Title: Los puntos de Fekete y el s
1Los puntos de Fekete y el séptimo problema de
- Grupo VARIDIS Enrique Bendito, Ángeles Carmona,
- Andrés Marcos Encinas, Jose Manuel Gesto, Agustín
Medina. - Deptartamento de Matemática Aplicada III
3Part I Introduction to the Fekete problem and
to the Forces Method
4The Fekete problem
The search of the regularity
Stone models of the five Platonic polyhedra. They
date from about 2000BC and are kept in the
Ashmolean Museum in Oxford (figure extracted from
a work by Atiyah and Sutcliffe).
5The Fekete problem
Best-packing problem Maximize the minimum
distance between points constraints.
The solutions of this problem define lattices
that exhibite a high degree of regularity
(many equilateral triangles).
6The Fekete problem
I. Newton (1643-1727)
N. Copernicus (1473-1543)
G. Galilei (1564-1642)
J. Kepler (1571-1630)
7The Fekete problem
Ch.A. de Coulomb (1736-1806)
8The Fekete problem
9The Fekete problem
J.J. Thomson (1856-1940)
10The Fekete problem
A. Einstein (1879-1955)
M.K. Planck (1858-1947)
N. Bohr (1885-1962)
E. Schrödinger (1887-1961)
W. Heisenberg (1901-1979)
11The Fekete problem
Molecular Mechanics, Electrostatics,
Crystallography, structures of viruses, proteins,
bacteri, multi-electron bubbles, microclusters of
rare gases
(Bowick et al.)
Van der Waals interaction Lennard-Jones energy
J.D. van der Waals (1837-1923)
12The Fekete problem
M. Fekete (1886-1957)
13The Fekete problem
G. Polya (1887-1985)
G. Szegö (1895-1985)
O. Frostman (1907-1977)
14The Fekete problem
15The Fekete problem
16The Fekete problem
17Smales 7th problem
S. Smale (1930- )
18Smales 7th problem
19Smales 7th problem
20Smales 7th problem
21Smales 7th problem
22Smales 7th problem
23Smales 7th problem
24State of the art
25State of the art
26State of the art
27State of the art
28State of the art
29State of the art
30The Forces Method
31The Forces Method
32Numerical experiments
33Numerical experiments
34Numerical experiments
35Numerical experiments
36Numerical experiments
37Numerical experiments
38The cost of a local minimum
39The cost of a local minimum
40The cost of a local minimum
41The energy
42Large scale experiments
43Large scale experiments
44Large scale experiments
45The FinisTerrae challenge
46The FinisTerrae challenge
47The FinisTerrae challenge
48The FinisTerrae challenge
49The FinisTerrae challenge