Title: Asthma in Michigan
1Asthma in Michigan
- Prepared by Epidemiology and Surveillance Staff
of the Asthma Initiative of Michigan, Michigan
Department of Community Health
Last Updated February 2006
2Overview of Presentation
- What is Asthma?
- The Asthma Initiative of Michigan
- Asthma Surveillance in Michigan
- Asthma Prevalence
- Asthma Management and Quality of Life
- Work-Related Asthma
- Asthma Hospitalization
- Asthma Mortality
- Healthy People 2010 Goals for Asthma
3What is asthma?
4Asthma Defined
- Chronic inflammatory disease of the airways
- Causes recurrent episodes of
- Wheezing
- Breathlessness
- Chest tightness
- Coughing
- Episodes are usually associated with airflow
obstruction that is often reversible either
spontaneously or with treatment
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of
Asthma, NIH Publication 97-4051, July 1997.
5Risk Factors for Developing Asthma
- Family history of asthma
- Sociodemographic factors
- Prepubescent males
- Post-pubescent females
- Low socioeconomic status
- Minority races
- Allergy or family history of allergy
- Premature birth
- Low birth weight
- Small airways at birth
- Environmental exposures Indoor Outdoor (?)
6During an asthma attack
7Mechanisms Underlying the Definition of Asthma
- Adapted with permission from Stephen T. Holgate,
M.D., D.Sc. - Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of
Asthma, NIH Publication 97-4051, July 1997.
8Triggers of Asthma Attacks
- Narrowing of airways occurs in response to
inflammation or hyperresponsiveness to triggers,
including - Allergens
- Infections
- Diet/Medications
- Strong Emotions
- Exercise
- Cold temperature
- Exposure to irritants
9The Asthma Initiative of Michigan
10Recommendation Categories of the Michigan Asthma
Strategic Planning Initiative Task Force (MASPI)
- Foundation for Michigan Asthma Activities
- Training for Clinical Diagnosis, Disease
Management, and Asthma Education Services - Access to and Coordination of Health Care and
Education Services - Environmental Action
- Community Action
11- Asthma Coalition for Northeast MI
- Asthma Coalition of Northwest MI
- Asthma Network of West MI
- Detroit Alliance for Asthma Awareness
- Eastern Upper Peninsula Asthma Coalition
- Genesee Co. Childhood Asthma Task Force
- Grayling Asthma Project
- Jackson Asthma Coalition
- Kalamazoo Area Asthma Coalition
- Mid-Michigan Asthma Coalition
- Southwest MI Asthma Coalition
- Tri-County Asthma Coalition
- Washtenaw Asthma Coalition
- Asthma Epidemiology Surveillance Work
Group - Asthma in Schools Work Group
- Environmental Quality Work Group
- Evaluation Committee
- Michigan Asthma Communication Network Committee
- Quality Improvement in Asthma Care Work
12Asthma Coalitions of Michigan
- Asthma Coalition for Northeast MI
- Asthma Coalition of Northwest MI
- Asthma Network of West MI
- Detroit Alliance for Asthma Awareness
- Eastern Upper Peninsula Asthma Coalition
- Genesee Co. Childhood Asthma Task Force
- Grayling Asthma Project
- Jackson Asthma Coalition
- Kalamazoo Area Asthma Coalition
- Mid-Michigan Asthma Coalition
- Southwest MI Asthma Coalition
- Tri-County Asthma Coalition
- Washtenaw Asthma Coalition
13Asthma Surveillance
14Asthma Surveillance The Ideal
- Track asthma occurrence and severity
- Identify regional/demographic variations
- Monitor asthma management control, access to
care, and quality of life - Track prevalence of risk factors and exposure to
triggers - Monitor the effectiveness of public health
15Asthma Surveillance A Conceptual Model
16Asthma Surveillance in Michigan
- Prevalence
- Adult Self report from the Michigan Behavioral
Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) core
questions - Child Self report from the BRFSS, ?18 years
Self report from the Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS),
grades 6-12 Self report from the Youth Risk
Behavior Survey (YRBS), grades 9-12. - Quality of Life and Asthma Management
- Self Report from the BRFSS core and asthma module
questions - Adults with current asthma only - School Health Education Profile (SHEP) Survey
- Work-Related Asthma
- Self Report from state added questions to the
BRFSS - SENSOR surveillance of sentinel work-related
asthma incidence - Hospitalization Michigan Inpatient Database
- Primary Diagnosis at Discharge, ICD-9-CM 493.XX
- Mortality Michigan Resident Death File
- Primary Cause of Death, 1990-1998 ICD-9 493,
1999-presentICD-10 J45 and J46
17Asthma Prevalence
18Prevalence Current Asthma for Children (lt18
Years) and Adults (?18 Years), Michigan
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2002 and 2004
19Prevalence of Current Asthma for Adults (? 18
Years) by Race, Michigan, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
20Prevalence of Current Asthma for Adults (? 18
Years) by Education, Michigan, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
21Prevalence of Current Asthma for Adults (? 18
Years) by Household Income, Michigan, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
22Health Care Coverage for Michigan Adults (? 18
Years) by Current Asthma Status, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
23Prevalence of Lifetime Asthma for Children in
Middle and High School, Michigan, 2003
Data Source Youth Tobacco Survey, 2003
24Prevalence of Lifetime Asthma for Children in
High School by Race, Michigan, 2003
Data Source Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2003
25Quality of Life and Disease Management for People
with Asthma
26Perceived Health Status for Adults (? 18 Years)
by Current Asthma Status, Michigan, 2004
Statistically significant, p lt 0.05
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
27Cigarette Smoking for Adults (? 18 Years) by
Current Asthma Status, Michigan, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
28Weight Status for Adults (? 18 Years) by Current
Asthma Status, Michigan, 2004
Statistically significant, p lt 0.05
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
29Illness/Symptoms Caused by Poor Air Quality for
Adults (? 18 Years) by Current Asthma Status,
Michigan, 2004
Statistically significant, p lt 0.05
Cook ML, Rafferty AP. 2005. Health Risk
Behaviors in the State of Michigan 2004
Behavioral Risk Factor Survey. Lansing, MI
MDCH, Bureau of Epidemiology, Epidemiology
Services Division.
30Leisure-Time Physical Activity in the Last Month
for Adults (? 18 Years) by Current Asthma Status,
Michigan, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
31Flu Vaccination in the Past Year for Adults
(? 18 Years) by Current Asthma Status,
Michigan, 2004
Statistically significant, p lt 0.05
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
32Frequency of Asthma Medication Use in the Past 30
Days Among Adults (? 18 Years) with Current
Asthma, Michigan, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
33Percent of Adults (? 18 Years) with Current
Asthma that have Seen a Health Care Professional
for a Routine Checkup of the Asthma in the Past
12 Months, Michigan, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
34Percent of Adults (? 18 Years) with Current
Asthma that have Sought Urgent Asthma Treatment
from either a Health Care Professional or
Emergency Department/Urgent Care Center in the
Past 12 Months, Michigan, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
35Occurrence of Asthma Symptoms in the Past 30 Days
Among Adults (? 18 Years) with Current Asthma,
Michigan, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
36Occurrence of Sleep Disturbing Asthma Symptoms in
the Past 30 Days Among Adults (? 18 Years) with
Current Asthma, Michigan, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
37Number of Days Unable to Work or Carry Out Usual
Activities due to Asthma in the Past 12 Months
for Adults (? 18 Years) with Current Asthma
Michigan, 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
38Symptom Severity for Michigan Adults with Asthma
who took Asthma Medication Daily in the Past 30
Days, 2002 - 2004
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
39Prevalence of School-based Asthma Management
Activities Among Public Schools with Grade 6 or
higher, Michigan, 2004
Activity Percent of Schools
Full time registered nurse. 12.0
Identify track all students with asthma. 72.3
Obtain use an asthma action plan for students with asthma. 43.2
Assure immediate access to medications prescribed by a physician approved by parents. 94.2
Provide intensive case management for students with asthma missing 10 school days per year. 21.9
Data Source School Health Education Profile
(SHEP) Survey, 2004
40Prevalence of School-based Asthma Management
Activities Among Public Schools with Grade 6 or
higher, Michigan, 2004, Cont.
Activity Percent of Schools
Educate school staff about asthma. 50.1
Educate students with asthma about asthma management. 24.4
Teach asthma awareness to all students in at least 1 grade. 21.4
Encourage full participation in physical education activity when students with asthma are doing well. 95.2
Provide modified physical education and activities as indicated by the students asthma action plan. 79.4
Data Source School Health Education Profile
(SHEP) Survey, 2004
41Work-Related Asthma
42Proportion of Adults whose Current Asthma May be
Work-Related, Michigan, 2004
Identified by
Data Source Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor
Survey, 2004
43Proportion of Confirmed Work-Related Asthma
Patients by Major Industry Type, Michigan,
Data Source Rosenman KD, Reilly MJ, and
Kalinowski DJ. 2004 Annual Report on
Work-Related Asthma in Michigan.
44Hospitalization for Asthma
45Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by Sex,
All Ages, Michigan, 2001-2003
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Data
Source Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
46Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by Sex
and Year, All Ages, Michigan, 1990-2003
Uses 1990-2003 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Data
Source Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
47Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by Age
Group, All Ages, Michigan, 2001-2003
Uses 2002 MI population estimates. Data Source
Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
48Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by Age
Group and Year, All Ages, Michigan, 1990-2003
Uses 1990-2003 MI population estimates. Data
Source Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
49Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by Race,
All Ages, Michigan, 2001-2003
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Data
Source Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
50Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by Race
and Year, All Ages, Michigan, 1990-2003
Uses 1990-2003 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Data
Source Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
51Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by Sex,
Age Group, and Race, All Ages, Michigan, 2001-2003
Uses 2002 MI population estimates. Data Source
Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
52Rates of Asthma Hospitalization by Race and
Income, All Ages, Michigan, 2000-2002
Rate per 10,000
Uses 2000 MI population and age adjusted to the
2000 US standard population. Income level
determined by ranking median household income for
zip codes from Census 2000. Data Source
Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
53Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by Age
Group and Month of Admission, All Ages, Michigan,
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Data
Source Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
54Average Length of Stay for a Hospitalization due
to Asthma by Year, All Ages, Michigan, 1990-2003
Data Source Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau
of Epidemiology, MDCH.
55Average Length of Stay for a Hospitalization due
to Asthma by Age Group and Year, All Ages,
Michigan, 1990-2003
Data Source Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau
of Epidemiology, MDCH.
56Estimates of Average Cost for an Asthma
Hospitalization in Michigan, 2001
- 7,001
- By Sex
- Males 6,209
- Females 7,522
- By Race
- Whites 6,564
- Blacks 7,137
- Generally the average cost of an asthma
hospitalization increases with age 4,927 for
children lt1 year to 9,836 for adults ?65 years.
Data Source Healthcare Cost and Utilization
Project, 2001 http//www.ahrq.gov/data/hcup/hcupn
57Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by County
of Residence, All Ages, Michigan, 2001-2003
State of Michigan Rate 15.6 (15.4, 15.7)
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard
population. Number of events ?20 or lt5000
population Data Source Michigan Inpatient
Database, Bureau of Epidemiology, MDCH.
58Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma for
Children lt18 Years by County of Residence,
Michigan, 2001-2003
State of Michigan Rate 23.0 (22.7, 23.4)
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard
population. Number of events ?20 or lt5000
population Data Source Michigan Inpatient
Database, Bureau of Epidemiology, MDCH.
59Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma for
Adults ?18 Years by County of Residence,
Michigan, 2001-2003
State of Michigan Rate 13.0 (12.8, 13.1)
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard
population. Number of events ?20 or lt5000
population Data Source Michigan Inpatient
Database, Bureau of Epidemiology, MDCH.
60Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by County
of Residence for White Persons, All Ages,
Michigan, 2001-2003
State of Michigan Rate 10.6 (10.4, 10.7)
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard
population. Number of events ?20 or lt5000
population Data Source Michigan Inpatient
Database, Bureau of Epidemiology, MDCH.
61Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by County
of Residence for Black Persons, All Ages,
Michigan, 2001-2003
State of Michigan Rate 43.4 (42.8, 44.1)
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard
population. Number of events ?20 or lt5000
population Data Source Michigan Inpatient
Database, Bureau of Epidemiology, MDCH.
62Asthma Mortality
63Rates of Mortality due to Asthma by Sex, All
Ages, Michigan, 2001-2003
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Data
Source Michigan Resident Death Files, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
64Rates of Mortality due to Asthma by Sex and
Year, All Ages, Michigan, 1990-2003
Uses 1990-2003 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Data
Source Michigan Resident Death Files, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
65Rates of Mortality due to Asthma by Age Group,
All Ages, Michigan, 2001-2003
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard
population. Number of deaths lt5 and gt0. Data
Source Michigan Resident Death Files, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
66Rates of Mortality due to Asthma by Age Group
and Year, Michigan, 1990-2003
Uses 1990-2003 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Data
Source Michigan Resident Death Files, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
67Rates of Mortality due to Asthma by Race, All
Ages, Michigan, 2001-2003
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Data
Source Michigan Resident Death Files, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
68Rates of Mortality due to Asthma by Race and
Year, All Ages, Michigan, 1990-2003
Uses 1990-2003 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. Data
Source Michigan Resident Death Files, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
69Rates of Mortality due to Asthma by Sex and Age
Group and Year, All Ages, Michigan, 2001-2003
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard
population. Number of deaths lt5, there were 0
deaths among females, age 0-4 years. Data Source
Michigan Resident Death Files, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
70Rates of Mortality due to Asthma by Race and Age
Group and Year, All Ages, Michigan, 2001-2003
Uses 2002 MI population estimates and age
adjusted to the 2000 US standard
population. Number of deaths lt5 and gt0. Data
Source Michigan Resident Death Files, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
71The Healthy People 2010 Objectives for Asthma
- For information about the Healthy People 2010
Initiative, visit www.healthypeople.gov/
72The Healthy People 2010 Objectives for Asthma
- Reduce hospitalization rates for three
ambulatory-care-sensitive conditions pediatric
asthma, uncontrolled diabetes, and immunization
preventable pneumonia and influenza. (1-9a) - Reduce asthma deaths. (24-1)
- Reduce hospitalizations for asthma. (24-2)
- Reduce emergency department visits for asthma.
(24-3) - Reduce activity limitations among persons with
asthma. (24-4) - Reduce the number of school or workdays missed by
persons with asthma due to asthma. (24-5) - Increase the proportion of persons with asthma
who receive formal patient education, including
information about community and self-help
resources, as an essential part of the management
of their condition. (24-6) - Increase the proportion of persons with asthma
who receive appropriate asthma care according to
the National Asthma Education and Prevention
Program (NAEPP) Guidelines. (24-7)
73Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma Compared
to Healthy People 2010 Target for Objective 1-9a,
Children lt 18 Years, Michigan, 1990-2003
Uses 1990-2003 MI population estimates. Data
Source Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
74Rates of Mortality due to Asthma Compared to
Healthy People 2010 Target for Objective 24.1,
Age gt14 Years, Michigan, 1990-2003
15 to 34
35 to 64
65 and Older
Rate per 1,000,000
Michigan HP 2010 Target
Uses 1990-2003 MI population estimates. Data
Source Michigan Resident Death Files, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
75Rates of Hospitalization due to Asthma by Race
Compared to Healthy People 2010 Target for
Objective 24-2, All Ages, Michigan, 1990-2003
0 to 4
5 to 64
65 and Older
Black White HP 2010 Target
Uses 1990-2003 MI population estimates. Age-adj
usted to the 2000 US standard population. Data
Source Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
76County Level Attainment of the Healthy People
2010 Target for Rate of Asthma Hospitalization
for Objective 24-2, Age 0 to 4 Years, Michigan,
State of Michigan Rate 48.7 (47.7, 49.7) HP
2010 Target Rate 25 per 10,000
Uses 2002 MI population estimates. Data Source
Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
77County Level Attainment of the Healthy People
2010 Target for Rate of Asthma Hospitalization
for Objective 24-2, Age 5 to 64 Years, Michigan,
State of Michigan Rate 12.3 (12.1, 12.4) HP
2010 Target Rate 7.7 per 10,000
Uses 2002 MI population estimates. Data Source
Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
78County Level Attainment of the Healthy People
2010 Target for Rate of Asthma Hospitalization
for Objective 24-2, Age 65 Years and Over,
Michigan, 2001-2003
State of Michigan Rate 18.4 (18.0, 18.9) HP
2010 Target Rate 11 per 10,000
Uses 2002 MI population estimates. Data Source
Michigan Inpatient Database, Bureau of
Epidemiology, MDCH.
79Data Summary
- 233,900 children and 629,100 adults currently
have asthma in Michigan. - 55 of Michigan adults with asthma had an asthma
attack in the last year. - 20 of Michigan adults with asthma are
experiencing asthma symptoms every day. - 10 of Michigan adults with asthma report that
their asthma is work-related. - Asthma hospitalization rates are highest in very
young children, age 0 to 4 years. - Hospitalization rates for blacks are over 4 times
the rate for whites.
80Data Summary Cont.
- Rates of asthma hospitalization are higher in low
income areas than high income areas. - Asthma causes 153 deaths each year in Michigan.
- Mortality rates are significantly higher among
blacks than whites. - In all age groups, some counties of Michigan have
asthma hospitalization rates equal to or lower
than the Healthy People 2010 targets. - In recent years, Michigan has met the Healthy
People 2010 target for asthma mortality among
those age 65 years and older.
81For more information
Visit the Asthma Initiative of Michigan Website
Call Toll Free
- The Asthma Epidemiology and Surveillance
Workgroup of the Michigan Asthma Advisory
Committee - This project is supported by Cooperative
Agreement Number U59/CCU517742 from the Centers
for Disease Control (CDC). Contents are solely
the responsibility of the authors and do not
necessarily represent the official views of the
83If you have questions about the data or have a
specific data request, please contact the
Epidemiology and Surveillance staff of the Asthma
Initiative of Michigan
- Betsy Wasilevich, MPH
Asthma Epidemiologist
517.335.8164 wasileviche_at_michigan.