Canada Taking Action on Climate Change: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Canada Taking Action on Climate Change:


... Enhanced CO2 coalbed methane extraction technology in China High volume fly ash concrete technology in India Natural gas burner technology for brick factories in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Canada Taking Action on Climate Change:

Canada Taking Action on Climate Change
  • The Canada Climate Change Development Fund
  • Satender Singh
  • Foreign Affairs Canada

Introduction to the CCCDF
  • Established in July 2000 part of Canadas
    International Strategy on Climate Change
  • 5 year, 100 million initiative
  • funding committed through two rounds of project
    selections in August 2000 and May 2001
  • currently partway through its fourth year
  • fully committed, and projects are into
    implementation phase
  • Administered by CIDA on behalf of the Government
    of Canada
  • supporting departments include EC, NRCan, DFAIT,
    Industry Canada, among others
  • implemented through Canadian Executive Agencies
    with partners in developing countries

Program Principles
  • CCCDF was guided by a number of program
  • principles that included
  • support a broad range of climate change
  • capitalize on comparative Canadian capabilities
  • complement CIDAs policy framework and country
    strategies and responsive to the needs of
    developing countries
  • support new and additional programming
  • demonstrate that there are important poverty
    reduction, local environmental benefits, health
    and welfare benefits from climate change
  • aim to ensure that geographic equity and balance
    is achieved and
  • maximize impact by leveraging other resources,
    both within CIDA and outside

CCCDF Goal and Program Areas
  • Goal To promote activities to combat the causes
    and effects of climate change while contributing
    to sustainable development and poverty reduction.
  • Four Program areas
  • Emissions Reduction
  • Adaptation
  • Carbon Sequestration
  • Core Capacity Building for Climate Change
  • Chosen because they are key issues in the UNFCCC
    and has strong links to poverty reduction and
    sustainable development

Current Activities
  • Portfolio
  • 36 main projects (up to 5 million) in four
    programming areas
  • 6 small project funds to provide a more flexible
    and responsive mechanism supporting about 50-60
    additional projects up to 250K
  • 3 contributions to Multilateral Funds
  • Project activities in 52 countries throughout all
    regions of CIDA programming
  • Almost all projects have entered implementation
  • implemented by other Canadian departments, NGOs,
    private sector and educational and research
  • Recently completed a Midterm Review
  • looked at challenges, results achieved so far,
    the value of the approach taken and lessons

Program Area 1 Emissions Reduction
  • Objective To help developing countries reduce
    the growth of GHG emissions
  • directly through the transfer of clean
    technologies, indirectly through capacity
  • sectors targeted included energy, transportation,
    agriculture and waste
  • 15 out of 36 main projects
  • Some of the activities include
  • implementing energy-efficiency measures in
    textiles, ceramic and metal mechanic industries
    in Brazil
  • partnerships with municipal governments in Latin
    America and Thailand to develop climate change
    policies and action plans
  • transfer of technologies including GHG inventory
    software, renewable energy and energ-efficiency
    technologies in Tunisia, China and India among

Technology Transfer in the CCCDF
  • CCCDF aims to combine technology transfer with a
    capacity building approach
  • CCCDF technology transfer projects support our
    commitments under the UNFCCC - Article 4.5
  • 14 out of 36 main projects include a technology
    transfer component
  • Through the CCCDF, there are many examples of
    transfers of clean technologies, including
  • enhanced carbon-dioxide coalbed methane
    extraction technology in China
  • high volume fly-ash concrete technology in India
  • natural gas burner technology for brick factories
    in Egypt
  • solar PV technologies in small communities in

Program Area 2Adaptation
  • Objective To assist developing countries in
    reducing their vulnerability and adapting to the
    adverse effects of climate change
  • Strengthening adaptive capacities at community,
    national and regional levels
  • focussed on planning for adaptation through
    information gathering and vulnerability
    assessments, preventive measures to reduce
    vulnerabilities and activities facilitating
    adaptation measures
  • consisted of technology and know-how transfer
    component in areas such as drought mitigation,
    agricultural food production, coastal zone
    management, water resource management and early
    warning systems
  • 7 out of 36 main projects
  • Some of the activities include
  • guidelines for community vulnerability and
    adaptation assessments and action for South
    Pacific region
  • adaptation planning in the Caribbean that
    included climate change impact analysis for water
    resource planning boards, etc

Program Area 3 Carbon Sequestration
  • Objective To contribute to carbon sequestration
    in sinks in developing countries
  • 7 out of 36 main projects
  • for the most part, these are grassroots community
    based natural resource management projects
    focussed on promoting sustainable livelihoods
    while providing opportunities to build climate
    change mitigation, but projects also include
    research and policy work
  • Specific activities include
  • developing capacity in the use of GIS and remote
    sensing applications for carbon cycle modelling
    in China
  • Participatory Rural Appraisals to identify
    priority livelihhod needs, current use of
    resources and provide baseline information for
    land use planning in Timor Leste and Indonesia

Program Area 4 Core Capacity Building for
Climate Change
  • Objective To contribute to strengthening the
    capacity of developing countries to participate
    in global efforts to combat climate change
  • Creating an enabling environment for future
    transfers of technology
  • 7 out of 36 main projects, plus many small
  • Some of the types of activities include
  • support to developing country governments,
    including China, for the completion of national
  • working with governments to develop climate
    change strategies and action plans in countries
    like Tunisia

A Capacity Building Approach
  • All projects within all program areas are being
    implemented using a capacity building approach
  • approach is consistent with the Capacity Building
    framework established in the Marrakech Accords
  • country-driven process
  • activities specific to the needs and context of
    the particular country
  • reflecting national sustainable development
    strategies, priorities and initiatives
  • learning by doing, and
  • strengthening institutions, amongst others
  • Identified as a program area in recognition of
    the importance of capacity-building for climate

Building capacity for National Communications
  • Within the Core Capacity Building for Climate
    Change program area, several projects are
    undertaking activities in support of National
  • Activities include assessment of mitigation
    measures, inventories, institutional capacity
    building, and developing plans of action
  • Broad variety of techniques and approaches used
    including training workshops, technical
    assistance, short-term practical attachments,
    study tours, hands-on and application learning to
    name a few

Canada-China Cooperation on Climate Change (C5)
  • Project Goal To strengthen Chinas core
    capacity within government, research and academic
    institutions, industry and communities to address
    the issue of climate change
  • primarily through training and awareness-building
    to enhance capacities of Chinese government
    officials, researchers, industry representatives
    and citizens
  • Approximately C 6 million project in four
    activity areas
  • Develop awareness and outreach tools, techniques
    and approaches in support of a long-term strategy
    to raise awareness of Chinese decision-makers,
    general public and ENGOs
  • Sharing Canadian experience in collecting,
    estimating and managing GHG data, and forecasting
    GHG emissions in support of first National
  • Identify and assess impacts of climate change in
    support of an effective adaptation strategy for
    China and
  • Develop an operational model for Clean
    Development Mechanism (CDM) project development
    and build capacity in china to employ the model.

C5 National Communication Component - Context
  • China is preparing its First National
  • Preparing 1995 inventory of sources of greenhouse
    gases (GHGs) using IPCC guidelines
  • Also launching 2000 inventory and work on
    forecasting emissions
  • Assessing vulnerabilities and impacts of climate

C5 National Communication Component Expected
  • Ability and knowledge within the Chinese
    government and research institutions to develop
    and employ effective methodologies to
  • develop inventory and data management systems for
    China and
  • determine and forecast fugitive emissions from
    oil and gas sector, emissions of
    hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), perfluorocarbon (PFC)
    and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and the emissions
    from aluminum production within China

C5 National Communication Component - Progress
  • Excellent relationship developed between the
    Energy Research Institute in China and
    Environment Canada
  • Study tour of Canada in January 2003
  • participants met with agencies responsible for
    data collection (Stats Can), data management and
    upgrading (NRCan) and inventory preparation and
    publishing (EC)
  • Completion of report, Preparation of a Chinese
    National GHG Inventory and Design of a Data
    Management System Framework
  • Dialogue established with Natural Resources
    Canada on approaches to forecasting

C5 National Communication Component - Progress
  • Specific pollutants workshop and seminar
  • Objective of workshop to expose Chinese
    scientists to the Canadian experience and systems
    for greenhouse gas (GHG) inventorying, monitoring
    and the interpretation of these data in the
    context of public debate and policy on climate
  • Workshop addressed issues including fugitive
    emissions, emissions from specific sectors, and
    data needs and priorities
  • The first Vulnerabilities Impact Assssment (VIA)
    coordination team meeting held in November 2002
  • established 2003-2004 work plan
  • decided that focus would be on northeastern China
    and natural resources, including agriculture and
  • Supported participation of Chinese experts in
    technical workshops in Canada and elsewhere

Canada-Nigeria Climate Change Program (CNCCP)
  • Project Goal To contribute to strengthening of
    Nigerian capacity to participate in global
    efforts to combat climate change
  • emphazise capacity building and training and
    building partnerships, including with local
    counterparts and experts from appropriate
    institutions to build permanent capacity
  • Four activity areas strengthening capacity of
    federal institutions public awareness
    vulnerability and adaptation and inventory and
    mitigation assessment
  • Implementation Strategy entailed
  • setting up a project management team
  • use of principal consultants and experts
  • incorporation of collaborating institutions in
    project delivery
  • use of NGOs and civil society organisations to
    implement projects

CNCCP National Communication Activities - Context
  • Government of Nigeria began work on the First
    National Communication in 1998 with a GEF-UNDP
  • As of 2001, completion of the NC had been delayed
    due to elections, changes in government
    structure, etc.
  • CNCCP worked with Government to bring the
    National Communication to completion, facilitate
    inputs, approval process, editing, etc.

CNCCP National Communication Activities
Expected Results
  • Draft of First National Communication to the
    UNFCCC, including a National Plan of Action
  • Estimates of annual GHG emissions for the period
  • Better archival and retrieval systems for
    inventory data
  • Learning opportunities in inventory and
    mitigation assessment

CNCCP National Communication Activities Progress
  • Held regional and sectoral workshops on climate
    change - targeted education initiatives
  • Linkages developed with universities to work on
    inventories, adaptation, and CDM
  • Emissions inventories completed for 1998 and 2000
  • Five Vulnerability studies commissioned and VA
    training done
  • Climate Scenarios training and preparation
  • CNCCP developed strong linkages between
    inter-ministerial climate change committee and
    stakeholder groups

CNCCP National Communication Activities Progress
  • In Feb. 2003, Draft First National Communication
    (FNC) completed through national stakeholder
  • Draft reviewed through Inter-ministerial
    Coordinating Committee July 2003
  • GONs Federal Executive Council approved FNC
    November 2003
  • Action Plan not fully completed 12 follow-on
    project concepts included in FNC
  • Nigerias First National Communication was
    submitted to the UNFCCC on Nov. 17, 2003

Concluding Remarks
  • National Communications are an important step in
    the process of engaging developing countries in
    the UNFCCC process
  • CCCDF projects are making an important
    contribution to building capacity for National
    Communications in developing countries
  • The capacity developed through these projects
    will enhance future engagement by developing
    countries in efforts to combat climate change

For more information on the CCCDF, please contact
  • Manon Boisclair
  • Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
  • Phone (819) 956-3298
  • Email
  • Website
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