Title: Data centric Storage In Sensor networks
1 Data centric Storage In Sensor networks
- Based on
- Balaji Jayaprakashs slides
2Overview of the Seminar
- Introduction
- Keywords and Terminology
- Existing Schemes
- Why Data centric Storage?
- Assumptions
- Geographic Hash table
- Comparitive Study
- Conclusion
- Sensornet
- ? A distributed network comprised of a large
number of small sensing devices equipped with - Computation Communication Storage
- ? Great volume of data
- Data Dissemination Algorithm
- ? Energy efficient
- ? Scalable
- ? Self-organizing
4Keywords and Terminology
- Observation
- ? low-level readings from sensors
- ? e.g. Detailed temperature readings
- Events
- ? Predefined constellations of low-level
observations - ? e.g. temperature greater than 75 F
- Queries
- ?Used to elicit information from sensor network
5Total Usage /Hotspot Usage
- Total Usage
- Total number of packets sent in the
Sensor network - Hotspot Usage
- The maximal number of packets send by a
particular sensor node
6Existing schemes for Storage
- External Storage (ES)
- Local Storage (LS)
- Data Centric Storage (DCS)
7External Storage (ES)
External storage
8Local Storage (LS)
9Why do we need DCS?
- Scalability
- Robustness against Node failures and Node
mobility - To achieve Energy-efficiency
10Assumptions in DCS
- Large Scale networks whose approximate
geographic boundaries are known - Nodes have short range communication and are
within the radio range of several other nodes - Nodes know their own locations by GPS or some
localization scheme - Communication to the outside world takes place by
one or more access points
11Data Centric Storage
- Relevant Data are stored by name at nodes
within the Sensor network - All data with the same general name will be
stored at the same sensor-net node. - e.g. (elephant sightings)
- Queries for data with a particular name are then
sent directly to the node storing those named
12Data centric Storage
Elephant Sighting
13Geographic Hash Table
- Events are named with keys and both the storage
and the retrieval are performed using keys - GHT provides (key, value) based associative memory
14Geographic Hash Table Operations
- GHT supports two operations
- ? Put(k,v)-stores v (observed data) according
to the key k - ? Get(k)-retrieve whatever value is
associated with key k - Hash function
- ? Hash the key in to the geographic
coordinates - ? Put() and Get() operations on the same
key k hash k to the same location
15Storing Data in GHT
Put (elephant, data)
Hash (elephant)(12,24)
16Retrieving data in GHT
Hash (elephant)(12,24)
Get (elephant)
17Geographic Hash Table
Node A
Node B
18Algorithms Used By GHT
- Geographic hash Table uses GPSR for Routing
- (Greedy Perimeter stateless routing)
- PEER-TO-PEER look up system
- (data object is associated with key and each
node in the system is responsible for storing a
certain range of keys)
19Algorithm (Contd)
- GPSR- Packets are marked with position of
destinations and each node is aware of its
position - Greedy forwarding algorithm
- Perimeter forwarding algorithm
20Home Node and Home perimeter
- In GHT packet is not addressed to specific node
but only to a specific location, hence only
perimeter mode is used - The packet will traverse the entire perimeter
that encloses the destination - before being consumed at the home node (the
node closest to destination)
- Robustness could be affected
- Nodes could move (i.d. of Home node?)
- Node failure can Occur
- Deployment of new Nodes
- Not Scalable
- Storage capacity of the home nodes
- Bottleneck at Home nodes
22Solutions to the problems
- Perimeter refresh protocol
- Structured Replication
23Perimeter refresh protocol
- Replicates stored data for key k at nodes around
the location to which k hashes, and ensures that
one node is chosen consistently as the home node
for that K consistency persistence - By hashing keys, GHT spreads storage and
communication load between different keys evenly
throughout the sensornet
24Perimeter Refresh Protocol
25Time Specifications
- Refresh time (Th)
- Take over time (Tt)
- Death time (Td)
- General rule
- TdgtTh and TtgtTh
- In GHT Td3Th and Tt2Th
26Characteristics Of Refresh Packet
- Refresh packet is addressed to the hashed
location of the key - Every (Th) secs the home node will generate
refresh packet - Refresh packet contains the data stored for the
key and routed exactly as get() and put()
operations - Refresh packet always travels along the home
27Structured Replication
- Too many events are detected then home node will
become the hotspot of communication. - Hierarchical decomposition of the key space
- Structured replication reduces the cost of
storage and is useful for frequently detected
28Comparative Study
- Comparison based on Cost
- Comparison based on Total usage and Hot spot
29Assumptions in comparison
- Asymptotic costs of O(n) for floods and O( n) for
point to point routing - Event locations are distributed randomly
- Event locations are not known in advance
- No more than one query for each event type
- (Q Queries in total)
- Assume access points to be the most heavily used
area of the sensor network
30Comparison based on Cost
Cost External storage (ES) Local storage (LS) Data-centric storage
Cost for Storage O(n) 0 O(n)
Cost for query 0 O(n) O(n)
Cost for Response 0 O(n) O(n)
31Comparison based onHot-spot/Total Usage
- n - Number of nodes
- T - Number of Event types
- Q Number Of Event types queried for
- Dtotal Total number of detected events
- DQ- Number of detected events for queries
- Normal DCS Query returns a separate message for
each detected event - Summarized DCS Query returns a single message
regardless of the number of detected events - (usually summary is preferred)
33Comparison Study contd..
Hot spot
34Observations from the Comparison
- DCS is preferable only in cases where
- Sensor network is Large
- There are many detected events and not all even
types queried - Dtotalgtgtmax(Dq,Q)
- To check the Robustness of GHT
- To compare the Storage methods in terms of total
and hot spot usage
36Simulation Setup
- ns-2
- Node Density 1node/256m2
- Radio Range 40 m
- Number of Nodes -50,100,150,200
- Mobility Rate -0,0.1,1m/s
- Query generation Rate -2qps
- Event types 20
- Events detected -10/type
- Refresh interval -10 s
37Performance metrics
- Availability of data stored to Queriers
- (In terms of success rate)
- Loads placed on the nodes participating in GHT
(hotspot usage)
38Simulation Results for Robustness
- GHT offers perfect availability of stored events
in static case - It offers high availability when nodes are
subjected to mobility and failures
39Simulation Results under varying Q
Number of nodes is
constant 10000
40Simulation results under varying N
Number of Queries Q 50
41Simulation Results for comparison of 3-storage
- S-DCS have low hot-spot usage under varying Q
- S-DCS is has the lowest hot-spot usage under
varying n
- Data centric storage entails naming of data and
storing data at nodes within the sensor network - GHT- hashes the key (events) in to geographical
co-ordinates and stores a key-value pair at the
sensor node geographically nearest to the hash - GHT uses Perimeter Refresh Protocol and
structured replication to enhance robustness and
scalability - DCS is useful in large sensor networks and there
are many detected events but not all event types
are Queried
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