Title: Power of Play
1Power of Play
- Welcome to our room
- Mrs. Wamboldt
- 218
- Lets Play
2When I play lets pretend, I learn ..
- Cleaning up
- Cooperation
- Expressive language
- Eye-hand coordination
- How it feels to be someone else
- independence
Pretend Center
3And learn even more while pretending
- new words
- problem solving
- respect for others feelings and property
- self-confidence
- self-reliance
- sharing
4When I play with writing and art materials, I
- color mixing
- colors
- cooperation
- creativity
- eye-hand coordination
- how things work
- independence
Writing Art Center
5At the writing table I also learn
- new words
- pride in my work
- problem solving
- properties of matter
- self-reliance
- shapes
- textures
6When I play in water or sand, I learn .
- Buoyancy
- Cooperation
- Creativity and imagination
- Expressive language
- Eye-hand coordination
- Effects of gravity
- Measuring
Sensory Table
7While I use my hands, I learn .
- New words
- Properties of matter
- Problem solving
- Sharing
- Sorting
- Textures
- Using five senses
- Weights
8When I play on large motor equipment, I learn
- Creativity
- Coordination
- Common traffic signals
- Confidence
- Direction
- First-last
- How things work
Playground or Gym Time
9Indoors or Outdoors when I use my muscles, I
- Imagination
- New Words
- Rules of the road
- Positions
- Sharing
- Sequencing
- Taking Turns
- Time
10When I read a book or listen to a story, I learn
- A love of books
- Creativity imagination
- Expressive language
- Eye-hand coordination
- Logical thinking
- Listening skills
Circle Time and Library
11Books help me also learn ....
- New information
- New words
- Reading readiness
- Sentence structure
- Sequencing (left right progression)
12When I play with books, I learn so much like
- Balance and Gravity
- Design
- Size and Shapes
- Numbers
- Pride and Self-confidence
- Position
- Problem Solving
13When I play with games and puzzles, I learn
- Colors
- Counting
- Cooperation
- Eye-Hand Coordination
- New words
- Numbers
Math and Puzzle Centers
14Games, puzzles, and math manipulatives help me
learn ..
- Problem-solving
- Positions
- Sharing
- Shapes
- Sizes
- Sorting
- Spatial relationships
15When I build with blocks, I learn
- Spatial relationships
- Distance, size, and space
- Eye- hand coordination
- Visual memory
- Match, classify, and sort
16Learning Centers
- Math and Games
- Snap cubes, shape blocks, pattern blocks,
counting activities, various games - Puzzle Center
- Single slot, framed, floor, matching games, peg
board design, potato head, shape clock - Pretend Center
- House keeping, puppet stage, restaurant, pet
shop, ice cream shop - Block and Building Center
- Unit blocks, Lincoln logs, doll house, people,
vehicles, animals, building bricks
17Learning Centers continued
- Science Center
- Magnets, play dough, magnify glasses, color
explorations, bugs, items from nature - Sensory Table
- Water, sand, corn, beans, Styrofoam, cutting
papers, fix-it center, Legos - Writing and Art Center
- Paper, markers, crayons, pencils, chalk, glue,
scissors, stapler, stencils, stickers, punches - Project Group Work
- Arts, Science, Language, Math, Creative
18A New Beginning