tools, http//hydra.icgeb.trieste.it/kristian/dna
/index.html - M. G. Munteanu, K. Vlahovicek, S. Parthasarathy,
I. Simon, and S. Pongor, TIBS, 23, 341 (1998) - P. A. Wiggins, R. Phillips, and P. C. Nelson,