Title: Schaedler Yesco Distribution Inc. 401(k) Plan
1Schaedler Yesco Distribution Inc. 401(k) Plan
Your Financial Wellness How to do a Check-up on
Your 401(k) Account
2Who We Are
- Conrad Siegel Actuaries
- Harrisburg based benefits firm
- Record keeping - quarterly statements
- Conrad Siegel Investment Advisors, Inc.
- Independent investment consultants
- Recommend and monitor investment choices
3Questions You Need to Answer
- Are you saving enough?
- Are you maximizing your employers match?
- Are you properly diversified?
4Are you saving enough?
- Retirement Savings Worksheet
- Complete the worksheet
- Decide how much youneed to save now
5Are you maximizing your employer match?
- Employer matching contribution
- Discretionary amount
- Contributed with each payroll period
- Current Match 100 up to 3 of compensation
- For example
- Employee contribution 1,000
- Employer matching contribution 1,000!!!
- (Assumes 1,000 is less than 3 of
compensation.) - Conditions for match
- Make a 401(k) contribution
6Are you maximizing your employer match?
Employer matching contribution
Employee A
Employee B
Contributing 1
Contributing 3
Bi-weekly gross pay 1,400 1,400
401(k) -14 -42
Federal Taxes (15 tax bracket) -208 -204
Net Pay (before other deductions) 1,178 1,154
24 difference
7Are you maximizing your employer match?
Employer matching contribution
Employee A
Employee B
Contributing 1
Contributing 3
401(k) 14 42
Match 14 42
Total Contribution 28 84
24 reduction in take home pay results in 56
extra in retirement savings every pay check!
8Are you maximizing your employer match?
For 24 less each paycheck (or 624 for the year)
in take home pay, you have 15,545 more at
9Are you properly diversified?
2 Individual Security Selection
2 Market Timing
96 Asset Allocation
Brinson Studies of 1986 and 1990
10Are you properly diversified?
- Risk Assessment Quiz
- Complete the risk quiz
- Decide your risk level
- This will help you makeyour investment choices
11Are you properly diversified?
Your Results
Less Risk
More Risk
12Account Investing Methods
- Option A
- Professionally Managed Solution
- Lifestyle Funds
- Option B
- Employee Managed Solution
- Create Your Own Portfolio
13Lifestyle Funds
- If you would rather have an investment
professional decide how to invest your account,
you can choose one of the Lifestyle Funds, which
are portfolios of investments with pre-determined
asset allocations.
Vanguard LifeStrategy
Vanguard LifeStrategy
Vanguard LifeStrategy
Vanguard LifeStrategy
Income Fund
Conservative Growth Fund
Moderate Growth Fund
Growth Fund
More Risk
Less Risk
14Lifestyle Funds
- If you are choosing a Lifestyle Fund, read the
description of your - Investment Style, and then choose
- the appropriate LifeStyle Fund.
Investment Style
Balanced - The goal of this asset allocation should be a balance of asset growth with a fair amount of current income. This can be appropriate for those with a time horizon of at least 10 years, which is a full market cycle. These individuals realize that retirement is far enough away that they can ride out any account fluctuations.
15Create Your Own Portfolio
- If you are creating your own portfolio of
investments, here is just one sample to help you
get started in building a properly diversified
Investment Style Average Annualized Returns Sample Asset Allocation
Balanced - The goal of this asset allocation should be a balance of asset growth with a fair amount of current income. This can be appropriate for those with a time horizon of at least 10 years, which is a full market cycle. These individuals realize that retirement is far enough away that they can ride out any account fluctuations. 1991-2010 8.39Best Year 36.03Worst Year -28.82 n 5 Money Market n 35 Bonds n 27 Large Cap Stocks n 6 Mid Cap Stocks n 9 Small Cap Stocks n 18 Foreign Stocks
16Website Tools
17Website Tools
18Website Tools
19Statements Electronically
20Statements Electronically
21Statements Electronically
22Statements Electronically
23Website Information
- Log onto www.my-benefit-info.comfor internet
access - Questions?
Call our Customer Service Line
M-F 800 a.m. to 600
p.m., Eastern Time
24Increase Your 401(k) Contributions
- Complete the Deferral Change Form in your Tool
Kit - Return Form to Human Resources
- Change will be effective April 1
- Conrad Siegel Investment Advisors, Inc. ("CSIA")
is an SEC registered investment advisor with its
principal place of business in the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania. CSIA and its representatives
are in compliance with the current notice filing
requirements imposed upon registered investment
advisors by those states in which CSIA maintains
clients. CSIA may only transact business in
those states in which it is notice filed or
qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from
notice filing requirements. This presentation is
limited to the dissemination of general
information pertaining to its investment
advisory/management services. Any subsequent,
direct communication by CSIA with a prospective
client shall be conducted by a representative
that is either registered or qualifies for an
exemption or exclusion from registration in the
state where the prospective client resides. For
information pertaining to the registration status
of CSIA, please contact CSIA or refer to the
Investment Adviser Public Disclosure web site
(www.adviserinfo.sec.gov).For additional
information about CSIA, including fees and
services, send for our disclosure statement as
set forth on Form ADV from CSIA using the contact
information herein. Please read the disclosure
statement carefully before you invest or send
money. - This presentation contains general information
that is not suitable for everyone. The
information contained herein should not be
construed as personalized investment advice.
Past performance is no guarantee of future
results. There is no guarantee that the views
and opinions expressed in this presentation will
come to pass. Investing in the stock market
involves gains and losses and may not be suitable
for all investors. Information presented herein
is subject to change without notice and should
not be considered as a solicitation to buy or
sell any security.
26Schaedler Yesco Distribution Inc. 401(k) Plan