Title: State Lab: The Beaks of Finches (page 117)
1State Lab The Beaks of Finches (page 117)
1. You will turn in the answer packet (pages 125
to 130)
2. Break up into partners
3. ONE partner pick up a large dish with seeds
and a small dish.
4. Choose a letter (A through N)
2State Lab The Beaks of Finches
3State Lab The Beaks of Finches (page 117)
5. Pick up your chosen beak
6. Only ONE seed can be eaten at a time!!
7. Dont count seeds that hit the table
8. Practice now
4State Lab The Beaks of Finches (page 117)
Round One Feeding with no competition
5State Lab The Beaks of Finches (page 117)
Round One Feeding with no competition
- 4 trials (2 per person)
- transfer as many seeds as possible in 30 seconds
- average the four trials
- must collect 13 seeds (average) per trial to
survive on this island.
6State Lab The Beaks of Finches (page 117)
Round One Feeding with no competition
- if you collected fewer than 13, you must
migrate to another island
7State Lab The Beaks of Finches (page 117)
Round One Feeding with no competition
- if you collected fewer than 13, you must
migrate to another island
- different food supply
- turn in your small seeds for larger ones
8State Lab The Beaks of Finches (page 117)
Round two Competition
- you will now compete on your island
- 4 trials, 30 seconds each
- feed from the same dish
- 30 seeds only
- if you get less than 13, you are extinct!
9State Lab The Beaks of Finches (page 117)
Round three Increased Competition
- you will now continue to compete on your island
with the remaining species
- 4 trials, 30 seconds each
- ALL finches feed from the same dish on each
island (10 x groups of seeds only).
- if you get less than 13, you are extinct!
10State Lab The Beaks of Finches