American - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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American Isms Project For Writers and Texts We Will Not be Studying Through the Novels/Works We Read This Year Advanced English III Basic Idea 6 different groups ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: American

American Isms ProjectFor Writers and Texts We
Will Not be Studying Through the Novels/Works We
Read This Year
  • Advanced English III

Basic Idea
  • 6 different groups, each teaching a full days
    lesson on a movement of American literature
  • There will be texts assigned with each movement
    so the lesson will include the teaching of those

Basic Idea, continued
  • You will read your texts before everyone else,
    but we will all be reading all of the texts
  • Example If Wednesday is the day we will be
    studying Transcendentalism, Tuesday nights
    homework will be to read the Transcendental texts

  • We will be using about week to work on and
    prepare for this
  • The presentations themselves will not be until
    after this

Choosing a Project
  • After discussing all 6, you will get a chance to
    pick your top 3 choices
  • You will then be assigned one of those 3

Tonights Homework
  • Tonights homework is to read your groups
    assigned texts, and to be ready to discuss them
    with your group tomorrow

  • Since a lot of time will be devoted to this and
    since this is an important assignment there
    will a significant amount of points devoted to
    this project
  • This will be a large portion of your 3rd marking
    period grade
  • You will be given a group grade AND a personal
  • Rushed projects will not be scored above a C

The 6 Isms Revolutionism
  • Timeframe from a little before the Revolutionary
    War to a little after
  • Writing Style Persuasive
  • Focus independence, freedom, human rights, the
    creation of a country
  • Texts
  • Thomas Paine all from textbook
  • Jefferson all from textbook

  • Began in Europe
  • Reaction against aristocracy, Age of Reason,
    science, etc.
  • Focus emotion, the individual, human creativity,
  • In American, the themes are often dark
  • Texts
  • Poes Introduction, The Raven (181) and The
    Black Cat (website)
  • Whitmans Introduction, Song of Myself, and I
    Hear American Singing

  • Branch of Romanticism
  • Also a protest against society, etc.
  • A lot of the same foci of the Romantics
  • In addition, spiritual or non-material state of
    being is more important than physical states
  • Texts
  • Emersons Introduction and from Emersons
  • Thoreaus Introduction and from Walden

  • Definition In literature, regionalism or local
    color fiction refers to fiction or poetry that
    focuses on specific features - including
    characters, dialects, customs and topography - of
    a particular region. Since the region may be a
    recreation or reflection of the author's own,
    there is often nostalgia and sentimentality in
    the writing.
  • Obviously, different regions mean different
    styles of writing
  • Texts
  • Frosts Introduction and all his poems
  • Dickinsons Introduction and all her poems

  • Definition a turn of the century idea in art,
    music and literature that showed through these
    different types of work, reflections of the time
    period. Whether it was a cultural portrayal, or a
    scenic view of downtown New York City, these
    images and works of literature, music and
    painting depicted a contemporary view of what was
    happening an attempt at defining what was real.
  • Rejects anything superficial, fake, or dramatic
  • Texts
  • Chopins Introduction and A Story of an Hour
    (both on Website)

  • The naturalists sought explanations for human
    behavior in natural science, and were skeptical,
    at least, of organized religion and beliefs in
    human free will.
  • Naturalistic works exposed the dark harshness of
  • Nature, etc. was usually pitted against Humanity,
    especially individual humans
  • Texts
  • Londons Introduction and To Build a Fire
  • Cranes Introduction and The Open Boat

  • Revolutionism Paine and Jefferson
  • Romanticism Poes Introduction, The Raven
    (181) and The Black Cat (website) and Whitmans
    Introduction, Song of Myself, and I Hear
    American Singing
  • Transcendentalism Emersons Introduction and
    from Emersons Essays and Thoreaus
    Introduction and from Walden

  • Regionalism Frosts Introduction and all his
    poems and Dickinsons Introduction and all her
  • Realism Chopins Introduction and A Story of an
    Hour (both on Website)
  • Naturalism Londons Introduction and To Build a
    Fire and Cranes Introduction and The Open
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