7th Grade - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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7th Grade


Title: Week 1 Author: Jacqueline Burger Last modified by: Gay Burger Created Date: 8/18/2003 1:45:43 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 7th Grade

7th Grade
  • Daily Language Skills Practice

Week 1 Day 1
  • 1. Uncle taro gave I the pamphlet Common
    Sense, by Thomas Paine. It urged british
    subjects in the colonies to fight for
  • 2. After reading it, I said to uncle Taro you
    were right. The pen really is mightier than the

  • 1. Uncle Taro gave me the pamphlet Common
    Sense, by Thomas Paine. It urged British
    subjects in the colonies to fight for
  • 2. After reading it, I said to Uncle Taro, You
    were right. The pen really is mightier than the

Week 1 Day 2
  • 3. Uncle Taro asked me if I thought Civil
    Disobedience, by henry david thoreau, was the
    greatest essay ever written?
  • 4. Perhaps that there work inspired Martin
    Luther King, Jr., another activeist to write his
    fameous Letter from Birmingham Jail.

  • 3. Uncle Taro asked me if I thought Civil
    Disobedience, by Henry David Thoreau, was the
    greatest essay ever written.
  • 4. Perhaps that work inspired Martin Luther
    King, Jr., another activist, to write his famous
    Letter from Birmingham Jail.

Week 1 Day 3
  • 5. Rosmara said that her feelings about
    pesticides, weedkillers and polluteion grew
    stronger after reading Rachel Carsons book
    Silent Spring.
  • 6. Rachel carson were a scientist and author
    whose books made me and Rosmara think about how
    our actions affect the environment.

  • 5. Rosmara said that her feelings about
    pesticides, weed killers, and pollution grew
    stronger after reading Rachel Carsons book
    Silent Spring.
  • 6. Rachel Carson was a scientist and author
    whose books made Rosmara and me think about how
    our actions affect the environment.

Week 1 Day 4
  • 7. Jacob Riis as you know wrote news articles
    that exposed horrible living conditions and a
    polluted water supply in New York New York.
  • 8. Susan B anthony, who fighted hard to win
    womens rights to vote, published a weekly
    newspaper called The Revolution.

  • 7. Jacob Riis, as you know, wrote news articles
    that exposed horrible living conditions and a
    polluted water supply in New York, New York.
  • 8. Susan B. Anthony, who fought hard to win
    womens rights to vote, published a weekly
    newspaper called The Revolution.

Week 1 Day 5
  • 9. Rosmara and me agree that activists have
    the most greatest impact on these kind of issues
    civil rights, human rights, and the environment.
  • 10. I thinks, Rosmara said the issues of civil
    rights and raceial justice are the most
    importantest of all.

  • 9. Rosmara and I agree that activists have the
    greatest impact on these kinds of issues civil
    rights, human rights, and the environment.
  • 10. I think, Rosmara said, the issues of
    civil rights and racial justice are the most
    important of all.

Week 2 Day 1
  • 1. Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
    Shakespeare adivsed but he definitly borrowed a
    italian form of poetry called the sonnet.
  • 2. Shakespeares sonnets I believe, are
    responsible for establishing the form of poetry
    that is now known as the english sonnet.

Week 2 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
    Shakespeare advised, but he definitely borrowed
    an Italian form of poetry called the sonnet.
  • 2. Shakespeare's sonnets, I believe, are
    responsible for establishing the form of poetry
    that is now known as the English sonnet.

Week 2 Day 2
  • 3. Sonnets, a form of poetry with precisly
    fourteen lines use a very specific rhyming
  • 4. Last Tuesday my friend selena ask me Did
    poets from victorian times always write sonnets
    about love?

Week 2 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. Sonnets, a form of poetry with precisely
    fourteen lines, use a very specific rhyming
  • 4. Last Tuesday my friend Selena asked me, Did
    poets from Victorian times always write sonnets
    about love?

Week 2 Day 3
  • 5. Many great poets from many eras has written
    sonnets. About religion politics and history.
  • 6. Other poets have been inspired by haiku and
    tanka two form of poetry that were imported from

Week 2 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. Many great poets from many eras have written
    sonnets about religion, politics, and history.
  • 6. Other poets have been inspired by haiku and
    tanka, two forms of poetry that were imported
    from Japan.

Week 2 Day 4
  • 7. Every haiku has seventeen syllables in the
    following arrangment five in the first line,
    seven in the second line, and five in the last
  • 8. Ezra Pound, Conrad Aiken, Robert Frost and W
    B Yeats were some of the famous poets inspired by

Week 2 Day 4 correct
  • 7. Every haiku has seventeen syllables in the
    following arrangement five in the first line,
    seven in the second line, and five in the last
  • 8. Ezra Pound, Conrad Aiken, Robert Frost, and
    W. B. Yeats were some of the famous poets
    inspired by haiku.

Week 2 Day 5
  • 9. Amy lowell, an American poet who i admire,
    sometimes wrote tankas, which have exactly thirty
    one syllables.
  • 10. My aunt, a poet who lives in the southwest,
    says that writing a good tanka is a real
    achievment us are hopful that aunt Jo will

Week 2 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. Amy Lowell, an American poet whom I admire,
    sometimes wrote tankas, which have exactly
    thirty-one syllables.
  • 10. My aunt, a poet who lives in the Southwest,
    says that writing a good tanka is a real
    achievement we are hopeful that Aunt Jo will

Week 3 Day 1
  • 1. Last Friday the members of the book club was
    discussing houses in literature, and Dr Mary
    Lamb gave a presentashun.
  • 2. She said Nathaniel Hawthornes novel, The
    House of the Seven Gables, are about a house that
    still exists in Salem Massachusetts.

Week 3 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. Last Friday the members of the book club were
    discussing houses in literature, and Dr. Mary
    Lamb gave a presentation.
  • 2. She said, Nathaniel Hawthornes novel, The
    House of the Seven Gables, is about a house that
    still exists in Salem, Massachusetts.

Week 3 Day 2
  • 3. In edgar allan poes The Fall of the House of
    Usher, the revelacion of a ghost causd the house
    to split apart.
  • 4. Is it possible, asked TJ Kent, that the
    house itself had became a character in the story.

Week 3 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. In Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of
    Usher, the revelation of a ghost caused the house
    to split apart.
  • 4. Is it possible, asked T. J. Kent, that the
    house itself had become a character in the story?

Week 3 Day 3
  • 5. If I had to choose between all the fictional
    house, I would pick an historical house in the
    central united states.
  • 6. You wont never guess the books title unless
    i give you a clue. An american television series
    were based on that book.

Week 3 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. If I had to choose among all the fictional
    houses, I would pick a historical house in the
    Central United States.
  • 6. You wont ever guess the books title unless
    I give you a clue. An American television series
    was based on that book.

Week 3 Day 4
  • 7. Little House on the Prairie was wrote by
    Laura Ingalls Wilder, it describes the
    frustrashuns hopes and joys of pioneer.
  • 8. on your vacashun, did you read Little House
    in the Big Woods Wilders first book. It was
    published during the great depression.

Week 3 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. Little House on the Prairie was written by
    Laura Ingalls Wilder it describes the
    frustrations, hopes, and joys of pioneers.
  • 8. On your vacation, did you read Little House in
    the Big Woods,Wilders first book? It was
    published during the Great Depression.

Week 3 Day 5
  • 9. Last june I had to give a poetry recitacion
    at a elementary school. My voice coach
    recommends The House That Jack Built.
  • 10. My coach, dr. West, said the english version
    probably came from an ancient hymn in hebrew.
    Him and me added verses to make the poem more

Week 3 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. Last June I had to give a poetry recitation
    at an elementary school. My voice coach
    recommends, The House That Jack Built.
  • 10. My coach, Dr. West, said the English version
    probably came from an ancient hymn in Hebrew. He
    and I added verses to make the poem more modern.

Week 4 Day 1
  • 1. Keesha asked I, How could James Houston
    written so many of this realistic stories about
    Inuits and the Arctic?
  • 2. He lived with the inuits, I told her he
    thought his visit to the Arctic would last a few
    days but he stay for fourteen year.

Week 4 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. Keesha asked me, How could James Houston
    have written so many of these realistic stories
    about Inuits and the Arctic?
  • 2. He lived with the Inuits, I told her, He
    thought his visit to the Arctic would last a few
    days, but he stayed for fourteen years.

Week 4 Day 2
  • 3. James Houston didnt even know the Inuit
    language! Exsclaimed keesha. How was he able
    to communicate.
  • 4. Houston was an artist, i exsplained to she.
    His drawings gived him a way to communicate
    until he was able to learn the language.

Week 4 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. James Houston didnt even know the Inuit
    language! exclaimed Keesha. How was he able to
  • 4. Houston was an artist, I explained to her.
    His drawings gave him a way to communicate until
    he was able to learn the language.

Week 4 Day 3
  • 5. Houstons life is like an aventure story.
    One moment hes studying art in paris, Keesha
    said, and the next hes living in an igloo.
  • 6. Drawed many pictures of the Inuit people and
    helped to bring Inuit art to national attention
    in canada.

Week 4 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. Houston's life is like an adventure story.
    One moment hes studying art in Paris, Keesha
    said, and the next hes living in an igloo.
  • 6. He drew many pictures of the Inuit people and
    helped to bring Inuit art to national attention
    in Canada.

Week 4 Day 4
  • 7. Most of James Houstons stories, ms.
    Montanez told we students, are about young
    people facing the challenges of a fierce
  • 8. In Long Claws, for example an Inuit brother
    and sister nearly lose their lifes in a storm.
    The spirit of an owl helps they survive.

Week 4 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. Most of James Houstons stories, Ms.
    Montanez told us students, are about young
    people facing the challenges of a fierce
  • 8. In Long Claws, for example, an Inuit brother
    and sister nearly lose their lives in a storm.
    The spirit of an owl helps them survive.

Week 4 Day 5
  • 9. In another story I velieve an Inuit boy and
    a white boy learn from each others experiences
  • 10. Ms Montanez agreed with me and Keesha that
    Inuit myths, legends and tales were a powerful
    inspuration for Houstons stories.

Week 4 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. In another story, I believe, an Inuit boy
    and a white boy learn from each others
  • 10. Ms. Montanez agreed with Keesha and me that
    Inuit myths, legends, and tales were a powerful
    inspiration for Houstons stories.

Week 5
  • 1. I was reading about the ancient Mayan
    civilization until 1130 p.m. last Sunday, Luis
    told me and Sarah.
  • 2. Not only did the mayans build theyre amazing
    pyramids but also they developed an elaborate
    system of writing as early as 100 b.c.

Week 5
  • 1. I was reading about the ancient Mayan
    civilization until 1130 P.M. last Sunday, Luis
    told Sarah and me.
  • 2. Not only did the Mayans build their amazing
    pyramids, but they also developed an elaborate
    system of writing as early as 100 B.C.

Week 5
  • 3. Kara and Zach was surprised to disscover that
    a Mayan stories were almost completely lost, they
    werent wrote down for centuries.
  • 4. Today, explained Kara many modern mayans is
    interested in perserving there traditions.

Week 5
  • 3. Kara and Zach were surprised to discover that
    the Mayan stories were almost completely lost
    they werent written down for centuries.
  • 4. Today, explained Kara, many modern Mayans
    are interested in preserving their traditions.

Week 5
  • 5. Luis asked did you know that in San
    Cristobal mexico a group of writers and actors
    have been recoreding the old Mayan stories?
  • 6. What does that there group do with those
    histories folk tales and legends they use them to
    produse books and plays.

Week 5
  • 5. Luis asked, Did you know that in San
    Cristobal, Mexico, a group of writers and actors
    has been recording the old Mayan stories?
  • 6. What does that group do with those histories,
    folk tales, and legends? They use them to
    produce books and plays.

Week 5
  • 7. A troupe of Mayan writers and actors have
    also formed a puppet theater We seen them perform
    in chiapas.
  • 8. Mom I thinked you said we could visit Mexico
    this december how I wish we could sail there on
    steves boat, the jolly roger!

Week 5
  • 7. A troupe of Mayan writers and actors has also
    formed a puppet theater. We saw them perform in
  • 8. Mom, I think you said we could visit Mexico
    this December. How I wish we could sail there on
    Steve's boat, the Jolly Roger!

Week 5
  • 9. The colorful masks and costumes in that
    play was the goodest Ive ever seen and they have
    gave me ideas for writing my own play.
  • 10. Yes I knowed you were enspired by that play,
    it made me want to read more mayan fables to!

Week 5
  • 9. The colorful masks and costumes in that
    play were the best Ive ever seen, and they have
    given me ideas for writing my own play.
  • 10. Yes, I know you were inspired by that play
    it made me want to read more Mayan fables too!

Week 6 Day 1
  • 1. I was unaware of the beauty of sign
    language, said my grand-father, until I seen a
    performance by the national theatre of the deaf.
  • 2. The actors use sign-mime, he explained,
    which combines sign language gestures and body

Week 6 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. I was unaware of the beauty of sign
    language, said my grandfather, until I saw a
    performance by the National Theatre of the Deaf.
  • 2. The actors use sign-mime, he explained,
    which combines sign language, gestures, and body

Week 6 Day 2
  • 3. One of my heros is Bernard Bragg. A amazing
    deaf actor whom helped found the National Theatre
    of the Deaf in 1967.
  • 4. I knowed that Lessons in Laughter Braggs
    autobiography would learn me about sign language
    but I was also inspired to study pantomime.

Week 6 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. One of my heroes is Bernard Bragg, an amazing
    deaf actor who helped found the National Theatre
    of the Deaf in 1967.
  • 4. I know that Lessons in Laughter, Braggs
    autobiography, would teach me about sign
    language, but I was also inspired to study

Week 6 Day 3
  • 5. Would you have did what Bernard Bragg did he
    traveled to paris, france, to study with that
    there great pantomime artist, Marcel Marceau.
  • 6. Marceau as you may know used gestures and
    movements to communicate with audiences, bragg
    wanted to do that too.

Week 6 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. Would you have done what Bernard Bragg did?
    He traveled to Paris, France, to study with that
    great pantomime artist, Marcel Marceau.
  • 6. Marceau, as you may know, used gestures and
    movements to communicate with audiences Bragg
    wanted to do that too.

Week 6 Day 4
  • 7. Watching the actors sign-mime an italian
    opera, mrs. Sanchez said to Ella and I was
    beautifuler than hearing sopranoes sing.
  • 8. The National Theatre of the Deaf has also
    used sign-mime to interpret poetry every body
    loved the performance of Lewis Carrolls poem,

Week 6 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. Watching the actors sign-mime an Italian
    opera, Mrs. Sanchez said to Ella and me, was
    more beautiful than hearing sopranos sing.
  • 8. The National Theatre of the Deaf has also
    used sign-mime to interpret poetry. Everybody
    loved the performance of Lewis Carroll's poem,

Week 6 Day 5
  • 9. My uncles girl friend a fluent signer took
    the train to Connecticut. She set on the train
    for three hours just to see them actors.
  • 10. On Tuesday November 3, at 800 a.m., said
    Julia, I taking my first lesson in sign
    language. Some day I want to be an interpreter.

Week 6 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. My uncles girlfriend, a fluent signer, took
    the train to Connecticut. She set on the train
    for three hours just to see those actors.
  • 10. On Tuesday, November 3, at 800 A.M., said
    Julia, I am taking my first lesson in sign
    language. Someday I want to be an interpreter.

Week 7 Day 1
  • 1. Many story setting have become legendary, Oz,
    Camelot, and Mudville are between the most famous
    examples of these kind of fictional place.
  • 2. Of all the places Ive read about,Tori
    remarked, the most memorable for me is Sleepy
    Hollow is it your favorite to?

Week 7 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. Many story settings have become legendary
    Oz, Camelot, and Mudville are among the most
    famous examples of this kind of fictional place.
  • 2. Of all the places Ive read about, Tori
    remarked, the most memorable for me is Sleepy
    Hollow. Is it your favorite too?

Week 7 Day 2
  • 3. Right now I remembering how uncle Roberto
    read The Legend of Sleepy Hollow every
    Halloween Those kind of stories used to scare my
    sister and I.
  • 4. Washington irving, who writ The Legend of
    Sleepy Hollow, described the village as a dreamy
    drowsy and superstitious place.

Week 7 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. Right now I am remembering how Uncle Roberto
    read The Legend of Sleepy Hollow every
    Halloween. Those kinds of stories used to scare
    my sister and me.
  • 4. Washington Irving, who wrote The Legend of
    Sleepy Hollow, described the village as a
    dreamy, drowsy, and superstitious place.

Week 7 Day 3
  • 5. Irving warned we readers that even very
    reasonable peoples will dream dreams and see
    apparitions when they visit sleepy hollow.
  • 6. How could mr. Ichabod Crane, a ill fated and
    gullible man, know what to expect in Sleepy
    Hollow he planned to teach, not too see ghosts.

Week 7 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. Irving warned us readers that even very
    reasonable people will dream dreams and see
    apparitions when they visit Sleepy Hollow.
  • 6. How could Mr. Ichabod Crane, an ill fated and
    gullible man, know what to expect in Sleepy
    Hollow? He planned to teach, not to see ghosts.

Week 7 Day 4
  • 7. Many resident of Sleepy Hollow telled Ichabod
    Crane spine tingling stories of hauntings and
    ichabod loved to listen.
  • 8. Described by irving as the commander in
    chief of all the powers of the air the Headless
    Horseman were Sleepy Hollows most famous ghost.

Week 7 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. Many residents of Sleepy Hollow told Ichabod
    Crane spine-tingling stories of hauntings, and
    Ichabod loved to listen.
  • 8. Described by Irving as the commander in
    chief of all the powers of the air, the Headless
    Horseman was Sleepy Hollows most famous ghost.

Week 7 Day 5
  • 9. The Headless Horseman an unfortunate hessian
    was a soldier who had been hitted by a cannonball
    during the revolutionary war.
  • 10. Tell me the truth The Headless Horseman
    drived Ichabod out of town. A prank, a ghost, or
    Cranes wild imaination?

Week 7 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. The Headless Horseman, an unfortunate
    Hessian, was a soldier who had been hit by a
    cannonball during the Revolutionary War.
  • 10. Tell me the truth. The Headless Horseman
    drove Ichabod out of town. A prank, a ghost, or
    Cranes wild imagination?

Week 8 Day1
  • 1. Some of the most greatest poems Ive ever
    read, said antonio, are by Maya Angelou and
    Langston Hughes Their poem often have the rhythm
    of jazz.
  • 2. Rose asked, havent you read their
    autobiographies the poets tell how they overcomed
    hardships and prejudice and followed their

Week 8 Day1 Correct
  • 1. Some of the greatest poems Ive ever read,
    said Antonio, are by Maya Angelou and Langston
    Hughes. Their poems often have the rhythm of
  • 2. Rose asked, Haven't you read their
    autobiographies? The poets tell how they overcame
    hardships and prejudice and followed their

Week 8 Day 2
  • 3. In Maya Angelous book I Know Why the Caged
    Bird Sings, she tell about growing up with her
    grandmother in stamps, arkansas.
  • 4. I knew them years werent easy for she but I
    was amazed to learn that Angelou wouldnt speak to
    anyone for five years

Week 8 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. In Maya Angelous book, I Know Why the Caged
    Bird Sings, she tells about growing up with her
    grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas.
  • 4. I knew those years weren't easy for her, but
    I was amazed to learn that Angelou wouldn't speak
    to anyone for five years.

Week 8 Day 3
  • 5. The goodest person in Angelous memories were
    Mrs. Flowers she helped Maya speak again and
    teached her about the power of words.
  • 6. One of the most nicest things were imagining
    the poets soft, deep voice reading every word of
    that there book aloud.

Week 8 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. The best person in Angelous memories was
    Mrs. Flowers. She helped Maya speak again and
    taught her about the power of words.
  • 6. One of the nicest things was imagining the
    poets soft, deep voice reading every word of
    that book aloud.

Week 8 Day 4
  • 7. Langston Hughes wrote a autobiography called
    The Big Sea he described how his life wasnt the
    same after meeting Vachel Lindsay a famous poet.
  • 8. When Hughes was working as a hotel busboy, he
    gave Lindsay a few of his poems to read Lindsay
    was impressed and telled reporters about his

Week 8 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. Langston Hughes wrote an autobiography called
    The Big Sea. He described how his life wasn't
    the same after meeting Vachel Lindsay, a famous
  • 8. When Hughes was working as a hotel busboy, he
    gave Lindsay a few of his poems to read. Lindsay
    was impressed and told reporters about his

Week 8 Day 5
  • 9. Vachel Lindsay helped hughes gain confidence
    in himself and he advised Langston to do the
    following write study and think.
  • 10. Hughess book also mentioned that he didnt
    expect the Weary Blues to win the first prize.
    In the national urban leagues literary contest.

Week 8 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. Vachel Lindsay helped Hughes gain confidence
    in himself, and he advised Langston to do the
    following write, study, and think.
  • 10. Hughes's book also mentioned that he didn't
    expect The Weary Blues to win the first prize
    in The National Urban Leagues literary contest.

Week 9 Day 1
  • 1. Born Free and Living Free, my two favorite
    books about animals ritten by joy adamson.
  • 2. After reading about Adamsons life in kenya,
    africa, my brother exclaimed, Im not going to
    miss the show about her at 830 p.m.!

Week 9 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. Born Free and Living Free, my two favorite
    books about animals were written by Joy Adamson.
  • 2. After reading about Adamsons life in Kenya,
    Africa, my brother exclaimed, Im not going to
    miss the show about her at 830 P.M. !

  • 3. Our sience teacher asked me and my brother
    is the story of Joy Adamson and Elsa the lion
    fiction or nonfiction?
  • 4. I told ms. Chang, Well I knoe its easy to
    dout that a woman and a lion could be so close,
    but from actual events come this incredible

  • 3. Our science teacher asked my brother and me,
    Is the story of Joy Adamson and Elsa the Lion
    fiction or nonfiction?
  • 4. I told Ms. Chang, Well, I know its easy to
    doubt that a woman and a lion could be so close,
    but from actual events comes this incredible

  • 5. I wonder said Sam, if other people in Africa
    has been able to raise a lion and then
    successfully set it free?
  • 6. My several searchs thru the library shelfs
    convinces me that what Joy Adamson accomplished
    with Elsa had never be done before.

  • 5. I wonder, said Sam, if other people in
    Africa have been able to raise a lion and then
    successfully set it free.
  • 6. My several searches through the library
    shelves convince me that what Joy Adamson
    accomplished with Elsa had never been done

Week 9 Day 4
  • 7. What could have been greatest for Joy Adamson
    than to know shed finally tot elsa to live in
    the wild?
  • 8. Even tho nothing could be gooder than knowing
    Elsa would survive, letting go of her was one of
    the tough things Adamson had ever done.

Week 9 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. What could have been greater for Joy Adamson
    than to know shed finally taught Elsa to live in
    the wild?
  • 8. Even though nothing could be better than
    knowing Elsa would survive, letting go of her was
    one of the toughest things Adamson had ever done.

Week 9 Day 5
  • 9. Jake said, Yes I was also sad Celia when
    Adamson and Elsa had to leave each other Elsa
    however came back to see Adamson often.
  • 10. In Living Free, I told Tonia, adamson wrote
    about Elsas experiences as a mother she loved
    Elsa and her cubs as if they were childs of her

Week 9 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. Jake said, Yes, I was also sad, Celia, when
    Adamson and Elsa had to leave each other. Elsa,
    however, came back to see Adamson often.
  • 10. In Living Free, I told Tonia, Adamson
    wrote about Elsas experiences as a mother. She
    loved Elsa and her cubs as if they were children
    of her own.

Week 10 Day 1
  • 1. During english class, natasha displaied too
    of her favorite books about growing up.
  • 2. Told us about the following american writers
    Maxine Hong Kingston author of The Woman Warrior,
    and Gary Soto, author of Baseball in April.

Week 10 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. During English class, Natasha displayed two
    of her favorite books about growing up.
  • 2. She told us about the following American
    writers Maxine Hong Kingston, author of The
    Woman Warrior, and Gary Soto, author of Baseball
    in April.

Week 10 Day 2
  • 3. Sydney told we students, these books tells
    about the experiences of young people.
  • 4. Baseball in April he said, is a collection
    of short stories author Gary Soto wrote many
    humorous and moving tales about young Mexican

Week 10 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. Sydney told us students, These books tell
    about the experiences of young people.
  • 4. Baseball in April, he said, is a
    collection of short stories. Author Gary Soto
    wrote many humorous and moving tales about young
    Mexican Americans.

Week 10 Day 3
  • 5. Just like the boys in Gary Sotos story,
    said Jerome, I trying out for a baseball team in
    april. Am practicing hard already.
  • 6. Another character i think you will like
    jerome is the girl in The Woman Warrior. She
    take some fantastic journies, said Lou.

Week 10 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. Just like the boys in Gary Sotos story,
    said Jerome, I am trying out for a baseball team
    in April. I am practicing hard already.
  • 6. Another character I think you will like
    Jerome, is the girl in The Woman Warrior. She
    takes some fantastic journeys, said Lou.

Week 10 Day 4
  • 7. In The Woman Warrior, Kingston described the
    cultural clashs of east meeting west. Her had to
    balance her chinese heritage with life in
    Stockton California.
  • 8. The girl in the book dream about becoming fa
    mu lan, the legendary woman warrior who seemed
    more braver than anyone else.

Week 10 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. In The Woman Warrior, Kingston described the
    cultural clashes of East meeting West. She had
    to balance her Chinese heritage with life in
    Stockton, California.
  • 8. The girl in the book dreams about becoming Fa
    Mu Lan, the legendary woman warrior who seemed
    braver than anyone else.

Week 10 Day 5
  • 9. Both The Woman Warrior and Baseball in
    April said Mr. Santos our teacher, can be
    enjoied by people from all walks of life.
  • 10. Well Soto and Kingston have taught me that
    all of us has stories too tell about growing up,
    I said to he.

Week 10 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. Both The Woman Warrior and Baseball in
    April, said Mr. Santos our teacher, can be
    enjoyed by people from all walks of life.
  • 10. Well, Soto and Kingston have taught me that
    all of us have stories to tell about growing up,
    I said to him.

Week 11 Day 1
  • 1. Have you read any of them stories about
    migrant workers I asked my friend Midori?
  • 2. These story called The Circuit, by
    Francisco Jimenez, Midori replyed, is one of
    the goodest stories Ive ever read.

Week 11 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. Have you read any of those stories about
    migrant workers? I asked my friend Midori.
  • 2. This story called The Circuit, by
    Francisco Jimenez, Midori replied, is one of
    the best stories Ive ever read.

Week 11 Day 2
  • 3. My teacher, mr. jackson, said Francisco
    Jimenezs story is set in california and tells
    about a sixth-grader who work in the fields all
  • 4. Jimenez you know had been the migrant worker
    himself when he was young. He said the
    experience made he value his studyes.

Week 11 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. My teacher, Mr. Jackson, said, Francisco
    Jimenez's story is set in California and tells
    about a sixth-grader who works in the fields all
  • 4. Jimenez, you know, had been the migrant
    worker himself when he was young. He said the
    experience made him value his studies.

Week 11 Day 3
  • 5. John Steinbeck a acclaimed writer won a
    Pulitzer Prize for writing about migrant workers
    in a book called The Grapes of Wrath, Jo said.
  • 6. Steinbecks book tells about the Joads. Like
    many other familys, they traveled across the
    Country looking for work Ms Anaya told us.

Week 11 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. John Steinbeck, an acclaimed writer, won a
    Pulitzer Prize for writing about migrant workers
    in a book called The Grapes of Wrath, Jo said.
  • 6. Steinbeck's book tells about the Joads.
    Like many other families, they traveled across
    the country looking for work, Ms. Anaya told us.

Week 11 Day 4
  • 7. Zack said, Tom Joad the main character of
    The Grapes of Wrath also the hero.
  • 8. Zack learned that Author Steinbeck researched
    that there book by traveling from Oklahoma to
    California living in camps and working in the

Week 11 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. Zack said, Tom Joad, the main character of
    The Grapes of Wrath, is also the hero.
  • 8. Zack learned that Author Steinbeck researched
    that book by traveling from Oklahoma to
    California, living in camps, and working in the

Week 11 Day 5
  • 9. I thinked about those migrant workers when I
    was at the supermarket. Wondered who picked all
    those apples peaches and pears?
  • 10. Ana said, these storys have inspired I to
    write about my own family. My great-grandparents
    I believe, was cuban migrant workers in Florida.

Week 11 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. I thought about those migrant workers when I
    was at the supermarket. I wondered who picked
    all those apples, peaches, and pears?
  • 10. Ana said, These stories have inspired me to
    write about my own family. My great-grandparents,
    I believe, were Cuban migrant workers in

Week 12 Day 1
  • 1. Today I read about Abraham Lincoln. Was
    born on February 12 1809, near Hodgenville
    Kentucky, Hector told us.
  • 2. Him said, Russell Freedmans Lincoln A
    Photobiography actualy tells many interesting
    facts about young Lincoln and their childhood

Week 12 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. Today I read about Abraham Lincoln. He was
    born on February 12, 1809, near Hodgenville,
    Kentucky, Hector told us.
  • 2. He said, Russell Freedman's Lincoln A
    Photobiography actually tells many interesting
    facts about young Lincoln and his childhood

Week 12 Day 2
  • 3. Abraham lincoln faced many hardships growing
    up but he heroicly overcame the obstacles in his
  • 4. Russell Freedman writes a account of the
    events that led to Lincolns famous speech at
    gettysburg, pennsylvania.

Week 12 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. Abraham Lincoln faced many hardships growing
    up, but he heroically overcame the obstacles in
    his life.
  • 4. Russell Freedman wrote an account of the
    events that led to Lincolns famous speech at
    Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Week 12 Day 3
  • 5. Based on the biography of Lincoln, I dont
    have no doubt that he was one of the most
    historicly important mans ever to live in
    America, said uncle Lamar.
  • 6. biographies of famous americans is sometimes
    about the past, them can also tell about people
    whove recently had a impact on our lifes.

Week 12 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. Based on the biography of Lincoln, I have no
    doubt that he was one of the most historically
    important men ever to live in America, said
    Uncle Lamar.
  • 6. Biographies of famous Americans are sometimes
    about the past they can also tell about people
    whove recently had an impact on our lives.

Week 12 Day 4
  • 7. Not long ago, Maya Lin design the Vietnam
    Veterans Memorial. Visitors have finded that
    viewing it is a emotionaly moving experience
  • 8. Brent Ashabranner want to tell the story of
    Maya Lin and her work, therefore, him wrote a
    inspiring book called Always to Remember.

Week 12 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. Not long ago, Maya Lin designed the Vietnam
    Veterans Memorial. Visitors have found that
    viewing it is a emotionally moving experience.
  • 8. Brent Ashabranner wanted to tell the story of
    Maya Lin and her work therefore, he wrote an
    inspiring book called Always to Remember.

Week 12 Day 5
  • 9. When I was in washington, d.c., last summer,
    I saw Maya Lins unusualy simple and powerful
  • 10. I admire Maya Lin before seeing her work but
    now I have an even gooder appreciaiton of she.

Week 12 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. When I was in Washington, D. C. last summer,
    I saw Maya Lins unusually simple and powerful
  • 10. I admired Maya Lin before seeing her work,
    but now I have an even better appreciation of her.

Week 13 Day 1
  • 1. My brother loves to read stories about ancint
    heroes, so I asked him Have you read Irish Fairy
    and Folk Tales, edited by w.b. yeats?
  • 2. As I sat the book on the table, him said, No
    I havent. Does it tell about the poet-warrior
    named Oisin.

Week 13 Day 1
  • 1. My brother loves to read stories about
    ancient heroes, so I asked him, Have you read
    Irish Fairy and Folk Tales, edited by W. B.
  • 2. As I set the book on the table, he said, No
    I havent. Does it tell about the poet-warrior
    named Oisin?

Week 13 Day 2
  • 3. Yeats an excellint storyteller wrote a long
    poem about oisin, who wandered off to the
    mythical country, Conor said to Ike and I.
  • 4. This famous writer of irish tales were very
    interested in old celtic myths, which had a
    strong influance on his poems and plays.

Week 13 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. Yeats, an excellent storyteller, wrote a
    long poem about Oisin, who wandered off to a
    mythical country, Conor said to Ike and me.
  • 4. This famous writer of Irish tales was very
    interested in old Celtic myths, which had a
    strong influence on his poems and plays.

Week 13 Day 3
  • 5. There is many great stories about mythical
    Irish heroes, its true, but my favorite is about
    a giant named Finn MacCoul.
  • 6. Finn is often called the irish Hercules but
    he depended on his wife Oonas intelligance as
    much as on his own strength.

Week 13 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. There are many great stories about mythical
    Irish heroes, its true, but my favorite is about
    a giant named Finn MacCoul.
  • 6. Finn is often called the Irish Hercules, but
    he depended on his wife Oonas intelligence as
    much as on his own strength.

Week 13 Day 4
  • 7. Legend has it that Cuchulain another hero was
    able too flatten a thunderbolt like a pancake and
    carry it inside his pocket.
  • 8. Yeats as you know wrote a poem called
    Cuchulains Fight with the Sea, in which the hero
    faces a unbeatable opponint.

Week 13 Day 4
  • 7. Legend has it that Cuchulain, another hero,
    was able to flatten a thunderbolt like a pancake
    and carry it inside his pocket.
  • 8. Yeats, as you know, wrote a poem called
    Cuchulains Fight with the Sea, in which the
    hero faces an unbeatable opponent.

Week 13 Day 5
  • 9. Is yeats the one whom decded to include
    information about mermaids in Irish Fairy and
    Folk Tales? i asked Kevin.
  • 10. Yes. Theres also tales about leprechauns
    sayed Kevin, who were actually the shoemakers for
    the fairies.

Week 13 Day 5
  • 9. Is Yeats the one who decided to include
    information about mermaids in Irish Fairy and
    Folk Tales? I asked Kevin.
  • 10. Yes. There are also tales about
    leprechauns, said Kevin, who was actually the
    shoemakers for the fairies.

Week 14 Day 1
  • 1. Sammi wondered why I were going too tell the
    class about the first native american bilingual
  • 2. I told she, Well the Cherokee Phoenix
    written in both cherokee and english. This kinds
    of publication was a unusual achievement.

Week 14 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. Sammi wondered why I was going to tell the
    class about the first Native American bilingual
  • 2. I told her, Well, the Cherokee Phoenix was
    written in both Cherokee and English. This kind
    of publication was an unusual achievement.

Week 14 Day 2
  • 3. Marta asked, wasnt the Cherokee language
    first putted on paper in the 1820s when Sequoyah
    asembled a alphabet of syllables Ellen?
  • 4. Ellen sayed, Of course Sequoyahs system of
    writing quickly learned and used by thousands of

Week 14 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. Marta asked, Wasnt the Cherokee language
    first put on paper in the 1820s when Sequoya
    assembled an alphabet of syllables, Ellen?
  • 4. Ellen said, Of course, Sequoya's system of
    writing was quickly learned and used by thousands
    of Cherokees.

Week 14 Day 3
  • 5. Mr. Wang said, Sequoyahs hard work and
    dedication was rewarded when a Cherokee people
    addopted his system.
  • 6. Eventually the newspaper parts of the bible
    and many other publications was printed in

Week 14 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. Mr. Wang said, Sequoya's hard work and
    dedication were rewarded when the Cherokee people
    adopted his system.
  • 6. Eventually, the newspaper, parts of the Bible,
    and many other publications were printed in

Week 14 Day 4
  • 7. do you know about elias boudinot, a Cherokee
    who was educated at a missionary school in
    connecticut someone asked mr. Wang and I?
  • 8. Yes I can answer that there question, I
    said. He returned too his homeland and becomed
    the first editor of the Cherokee Phoenix.

Week 14 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. Do you know about Elias Boudinot, a Cherokee
    who was educated at a missionary school in
    Connecticut? someone asked Mr. Wang and me.
  • 8. Yes, I can answer that question, I said.
    He returned to his homeland and became the first
    editor of the Cherokee Phoenix.

Week 14 Day 5
9. The first issue of the newspaper was
published in 1828 at new echota the Cherokee
capital. It attracted much attention, but not
everyone aproved. 10. In 1835, said ms. Day,
the newspaper was closed down. It was denied
freedom of a press, a right guaranteed by the
U.S. constitution.
Week 14 Day 5 Correct
9. The first issue of the newspaper was
published in 1828 at New Echota, the Cherokee
capital. It attracted much attention, but not
everyone approved. 10. In 1835, said Ms. Day,
the newspaper was closed down. It was denied
freedom of the press, a right guaranteed by the
U.S. Constitution.
Week 15 Day 1
  • 1. Last week i ask my english teacher about when
    we would read the chapter called native American
  • 2. The poems in this chapter is by dozens of
    Native American writers. Between them are the
    following poets Leslie Silko, Joy Harjo and Ray
    Young Bear.

Week 15 Day 1 correct
  • 1. Last week I asked my English teacher about
    when we would read the chapter called Native
    American Poets.
  • 2. The poems in this chapter are by dozens of
    Native American writers. Among them are the
    following poets Leslie Silko, Joy Harjo, and Ray
    Young Bear.

Week 15 Day 2
3. On Wednesday, I hearded some interesting
poems by a exsellent Native American poet named
Joseph Bruchac. 4. Ms Delano told I When I read
this poems by Joseph Bruchac, them remind me of
our deep conncetion to the planet Earth.
Week 15 Day 2 Correct
3. On Wednesday, I heard some interesting poems
by an excellent Native American poet named Joseph
Bruchac. 4. Ms. Delano told me, When I read
these poems by Joseph Bruchac, they remind me of
our deep connection to the planet Earth.
Week 15
5. Youre favorite poem in this book I believe
is The Eagle-Feather Fan, which was written by
N Scott Momaday. 6. Its about a seremonial
fan, mr. washington explained that is very
special to the poet.
Week 15 Day 3 Correct
5. Your favorite poem in this book, I believe,
is The Eagle-Feather Fan, which was written by
N. Scott Momaday. 6. Its about a ceremonial
fan, Mr. Washington explained, that is very
special to the poet.
Week 15 Day 4
7. It is helpful if you recites poems aloud, as
well as read they silently, Ms Oliver told we
students. 8. Hearing a poet read their work
aloud was unforgettable experiense, it inspired
me to read my own poetry in front of the class.
Week 15 Day 4 Correct
7. It is helpful if you recite poems aloud, as
well as read them silently, Ms. Oliver told us
students. 8. Hearing a poet read his or her work
aloud was an unforgettable experience it
inspired me to read my own poetry in front of the
Week 15 Day 5
  • 9. Sit quietly close your eyes Let the voise of
    the poet transport you to other rejions and other
  • 10. Theyre ansestors are important to the
    native american poets but today they jenerally
    write about modern times.

Week 15 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. Sit quietly, close your eyes, and let the
    voice of the poet transport you to other regions
    and other lives.
  • 10. Their ancestors are important to the Native
    American poets, but today they generally write
    about modern times.

Week 16 Day 1
  • 1. In 1817, the kapable british author Mary
    Shelley wrote these amazing book called
    Frankenstein said miss cohen.
  • 2. Many peoples thinks that Frankenstein is the
    monsters name but it is actually the name of the
    scientist who created the monster.

Week 16 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. In 1817, the capable British author Mary
    Shelley wrote this amazing book called
    Frankenstein, said Miss Cohen.
  • 2. Many people think that Frankenstein is the
    monsters name, but it is actually the name of
    the scientist who created the monster.

Week 16 Day 2
  • 3. Victor Frankenstein were a brilliant young
    scientist he diskovered the secret of creating
  • 4. Science and humanity was common themes in the
    romantic era. They appealed to writers from
    London, England, Paris, France, and Boston,

Week 16 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. Victor Frankenstein was a brilliant young
    scientist. He discovered the secret of creating
  • 4. Science and humanity were common themes in
    the Romantic Era. They appealed to writers from
    London, England Paris, France and Boston,

Week 16 Day 3
  • 5. The poor creature that Frankenstein made
    could find no love affection or acceptance who
    could be kontent with this sorts of life?
  • 6. Frankenstein didnt mean no harm at first,
    however, the monsters unhappiness leaded to a
    tragic kampaign of revenge.

Week 16 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. The poor creature that Frankenstein made
    could find no love, affection, or acceptance.
    Who could be content with this sort of life?
  • 6. Frankenstein didnt mean any harm at firs
    however, the monsters unhappiness led to a
    tragic campaign of revenge.

Week 16 Day 4
  • 7. Victor Frankenstein feeled some gilt about
    his work but would that stop him from creating an
    unloved monster agin?
  • 8. The following things might of helped the
    creature a friend a family a less hideous
    appearance or some human kindness.

Week 16 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. Victor Frankenstein felt some guilt about his
    work, but would that stop him from creating an
    unloved monster again?
  • 8. The following things might have helped the
    creature a friend, a family, a less hideous
    appearance, or some human kindness.

Week 16 Day 5
  • 9. I been trying to explain to Kendra that Mary
    Shelleys book is much more cumpelling than the
    movie version of Frankenstein.
  • 10. Mary Shelley writed many other novels I
    enjoy reading her journal and personal letters
    last month.

Week 16 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. I have been trying to explain to Kendra that
    Mary Shelleys book is much more compelling than
    the movie version of Frankenstein.
  • 10. Mary Shelley wrote many other novels. I
    enjoyed reading her journal and personal letters
    last month.

Week 17 Day 1
  • 1. Farley mowat a scientest, humorously
    describes his research in the book Never Cry
  • 2. As the member of the canadian Wildlife
    Service, him was sent to destroy wolfs. The
    government thought they killing to many caribou.

Week 17 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. Farley Mowat, a scientist, humorously
    describes his research in the book Never Cry
  • 2. As a member of the Canadian Wildlife Service,
    he was sent to destroy wolves. The government
    thought they were killing too many caribou.

Week 17 Day 2
  • 3. Peoples living in churchill told Mowat
    rediculous facts about wolves, one person said
    the animals sheds their skins every four years.
  • 4. Mowat found an pilot to take he north with
    the following gear tents, stoves, sleeping bags,
    skis, and seven axes.

Week 17 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. People living in Churchill told Mowat
    ridiculous facts about wolves one person said
    the animals shed their skins every four years.
  • 4. Mowat found a pilot to take him north with
    the following gear tents, stoves, sleeping bags,
    skis, and seven axes.

Week 17 Day 3
  • 5. A man named mike helped Mowat but he ran away
    after misunderstanding the researchers equipment
    and insterments.
  • 6. After many scary funny and touching encounter
    with wolves. Mowat came too be one of their most
    strongest supporters.

Week 17 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. A man named Mike helped Mowat, but he ran
    away after misunderstanding the researchers
    equipment and instruments.
  • 6. After many scary, funny, and touching
    encounters with wolves, Mowat came to be one of
    their strongest supporters.

Week 17 Day 4
  • 7. Beryl markhams book West with the Night
    tells about her life in africa and her career as
    a aviator.
  • 8. When she were young, a baby zebra came to her
    room every morning to wake she, those was her
    alarm clock.

Week 17 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. Beryl Markhams book, West with the Night,
    tells about her life in Africa and her career as
    a aviator.
  • 8. When she was young, a baby zebra came to her
    room every morning to wake her that was her
    alarm clock.

Week 17 Day 5
  • 9. Because her grew up on a african farm,
    Markham could do many things speak swahili, play
    tribal games hunt animals fly airplanes and take
    care of horses.
  • 10. She was a first person to make a solo flight
    from east to west across the atlantic ocean she
    flew from Abingdon England to Nova Scotia Canada.

Week 17 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. Because she grew up on an African farm,
    Markham could do many things speak Swahili, play
    tribal games, hunt animals, fly airplanes, and
    take care of horses.
  • 10. She was the first person to make a solo
    flight from East to West across the Atlantic
    Ocean. She flew from Abingdon, England to Nova
    Scotia, Canada.

Week 18 Day 1
  • 1. I recommend the book Number the Stars its
    the acount of people who bravly help Jewish
    friends escape danjer.
  • 2. Annemarie the heroine lives in denmark. The
    kountry is occupyed by german soldiers during
    world war II.

Week 18 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. I recommend the book Number the Stars. Its
    the account of people who bravely help Jewish
    friends escape danger.
  • 2. Annemarie, the heroine, lives in Denmark.
    The country is occupied by German soldiers during
    World War II.

Week 18 Day 2
  • 3. The Johansen famly hides Ellen Rosen, whos
    Annemaries girl friend. Ellen is jewish but the
    Johansens arent.
  • 4. Soldiers offen apear without warning and
    every one lives in fear of being descovered.

Week 18 Day 2 Correct
  • 3. The Johansen family hides Ellen Rosen, whos
    Annemaries girl friend. Ellen is Jewish, but
    the Johansens aren't.
  • 4. Soldiers often appear without warning, and
    everyone lives in fear of being discovered.

Week 18 Day 3
  • 5. In one incidant, a soldier want too open the
    coffin of Great aunt Birte, whom died of a
    terrible disease.
  • 6. The mother replys that the jerms might still
    be alive she knoes that the coffin realy
    conntains supplies.

Week 18 Day 3 Correct
  • 5. In one incident, a soldier wants to open the
    coffin of Great-Aunt Birte, who died of a
    terrible disease.
  • 6. The mother replies that the germs might still
    be alive. She knows that the coffin really
    contains supplies.

Week 18 Day 4
  • 7. Werent you afraid the Johansens would be
    catched? asked Dennis.
  • 8 Yes i was. The author lois lowry did an
    exellent job of building suspense answer Liz.

Week 18 Day 4 Correct
  • 7. Werent you afraid the Johansens would be
    caught? asked Dennis.
  • 8 Yes I was. The author Lois Lowry did an
    excellent job of building suspense, answered Liz.

Week 18 Day 5
  • 9. I holded my breath when Annemarie delivered a
    secret packet to her Uncle, said Henry.
  • 10. Then him add, Its sad that war is the
    inspirasion for such an excteing novel.

Week 18 Day 5 Correct
  • 9. I held my breath when Annemarie delivered a
    secret packet to her Uncle, said Henry.
  • 10. Then he added, Its sad that war is the
    inspiration for such an exciting novel.

Week 19 Day 1
  • 1. Marco Polo was born around a.d. 1254. Him
    and his male relatives spended much of his lifes
    in China.
  • 2. Marco was about twenty when he reached
    northern china. He traveled traded and later
    worked for the emperor, kublai khan.

Week 19 Day 1 Correct
  • 1. Marco Polo was born around A.D. 1254. He and
    his male relatives spent much of their lives in
  • 2. Marco was about twenty when he reached
    Northern China. He traveled, traded, and later
    worked for the emperor, Kublai Khan.

Week 19
  • 3. Frequently, Marco were sent on missions all
    over the chinese empire, and he stoped and seen
    many exotic sights.
  • 4. Among his observations was the religious
    practices of islam, marriage customs,
    architecture and the land.

Week 19 Correct
  • 3. Frequently, Marco was sent on missions all
    over the Chinese empire, and he stopped and saw
    many exotic sights.
  • 4. Among his observations were the religious
    practices of Islam, marriage customs,
    architecture, and the land.

Week 19
  • 5. Us might have forgoten Marco but he wrote a
    book of his adventures hes one of the
    bestest-known travelers ever!
  • 6. The travels of Marco Polo may exaggerate, but
    most historians agrees that Marco usually be
    telling the truth.

Week 19 Correct
  • 5. We might have forgotten Marco, but he wrote a
    book of his adventures. Hes one of the best-
    known travelers ever!
  • 6. The travels of Marco Polo may exaggerate, but
    most historians agree that Marco usually was
    telling the truth.

Week 19
  • 7. A more modern, but not necessarily more
    better, book is one by peter jenkins called A
    Walk Across America.
  • 8. Was written in the 1970s. Jenkins hiked
    around the united states for five years to
    discover what america were like.

Week 19 Correct
  • 7. A more modern, but not necessarily better,
    book is one by Peter Jenkins called A Walk Across
  • 8. It was written in the 1970s. Jenkins hiked
    around the United States for five years to
    discover what America was like.

Week 19
  • 9. A big dog named Cooper went with he. Cooper
    once grabed a poisonous snake. Just before his
    master steped on it.
  • 10. After Cooper killed, Jenkins didnt find
    another dog, but he did find a religion
    christianity, and a wife on his trip.
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