Title: Marketing: creating and capturing
1Topic One Introduction
Marketing creating and capturing customer value
- Course Organization
- Tasks of Marketing
- Major Concepts Tools of Marketing
- Marketplace Orientations
- Marketings Responses to New Challenges
3Course/Text Organization
- Part I - Understanding Marketing
- Part II - Analyzing Marketing Opportunities
- Part III - Identifying customer value
- Part IV - Creating the Market Offering
- Part V - Delivering and communicating Market
4Defining Marketing
- Marketing is a societal process by which
individuals and groups obtain what they need and
want through creating, offering, and freely
exchanging products and services of value with
others. - - Philip Kotler (p. 7)
5Core Concepts of Marketing
Target Markets Segmentation
Needs, Wants, and Demands
Product or Offering
Value and Satisfaction
Exchange and Transactions
Relationships and Networks
Marketing Channels
Supply Chain
Marketing Environment
6Simple Marketing System
7Structure of Flows
Manufacturer markets
8The Four Ps
The Four Cs
Marketing Mix
Conven- ience
Customer Solution
Customer Cost
9Company Orientations Towards the Marketplace
Consumers prefer products that are widely
available and inexpensive
Production Concept
- Consumers favor products that
- offer the most quality, performance,
- or innovative features
Product Concept
Consumers will buy products only if the company
aggressively promotes/sells these products
Selling Concept
Focuses on needs/ wants of target markets
delivering value better than competitors
Marketing Concept
10Customer Delivered Value
11Traditional Organization Chart
Top Management
Middle Management
Front-line people
12Customer-Oriented Organization Chart
13Evolving Views of Marketings Role
14Evolving Views of Marketings Role
15Evolving Views of Marketings Role
16Determinants of Customer Delivered Value
17Satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure
or disappointment resulting from comparing a
products perceived performance (or outcome) in
relation to his or her expectations.
18Satisfied Customers
- Are loyal longer
- Buy more (new products upgrades)
- Spread favorable word-of-mouth
- Are more brand loyal (less price sensitive)
- Offer feedback
- Reduce transaction costs
19Capturing value from customers
- Building customer relationship
- Creating customer loyalty and retention
- Customer lifetime value
- Growing share of customer
- share of customer
- Building customer equity
- customer equity the total combined customer
lifetime values of all of the companys customers.