Title: Developing an ICT Strategy: A Managers Toolkit
1Developing an ICT StrategyA Managers Toolkit
- Dr Simon N Davey
- Managing Associate
- Preponderate.network
- www.preponderate.net
- Making it easier for you to do what you do.
2What does ICT mean?
- Information
- Communications
- Technology
- NOT Technology itself
3The meaning of strategic ICT
- Benefits (tangible)
- People and organisations
- Leadership, attitude and belief
- Managing change
- Working together
4There are only two reasons to use ICT
- Doing things better
- Doing better things
- "Wisdom is to recognise what can be made better
and make it better, and to recognise what can
only be made worse and walk away." - Glen Duncan
- An ICT Vision to do what?
- High level ownership
- Budget and predicted ROI across organisation
- Team people
- Training
- Technology
- What does success look like
- ICT costs resources
6An ICT strategy is
- Short (max. five pages)
- Simple to understand
- Able to clearly articulate benefits (people,
clients, finance, effectiveness) - What you want to do and why!
- Not the how (thats the plan)
- Best built in phases
- Able to support and accommodate change
7Phase One Who are we and why are we here
- Why are we doing what we do?
- Who are we and what do we do?
- Size of organisation and number of sites
- Growth and sustainability (including plans and
change) - The ICT Vision Statement (what do we want ICT to
do for us what difference can it make)
- Do we understand who we are, where were going,
whos coming with us, at what speed and for what
reason and what is going to happen next?
9Phase Two - People
- Skills, confidence and the training conundrum
- How does function or development X impact on
person Y or team Z - Roles and responsibilities around ICT
- Leadership of ICT including senior management
- Who has input user groups, naysayers
- Project management identity, courage, tenacity
- Building a convincing case
- Are the passengers on board?
- Are they travelling in the same direction as the
driver? - Training according to need not qualification
- Calculate and monitor impacts, benefits and
drawbacks - Leadership is all important
11Phase Three Information and Knowledge
- IT is not information management
- How do we manage information?
- Who has access to it?
- What format is it stored in?
- Data isnt information.
- ICT doesnt solve information management problems
- Do we know what information were managing, how,
why and who should have access to it?
13Phase Four Applications and Software
- Standard office software MS Office, Open Office
- Information management and management reporting
database dilemmas - Financial reporting and effective administration
- Platforms Windows, Open Source, Macs
- Devise a solution map by task and role what do
you need to do? - One size doesnt fit all but youre not that
14Phase Five Communications and Connectivity
- Who with, how, why, when, where, what for
- Email always accessible, for everyone?
- Website how managed, for what purpose?
- Internet connectivity (broadband and narrowband
impacts) - Out of office remote access
- Manchester madness
15Phase Six Big Grey Boxes (Technology)
- Hardware, equipment and networks
- What do we need to do the job, for the people to
achieve their aims - Three year replacement strategy
- Dont overspecify equipment
- Will include peripherals and small white boxes
16Phase Seven ICT Support
- How vital is your ICT?
- The cost of downtime
- The cost of inefficiency (staff time or slow
computers/applications) - The 501 rule of internal staff
- Measure against lost resources
17Phase Eight The service mix
- Who does what and why around ICT?
- Strategy, management (and budgeting), operations,
technical support, development, training, project
management, - Internal/DIY, volunteers, consultants horses
for courses - Keeping things running smoothly
- Dangers of dependency
18Phase Nine Governance Security, Policies,
Procedures and Risk
- Hard but fair?
- Fitting into culture, opening up opportunities?
- Technical security and people security
- Risk management operation, reputation
- Ultimately whose responsibility?
19Phase Ten Money and return (value?) on
- How much did you spend last year (on ICT)
- How much did your ICT cost you last year
- What could good ICT do for you, your people,
organisation, clients? - Budget one year, three years, ROI and against
change - Buy in at senior management and board level
- Justify to the business the business case
20Phase Eleven Coping with Change
- Cutting edge, bleeding edge
- Do you need the new whizzygig?
- Organisational change
- What happens next?
- Review dates organic developments
21In summary
- Listen to the people (inside and outside the
organisation) - Learn from others (especially around systems)
including competitors - Dont reinvent the wheel or overcomplicate
- NEVER overpromise benefits
- Define the goal the rationale and the direction
and means to get there - Follow up with the detailed plan structure to
support it - Its about attitude, leadership and helping to
make a difference
22Thank you
- Simon Davey
- Preponderate.net
- E simon_at_preponderate.net
- T 44 (0) 20 8892 7085