Title: Professor Richard Holt, Ph.D.
1Basic Information
Professor Richard Holt, Ph.D.
Office 203 Watson Hall
Phone 753-6990
Email richholt_at_niu.edu
2Class Websites
Department site dont delay
Has all materials (except textbook)
3Notes on Teaching Philosophy
Question of Cutoffs for Final Grades
Final Exams Tool of the Devil
What You Need to Get What You Want
Rethinking the Examination
4What is Expected of You...
Readings completed on day they are assigned
Participation is highly important
Punctual, consistent attendance (more shortly)
5Attendance Policy
Two free absences
Beyond this, -20 pts.
Be on time (remember quizzes)
Roster sheet final arbiter
6What is Expected of You...
Readings completed on day they are assigned
Participation is highly important
Punctual, consistent attendance (more shortly)
No class disruptions (more shortly)
7Specific types of disruption
Entering/leaving w/out prior notice
Talking during lecture or discussion
Bringing visitors to class
Eating/drinking during class time
8Penalties for disruption
First, no penalty (except leaving)
Second, notify advisor/sponsor, -10 pts.
Third, notify chair, -20 pts.
Further, counted as excess absences
9Special Situations
Enter late, note time on sheet
Failure to note double penalty
10Four Components of Your Grade
Hourly examinations
11Number 404 Six 461B Four
Purpose Information, Directed Study
Points Each 140
Hourly Exams
Total Points 404 700 461B 420
Drop Lowest? Yes
Composition 35MC 3 pts. 35T/F 1 pt.
12Four Components of Your Grade
Hourly examinations
13Number 404 Six 461B Four
Purpose Information, Directed Study
Points Each 10
Total Points 404 50 461B 30
Drop Lowest? Yes
Composition 3 MC 2 pts. 4 T/F 1 pt.
14Four Components of Your Grade
Hourly examinations
Case Studies (Written/Oral Assignments)
15Number Four
Purpose Apply Ideas, In-Class Discussion
Points Each 404 15 461B 20
404 Theory Game, 461B TV Enactments
Total Points 60
Drop Lowest? 404 No 461B Yes
Composition more than enough maximum
enough half - not enough zero
16Four Components of Your Grade
Hourly examinations
Case Studies (Written/Oral Assignments)
Class Participation
17Number Overall Semester Grade
Purpose Apply Ideas, In-Class Discussion
Participation is not just showing up
Total Points 40
Drop Lowest? No
Usually Grade In 5-Point Increments