Title: MARTINDALE on MedicinesComplete
1MARTINDALE on MedicinesComplete
- An electronic versionof Martindale The
Complete Drug Reference
2First published over 120 years ago,
Martindale The Complete Drug Reference remains a
trusted and authoritative source of medicines
- worldwide coverage
- unbiased and reliable
- thoroughly and regularly re-evaluated
- uncompromising approach to accuracy
- based on published sources
- extensively referenced
4Unrivalled for scope and depth
- drugs and medicines in clinical use
- herbal and complementary medicines
- veterinary drugs
- contrast media and diagnostic agents
- radiopharmaceuticals
- pharmaceutical excipients
- toxins and poisons
5Convenient on-screen access
- the familiar layout retained
- easy-to-search interface
- updated regularly
- available for standalone PC or networks or web
6 7Finding the information you need
- browse the contents list
- free text search
- search for interactions
- search within sections
8Browse the contents list
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15Enter your search term
search for words or phrases
16Enter your search term
search for words or phrases
17Hit enter or click Search
search for words or phrases
18Results are listed here
19Click title to display
20Hits are highlighted
Hits are highlighted
21Enter drugs or drug groups separated by spaces
search for drug interactions
22Enter drugs or drug groups separated by spaces
search for drug interactions
23then click Interactions
search for drug interactions
24Click the title to display the document
25Hits are highlighted...
26Broaden your search
- to include drugs with a similar action
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30advanced search
31used to limit a search to a particular section
32used to limit a search to a particular section
33used to limit a search to a particular section
34results list documents with hits in the selected
35The Documents
- The layout will be familiar to anyone who uses
the book version
36Links to more general sections
Document title
37Click reference number to scroll to full citation
38Context-sensitive help
39Select a topic
40For more details...
- emailmartindale_at_medicinescomplete.com