Title: Drug Eluting Beads for TACE
1Drug Eluting Beads for TACE
- T de Baere
- Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif
2 Clinical results of Drug eluting beads -
Rational - HCC - NET (neuroendocrine tumors)
or GEP (gastroanteropancreatic endocrine
tumors) - Colrectal cancer metastases
(Pohlen, U et al. J Surg Res 2000 92 165-70)
- High clearance (CL)
- High extraction ratio (Er)
- Er at first pass
- Keep it longer in the liver
- Low blood flow (Qa)
- Embolization
4Pharmakokinetic in animal
Courtesy of J Geschwind
Courtesy of J Geschwind
5Pharmakokinetic in animal
Courtesy of J Geschwind
Courtesy of J Geschwind
Pharmakokinetic in human
6Preliminary clinical results
7Difficulties in evaluating Preliminary
clinical results
Response rate
Varela M, Llovet J, Bruix J, J Hepatol
8Difficulties in evaluating Preliminary
clinical results
Lo C, Hepatology 2002 Llovet JM, Lancet
2002 Varela M, Llovet J, Bruix J, J Hepatol
9Difficulties in evaluating Preliminary
clinical results
10- 71 patients
- HCC (3-10cm)
- Child A (27), Child B (44)
- EASL (intention to treat)
- CR 15.5
- OR 66.2 to 85.5 across the 4 treatments
(Malagari K, Abdominal imaging 2007)
11- 71 patients
- HCC (3-10cm)
- Child A (27), Child B (44)
- EASL (intention to treat)
- CR 15.5
- OR 66.2 to 85.5 across the 4 treatments
Best Overall response 53/71 74
(Malagari K, Abdominal imaging 2007)
12- 71 patients
- HCC (3-10cm)
- Child A (27), Child B (44)
- EASL (intention to treat)
- CR 15.5
- OR 66.2 to 85.5 across the 4 treatments
- Survival
- 97.5 _at_ 12 months
- 91.1 _at_ 18 months
- 88.2 _at_ 30 months
(Malagari K, Abdominal imaging 2007)
134ml of 300-500 mm DEB 100 mg doxorubicin
- Neuroendocrine liver metastases
- Morphologic RECIST _at_ 1 months
- Partial response 8/20 (40)
- Minor response 2/20 (10)
- Stable disease 5/20 (25)
- Progressive disease 1/20 (5)
144ml of 300-500 mm DEB 100 mg doxorubicin
- Neuroendocrine liver metastases
- Morphologic RECIST _at_ 1 months - 3 months
- Partial response 8/20 (40) - 16/20 (80)
- Minor response 2/20 (10) - 2/20 (10)
- Stable disease 5/20 (25) - 1/20 (5)
- Progressive disease 1/20 (5) - 1/20 (5)
15DEB preliminary results
4ml of 300-500 mm DEB 100 mg doxorubicin
- Neuroendocrine liver metastases
- Morphologic RECIST _at_ 1 months - 3 months
- Partial response 8/20 (40) - 16/20 (80)
- Minor response 2/20 (10) - 2/20 (10)
- Stable disease 5/20 (25) - 1/20 (5)
- Progressive disease 1/20 (5) - 1/20 (5)
- 20 peripheral liver necrosis associate with more
post-procedural pain
(In press, JVIR)
16DEB preliminary results
4ml of 300-500 mm DEB 100 mg doxorubicin
- Neuroendocrine liver metastases
- Morphologic RECIST _at_ 1 months - 3 months
- Partial response 8/20 (40) - 16/20 (80)
- Minor response 2/20 (10) - 2/20 (10)
- Stable disease 5/20 (25) - 1/20 (5)
- Progressive disease 1/20 (5) - 1/20 (5)
Lipiodol TACE PR 41 MR 33 SD 15 (A
Roche T de Baere Europ Radiol 2003)
17Irinotecan DEBProof-of-Concept Study Design
- Evaluation of TACE in a rat liver metastasis
model - Model Diffuse liver metastasis is induced by
injecting 4x106 CC531-lac-Z rat colorectal
carcinoma cells into the portal vein of male
Wag/Rij rats - Objectives
- Compare embolization only to Irinotecan (low and
high dose) - Doses chosen 20 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg Irinotecan
- Determine the effectiveness in terms
- reduction in tumor cell load
- liver weight
18Irinotecan DEB Proof-of-Concept Study
Preliminary Data
- Preliminary results presented at AACR
(Washington, April 06)
DC Bead
Irinotecan 20mg/kgDEB
Irinotecan 30mg/kgDEB
No Drug
Chemoemebolization of rat colorectal liver
metastases with drug eluting beads loaded with
irinotecan or doxorubicin. Clin Exp Metastasi
2008. Eyol E et al
19DC beads and colorectal metastases
- 62 patients with CRC metastases
- At least 2 previous lines of chemotherapy
- Tumor burden lt 70
- Bilirubin w X2 normal value
- 138 courses of TACE with Irinotecan-DEB
- 2ml DEB 100-300 2ml 300-500 / 200 mg
irinotecan - 1-3 courses TACE every 3/4 weeks
- 55 right, 47 left, 39 rightleft
- 48 X 2ml 90 X 4ml
(Aliberti C, Fiorentini G, Cancer Research 2006)
(Aliberti C, Fiorentini G, CIRSE 2008)
20DC beads and colorectal metastases
- 62 patients with CRC metastases
- Med Follow-up 15.4 months
- Response
- EASL 85
- RECIST 78 _at_ 3 months
- Improvement of QOL 90 during 3-12 months
(med 6.5) - Survival
- Median survival not reached at 22 months
- Median free of symptioms 5.3 months
- Median to new chemo 6.3 months
(Aliberti C, Fiorentini G, Cancer Research 2006)
(Aliberti C, Fiorentini G, CIRSE 2008)
21Combined treatment
CT immediately post DEB injection
CT at 6 weeks
Angiogram Post RF of colorectal mets
(R Lencioni, J Hepatology 2008)
22DEB future
- Randomization DEB / Conventional
- Precision V in Europe (completed)
- MRI at 3m and 6m
- Efficacy (treatment response).
- European Association for the Study of the Liver
(EASL) - Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours
- Colo-rectal cancer
- Hudge population, numerous drugs in 1st to 3rd
23Drug Eluting Beads
- Reproducibility gt Lipiodol
- Low systemic level drug
- Increase in efficacy
- Decrease toxicity
- Encouraging preliminary results
- combination with so called targeted therapy ?
- sorafenib, sunitinib,